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§> m V Supporting the Movement of THE MODERNISING OF BUILDINGS PROMOTION SOCIETY FOR THE RELIEF OF UNEMPLOYMENT (INCORPORATED). Present conditions ensure much lower costs• Add comfort and value to the old home. m mm u\ \ tffifiiii ®&\v tm « I m k V IH ?,W ELECTRIC WATER HEATING ELEMENT It will give the The only Element Utmost Satisfaction 1 Guaranteed for 100% British. TWO YEARS. vl Wk m 1 ?-:■• ■■ Wmß i, \ r\ x *" >- \,r m nn My fAVvVutt V-../V ■r v v Si l°l XSSSS. c. N. WILLIAMSON & CO., LTD., N.Z., Fort Street, Auckland. !W SkII? . , , V . Ji. U.'l ▲ 4 "Muck for Little. There is so much talk these independent days of the freedom of women that a sort of legend is growing up, a legend which conveys a picture of women striding triumphantly through every phase of life, having all their own way, getting all they want out of life, and generally achieving a most enviable existence. It is not so really. Women, we admit, are, almost without exception, free agents in the management of the home, in its arrangement and its decorative qualities. But even so, they appreciate their husband's opinion, and if it does not coincide always with their own, are eager to change the theme if at all possible. It is not often—perhaps rarely—that women are able to carry out their ideas, for an extravagant age is upon us, and we ask for very much more to-day than did our mothers and grandmothers before us. Probably one. of the most important points in home arrangement is the lighting effects. No home, however delightfully thought out and arranged, can be a success if the lighting properties are poor and badly placed. Nothing is so abominable to a woman than to be compelled to sit in a room where the lights are hard and crude. It destroys the prettiest face, and makes a really lovely woman ordinary. But if the. lighting is carried out in the right way, plain women become attractive and pretty women positively beautiful. So why, under such simple circumstances and for just a little thought and judgment, should women suffer badly appointed lighting arrangements. The Bathroom. In the old days, too, the bathroom was frequently in a most inconvenient place. It seemed, apparently, that it didn't matter at all where it was so long as a bathroom existed. To-day common sense is used, and the bathroom is in easy access to the bedrooms. And what a charming room the bathroom of to-day is! With its glass-topped tables and pastelcoloured Avails, its nickel taps and the brightly-hued towels and slips, it is as charming as milady's boudoir and often more attractive than the everyday sort of drawing room. It isn't always a tiny room either as of yore. It boasts quite a wide amount of space and is so utterly fascinating that one is inclined to remain in the bath longer perhaps than is good. But the warm shower is so delicious, and the rosy-coloured towels and the refreshing aromatic perfume of the bath salts are so pleasant and so restful, one justly feels that the bathroom is a place to dream in as well as in which to make one's daily ablutions. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ and Soundproof Yes, sound - proofing is one more use for TEN/TEST Insulating Building Board. On with the dance .... baby sleeps .... father reads undisturbed .... TEN/TEST is, first and foremost, a non-conduc-tor of heat and cold. A home insulated with TEN/TEST retains uniform indoor warmth. TEN/TEST gives a four-fold construction saving. Uniformity in sizes saves material. Cost of erection, labour and costly time are saved by the speed with which TEN/TEST can be handled. TEN/TEST pays a large yearly dividend to the home owner in fuel-bill saving. The TEN/TEST dealer does more than sell the product. He thoroughly understands its various uses and is qualified to explain these to you. Consult him. As the result of Government investigation as to the suitability of Ten-Test Board, the installation thereof is permitted in ceilings and insidewalls of homes financed' under Government Loan. Distributors: Associated Distributors (N.Z.) LTD., 615, Dilworth Building, Auckland. Phones 40-260 and 40-308. IA BRITISH r rOREST I I PRODUCT I Awnrded First Order of Merit, New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, Dunedin, 1925 and 1926. cw ATINC /ii I until you You don't need to take a chance on paint quality—in Berger's you get pure materials properly prepared and the; benefit of 168 years experience. It gives you complete protection—with a longer time between re-paints. Berger's carries a signed guarantee of satisfaction—and lives up to it! you're safe with PREPARED JUQ LESS COST PER. JOB —PER. YEAR. Auckland Stockists:—Farmers' Trading Co., Ltd.; M. J. Bennett, Ltd.; Phillipps & Impey, Ltd.; R. & E. Tingey & Co., Ltd. H a SiilHll ii % Correctly Designed—Faithfully and Well-fin in KAURI, REDWOOD or RIMU Will Modernise Your Hotne. KAURI TIMBER CO., LTD. :: JOINERY DEPARTMENT :: The Largest Seasoned Stocks in N.Z. TIMBER. LARGE STOCKS SEASONED TIMBER. Lowest Prices for all Local and Imported Budding Timbers and Farmers' Linos. CASHMORE BROS., Ltd., ARTHUR STREET, NEWMARKET. Phonos: 45-954 and 40-038. Mills: Mercer and Newmarket. DECORATIVE AND PRACTICAL FIREPLACES The fireplace Is the centre of the room —lt is or necessity conspicuous, and therefore should be a thing- of beauty—harmonising' in design and colour with its surroundings. Buckley's fireplaces modernise —they can be Installed with a minimum of trouble and expense. Enquiries Solicited. Phone 20-041. H. J. BUCKLEY, 327, New North Road, Klngstand. FINE FLOORS are Foundations for Beautiful Rooms. LIQUID GRANITE Floor Varnish beautifies and protects the natural beauty or floors, etc. LIQUID CRANSTE is made to withstand hard, everyday wear. It is a tough and thoroughly waterproof varnish. Obtainable oil and colour merchants, stores, etc. S.Z. Agents: W. V. WILSON & CO., 109, Albert Street, Auckland. Made in England from ore produced in New Zealand Advertisement of Philips Lamps (N.Z.) Ltd., Hope Gibbons Building, Courtenay Flace, Wellington. Auckland Office: Paykel s Building,Anzac Avenue, Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20807, 25 February 1931, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20807, 25 February 1931, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20807, 25 February 1931, Page 4