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$)£T OF AUCKLAND. 3g|§SjBSIE&DAY*S ARRIVALS. (gjo from yTaifceke; Ea-srau i2n3 froaa Thames; Tuhoe (12.40. p.m.?, !>•* tJL2O p.m. >, from Coast ; JrjSfteto 'lO p. ib. i, from Caremandei-, PJJ.'., frcm - = - T^ma. '. | pfiSTEBDAY'S DEPARTURES. .|!SS»-Mr. "®"- J Snath. Mr. E. Si.lE. Sidaun. Mr. B- Heaiay, Mr. WaricS. ii-- r v '~- Stephens. Mr. frtairm Mr. A. alliee. Mr. Macartiur, A-/Sis::h. Mr. W. E. Kirur. Mr. F. Mr.. P. Ta-es. Mr. K.. Edgar. Mr. *3^gin. C. M. Pajr:v«r. Mr. and Mr#. C. SSnsjia, Mr. and Mr?u A. B. Taylor. Mrs. Mrs. Ben. Mr and Mrs. W. E. and Mrs. A. H. Levesoo- ar.d f£jL Mies D- Ecpers. Miss Wilkinson, Mr. 'Sga-iftm IT. A. MaeKiiy. Mr*. O. T. Smith. j-KJ. Smith, Mra. Stark, Mass E- Jo«ke, Miss iLnia. Kte Lusk. M:ns Erjsht. Miss Keill. STc. £. Mayson. M:s« K. M. Wilson. -SsS i. Eell, Miss X. Clark. Mr. MitcMi. ICtchell. Mr. H. V. Cohen. Mr. J. B. Mr. G. Gi'.lara. Mr. asd Mrs. '>fahnir* Mr S. Rhodes, Mr. G. Wilson, Wi!»es, Dr. R. Firth. Mr. See, 7:'s»? Harknesii. Mr. V. SegraL Mr. W. M. "Master Early. Mr. A. L. Adler. Pro-La'®Terre-Tsoie, Mr. A. C. Boceard. Vjg: Ji L. Barock. Miss Bullock, Mrs. " Miss Marshall. Miss S. Marshal], w- M. Rybnm. Miss J. Ryburo. Miss E. j-jjara. Mr a-d Mra. Bristow, Mrs. Walsh ""SF Brv. a-d Mrs. Isaerrrood. Miss Jfcniro. Mr&. L. Collet*. Mis® Wilson. IfjM Faulkner. M:ss X. Anderson., Miss A. T ■ JfeAuHis*. Mias 1. Br:storT!-. Mins Car—Mrs. Tressider. Mrs. Sanioka, una '■9m second/b'ass. including 23 Chinese. ■'%. OBtsa <11.25 for Wark-srorth: J«r«a (12.15 p.m.for Thames: Eaum /6.1S pjn.). for Duchess (5.15 V Tcr Ka ? aa.

-TESScILS DTE TO-DAY. l&imjta*. frera BaTSk Panax:. 10 a.a. ' Tmsttjis. frcir. Pae-oa. "2 a .in. CJsytncn>. from "Whancraxei. 3.30 a.m. Ducfcesß. rrem Manstia. 7.30 a.rc. , from Runnell. 3 a.m. ; HaTEti. rrcm 'Vraabeke. ?.40 a.m. A'-ffm Tharr.i?a. 11.30 a.rn. VESSELS SAILING- TO-DAY. ' Part Jfeitcu™?, for London, 5 p.m. ■& Koto, for Atraaro, roan, *Cnhoe, for Tanranca, noon. Hsmti, for TVaibekis. 1.43 P-™-fcr Hatfci£i» and Ka*ta. 3-45 fcr Cowes Bay, 1.43 p.m. YES££LS DUE TO-IHSBBOW. y«ywtat. from Sut*. afternoon. TFaimea, from Napier. ji VESSELS SAILING TO-MOBBOW. Beamer*. for Tekoinarn Bay, daylight. far "Whaitgiirei, 3 p.m. •Eaabrha, for Paercra, 11-30 p-m. '/ . SFJHSV- 7 - s EXFSCTIIO AT ACCKLA3CD. ISTERCOLOBIAI. AJTD COASTAL. Kirem. Sydney. February 7 "VingatnL Southern parts. Jr eferaary c. Siwiry' Sydner. February 8. Norfolk Inland. February S. Jijwitia, "Westport. to sail, teen*. Sydney, February 13. VyCTn. Sydney. February JS. Mariposa. 1 Syeney. February ~ OVEBSSA3. Ar.drera. fjroa Balik Papain February 6Otira. London. February 10. "VTairnni. San Frauewco. February 10. Canadian Hieblandia:, Halifax. February Part*CaicHn» Lytlalton. February 11, to j f ent, Antwerp. February 15. art Pine, February IS. ta load. Optsa. February IT. to load. ■ dtr e£ Lincoln. New York. February la. l&iiposa. Lcs Ansel®*. Feomary 20. Aorangi. VancOTreer, February 21. «—LirerpooL February 21. Bansitun. - Lcndcm. via WtUnurtcn, FebNr»- York. February 23. Gulden Cloud. Los Angeles. March 1rmmaAitn Con<jtt*ror. Haufa*. Maw 3. Melbourne Maru. Japan, via port*, March Otira Santa. March 7. to load. .. BASLY SAILINGS FROM. AUCKLAND. argacoaumiAt. ASP ovrßoxa. Port Melbourne. London. February 6. Uorhsda. Norfolk Inland. February>B. Sorfoik, London. February 9Niagara, Vancouver, February 9. Port Caroline, London. February 10Grace Eanrar, Aiurtralla, February 13. , MarasT*. Sydney. Fe'oruary 19-AUSTBALIA-NirW ZEALAND. C&mimja, It&t Auc&land February 5 for Sydney. Maanjcanni, left Sydney February 3 fox "Welling Son; due February 9. MararDaT left We&racton February 5 for Sydney.

V ' BBITISa PASSEXGES STEALERS. '! left Southampton Jannary 15; due Welliajrton February 18. - Tan. area, left Southampton January 27; due Wellington March 2. - Bsaiao*. leave* Southampton February 12;. due Auckland March 23, lonic, leaves Southampton February 2S; "-J. daa Auckland April 5. PACIFIC "MAIL SERVICE. Fiagara, left Sydney February 4 for Auckland cud Vancouver; due Aucklaud Ftiir tary S; *-* ! ''* for Vancouver Fearaary SL ' Jlaiura. left Sydney January 21 for WeiiBj>d Smx Francisco t left Weil- ~' , iaytoH January 2S; dne San. Fran:i;Sj;vr o*eo February 12. Sgrtntn*. leave* Sydney February 9 for "s San Francisco; due Ancs;and FebruErr 13; das' San March 2. Jtomnsi, left Vancouver February 3 for Auckland tnd Sydney; due Auckland > February 21; sails ier Sydney FebV;- runry 22. ' ' Jfaripaaa. left Los Anseles February 3; due Auckland February 2D; due Sydney February 35. - Sierra, - left Sydney January 13; left Auckland January 23; due San Frae- ■ cisco February 10. ... Hantnrai, left San Francisco January 20: .-Vr . dn» Wellington February S; due Sydney Febrnorr 13. VESSELS IN PORT. •"... "In Stream.—Waitomo. Waitemata, Gunbar, Piri (atn schooner), Mako. Kai- - rsncs, Kaitoke. Raimaus-a-a. Kurow. Hecorder (cable steamer}. Vileehi (American yacht!. Waiotapu. Southern Crossk'. Dermjjjcrt.—PhilomeL H.M.S. Dicmede, Xucula (.-Admiralty oil tanfte*';.; ken. •rt" 'f-V.' Eensnera iIV.Z-S. Coy.). _ . J4' ; . JTcrih Wail—Kanna (C.S.S. Coy.), Wai- ■ homo 'TT-5 S. Coy.). C. Prince'? V?hari—Waipiata (U,S.S. Coy.), life'- Kiramea (L. J}. Xalhan'. 'i-.;' Centra] Wharf—Port Melbourne (Farmers Auctioneering Ccy. j. iSf,: Jung's Wharf—Grace Harwar (A. 5. Bf! 1 ' Paser*/»n and Coy..!. y}j' Western Wharf—Andrea. (Shell Coy,). . OVERSEAS SHIPS. g . aOT**S3r» A*D DCS PATES. • oWwa, 'eft Liverpool November 28* for Aackiaad. We&ngton. LyweJton. D«n'■4iV • eain and Tinaro 'arrived January 2">. • Grace Eanvar '»n:p). left Seychelles ' Island October for Auckland (arrived February 2i. F* iarames, ;e:t London Decensber 10 for •: Su»a, ?or; Chalmers. Lytl«llon and Napier : -.rrived January 23). pUemera, left Lasaon December 17 for Welibngton and' Aacklaad (arrived January 3C^. Otaio, 'eft December 20 for s-Jj.; Auckland. Wellington (arrived Febra- *'• Lrttehcn. Dunedin and Bluff. j *e*tnsort!»iin, ia ballast, left Falmoutn V-lj 1 December 25 for Kew Zealand (due a ®l ti and February 26>. -M ; | ®« r a. left London January 1 for AuckX a ,'.. lane r ehruary 30) and Wellins- |% ton.Santinsaon. left Falmouth in bailaet an - Deeeaber 21 ior Xeir Zealand (arrived ftf,- AaekJand Janr.ary 31). left Tsaspjco December _24 for ?t'," Auckland. Wellinetou 'arrived Febroary 4? Xew Plymouth. iiuru. iei'x Japan December 26 for •g. inckisnd. LytteStcn. Port Chalmers li:»- Warjjaauj (arnved Jasuarj- 29). left on January 6 for (due February 15). left Lcnnon on January 6 for ".Xrcteltoa (due February 14), Dunediu. ."luff and Timaru. : .. «ealanuic. left Liverpool on January 13 * or Auckland (due February 21), WellMtgtog, Lj-ttehon and Dunedin. • San Pedro January 4 for - Auckland, WejUngton (arrived Febru1' and Daaedin. London January 14 for. 'fe-.*-. .e/l'-ttstor; (due February 18). and ' "fa, lett Br.i-i Pnna-ii January for (due February- S). Wellingtor,, Lj-tteltrm and Dnnadin. left Svw Jtai( January Mwm*mr S' ******* (due February IB), lorudton and' Dunedin.

The Wsimea. was to leave Napier T«rterdZ SSSEr.** AuckUsd - wi «* '** * The -Waipiatj. is to sail on Mondav for oSSfSk Duaedm - Bla3 - ia t a 4ear * on . Tu ®ara- Lyttelton, Wellington, Possibly Pidon. and Auckland. r J^ c Admiralty «H tanker Nwrula -mo-red £™P lw J «eb«o. u, the terday and berthed at Sheer lags Wharf, , Tbe Wingatid -is due ait from Wwlmß-toa. She win berth *4 Quota s Wharf and after discharge will 10 Portland. rcturaing to Andcc?cp'eT* fe»dias fcr WeHingtoiC Dnwtdin and Tiauiru. * CLIMAROA FOR SYDNEY. s J5f Bttdda,t-Park=r tt«a« Ulimsroa ».!5 Merd * !r r m<sr »®a- with wtwit. °« £ iSS,** **"■ " h "' ■''• » POST Ml-XBOTTKNE TO sat?. Dominion Lisa ■Waraar Fort Melbourne is to sail *t fve ***** *£» «juw»s-- for London, vi* Montevideo. The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Ltd., are the local agents, K.ABETU DUE TO-MORROW. The Union Company's steamer Karetu is due at Auckland to-morrow afternoon from Newcastle and Sydney, via Fiji, and will berth at King's Wharf. After discharge see will to Ntswc&stlo Sydney. NORFOLK'S SAILING. The FedsraJ Line steamer Norfolk is expected to be despatched on Tuesday for London. The vessel ia loading at Queen's, wharf for London, Avonmoutb. LtxarijooJ ana Glasgcrw. ' X' TAJNUI COMPLETING. The Shaw. Sari!! and Albion liner-Tainni arrived "at Wellington yesterday from ¥s. ngnnui to complete her homeward loading. She in to leave Wellington on Wednesday for Sou t bars pier, and London, via Panama. MONOWAI FOB, WELLINGTON, The Royal Mail liner Monowai is due at Wellington at six o'clock on Monday mora"is frcan San Francisco. via Papeete and Earotanca. She Sh to jen-ve VT at ionr o'clock on Tuesday afternoon for Sidney, it here ah* is dtie on February 13. TBIP CANCELLED. Sanderson and Macfarlane. Limited, advise • that the trip of the Oceanic and Oriental steamer Golden Coast, which was to have left Los Angelas on March 1 fcr New Zealand ports, has been cancelled, THE CANADIAN CONQUEROR. The Canadian National steamer Canadian Conqueror, which left Halifax on January 23 for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedla, Bluff and Australia. is reported to have reached Colon on Wednesday. MAUNGANUI FOB WELLINGTON. The Union Company's intercolonial streamer Maunganni left Sydney lest evening for Wellington, where she ia due ca Tnesdny morning with passengers, mail and cargo. NIAGARA ON MONDAY. The Royal Mail 'liner Niagara left Sydney at four o'clock on Thursday -afternoon for Aackliwtd, where sh-s is due on Monday morning- She will berth at Central Wharf and i» to aail at IX o'clock on Tuesday morning fox Vancouver, via Suva and Honolulu, OPAWA'S MOVEMENTS. The New Zealand Shipping Company's motor-ship Opava. which ja now at apier, will complete her cargo at Wellington, where she ia due next Thursday, and Lyttelton. She is to leave Lytielien on February 18 for London, Avonmoutb, Liverpool and Glasgow, via Cape Hern and Dakar. NORFOLK ISLAND SERVICE. The Borne. Philp steamer Marin da is due at Auckland on Monday from Norfolk Inland, She wal berth at Queen's Wharf and will sail later in the day on her return to Norfolk Island. The vessel is due at Norfolk Island en February 11 and i» to leave the, following day for Lord Howe lalsnd and Sydney. REMUERA'S SAILING. The few Zealand Shipping Company's liner Remuera is to sail at daylight tomorrow for Tok cm urn Bay to continue loading for England- She will complete her cargo at Lytteltan. Timara and Wellington and ia to !«*vis Wellington on February 27 for London, via Panama. ANDREA. THIS MORNING. The tanker Andrea reported by wireless again yesterday that she erpected to reach Auckland at 10 o'clock this mornifg from Bnlik Papan. She will berth at Westera Wharf. The vessel ha* bulk oil for di#eh*rg» at Anckland. Wellington. Xiyttelton and Dunedin for the Shell Company. EAR A MSA IN PORT. The Shaw, Savill a,nd Albion motor-ship Jtaramea arrived at Auckland yesterdav morning from Giehorne and berthed at Prince's Wharf to continue loading for ajjd Wesit Coast parte oi Great Britain. She ia to sail -*t daylight, an February 13 for Now Plymouth, Wan garni and Wellington to complete her cargo ana will leave Wellington <3l February for Lcndoru Avoamottth. Liverpool and Glassow, riat Cape Horn -astd Palmar u. D. Nathan and Company, Ltd.. are tae local agents. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to _be within range of the undermentioned wirelees Nations to-day:— Auckland. —Andrea, Brisbane Mam,. Herrainiue, Earetn, Laburnum, Maui Pcmare, Niagara,, Otira, Tofna. Ulimaroa, Voce, Wninna, YaxravSle. " _ ~ Weningtoa-—Aornngi. Ardenvottr, Fortnbsnk, Ksponsns, Mararia. Mrunganui, Opawa, Rangit iki, B"ngitane, Somerset. Scrachi M.aru, Westmoreland. Aw*rua-—Cancdiisn Scnttieh, Cstnay, Karroo, Eortigi. MakuTTi. Mtstai. Merrwjlia. Mcncwai. Semiramis. Waikouaiti. kursBY TELEGRAPH. WELLINGTON.— Feb-uary 5: Arrived— Rsnjratira <7 ..m.l. Port W-ikoto (7.58 a.m.), Folmdale (-10 a.m.all from Lfft-t-?ton: Tainui <lO 5..m.), from Wangarmi; Wsipshi (3.10 p.m.), from Lrtte^ton :»!>'• mai ,9 p.m. 5, from Gishor-e. Sailed—dale fl p.m.). for Pirton: Marama (3 p.m.),. for Svdney: WLngatns (4.15 for Auckland; John <S p-m.j, for Dn-edsn; Fort Waiksto (S-5 p.m. 5, for Ancklana; Rangs,tira (7.5(1 p.m.), 'ior Lyttelion. LYTTELTON —Februarv 5: Arrived—Wahine (6.50 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed— Wahine (8.10 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDIN.— Fehrnary .5: Arrived—Hnia. from Melbourne; Karepo (9.45 from Bluff: Semiramis <lO a.m.). from Wellington- H.M.S. WstaVurs p.m.?. from Akaroa. Sailed—Huia (2.25 p.m.), for Greymonth. BLUFF.— February 5: Arrived—Calm (12.5 p.m.). from Lvtiellon. Sailed—Caun 'S p..m.''. for Duinedin. SYDNEY.—Februar? a: Arrived—Waikcnaiti, from Binff. Sailed—Mflunganui <5 p.m.', for Wellington. NEWCASTLE.— February 5: Sailed— Kakariki, for New Zealand. MELBOTTBNE.— February 5: Sailed—Kartigi, for Bluff. COLON.—Febmarr 3: Arrived—Canadian Conqueror, en roato from Halifax to Auck' iiLcd.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21100, 6 February 1932, Page 5

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SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21100, 6 February 1932, Page 5

SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21100, 6 February 1932, Page 5