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YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. Hikurangi (10.25 a.m.), from Norfolk d.iland. Waipnhi (7 a.m.), from Wellington; Wairiaiii (noon), from Wellington; Lyttelton, villi raft in tow (11.45 a.m.). from Const ; Awahiii (1 p.m.). from Napier; Katoa (1, from Lyttelton. K.mgitoto (5.35 p.m.). from Coromandel; t Quniwlia (8.45 p.m.), from Pneroa. V KSTERDA V'S DEI'A RTU R ES. Rangitoto (5.25 a.m.). for Coromandel; lukrko (10.5 a in.*, for Porlland. Knwnn (2.15 p.m.), for Mnngnwni; Omana ' <4.10 p.m ). for Wm kworth; Paroto (5 p.m.), frr Const: Polio (10.10 p.m.), fo r I'neroa: Likunnigi (10.15 p.m.). for Whrtngnrei. VESSELS DUE TO DAY. Ulimnroa, from Sydney, 10 a.m. Knimnm va. from Westport. 7 a.m. Pnkuh.i, from O sborne, nfternoon. Claymore, from Whangaroi. 3.30 a.m. Tuiioe. from Whancnrei, 7 a.m. Omnnii, from Wnrkwortli. 5 p.m. Kawnii, from Mnngnwni, 7.30 p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Wninma, for New Plymouth, 5 p.m. Rnncitoto, for Thames, 9 ii.m. Motu. for Whakntane, 10 a.m. Wnimea. for (iisbonio, 3 p.m. Awalion. for East Const bays. I p.m. Pukeko, for East Coast bays, 4 p.m. Margaret W., for Ciishornc, 4 p.m. Waka, for Russell. 4 p.m. Tiroa, for Gisborne, 4 p.m. Taniwlia, for Pneron, 5 p.m. Claymore, for Whangnrei, 5 p.m. ! ,VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND.' INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL, Ulimaron, Sydney, May 20. Knimannwa. Westnnrt. May 20. Wnihemo. Newcastle, May 27. Kiwiten, f! reyiuouth. May 29. Knretu. Fiji. Mny 30. Monowai, Sydney, June 1. Maramn, Sidney, via Wellington, Juno 4. Tofua, Fiji. June 8. OVERSEAS.

Pnkeha, Gisborno, Mny 20. Golden Cloud. Los Angeles, Mny 27. Tarnnnki, New Plymouth, Mny 28. 1" load. ('orinthic, Gisborne, Mny 28, to loud. Nucula. San Francisco. Mny 30. lonic, London, Juno 1. Canadian Cruiser, Halifax, June 2. Huntingdon. Liverpool, June 3. J'enybryn. Ocean Island, June 4. Melbourne Maru, Japan, June 4. I'nrt Huon. Tnmpico, June -1. Rotorua. Wellington. June 13, to lond. Coptic, Liverpool, June 14. Kunhine. London, June 11. Niagara. Vnncouver. June 15. Waiotnpu, Lo« Angeles, June 13. Port Fairy, Gisborne. June 15, t.o load. Bularen, Los Angeles, Juno 15. Newton Elm. Galveston. end of June. City of Kimberley, New York, Juno 23. Opawn, Liverpool, June 30, ]\latnroa, London via Wellington, June 30. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND OVERSEAS. Wnipahi, Cook Islands, Mny 27, Pakchn. London, May 30. Monowni, Vancouver, June 2. ('orinthic, London, June 3. Jfnrainn. Sydney, Juno 5. Tofua. Fiii. Juno 15. Niagara, Sydney. June 10. Rotorua. London. Juno 10. l'ort Fairy, London, June 13. AITSTRALI A-N E W %E A L AND. Ulimaroti, left Sydney Mny 22; due Auckland May 2G; sails for Sydney Mny 29. Jlaratna, leaves Sydney May 29; due Wellington June 2, Auckland June 4. pPACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Niagara, at Vnncouver; sails May 27, due Auckl'nd June 15. llakura, left San Francisco May 13; due Wellington Juno 1; sails for Sydney Juno 2 Maunganui, left Wellington May 19, due San Francisco June 5. Monowai. 'leaves Svdney Mny 2S and Auckland June 2 for Vancouver. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. lonic, left Southampton April 24; duo Auckland June 1. , Ruahine, left Southampton May 8; duo Auckland June 14. Matarua, left Southampton May 22; duo Wellington June 23. Rangitnta. leaves Southampton June 5; duo Wellington July 9. VESSELS IN TORT. In Stream Wnitomo, Wnitemata. Gunbar, Pin (aux. schooner!, Mako, Kuituna, Kairanga, 11.M.C.5. Iris. Devonport—H.M.S. Philomel, 11.M.5. Diomede. Queen's Wharf—Wairuna (U.S.S. Coy.), Waimea lU.S.S. Coy.). Prince's Wharf —Rangitiki (N.Z.S. Coy.). Kafoa (U.S.S. Coy.), Waipiata (U.S.S. Coy.). King's Wharf-Waipahi (U.S.S. Coy.), Margaret W. (A. G. Frankhnm), liroa (A. G. Frankham). In Dock—ll.M.S. Laburnum, H.M.S.

Veronica. Western Wharf— Kaimanawa (U.S.S, Coy.), Hananui 11. (steam whaler).

OVERSEAS SHIPS. MOVEMENTS A.S'D DUE DATES. Westmoreland, left Liverpool March 23 for Auckland, Napier, Wellington. Lyttelton (arrived May 23) and Dunedin. Rotorua, left Southampton April 3 for Suva, Wellington, Port Chalmers Lyttelton (arrived May 22) and New

Plymouth. . Rangi tiki, left London April 10 for Wellington ' and Auckland (arrived May 21). Port Fairy, left Liverpool April 11 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton (arrived May 24). and Dunedin. Win to/l. left New York April 18 lor Auckland Wellington (arrived May 21), Lyttelton, Dunedin and Syaney. lonic, left London April 23 for Auckland (due June 1), Wellington, Lyttelton. Port Chalmers and Bluff. Huntingdon, left Liverpool April i 2a> (or Auckland (due Juno 2). Wellington, Lyttelton and Port Chalmers. Canadian Cruiser, left Halitax Apnl. 2G for Auckland (due June 1), Wellington, Ijyttelton, Dunedin and Australia. Wairuna. left Los Angeles April 27 for Auckland (arrived May 21). New Plymouth. Wellington. Napier. Lyttelton, Dunedin. Melbourne and Sydney. Tort 11 uon, left New York April 30, via Tampico. for Auckland (due June 4,. Wellington. New Plymouth, Lyttelton

and Dunedin ~ Melbourne Maru, left Mon. Japm. ra Maj 1 f.,r Brisbane, Sydney. Melbourne, Wellington and Auckland (due June

Ruahiiie. left London May 7 for Auckland (due June 11) and Wellington. Coptic, left Liverpool May 11 for ' land (due June 11), Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. Golden Cloud, left Los Angeles May for Auckland (due May 27). Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Australia. Northumberland, left Glasgow in ba last on April 23 for New Zealand (due

June 3). „ ,r / - Tori Dunedin, left London on i. ay loj tor Suva /due Juno IS), Ly Helton (due June 25), Port Chalmers. Bluff. fimaru

nnd ... Malaroa, left London May 01 for Wellington (due June 23) and Auckland. Bulhiren, left Los Angeles May 2-1 for Auckland (due June 15), Wellington

and Australia. , „ f Opawil, left Liverpool on May for Auckland (due June 30). Wellington. Lyttelton and Port Chalmers Penybryn. left Ocean Island on May -i for Auckland (due June 4).

The K a tort arrived from Lyttelton yesterday afternoon and is at Princes Wnan. The Kap'.mga is to load at Westport today and .she will complete loading at Ureym:''ulh for Wellington and Auckhmd. The Kaii/ianawa is due from West port at r-cvi-n o'clock this morning. She will nn],.:irj ~t Western Wharf and also at Oliei-

!?tissr-11 hrid Homers. Ltd.. advise that the Anchor Lint' vessel Alexander is scheduled 1.1 i.111(1 at. Oncdiunga for Nelson, West Const j" ids and I'icton on Thursday.

Tl,e I'ukeko sailed for Portland yesterday riornin" an/l is due back at Auckland this i'i 101 n in" The will berth at Central Wharf to load and she is to sail for Last f'oast Iftys at lour o'clock this iifternoon.

The Waipi'itn arrive I from South Island ports and Wellington at mid-day yesterday mid is iirtlo.idinu at Prince's Wharf. She is scheduled to sail for Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Onmaru and Timaiu mi Thuniday.


The Pono, which is t" sail for Northern ports to morrow, will call at Waipu a3 formerly, tiie wharf and shed hI that port having been repaired. The Tulioe, which has _ replaced the pteumer Apanni in the Northern polls trade, is w sail to-morrow, tier ports of call will include Mimiwhangatn, Wliangn. ruin. Kerikeri. Honhora and Parenga. Cargo for Kaimanmau will be despatched by the Motu, which is to Bail for Awanui on Saturday.

WAIHEMO FROM NEWCASTLE. The Waihemo is due from Newcastle at four o'clock to-morrow afternoon. She has a coal cargo which will bo unloaded at King's Wharf. WARSHIPS IN DOCK. The sloops Veronica and Laburnum went into dock yesterday morning. They wjll come out on Saturday nnd the cruiser Dioluedo is to go into dock on Monday. CORNWALL AT LONDON. The Federal Line stenmer Cornwall is reported to have reached London from Onua on Sunday. Sho sailed from Opua on April 17. KARETU LEAVES LEVUKA. The Knretu. en route from Newcastle nnd Sydney, left Levuka for Auckland at 0.45 n.m. yeiiterdny. The vessel is due about Saturday nnd after discharge she will return to Newcastle. TIIE WAIRUNA. The Wairuna is to sail at five o'clock this evening for New Plymouth, Napier. Lyttelton. Dunedin, Melbourne and Sydney, in continuation of tier voyage from Pucitic Const ports. ULIMA RO A DUE TO-DAY. The I luddnrt-Parker steamer Ulimaron will arrive from Sydney at 10 o'clock this morning, according to her wireless report. The vessel has 140 passengers, as well ns mnil nnd cargo, which will be landed at Queen's Whnrf. RUAHIXE AT COLON. Reported to have reached Colon on Saturday the New Zenland Shipping Company's liner Rtiahine is eij route from London nnd Southampton to Auckland nnd Wellington. She is scheduled to reach Auckland on Juno 14. PORT BRISBANE AT LONDON. The Commonwealth nnd Dominion Line steamer Port Brisbane, which left Wellington for London and West Coast ports of Britain on April 17, is reported to have reached London on Sunday.

PHOSPHATES FROM OCEAN ISLAND. Henderson and Macfarlane, Limited, have received advice thnt tho Norwegian steamer IVnybryn loft Ocean Island for Aucklajid on Saturday. The vessel hns 7300 tons of phosphates for discharge at this port. She is duo ribout June 4. THE CANADIAN CRUISER. The Canndinn Cruiser is scheduled to arrive from Halifnx next Monday with cargo for discharge at Auckland. Wellington. Lyttellon, Dunedin, Melbourne, Sydney. Newcastle and Brisbane. THE GOLDEN CLOUD. No wireless ndvico had been received yesterday from the Oceanic and Oriental Navigntion Company's steamer Golden Cloud, which in scheduled to arrive from Los Angeies to-morrow. The vessel has cargo from Pacific Coast ports for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedin and Sydney. Henderson and Macfarlailo. Limited, aro tho local agents. THE TARANAKI. The Shaw, Savill and Albion motor-shin Taranaki is expected to leave New Plymouth for Auckland this evening to continue loading for England. She is due on Thursday and will berth at Central Wharf. From Auckland tho vessel will go to Wellington to complete her cargo. She is to snil from Wellington for Southampton and London on Juno 5 THE MELBOURNE MARU. A. G. Frankham, Ltd.. have received ndvice that the Japanese motor-ship bourne Mnru is now scheduled to leave Wellington for Auckland on June 2, in continuation of her voyage from Janan. via Australia. The vespel is due nt Auckland on Juno 4 and she is to sail the same day for Japan, via Sydney. TOE PAKEHA. After being delayed nt Gisborne by bad weather tho Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Pakeha was to sail for Auckland at four o'clock yesterday afternoon. The vessel in due this afternoon and will berth nt Queen's Wharf to complete loading. Owing to the delay her departure from Auckland for London and West Coast porta, via Montevideo and Tenerifle, has been postponed until daybreak on Saturday. THE HIKURANGI. The Hikurangi returned from Norfolk Islnnd yesterday morning and berthed nt Central Wharf to unload a fruit cargo. On the passage from Auckland to Norfolk Island the vessel experienced fresh north-east wind and at the island a sudden shift of wind necessitated her changing her nnchorage from Kingston to the Cascades. On the return trip a south-east galo wna experienced for two days.

THE NEW OPAWA. The New Zealand Shipping Company's new motor-ship Opawa sailed from Liverpool for New Zealand 011 Saturday. The vessel has cargo from West Coast ports of Britain for discharge at Auckland, "Wellington, Lyttelton and Port Chalmers. She is due at Auckland on June 30. The Opawa is the last of three new motor-ships to be built for the company, the other vessels being the Otaio and the Orari. The Otaio has already made a voyage to New Zealand and has returned to England. The Orari is loading at Southern ports for her homeward voyage. The three vessels aie sister ships of 10,000 tons gross. The Opawa and the Orari were built at Glasgow and are fitted with the Sulzer type of Diesel en"ines The Otaio was built at Barrow. England, and is fitted .with the Doxford type. The Opawa is of the t\»o-deck type, with poop and long bridge. She has six holds for the carriage of bulk, general and refri"erated cargo, and the dead-weight capacity" is about 12.300 tons. The cargo handlin" appliances are of the most modern description and all the deck auxiliaries are electrically driven. The twin set of sinajeacting engines each develop about 4<oo binke horsepower at 120 revolutions a minute. As on the Otaio and Orari the most modern feature on the Opawa is the comfortable quarters for the officers arid crew, which are constructed in the middle of the vessel, adjacent to the saloon, mess rooms and galley. The speed of the vessel is about 15 knots. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Tho following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— . . Auckland.—Gallic, Golden Cloud. Hnuraki. K a ret u, Maui Pomare. Mdnowai. Otokia. Pakeha, Remuera, Tofua, Ulimaroa. Waihetno. , T . Chatham Islands.—lonic. Wellington.—Nucula, Discovery, Marama. Port Hunter, Kaimiro. Ivurow, Wakakuio. I'oolta. Corinthic. Orari. . , , \wiirua. —Makura, Maunsraniu. Narbada. Matai, Kaikorai, Waikouaiti, Karepo, Aealandic. Ilaranga.

BY TELEGRAPH. WELLINGTON.— May 25: ArrivedTotara (5.35 a.m.), from Gisborne; Waiinarino (7 a.m.). from Auckland; Devon (1 15 p.m.), from Auckland. Sailed—Kuku (12 15 am.), for Kaikoura: Calm (4.2.) ~ m ) for Wanganui; Wingatui (5.10 pm.), for Lyttelton; Totara (5.20 p.m.), for T ,'TV mouth; Waimarino (G.3a p.m.), for Lyttelton- Wnhine (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON.— May 25: Sniled-Foxton ('! "0 pm.), for Foxton; Zealandic ( 3.2.> pin.), for Bluff: Mahcno (8.5 p.m. . for Wellington; Port Fairy (8.45 p.m.), for Dunedin. DUNEDIN.— May 25: Arrived-ITolrndale (C,30 am.), from Wellington: Knhika (0.35 am) from Wellington; Opiln (8.25 a.m., from Wellington Sailed-John (4.50 p.m.),

COLON.— May 23: Arrived-!Ruahine. en route from London (o Auckland. LIVERPOOL. —May 23: Sailed —Opawa, for Aucklnnd. LON DON. —M a y 21: A rri ved—Corn wall, fioin Opiifi: Port Brishanc, from Wellington.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20882, 26 May 1931, Page 5

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SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20882, 26 May 1931, Page 5

SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20882, 26 May 1931, Page 5