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THE AUCKLAND CLUB. MEETING opens to-day. exciting races Expected. WET WEATHER A FACTOR. Tho Auckland Trotting Club s "Winter ■Meeting will open at Alexandra Park to-day nnd will conclude on Monday. Weather conditions yesterday wero not promising, and the going is bound to bo heavy after the rain that fell. This may upßot calculations in some instances, but it should not 'detract from tho interest in tho racing, which promises to bo keen and exciting and perhaps productive of a fow surprises. Following are the acceptances, with a review of each race by " Picador":— U.O.—WINTI-R HANDICAP, Of £250; limit, 5.0; 2 miles. Golden Haia . Lt. Yds. bhd. Kopu Boy . ■ Lt. Ben Bingen . . 12 Nelson Girl . Lt. Parrish Belle . 24 Princo Triumph Lt. Blue and Gold 30 Royal Triumph Lt. Black Magio . . 72 Tom Perper" . Lt. Lord Haldane . 84 Zanzibar . . . Lt. Audo Spray . . 108 Tho class engaged in tho Winter Handicap Is not Btrong and form points to tho three-year-old filly Parrish Belle, who has been undefeated in threo starts, having a very rosy chance. No no of the limit horses neem likely to give any serious trouble and most opposition for Parrish 80110 may bo forthcoming from Ben Bingon, Blue and Gold, Black Magic :nnd Lord Haldane. Bluo and Gold is an improver who has notched two wins and a second in her last three starts and eho will only havo to raco up to form to bo very dangerous. It is probablo Jhat tho beat-backed horses will bo PARRISH BELLE. BLUE AND GOLD. LORD HALDANE. 11.45—MANGERE HANDICAP, Of £250; limit, 3.36; 11 miles. Lady Yvonno Lt. Yds. bhd. Prince Pedro . Lt. Marionette . . 36 Crystal . . > Lt. D'Artagnan . . 48 Lord Ln . . . Lt. Gold Treasure . 00 Yds. bhd. Hohoro .... 72 Belle o' Mine . 12 Mignonne ... 72 Denver City . . 12 Nelson Dillon . 72 Rangihau .• • 12 Some Dillon ■. 72 Realty .... 12 Arachno ... Si Lady Author . 24 Dan Direct . . 84 / Maid of tho Kingsclere . . 84 Mountains . . SG Trustworthy . . 84 Thero is a large field, and, as the runners will include more than a few horses who are on the improve, tho task of selecting the winner will to 110 easy problem. Horses on or near the limit usually do well in races of this description, but, unless they perform better than in the past, the four horses on the limit aro unlikely to give a great deal of trouble. Form and figures say a rood deal for the chance of Denver City, who went 3.31 2-5 to finish second at Forbury Park, and now comes in on 3.35. Belle o' Mine, Rangihau and Lady Author are others on handy marks with chances, while the likeliest of those further back may be Marionette, Nelson Dillon, Gold Treasure and Arachne. There may bo solid support for DENVER CITY, RANGIHAU, BELLE O' MINE. 12,30—PROVINCIAL HANDICAP, Of £230; limit, 4.52; 2 miles. Direct. Action . Lt. Yds. bhd. Roma Bingen , Lt. K01mar..... 48 Yds. bhd. Paradigm .. a . 60 Marble Star . . 12 Anseline . « . . 84 Rangitero . a > 12 Olive Nelson . . 84 Audo Spray . . 24 Home Voyage . 84 In spite of a penalty for his win at Ashburton, where he won in 4.41 3-5, Homo Voyage is still nicely placed on 4.45 and ehould take considerable beating iu thi3 moderate class. . Tho other backmarker, Olive Nelson, is a very useful trotter, while Rangitero, Kolmar, Paradigm and Anselirfb are also . possibilities. Tho prime fanoies may bo HOME VOYAGE. RANGITERO, PARADIGM. 1.15-C. F. MARK MEMORIAL HANDICAP, Of £750; limit 4.31; 2 miles. Evelyn Locanda Lt. Yds. bhd. Florent .... Lt. Roremai .... 12 Genuine . , . . Lt. Carmel . ■ > • 24 Great Peter 1 . . Lt. Linkman .. a . 3G Logan's Pride Lt. Sunshower .• . 36 Vendome . . . Lt. Cardinal Logan 48 Torpedo Huon . Lt. Jewel Pointer . 72 With a select field engaged, a good content is assured. As a rcsuli of being slightly of! colour last week, Great Peter might bo just a trifle short of work. However, ho has won at hiu last threo starts in tho manner of a good horse, and, if ho goes to the po3t, ho cannot be left out of calculations. Form Indicates that Logan's Pride, Carmel arid Linkman will race well, while Cardinal Logan, who is very partial to heavy going, and Sunshower may also havo to bo reckoned with. It is a difficult lace, but prime selections may bo LOGAN'S PRIDE. LINKMAN, CARDINAL LOGAN. 2.O—HOBSON HANDICAP, Of £300; limit 4.40; 2 mileß. Dealer Lt. Yds. bhd. Relianco . a . Lt. Harold Logan . 36 Hostess .... Lt. Invader ... a 36 Yds. bhd. Vecto ..... 36 Concertina . . 12 Neeoro ..... 48 Country King . 12 Warspito ... 48 Gang Awa' ... 24 Brutus ..... 60 Glandoro .... 21 Great Delight . 60 Peter Pirate . , 24 Wilma Dillon . 72 Purser 21 Gold Dial ... 84 Explosion . 30 There are many improvers in tho Hobson Handicap and Homo of tho candidates aro pure to be racing in better company next season. Tho issue is decidedly opon, as horses liko Dealer, Hostess, Country King, Gang Awa', Peter Pirate, llarold Logan, Invader, Vecto and Neeoro should all bo capable of bold showings. Wagering on tfio raco is likely fo bo heavy and somo v.ho may bo in demand aro COUNTRY KING. GANG AWA', PETER fIRATE. 2.4S—STEWARDS' HANDICAP, Of £100; limit 4.44; 2 miles. Anseline . Lt. Yds. bhd. Nelson's Boy . Lt.. Gold Sovereign 48 Olivo Nelson Lt. The Tartar ... 48 Scbisca . Lt. Akenehi ...» 60 Yds. b.iid. Dolores .... 72 Dipnoi ... 24 Writor ..... 72 Floralino ... 24 Peter McKinncy 81 Lady Fan ... 36 Roso Bingen 132 .Tradesman . . 36 For the class this is a good field. Anseline, Olive Nelson, Nelson Boy and Sebisca ®hould all make creditable showings off tho limit, whilo Tradesman, Lady Fan, Akenehi, Dolores, Writer and Peter McKinnoy arc all handicapped to havo chances. Besides those mentioned, there are several other possibilities, and in a solid betting raco thero may bo demand for AKENEHI. WRITER. LADY FAN. 3.3O—CORNWALL HANDICAP, Of £400; limit 2.14; 1 mile, Hal Chimes Lt. Yds. bhd. Master Huia . . Lt. Wilma Dillon 24 Ngahuia . . . Lt. Carmel .... 36 Warplano . . , Lt. Linkman ... 36 Yds. bhd Tho Abbey , . 86 Laplander . . 12 Nelson Taskor . 48 Stanmoor ... 12 Machine Gun . 48 All Bell . , , 24 Gold Jacket . . 60 iVfndoma a a « 2-1

Hero is an array of speed merchants and the race is very open. Good beginners like Warplane and Ngahuia should go well off tho limit and Hal Chimes would only have to begin well to have a chance alao. Laplander, Vendomo, Wilma Dillon and Carmel should all make good showings, and perhaps the best of the backmarkers may bo Nelson Taskor and Gold Jacket. Tho limit horses are likely to receive the best of tho running and for that reason backers may favour WARPLANE, NGAHUIA, WILMA DILLON. 4-15—MARCONI HANDICAP, Of £250; limit 2.51J; li miles. Benefice . . . Lt. Yds. bhd. Cornelian ... Lt. Woodvale ... 12 Lord Nepean . Lt. Explosion . . . 24 Richoro . . . Lt. Goldman ... 21 Yds. bhd. Hal Chimes . . 24 Undo Bert . . 12 Harold Logan . 24 Country King . 12 Invader .... 24 Direct Morning 12 Mountain Dell 36 Gang Awa' . . 12 Vecto 36 Great Ballin . . 12 Gold Dial ... 48 Anothor good field will parade for this evont and it is likely to bo a solid betting race. Richoro and Benefice read best of those on tho limit, but they will need to step merrily to keep ahead of Country King, who won last week at Ashburton, whero ho covered a milo in 2.13 1-6. Here lie is handicapped to do about 2.16 to tho mile, and, if reserved for this event, his chance must bo excellent. Others in tho field who may show up aro Harold Logan, Invader, Gang Awa', Hnl Chimes and Vecto. Investors may follow recent form and support COUNTRY KING, HAROLD LOGAN, GANG AWA'. SECOND DAY'S EVENTS. ACCEPTANCES THIS EVENING. Handicaps for tho second day of tho Auckland Trotting Club's mooting will bo declared at 8 o'clock this evening and acceptances will closo. at 9 o'clock with tlto secretary, Mr. A. Cr. Mnbec. JOY BIRD SCRATCHED. Joy Bird was scratched from all engagements at the Auckland Trotting Club's Winter Meeting at 2.30 p.m. yesterday. Rey Logan was also scratched yesterday atornoon for all engagements. LAST DAY AT TIMAKU. LIST OF ACCEPTANCES. USEFUL FIELDS ENGAGED. NINE IN WAI-ITI STEEPLES, The South Canterbury Jockey Club'B meeting will bo concluded at Timaru today, when tho leading events will be the Wai-iti Steeplechase, which has drawn a field of nine, and tlie Prince of Wales Handicap. Following i 3 the list of acceptances :

REVIEW OF THE FIELDS. fine weather conditions. [, iV TEIjEGUAFH-—OWN CORRESPONDENT.] TIMARU, Friday. Fine weather following a hard frost prevailed at Timaru to-day, and ideal conditions aro acain promised for to-morrow's races, while tho track will bo in even better order than yesterday. Tho field for the Pukaki Hurdlo Hnndicnp ia evenly balanced. Aberfeldy can bo expected to show improvement, but A. J. Peart, who is still suffering from his fall, will be unable to rido him. and a substitute was not secured to-day. . Antrim Boy must again bo seriously considered, .ns ho hnd something in liancl on the first day. Lancer will benefit by his raco yesterday, and is likely to bo in strong demand, while Pangolin may also show improvement. Glenrowan and Smithcroens seem to stand out in tho Pareora Handicap, provided the latter is not reserved for tho concluding event, in which case Evening niay cause moat trouble. Ranelagh dominates (ho position in tho Prince of Wales Handicap, and Camisader and Haze also havo possibilities. , Punchestown lo3t his chance yesterday by being badly left, but with better treatment lie will bo a favourable proposition for tho Beaconsfield Hack Handicap. Toawai will bo an improved horso in tho smaller field, whilo Mcitui commands respect. Thero is no outstanding candidate in tho Wai-iti Steeplechase, as may bo judged by tho fact that Gala Day, who is duo to mako his second appearance only over country, is on top of tho list. Ho had tho samo weight in the Hack Steeplechase yesterday, and ennnot bo considered well treated in tomorrow's open race, especially in having to concede poundago to winners in several of those below him. In his caso also a rider was not availaolo up to to-day, and ho can be dismissed in the meantime. Tho remainder are only useful and tho public may select Valves, Tunamoe ahd French Flcot. On first day's form, tho favourites in tho Maiden Handicap aro likely to bo Desert Song, Bcllbird and Nightlark. Tuku, Fair Money and Kentish Lady may be fancied by investors in tho Temuka Hack Handicap. In the Seadown Handicap. Inevitable should again be favourite, whilo Smithereens and First Raid will have a f^^owrngr.

PUKAKI HURDLES, Of £130; li miles, fit. lb. Aberfeldy . . 11 2 Pangolin •. • Antrim Boy . 10 12 Troilus . ■ . Lancer . . . 10 11 Oriflamb . . st. lb. 10 7 9 11 9 11 * PAREORA HANDICAP, Of £150; 7 fur. st. lb. Taboo . %■ .10 13 Rascal . . . Glenrowan . . 9 11 Arch Arrow . Smithercena . 9 7 Mount Boa . Evening ..90 Membo . . . st. lb. 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 PRINCE OF WALES HANDICAP, Of £200; 1 mile 35yds. st. lb. st. lb. Camisader . . 10 2 Evening ... 9 0 Ranelagh ..98 Quarterdeck . 9 0 Glenrowan ..98 Arch Arrow . 9 0 Smithereens .92 Royal Mint , 9 0 Hazo .... 9 0 Membo ... 0 0 BEACONSFIELD HACK, Of £130; 1 mile 35yds. st, lb. Toawai ... 10 5 Mei Tni . . Punchestown . 10 2 Night Effort . Fortalice . . 9 13 The Dove • . Hounslow . 9 10 Revision . . sU lb. 9 2 .9 1 9 0 , 9 0 WAMTI STEEPLE8, Of £200; about 2 miles, st. lb. Gala Day . . 10 13 Valves . . . Tunamoe . . 10 8 Parader . . , Diamond Jack 9 13 Bonatic . • French Fleet . 9 11 Barrington . Radiac ... 9 9 6t. lb. , 9 (> . 9 2 . 9 2 . 9 0 MAIDEN HANDICAP, Of £120; 6 fur. st. lb. Desert Song . 9 10 Divinetto Bell Bird ... 9 3 Captain s Gift Royal Limond 9 0 Royal Laird Garvary ... 9 0 Caveman . . . Night Lark . 9 0 St. lb. , 9 0 9 0 . 9 0 . 9 0 TEMUKA HACK, Of £120; 6 fur. st. lb. Jock o' Hazel- _ Valuator .. dean . • • • 7 Lust Murk « Sweet Refrain 10 1 Dry Area . . Fair Money . 10 3 The Dove Kentish Lady 10 0 High Speed Fortalice ... 9 13 Royal Laird Tuku 9 9 6t. lb. . 9 9 . 9 6 , 9 0 , 9 0 , 9 0 , 9 0 SEADOWN HANDICAP, Of £150; 6 fur. st. lb. Black Duke . 11 9 Pascal . . . , Inevitable . . 10 13 Arch Arrow , Smithereens . 9 9 Fair Money "First Raid ..92 Royal lractor fit. lb. . 9 3 , 9 1 . 9 0 9 0

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20596, 21 June 1930, Page 11

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WINTER TROTTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20596, 21 June 1930, Page 11

WINTER TROTTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20596, 21 June 1930, Page 11