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scientist's amazin ;alth discovery artling Pronouncement of Vital Concern to the Invalid and the Athlete, the Old and the Young. STOUNDING TRIUMPH OVER OLD AGE INFIRMITIES Remarkable New Method of Drugless Healing Promises Better Health for All and Longer Life.

WHAT THE PRESS SAYS The Press, not only of the Empire, hut many foreign countries, has dratra attend to Mr. Overbeck*s remarkable invention for banishing: disease. The following- comments are from leadIn? newspapers In England:— The Grimsby Correspondent of the Weekly Dispatch says:—" Grimsby is becoming a Mecca or old people anxious to be made yoiinsr. Mr. Overbeck, the Grimsby scientist, told me he was being overwhelmed by applicants suffering rrom various ailments who wish to submit to treatment from the machine which Mr. Overbeck claims restores the balance of the electric current in the human system." The Daily News, describing- a demonstration or the Rejuvenator given by Mr. Overbeck at the Savoy Hotel. London, said: " Mr. W. J. Womersley. M.P., who presided, said that he had known Mr. Overbeck for many years, and during- the last two or three years his health and appear* ance had improved wonderfully." Health and Efficiency 'the leadinghealth magazine') say 3:—": —" The Overbeck Rejuvenator Is well so called.'because tho extraordinary difference In his own and other people's appearances, palpable to everybody, has been so marked after using the process." The Leeds Mercury says: "Middle-aged men in Grimsby, using the machine every day, tell me the treatment ha 3 rid them or such afflictions that beset middle-age as Sciatica, Lumbago, and Cramp. Elderly women are chasing away Time's wrinkles with Its aid. I heard of one case where a man who had suffered from long- standingdearness can now hear after, using the instrument with regularity."

VALUABLE FREE BOOK FOR EVERY READER OF THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD. Medical Men, the Press and the general public cannot fail to be deeply interested in the news of an important health discovery, of equal benefit to the Invalid and the Athlete, the Old and Young. The fact that the new health method announced to-day h entirely independent of drugs adds additional interest. The knowledge that it is the outcome of the research and experiments of a well-known British scientist ensures it receiving the careful attention it deserves.

en are better entitled to a hearing when they apeak on the subject of health and well-being than Mr. O. Overbeck. F.R.S.A., F.P.C. (Lond.). etc., the well-known British scientist. For Mr. Overbeck, at 70 years of age. i» a marvel of physical fitness and mental alertness, whereas before he began to probe into the true cause of ill-health he was given up by his doctor as a dying man. When, therefore, Mr. Overbeck announces that he has discovered a new health method that promises to banish a host of intractable disorders, strengthen weak constitutions, and to give the elderly a new lease of life, his words have behind them a weight of authority and experience that compels attention. ROMANCE OF OLD MAN'S RECOVERY OF HEALTH AND VIGOUR. Eight years ago, prematurely worn out by a life devoted to scientific research, Mr. Overbeck was the picture of a decrepit old man on the verge of the grave. His interests in life had been as many coloured as Joseph's coat, and he clung to them with all the tenacity of a man who knows in his heart that he ought to resign himself to the easy chair and slippers of old age. But, though a devoted and skilful pianist, he was compelled to give up playing anything that called for brilliancy of execution, owing to the severe palpitation that immediately followed the playing of a rapid piece of music. And, though an enthusiastic horticulturist, he soon found that to stoop down and ! oat a plant in the ground was to risk .. i .t . r._ t _i i His hair, meantime, had gone suddenly white, and was extremely scanty, hia face was deeply lined, and his blood pressure abnormally high. AN EXPERIMENT—AND ITS MAGICAL RESULT. Concerned at the rapid thinning and whitening of hia hair, Mr. Overbeck's thoughts turned to electrical stimulation. He began experimenting. His first efforts were not very successful. Then the idea came to him that if electricity is to b«p-of real lasting benefit it must be absorbed without sensation, just as it is absorbed from the food we eat. The cella must, in very ! truth, be fed with the electrical | current. The upshot was the invention of an electrical instrument constructed on entirely new lines. He tried it first on his hair. The result was magical. | Not only did his hair rapidly grow i thicker and darker in colour, but his ) mental faculties became greatly in- | vigorated; every day he found himself I getting stronger; the rheumatism that had plagued him for some time disappeared, as well as the kidney j trouble, from which he had been a j chronic sufferer; his eyesight improved | to such an extent that he was soon i able to give up the spectacles he had worn for years; and before long he was able to resume a normal life of active work. World patents were taken out. A name had to be choaen for the instruct. "' It has rejuvenated me. It | will rejuvenate others. I will call it : Overbeck's Rejuvenator," was a happy i thought, and under this aptly chosen 1 name it has gone forth on ita miaaion ; of healing to all parts of the globe. GIVES GREATER VITALITY TO DEVOTEES OF SPORT. Sportsmen and sportswomen find it equally beneficial in strengthening their muscles and toning up their nerves. Golfera discover that their handicap Rejuvenator. Swimmers teatify greater suppleness of the muscles and greater power of endurance. Athletes testify to increased stamina and enhanced recuperative powers. Vocalists announce a wonderful toning up of the vocal chords and improvement of the singing j SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT FOR INVENTOR'S STARTLING CLAIMS. Extraordinary as are the claims that have been put forward on behalf of Overbeck's Rejuvenator, recent developments of science go far in their support. The leading scientists of the day are at one as to the fact that the entire universe is an electrical J phenomenon, each atom of every substance, including the cells of the human body itself, being composed of positive and negative electricity—each atom a miniature solar system, with " planeta " revolving in their orbits round a central " sun." Electricity is the driving force of the universe. By his discovery of a new process of discharging among the " sleepy" or torpid cella of the body life-giving currents of the electric force, Mr. Overbeck has solved the greatest problem of the age, for he has found a reliable permanent means of overcoming the diseases and the overstress of civilisation, and flooding the overworked and exhausted cells with a new tide of energy and vitality.

OF MEDICAL MEN. Many medical men are now recommending Overbeck'a Rejuvenator, and using it themselves. It is contrary to medical etiquette to mention their names, but the following remarkable reports are from prominent members of the profession who have given the instrument a thorough trial, and speak from their personal knowledge:— " I can confidently recommend it for the treatment of constitutional disorders, such as rheumatism and gout, which are amenable to electroorders, loss of vitality, and a general run-down condition. (Signed) M.8., Ch.B. (Vict.) " The Rejuvenator has been beneficial in a case of muscular atrophy of the legs after severe illness, and personally I have used it on my bald head and I am certainly gradually getting a good crop of hair, for which I am very thankful and pleased." (Signed) M.D.. M.8., CM., F.R.C.S. " There is not the slightest doubt that the machine ia all that you claim for it. In one case of very bad Varicose veins, where they were unusually knotted and hard, the Overbeck softened them, reduced the pain, altogether made the patient much more comfortable. In cases whert the hair wa« very full of dandruff the machine moved it and restored the hair to a normal condition. In casea of headache the machine is invaluable, especially where headaches are largely of a nervous type." (Signed) M.D. STRIKING REPORTS FROM NEW ZEALAND SUFFERERS. HEART, BLOOD PRES-I RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS SURE, NEURITIS, AND HEADACHES. Remuera Road, Auckland, 30/8/31. The Manager, Speciality Agencies Ltd., Auckland. Dear Sir, —Having been a sufferer Tor a number of years with a weak heart, blood pressure, neuritis, and pains in the head,. I was in such a state that I was unable to keep at my work longer than Tour hours at; ttie most. I could not walk any distance ntlthnnt haxnmfnv fntfQ-llPfl T h3VP. trledl nearly all part 3 or isew Zealand in ine nope that I would recover my health, until at lass I gave up trying. However, after having another bad turn, I decided to purchase one or your HighPower machines, and. after using It four months according to instructions, I find it has done me a wonderful lot of good. 1 can now walk almost any distance without getting fatigued and can r work any length of time without becoming tired, and have lost all ] pains in the head, the blood pressure \ has gone down, ana my heart la very much stronger. In fact. I am a new j man and my friends remark on hew well I look. Now I only use the Rejuvenator twice a week. It is a wonderPil machine and does all that you daub it to do. I have persuaded several of my j friends to use the Rejuvenator. ! Yours faithfully, (Signed) A. C. THEMAIN. Wellington. 1/2/31. Dear Sir, —I am pleased to say we have had very good results. Before we started the Rejuvenator my wire was unable to dress or undress herself, nor get out of a chair and move around the house without assistance; now she Is able to do all these things and even walk up and down stairs without any assistance. Her nerves have got better, muscles are filling out—very much. The improvement has been so marked that no less than six of. our friends have already procured Rejuvenators frorr you. __^ Yours ralthrully, (Signed) M. MLSSOIT. Reduced facsimile his exhibit of Overbc Inventions, 1929. The document is behalf of the Council, i Patentees (Inc.)

: m ■ m N ,fj •>:" "•• .•* - "•-3 jj^&'&T Mr. Overbeds at work in his ElectroChemical Laboratory. Since his discovery of the true secret of the health ' and activity of all the cells of the body in Electricity, his researches hare earned him the gratitude of thousands of men and women in all parts of the world.

V: mgHg DIPLOMA OP AVERIT —•- ff ~9V of the Diploma of Merit, awarded to Mr. Orerfaeck fo ck's Rejuvenator at the International Exhibition o. signed by Lord Askwith and Mr. S. E- Denning 01 i • _? j__ fL e common seal of the Institute o

GOITRE AND SEVERE NERVOUS DISORDERS. Mt. Albert, Auckland. 3/8/31. I procured one of your High-Power Model ! Rejuveuators oa October 5 th./l 929. Am irlad to say that my daughter's goitre ha 3 entirely disappeared and there baa been no sig-n or effect whatever Tor over twelve months. For over seventeen years I wis never Tree rrom illnesses occasioning medical attention, but since obtaining the I Overbed* r have never bad a doctor m the I house. Mrs. Smith suffered severely with nervous disorders, but they have entirely disappeared through the regular use of the Rejuvenator. , .... I must say I am entirely satisfied with the results obtained and the treatment has certainly fulfilled —in my case—all the claims that you made for It. Several friends havo made use of the Instrument, also with excellent results to each case. With many thanks. Yours faithfully. (Signed) 1. M. SMITH. CATARRH AND ASTHMA Latitats, FIJI. 5/10/29. ". . . I have derived the greatest benefit from the Overbeck. For years I have suffered from Asthma and Catarrh, but since I have carried out the Instructions my complaints have almost disappeared, and my health has Improved wonderfully. I am over 50 years of age, . . . Can strongly recommend Overbeck's Rejuvenator to anyone In 111-health." (Signed) GEORGE T. SKAIFE. PARALYSIS. Avondale, 28/6/31. •« .We would not like to be without tho Rejuvenator. My husband cured his eye, which was paralysed. ... I recommend It whenever I can." (Signed) I. LINFOOT. RHEUMATISM AND PALPITATION. Mt. Eden, 4/3/31. u X have great pleasure in Informing yo'u' that the Rbeumatlsm has vanished, also the palpitation . . . am quite a different individual. . . . You have given the machine the proper title, 'Rejuvenator. It' 3 tne best investment I ever- made. (Signed) \V. R. LOSE.

**app 9S>*XP foi i * it** •■■'*.■** V /*■ *•: I---JP S :i' «*tsa ? «£& fc ■</ *' *. •*• *!■»:•• >*fc ■ '-ate.'' *?* **•:,;« •**»" i^ 4 * ;,S ; k ** - •>:.**#* & - ? mzj* -X,... ': ; ***%*\tf J M » I S, ->~i»; ■■'j''- i EK&:?^ <- ; Mhi*s?l to tend his beloved plants. To-day, many exacting engagements, he is at work on his estate the livelong day, planting, potting and so forth. He is often still hard at work ra the waning light, long after his gardening staff has gone home, for since his discovery of the secret of vital energy and health, he does not know what it is to be tired. A Few of the Ailments which Respond with Remarkable Rapidity. sssssrsLSSsisi *««%*: £« sssrsx respond with remarkable rapidity:— Asthma Blood Pressure Catarrh Cramp Constipation Deafness Ear Affections Eyesight Defects General Weakness Gout Goitre Headache Heart Affections Hair Growth and Recolouration Insomnia Indigestion Loss of Vigour Lumbago Nervous Debility Neuritis Neurasthenia Paraplegia Rheumatism Rheumatoid Arthritis Sciatica Stammering Voice Troubles Wrinkles

Fill in and Post N.Z. HERALD COUPON entitling you to a Illustrated Book about the remarkable health-restoring meth this announcement. :ioaoi g SPECIALITY AGENCIES, LTD., OVERBECK DISTRIBUTORS, Sixth Floor, Cooke** Bldgs., Queen. Street, Auckland. P.O. Box 1517, Please send me a copy of the Free Book about Overteck'a Rejuvenator, fully illustrated with plates showing self-treatment for a variety of ailments. I enclose 6d in stamps to cover postage. NAME - ADDRESS. (Please write clearly.) .."N.Z.H"— 5 o • •

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20976, 12 September 1931, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20976, 12 September 1931, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20976, 12 September 1931, Page 17