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POET OF AUCKLAND. SATURDAY'S ARRIVALS. Huntingdon XI. 15 arm.!, from Opua. Armada'* <"-*25 a.m.), from New York. Tani»"ha (12.10 a.m.), from Paeroa: Claymore {--33 a.m.). from Whangarei; Coronation (3 a.m.). from Whangarei; Waka (10.10 am.). i'° n Northern ports; Toa (noon), from Whajtalane; Margaret W. (12.55 p.m.). from 'Gis'jorne: Otimai (2.10 p.m.). from Opotiki; Ivawau (5.15 p.m.), from Waiheke: Caiar.a (9.10 p.m.), from Gulf ports. SAT I:RDAY• S DEPARTURES. Oman a '9.10 a.m.), for Gulf ports; Tiron (noon), fcr East Const bays; Tin (12.30 jp.m.J, for Awanui; _Motu (12.50 p.m.), for i .vani»: Hausti (1.50 pm.i, for Waiheke; J aroto (midnight) for Tattranga. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. Canopus (12.50 a.m.), from Westport: l.jimirj (10.5 a.m.l, from Greymouth; A f.iS a.m.!. from Xanier. ■ Tubce i'.I.CO p-ni'l), from Coast. VESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Copt-c (3.15 a.m.), for London. j Coronation (6.10 p.m.), for Whangarei; Claymore (5.10 p.m.), for Whangarei; Tanitraa (10 p.m.), for Paeroa. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Discovery 11., Antarctic, daybreak. Wainuuxjo. from Wellington, morning. Omana. .'roia Wark worth, 11 p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Kaitoke, for WeStport. Paroto, for Northern ports, noon. Kawau, for Manqawai, noon. Omana, ior Warlavorth. coon. I'ono, for Kerepeehi. 2 p.m. Endeavour, for Northern ports. 3 p.m. . Waka, for Northern ports, 3 p.m. YESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AXD COASTAL. Waimarino. Southern ports, July 4. Monterey, Sydney. July 5. Waipahi, Suva, July 5. Matai, East Coast lighthouses, July 7. Kiwitea, Melbourne. July 10. Maungarmi. Sydney, July 12. Zealandiii. Sydney. July 10. Kiretu, Tonga. July 19. Molina a, Xorfolk Island, July 21. H.M.S. Diomede, Fiji, August 26. H.M.S. Veronica. Islands, September 5._ H.M.S. laburnum. Islands, September 27. OVERSEAS. Discovery 11.. Australia, July 4. Parracombe, Cuba. July 5. Tkelma. Balik Papan, July 5. Rangitiki. London. July G. Canadian Highlander. Montreal. July 6. Sydney Maru. Japan. July 7. Speybank. Xauru Island. July 7. Port Frcsmantle. South. July 11, to load. Niagara. Vancouver, July 11. Somerset, Liverpool. July 33. Zealandi:. Gisborne. July 13. to load. Hayiraki. Los Angeles. July 14. City of Canton. New York, July 23. Westmoreland. Opua. July 25. to load. Tanmroa, London, via Wellington, July 26. Port. Brisbane, Launceston. July 26 to load. Golden Coast, Los Angeles. July 27. "Ransritiki. Tokomam Bay. July 29, to load. Cambridge, Liverpool. August 2. H.M.S. Dnnedin, England, August 9. Tisnnren, South Africa via ports, early Aagiist. Port Hunter, Wellington, August 4, to load. Canadian Conqueror. Montreal. August 6. Rangitata. London. via Wellington. August 10. Tamarca. Lyttelton. August 12, to load. Ruahine Wellington. August 16, to load. Ardenvolir. New York. August 23. MaLmoa, Liverpool. August 29. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. nrcsacoLOSiAL A>T> OVEHSIAS. , Monterey. Los Angeles. July 5. Huntingdon. London. July 7. ,Svdr.ev Maru. Jsoar.. July 9. Waipahi. Suva. July 9. Niagara. Sydney July 12. . Mavmgaiaui. Sydney, via ellington, Juiy 12. Port Fremantl4. London. July 13. Zealandic. London. July 15. Mor!nc3. Norfolk L=land. July 21. Zoalar.dia, Sydney, July 22^ R-ingi*'ki. London. August 5. Port Hunter. London. August 6. Riisliine,, London, August 20. Tarnaroa, London, August 20. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND. Xealandiii.- left Sydney July 1: due Wellington July 5: sails for Sydney July S. Hanngarui. leaves Sidney July S, for Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland July 12. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Niagara, left Vancouver June 22; leaves Auckland July 12; due Sydney July 16. Aorangi. left Sydney June 23. Auckland June 2S: jdns Vancouver July 15. Monowai leaves San Francisco July 6; due Wellington July 25. ITaripot'a. le't Sin Francisco July 1. Los Angeles July 2: due Auckland July lsl; dne Sydney; July 21. Morterev. left Sydney July 2; leaves Auckland July 5; due Los Angeles Jt:"y 19, Makrtra. leaves Svdr°y July 7. Wellington July 12. for San Francisco. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Raaritiki, !*» r t London June 3; due Auckland July 6. Ruanire. left London June 16; due Wellington July 23. Tanmroa. left Southampton June 17; due Wellington July 20. Rangitatji. left London June GO; due Wellington August 2. / ~ VESSELS IN FORT. In Stream—Waitomo. Waitcmsta. Gnnbar. P:ri (nui. schooner). Mako. has- / msnawa. Kurow, Waiotapu, "Tofua, Duchess. Southern Cross. Devcnpolt—H.M.S. Philomel. CejjtVal Wharf—Discovery 11. (X.Z.S. / Coy.). Kaimiro (US.S. Coy.). Kins's Wharf—Armadale (N.Z.S. Coy.). Pukeko (Wafkin a-nd Wallis), Margaret W. 'F.C.A. Coy.i. North Wall—-Kaitoke (U.S.S. Coy.)._ Queen's Wharf / Huntingdon (X._Z.S. Coy.). Waimea (U.S.S. Coy.). Western Wharf—Canopus (W.C. CoyJ. ' Pricce'3 Wharf—Waimarino (U.S.S. Coy.).

OVERSEAS SHIPS. XOVEMF.XTS AND PI'S DATES. Ashb'urtoa. left New York April 10 for Auckland, Wnliington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, New Plymouth (arrived June 30;, Wangar.tii and Australia. Westmor-rland, left Liverpool May 14 for Auckland. Wellington (arrived July I). J.ytteiton, Dunedin and New Plymouth. Zeslar.dic, left London May 21 for Auckland nr.-'l Weli'.Esrton (arrived June 20i. Armadale, left New York May 24 for Auckland (arrived July 2), Wellington, Lytteiton, Dwnedin and Australia. Port Hunter, lelt London May 28 for Suva (due July 4). Dunedin (due Ju«y II), Lyttelton. Blnff and Timarit. .Golden Cloud, left I.o* Ange]es June 1 for Auckland, 'Wellington (arrived July 3), and Artstralia. Sydne-.- Marti, left Jnoan Jane 1 for Atuitralia. Wellington ar.d Auckland (due July i>. . . /Parracorabe. left Cuba June 2 for Aucslind (due July a). _ , Kansitiki, left London Jvne 3 for Auckland fdr.A July 6) and Wellington. K<*t:t, Glasgow, in ballast. May 2* for N;-i- Zealand (dv«* July Si. Somerset, left Liverpool June J for Auckland 'du" July 13). Wellington, Lyttelton, Dun°din and kelson. I'oneariro, left London, in ball'.st. May !fS for Oarniru (due July 4). .Can.idinr. Ifif-Mnnder left Montreal M*y ' 23 for Aucfclend (u--e July C). Well inptor Lyttelton. Dunedin ar.d Aus- - trali*.' . . , »oco, left sr*n Ms <c * alp - bourr.». Lyttelton (due July 3) and Dured'r. . O. A. K-.i'd = en. left San Pedro June Jo for We'i:".gton (due July 10). Ku*hin». !<■'* London June 15 for Weuingtor :due .Tulv 23). Port Chalmers. „ Lyttei tin wyi New Plymouth. Jt?ne IB for en* niStori 'tire Julv 50) nnd Plume. 1* ft San Frnne : «ro June 2*2 for _ Auckhrd Prre July H»> and Australia. Hanraki '■■ it Lns * nseles June 20 for AiJntnki. Ms" grin. July ] Wellfnston. New Plymouth. Dar.»f|:ii sr.-! Australia. Csnibritlgi?, left Liverpool Jur p 25 fori Auc'k'tcl (d'-e July HO), Wellington. Lyttelton a"»l Dr'nedii. ] € -*{ {"jpetown J' l n p for laide, Melbourne. Wellington arxd Ai'-clclsnd (Hue ear T v i CanMinn Connnetor. left Montreal . T ! *27 for fdue Anjmst 6). We]l- !/ insrton, Lyttelton. Timarm Dunedin ai; d Australia. _ City -o? Cny?fnn. v lc for Auckland (due July Welli"?ton. Lytte , i<~n.'i)unpd''n ar.d Australi*. Spejbar.V, l e f{ x.umi Island June 27 for j Anrkhrd fd'-e July 71 and Wanyfii'jle;t London June 30 for WeL- » ingtos; (due 2) Auckland.

"The Wainsarino is d"• e from ?outh Island alid "V'ellincton this morning and will Jffliaad at Prince's Wharf. After discharge ve»el lfOl load for Wellington. Lyttel!r°. Dunedin, Qjrcaru and Timara.

After refuting at North "Wall the Kaitoko is to sail (or Westport to-day to load for Wellington. »

The Wingatui wan due at Timaru from Dunlidin yesterday lo continue loading for Lyttislton, Pictor, Wellington and Auckland. The Waimea t.rrived from Napier yesterday morning anil i 3 at Queen's Wharf. She is to sail for Gisborne and Napier at three i o'clock to-morrou- afternoon. i The Kaimiro arrivrd from Greymouth yesI terdn.y morning and is discharging at Cen- | tral Wharf. Laier ihe will be removed to Wesliern Wharf to complete discharge. The Margaret W. arrived from Gisborne on Baltirdiy and is loading at King's Wharf. She will sail on her return trip to East Coast bays to-morrow afternoon. The Canopus arrived from Westport ye - tcrdj.y morning and berthed at Western Wharf. Afier unloading a quantity of coal the vessel will be removed to Central Wharf to complete discharge. The Ptike-ko arrived from Napier yesterday morning and is at King's Wharf. The vess«l is to bunker it Western Wharf and afterwards she will continue loading at Central Wharf. Ta-morrow afternoon she will be despatched for East Coast bays, Gisborne and Nanier. THE WAIKOUAITI. The Waikouaiti left Sydney for BluC. Dunedin. Lyttekon. Timaru and Oamaru on Saturday. She is due at BluS next Thursday. DISCOVERY ::i. DUE TO-DAY. The British eurve;l ship Discovery 11. is due from the Antarctic at daybreak to-day and will berth at Central Wharf. MATAROA AT LONDON. The S'naw. Savill and Albion liner Mataroa is reported to Lave reached London frera Auckland on Friday. She was despatched from Auckland on M/iy 23. THE COPTIC. Having completed loading in New Zealand the Shaw, Savill and Albion motorc'niy Coptic sailed for London, via Capo Horn and Las Palnlas, yesterday mcrning. NIAGARA FROM VANCOUVER. Th-5 Royal Maiil liner Niagara is duo at Auckland ~ from Vancouver, Honolulu and Suva next Monday. She i 3 scheduled to sail for Sydney at S re, o'clock the following evening. THE GOLDEN COAST. The American steamer Golden Coast was scheduled to leave Los Angeles on Friday with cargo from Paciiic Coast ports for discharse at Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne and Sydney. She i:s due at Auckland on July 27. WAIPAHI REPORTS. Wireless advice received from the Waipahi states that she will arrive from Suva at daybreak to-morrow. The vessel has cargo "from Samoa and Fiji, including over 7000 cai.e« oi fruit from Suva. MATAROA AT COLON. The Shaw. Savill and Albion liner Mataroa is reported to have reached Colon last Thursday. The vessel is en route from london to Wellington und Auckland. Shei is due at Wellington i.bout July 20 and at Auckland six days latter. THE CITY OF CANTON. In continuation of her voyage from Gulf o? Mexico and Xeur York to Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedin and Australia, the City of Canton is reported to have cleared Panama on Saturday. She is scheduled to reach Auckland about July 23. GODLET HEAD LIGHT. Tht- Marine Department advises that on July 12 an alteration* of the Godley Head Light will be made. The character of the light will be altered from fixed to groun Sashing white, having two flashes every 27 seconds, thus: Flash, 2-ssec3., eclipse 4sec?., flash 2-Ssecs., eclipse ISsecs. THE HUNTINGDON. The Federal Line steamer Huntingdon arrived from Opua e«;rly on Saturday morning' and berthed at Queen's Wharf to complete loading for London. Avonmouth. Liverpool and Glassrow to the agency of the New Zealancl Shipping Company. She is scheduled to sail lor London, via Montevideo and Dakar, on Wednesday. MONTEREY ARRIVES TO-MORROW. The Oceanic Company's liner Monterey left Sydney for Anckinrsd on Saturday afternoon and i 3 dues about eight o'clock tomorrow morning. The vessel has 93 passengers ifor Auckland ami 144 through passengers. Another 65! passengers will join the vessel at Auckland. She will resume her voyage to Snva. Pagij Pago, Honolulu. Los Angeles and San Fra,nci«co at five o'clock to-morrow evening. THE HAURAKT. The Ur.ion Company's motor-ship Hauraki 13 scheduled to arrive from Los Angeles on July 14. In addition to general cargo from PaciSc Coaist j»jrts the vessel has a quantity o? fruit from the Cook Islands. Her discharging ports; are Auckland. Wellington. New Plymouth, Lyttelton. Dunedin, Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney. THE KENT. ' Th«i Federal Line nteamer Kent will arrive at Port Chalmers from Glasgow tomorrow morning, according to her wireless advicp. The vessel is in ballast and will load for London. Avonmouth, Liverpool md Glasgow at Port Chalmers. Oamaru, New Plymouth, Wanganui, Wellington and Lyttelton. She wiL leave Lyttelton for \ London on July 21. | TONGARIRO AT OAMARU. Due at Oamaru from London in ballast this morning the New Zealand Shipping ; Company's steamer Tongariro will load at j Oamaru, Timaru, Wnnganui. Napier, Well- j ingtoi, and Port Chalmers. She is scheduled | to sail from Port Chalmers for Southampton and London, via Dakar, on July 29. . THE SYDNEY MARU. The Japanese mator-phip Sydney Maru. en J route from Japan, ins reported by wire- I less ihat she wi:l reach Wellington from ' Melbourne at noon i.o-morrow. The vessel | will leave Wellington to-morrow night and she is due at Auckland on Thursday. After | discharging and loading at this port she will ' sail on Saturday on her ret;iru voyaee to j Japan., via Sydney. A. G. • Fruakham. Limited, are the local agents. MAUNGANUI AT SYDNEY. The Maunganui arrived at Sydney from j Wellington on Saturday morning, having i completed a voyage !o San Francisco and I back in place of the Royal Mail liner | Maknira, which stayed at Wellington for ! nearly two months 'undergoing overhaul. : The Maunganui will resume in the inter- | colonial service. She is scheduled to leave S Sydney fcr Auckland on Friday and Anck- j land fcr Wellington and Sydney the follow- j ing Tuesday.

WAXGANUt BEACON. Mariners are warned by the Marine Department that the trestle work at mole ends and the beacon light been washed awav at Wansanui. The advice states - —The light tower with 60ft. of the trestle work on the south mo'ie and 4(/:!t. of the trestle work on the north mole have been washed away. A temporary light will be exhibited from south rr.oie till the tower has been rebuilt. The rubble 'rrll now extends seawards helow water. Master? entering or leaving are warned not to approach on the lire of moles within a distance of l r 0?t. from the end o£ the present trestle work. P.ANGITIKT FrtOM" LONDON. The New Zeala nd Shipping Company s motor-liner Rangitiki wit! arrive from London a"; ten o'clock on ' Wednesday mjrht. accord !ng to her -wi«le?s advice. Sre has passengers and mnil for New Zealand and general merchandise for discharge at Auckland and Wellington. After completion o. discharge the vessel will load for her homeward voyuee at Wellington and also at Lyttelton. Xapier, Tokomaru Bay and Auckland. She is fch«<sul;d to sail finally irorri Auckland for London, via Panama, on August 5. THE ARMADALE. The Anstrp.lind Shipping Company's motor-ship Armadale arrived from New York on Saturday morning and berthed at King's Wharf to unload sulphur from Gaiv€ston and Corpus Chrisii (Gulf of Mexico', general curgo from New York, ar.d tobacco from Newport News. She sailed frcm New York an M»y 27 and cleared Panama on June 5. Generally fair weather was experienced cn the voysige. The vessel is under charter to the A. and A. Lire and the New Zealand Shipping Company are the local agents. Captain A. P. Bach is in command and the following are the officers:— Chief Mr. G W. ds Ronffigras; second. Mr. J. M. White; third. Mr. G. W Merrick; chief engineer, Mr. R. X. MaCi£ie: second. Mr. C. Davidson; third. Mr. C. M. Key; uirsior third. Mr. C. Reid; fourth, Mr. D. Rush ton; fifth. Mr. Fish; _ wireiesa operator, Mr. M. J. Carpenter; chief steward, Mr. It. E. Riuniuy.

THE KALINGO. The Kalingo arrived at Sydney from Greynicuth yesterday. The vessel is to load at CofTs Harbour and Newcastle, for Auckland, Tuuranga aud Wellington. RUAHINE CLEARED CURACAO. Reported to have cleared Curacao on Saturday the New Zealand Shipping Company's liner' Ruahine is en route from London to Wellington, Port Chalmers, Lyttelton and New Plymouth. She is due at Wellington about July 23 WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be •within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— Auckland.—Armadale. Otokia, Brunswick, Dioniede, Elveric, Kairanga, Makura, Matai, | Maui Pomare, Monterey, Parracombe, liangi- ! tiki. Recorder. Triona, Waipahi, Coptic. Wellington.—Aorangi. Golden Cloud, Niagara, Nucula, Port Fremantle, Rangitane, Rangitata, Sydney Mam, Tainui, Tongariro, Voco. Westmoreland. Zealandia. Awarua.—Kent, Waikouaiti, Wainui. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Saturday's Departures.—Ronaki (5 p.m.), for New Plymouth. Yesterday's Arrivals.—Hauturu (7.43 a.m.). from Hokianga. BY TELEGRAPH. WELLINGTON.—JuIy 2: Arrived—Maori (7 a.m.). from Lyttelton: Kanna (12.30 p.m.). from Greymouth: Holmglen (12.50 p.m.). from Mercer. Sailed—PooHa (1.35 p.m.). for Dundein: Kareuo (G. 45 p.m.). for Westport; Maori (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton. July 3: Arrived—Rangatira (7.10 a.m.). from Lyttelton: Waipahi (7.40 a.m.), from Auckland: Storm (10 a.m.). from Wanganui: Westmoreland <11.30 a.m.). from Napier: Golden Cloud (1 p.m.). from Auckland: Orepuki (2 p.m.), John (3.10 p.m.). from Lyttelton. LYTTELTON.—J ulv 2: Arrived—Alexander (5.30 a.m.), from Timaru: Rangatira (G. 50 a.m.), from Wellington; Orenuki (7.5 a.m.). from Timaru: Remuera (7.35 a.m.). from Timaru; Zealandic (8.20 a.m.). from Wellington: Ngahou (11.15 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Foxton (10.50 a.m.). for Foxton: Kaimai (12.10 p.m.). for Dunedin: Gale (1.10 p.m.). for Dunedin; John (4.35 p.m.), for Wellineton: Alexander (4.40 for Nelson: Orepuki (6.30 p.m.). for Wellington; Rangatira (5.20 p.m.). for Wellington. July 3: Arrived—Holmdale (3.30 a.m.V. from Timaru: Maori (7.10 a.m.). from Wellington. DUNEDIN.—JuIy 2: Arrived—Opihi (3.45 p.m.). from Lyttelton. Sailed—Wingatui (12.15 p.m.), for Timaru. SYDNEY.—JuIy 9: Arrived— Maungnnui (6.45 a.m.). from Wellington. Sailed—Waikouaiti. for Bluff: Monterey C.40 for Auckland. July 3: Arrived—Kalingo. from Greymouth. CUR \CAO-—July 1: Soiled—Ruahine. en route from London to Wellington. PANAMA.—JuIy 1: Sailed—City of Canton. en route from New York to Auckland. COLON.—June 30: Arrived—Tnmaroa. en route from London to Wellington. LONDON.— July 1: Arrived—Mataroa. from Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21225, 4 July 1932, Page 5

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SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21225, 4 July 1932, Page 5

SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21225, 4 July 1932, Page 5