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By PAUL TRENT. Author of " Tha Craven Mystery," " Baxter's Son." " The Vow," etc.


CHAPTER XlX.—(Continued.| Upon reaching the Grand Hotel they went straight to their rooms, with the understanding that they were going to rest until it was time to dress for dinner. However, it was not long before Inez came to Viola's room. " It's all light for the old people to lie down. The drive has made me very wideawake. Come for a stroll along the front. 1 haven't seen anything of the place. Be a dear and come," she said, with her most winning smile. " Do you always get what you want?" Viola asked dryly. " Usually. Do you blame me? Don't look so black. I'm not really a bad sort when you know me." " All right. I'll come," Viola agreed with a laugl), and accompanied her downstairs. Inez did not appear to be in a hurry to leave the hotel but wandered round until they reached a wide terrace that overlooked the sea, and where there were a number of peoplo having tea. " Let's sit down here. We can see all the fun,'" she cried, and called to a waiter. The Esplanade was crowded, and for a time tiiev watched in silence, Viola thinking that the expression - of Inez's face was far too innocent to be true. There were men around, eyeing them with ill-concealed admiration, and one of them, more venturesome, found an excuse to address them. He was seated at the table nearest to them and was quite goodlooking. in a blatant way, but the over elaboration of his dress spoke for itself. " You've just arrived, haven't you ?" lie asked pleasantly. " Viola, is the man speaking to you, or to me?" Inez asked, with an accentuated drawl. " I don't know. It might have been a collective remark," Viola answered hesitatingly. " Individual or collective, it was extremely impudent. Hello! I 1 rank, 1 Inez cried, and turning round, greeted Carstairs, who was approaching them with a broad stnile. on his face. " What are you doing here?" demanded Viola, and she threw an accusing glance towards Inez " I might ask the same question of yourself. As a matter of fact, Dick and I decided last night to change our quarters. May I ask when you made up your mind to come to Eastbourne?" he said, and his smile had developed into a grin. " This morning." she ayswered, and then saw the significance of his question. " But I'd no idea you were coming here," she added quickly. " Neither had we when we made up our minds to leavo Brighton. " But you knew this morning." she cried, with sudden suspicion, and now her eyes accused Inez. "Is Mr. Corven here?" she demanded peremptorily. " Yes," admitted Frank. " Of course, lie didn't know that we were coming?" she stated, but it was evident she longed for a denial to her question. In the meantime the young man next to them had gulped down his tea and slipped quietly away. " Frank, you turned up a moment or two ton soon. I was anticipating some fun with the adventurous person who has just vanished," Inez said reproachfully. " I'm going to my room. You won't need me now that Mr. Carstairs has turned up," Viola said quietly, and Frank threw her such a look of gratitude that she was forced to laugh. "I'll come to your room for a chat when I've dressed," Inez called after her, but no notice was taken of the remark. When Viola reached the lift she hesitated, and finally decided (hat a long walk would be preferable to sitting alone in her room. So she hastened from the iiotel and sot out in tho direction of Beachy Head. Curiously enough, Dick had been visited by the same restless feeling and had started an hour earlier'for a tramp to find some distractions from his thoughts, and he chose the same destination, following the example of tho majority of visitors to the town. He had left Brighton with a feeling of relief that there was no longer any danger of meeting Viola, and he was determined to make a supreme effort to cut her entirely out of his life. It was humiliating in the extreme to know that she still had the power to cause .him such distress, and he must overcome the weakness ho knew to be in him.

" I'm happier than I've been for days and days. It's so pleasant to be with you again. Don't let, us quarrel again, whatever happens," she said earnestly. " What about Furnival ? He will frown 011 any friendship between us." Leave him to me. There's no need to advertise our —our reconciliation —unduly, is there?" she asked nervously. " I'm entirely in your hands," he answered, and when he saw her faco flush with pleasure, he became ashamed of the part he was playing, but did not weaken m his purpose. CHAPTER XX. Inez carried out her threat and came to Viola's room when she had changed her clothes. She paused in the doorway and stared at Viola in blank amazement. What's happened to you, my child ? You look perfectly . lovely with that delicious colour. Are you using some new make-up ? Do let me into the secret, she said coaxingly. " Sit down and be quiet. I do hope you are going to be kinder to Frank tonight." " He's had as much of my company as he's going to get," Inez cried viciously. " The young man takes far too much for granted. To-night I shall amuse myself with Dick. I am curious to see his face when he catches sight of us. I warned Frank not to tell him that we are here. Altogether, I am anticipating a good deal of quiet enjoyment," she wound up cheerfully, and began to laugh quietly to herself.

To her surprise Viola joined in her merriment, and she pulled herself up. " What's happened ? You've changed since I saw you last. You aren't the same girl. "N ou look as if something good has happened to you. Tell me about it," she cried abruptly. I would rather hear about you and Frank. The poor boy worships you so devotedly, and you treat him as if he were of no account. Yet I believe you have a soft corner in your heart for him." My heart is full of soft, corners. I've one for Dick. I do hope he will be nice to me to-night." Inez said with a sigh,, and shot a quick glance at Viola to see the effect, of her words. However, Viola was glorying in her reconciliation, and she remembered the manner in, which Dick had spoken of the girl who was planning to monopolise his company, so she received the announcement of lnpz's intentions with equanimity. " You seem very sure of seeing him," she said quietly. " Frank promised to arrange it. I told him it was for your sake, and I also hinted that I was making a fuss of Dick solely on your account." Why did you find it necessary to hint at a lie ?" Viola asked pleasantly. Perhaps it was the truth. Even my worst enemies don't accuse me of being a liar," Inez answered with indignation. " Sorry, dear, but you've been asking for it. Did you think that there was no end to my patience. For tho last few days you have been making me dance lo your piping, and I was growing rather tired of your music." " Something has changed you. I believe you have seen Dick," Inez cried with sudden suspicion. There was 110 need for Viola to answer in words, for her flushed face toltl its own story " Moreover, I believe you have made it up with him," Inez continued with confidence. "My dear, I am so very glad. Now, I will confess the truth. Dick has never really interested me, except 011 your account. He's not mv type at all. I have hated to see the misery in your eyes. I'm delighted that vou are friends with him again," she wound up, and going to Viola kissed her affectionately. " Don't imagine things, please. Dick and I have decided to make a fresh start —that's all." " It's quite, sufficient. No man could resist you if you are given a chance. How did you manage to get hold of him ?" Inez asked with a curiosity she did not try to hide. " I did not ' manage.' Fate was kind," Viola answered with a laugh, and went 011 to explain what had happened. " Now, I hope you are going to be kind to poor Frank, and put him out of his misery," she wound up. " Not fin your life. He's still a lot to go through before he's properly trained. Please don't interfere in my handling of him. It may bo necessary to be cruel to be kind." Viola put the finishing touches to her toiiet, and t!ie« two girls went down together. The Furnivals were in the lounge, and Dick and Frank were with them. Dick was talking to Furnival with a good deal of deference, and it was evident that the old gentleman was regarding him with more kindly eyes. Miss Fnrnivnl, too, was thawing visibly beneath the charm of the young man's manner. " A most extraordinary coincidence to find vou here," Furnival was saying, as the. girls drew near. "Am. I right in suspecting that Miss Inez had something to do with it ?" Quito right," Inez cried cheerfully. "What about a" round of corktails? Good-evening, Mr. Corven. I'm glad to see you looking so well after your healthy exercise of this afternoon. The air of Peachy Head must be a great tonic. Look at the colour it. has brought to Viola's face," she wound up, her eyes alight with mischief.

After having tea at the hole! near the head, ho started on his return journey, taking a path near- to the cliffs, being quite unconscious of the many glances of admiration lie received from stray passers-by of the opposite sex. However, he was thoroughly recalled to himself as he reached the end of the clowns, for just before him was a woman, and his heart beat rapidly when he realised it was Viola. His instinct was to turn aside, but pride would not allow him to do so. Viola had the same inclination, but was stopped by the same cause, and they came face to face. Inez and Frank have played this trick on us," she cried impulsively. Then Frank will have to answer to me." he said grimly. Viola had turned, and to (he amazement of both of them she was walking by his side. Dick gave her a quick ghwice, and his pulse beat the more rapidly when he realised that she had never appeared more beautiful in his eyes. Why should lie not take advantage of the opportunity that was being offered to him ? J have no intention to persecute you, but it would seem that Fate is determined to take a hand in our affairs," she said, with intense nervousness Dick's brain was working rapidly. Why should he not make her suffer some of the anguish he had suffered ? She was making it very plain to him that she was ready and anxious for a reconciliation. Why riot meet her half-way? Surely lie could play the part of a lover adequately? There would be a grim sort of pleasure in feeling her arms around him, and his lips pressed to hers. She had deliberately deceived and betrayed him, and he could not be blamed for taking his revenge. Dick, do you hate me so very much?" she asked in a low voice. " Why do women want to label their affections?" he asked lightly. " Cannot we be friends? I'm not nearly as bad as you think I am. Shall we forget the past and start afresh ? " she appealed to him. " Would thafgive you any pleasure? " he asked quietly. " More than I could express to you." " Very well. We will start as if we were strangers. What shall we talk about? " " I don't quite mean that. I believe Inez fixed up (his meeting." "Very likely. She's keen on Frank, but thinks he needs a thorough training before she allows him to know it. The young man will probably receive his lesson." Dick sairl grimly. f thought you wore the attraction." " That's what she meant you to think. She's a clever little baggage, and full of mischief." I like her," cried Viola, and now she meant what she said, and without reserve. " At any rate Frank will be kept in order. Ratjicr a change after the spoiling he's had at the hands of women." " I don't think I spoilt him," Viola said demurely. " Then you were the exception." " Dick, I can't tell you how glad I am that lie joined you as a partner." " And so am I. He saved me from ruin. In return I can't do too much for him. Fortunately, it. would seem that his investment is likely to be profitable. At the time I was reluctant to take his money." 1 was terrified that you might refuse. Dick, I have had a terrible time." " Mine hasn't been a bed of roses. Shall we talk of pleasant things."

An hour's nap had put Furnivnl into the host of tempers, and a couple of cocktails arlrlorl to his good humour, so that there was -a very different atmosphere to that of the previous night when they sat clown to dinner. Dick continued to talk lo Furnival, with intervals devoted to the latter's sister, so that before their cigars were half-smoked he was on passably good terms with the two older people. Viola watched him with shining eyes, and admired the skilful manner in which he was removing the disagreeable impression that had previously existed. However, there was no opportunity for further talk alone that night, for Miss Furnival insisted on accompanying the girls to their rooms, and wishing them "good-night." " And straight to bed, my dears. You've had a tiring day," was her parting injunction, which Viola would not dream of disobeying. When site came down to breakfast in the morning she looked anxiously round, fearing that Dick might have left, but he was one of the first people she saw when she entered the room. He and Frankwere laughing together, and exchanging banter with Inez, who appeared (o be in the highest spirits. She joined the party, looking shyly at Dick as she felt the colour mount to her cheeks. "We've decided that we like Eastbourne, and are going to stay for a while," Frank announced cheerfully. " Inez has promised to try to persuade you and the Furnivals to remain. What do you say to the idea ?" he asked of Viola " We came away only for a week-end. Still, there is a lot of my holiday unexpired. and Mr. Furnival may be generous." Viola answered nervously, wishing that Dick wotdd say something, for he had not yet uttered a word. " Frank or T should return to the office to-dav." he said quietly. What rot! We've made a partner of old Grinstead, and ho has authority to sign cheques, which seems to be the one thing that matters in business," Frank protested with vigour. " Of course, I could telephone and find out if there's anvthing turned up of importance. Still, Frank, you'll never make a man of business if you allow things to slide. You will have lo control your inclination toward pleasure. I'm sure Miss Furnival will bear me out in this," Dick said suavely. " ISTiss Furnival?" Viola repeated reproachfully. (To be continued daily.)

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20762, 3 January 1931, Page 10 (Supplement)

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HER WILD OATS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20762, 3 January 1931, Page 10 (Supplement)

HER WILD OATS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20762, 3 January 1931, Page 10 (Supplement)