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QUALITIES DEPENDABLE .. . REDUCTIONS GENUINE... BIG SAVINGS i - Silk Velvets Colours for Day Wear. Colours for Evening. Colours for Bridge Coats. A wonderful range of Velvets reduced to prices that mean very considerable savings. Chiffon Velvets—l 2/6. For 8/6. Over 60 beautiful colours. Rich, soft pile. 36-inch. Gossamer and * Panne Velvet—l 4/6. For 11/6. All this season's stock. Rich, supple, delightful draping quality.' _ 22 shades, including the darker tonings for dinner frocks. 36 inches wide. All-silk Chiffon Velvet—l 7/6. For 14/11. A Velvet that combines beauty of appearance with reliable service. 35-inch. In ten colourings, for evening and afternoon frocks. Ring Velvet—ls/11 and 17/6. For 11/6. 14 beautiful shades, for afternoon and evening frock's. A charming production. 36-inch. decorated parchment SHADES—-8-inch, for table or hanging lights—2/6. F° r 1 / 9 ' 12-inch, for table or hanging lights—4/0. For 2/11. n v , 16 and 18-inch, for hanging or floor lights—--10/6. For 6/11. 12 ONLY, LARGE SHADES FOR CENTRE LIGHTS OR FLOOR STANDARDS— Slightly shop soiled —Usually 37/6 to £lO/10/-. Half Price, 18/9 to £5/5/-. 12 ONLY, FLOOR STANDARDS In Oak, ' Mahogany and Chinese Lacquer—Usual prices range from £5/5/- to £lO/10/-. Half Price, £2/12/6 to £5/5/-. Standards for Table Lights, complete with flex and key switch. An assortment of Mahogany and Oak, and a few Metal and Lacquered Stands —Usually .Priced from 21/- to 63/-. Half Price, 10/6 to 31/6. Cushions, in assorted materials, including Poplins and Art. Silk fabrics—Worth from 12/6 to 17/6 each—All One Price, 7/6 each. SAVINGS IN INFANTS' WEAR— Toddlers' Breechette Suits, and Coat and Cap Sets. Colours: Pink, rose, sky saxe,, fawn, white and green. 14in., 1 6in., 18in.—Usually 22/6 to 35/-. All One Price, 12/11. Coat and Cap Sets.. Colours: Fawn, red, white, green, sky, brown. 1 4in., 1 6in., 1 Bin. Usually 19/6 to 22/6. All One Price, 10/11. Infants' Wool Bonnets. A few hand-made—• Usually 5/11 to 7/11. All One Price, 1/11. Toddlers' Meridian Nightdresses. Cream, trimmed sky, pink and helio. 24in., 27in.— Usually 7/9, 8/3. Sale Price, 5/6. Children's , and Maids' All-wool White Bloomers, fit 5 to 16 years—Usually 6/11 to 8/11. Sale Price, 4/11. Infants' White Viyella Nightgowns, finished scalloped neck and sleeve—Usually 15/6. Sale Price, 8/11. Infants' Wincey Nightgowns—Usually 8/11 and 9/6. Sale Price, 5/11. Tweed Suits... Usually 99/6 to 7 Guineas. Sale Prices 89/6 to 5 Guineas. Savings of 10/- to 42/- on the very latest and smartest of Tweed Suits. Single and double-breasted styles, breast pockets, lined throughout. Wide colour variety. CREPE DE CHINE FROCKS— For fuller than average figures—Usually 49/6 to 84/-.: Sale Prices. 39/6 to 75/-. A particularly interesting collection. Every frock very smartly designed. Some in plain colours, others in figured effects. M. & C. QUALITY FURSNOW is the opportune time to buy. Complete stocks heavily reduced in price, and a written guarantee of genuineness goes with every Fur purchased. Natural Southern Musquash Coats, lined Satin Beaute— Coats easily worth 35 Guineas, and a wonderful value offering at Sale Price, £25/19/6. Black Coney Coats, with collar of Skunk Opossum, lined Silk Brocade—Usually £ 12/19/6. Sale Price, £B/19/6. 47 EVENING FROCKS— Usually £6/19/6 and £7/19/6. Reduced to 99/6 and £5/10/Many styles, and all very smartly fashioned from Georgette and Satin-finish Georgette. Long, flowing lines, normal waist, angle-length skirts, well flared, featuring flounces and panels. Colours include: Greens, blues, lemon, beige, pink, wine, cherry, also black. BOYS' NAVY FLANNEL SHIRTS--8/11. For 6/11 Made from Colonial Flannel. Guaranteed fast colour. Silk sewn. A splendid school shirt. SMALL BOYS' TWEED OVERCOATS— English made, in a big variety of colours, two styles, lined throughout, nicely cut, best finish. Sizes for ages 2to 6 years. Usually 16/6 to 25/-. AH at 12/6 each. .v-'. M : sses' and Children's Winter Coats In Velour, Blanket Cloth, Face Cloth, Plain Coating. Trimmed leather on pockets and collar, others are plain tailored or fur trimmed. Belted or without belt. Storm or step collar. Shades: Beige, fawn, brown,. saxe, almond, red, rose, also navy and black.« " " Sizes 24, 27, 30, -33—Usual Prices, 39/6,.. 49/6, 59/6. Sale Price, 19/6. ~ , Sizes 36, 38, 40—Usual Prices, 59/6, 69/6, 79/6. Sale Price, 29/6. Sizes 36, 38, 40—Usual Prices, 79/6, 89/6. Sale Price, 39/6. Sizes 36, 38, 40—Usual Prices, £4/19/6, £6/19/6, £7/19/6. Sale Price, 49/6.' Sizes 36, 38, 40—Usual Prices, £6/17/6 .to - £9/19/6. Sale Price, 59/6. Sizes 36, 38, 40—Usual Prices, £7/19/6, £9/19/6, £l2/J 9/6. Sale Price, 69/6. WOMEN'S SHOES— Usually 35/- to 49/6. For 29/6 A collection embracing Two-tone Sports Shoes. Patent and Dark Brown Tie Shoes, Brown Kid Strap Shoes, American Walking Shoes in Twotone Kid, and Brown Lizard strap styles with gilt buckle. Collectively all sizes represented. BOUDOIR SLIPPERS— Boudoir Slippers, in quilfed satin with felt soles. Good felt with silk ribbon interlace collar and soft buff leather soles and cushion heels. Also many pairs of oddments and samples— Usually 5/11 to 10/9. Reduced to One Price, 4/11. HAND-EMBROIDERED LINEN RUNNERS— Usually 12/6 to 15/6. Clearing at 4/11 A limited quantity. Daintily embroidered in effective fast colour designs. Various sizes. Special Lot of D'Oyleys at Half Price- Many shapes and sizes—Usually 9d to 3/1 1. NAPERY SECTION —SECOND FLOOR. Coloured and White Traced Tray Cloths, with finished edge. In 14 x 20. Ovals and fancy shapes—2/6, 2/11. For 1/11 each. 5-Piece Traced Luncheon Set, white, with coloured border, and white only. 36in. x 48in. 7/6, 9/11. For 4/1-1 set. Floral Rubberised and Fancy Rubber Aprons, finished frill or binding, pockets, straps and ties—2/3, 2/6. For 1/9 each. Sleeveless Smocks of fancy printed Cambric, in cross-over style, finished with contrasting binding, and one pocket—s/11, 6/6. For 4/11 each. t GROUND FLOOR. McCALL ART - NEEDLEWORK— Assorted Numbers—Usually 1/6 Copy. Now 3 Copies for 1/6. Postage 2d per Copy. First Floor; . • -r- : Savings on Home Needs STRIPED WINCEYETTE—--36 inches wide. In. smart pyjama stripes—Usual Price, 1/3 yard. Sale Price, ll£d yard; 10/11 dozen. PURE IRISH LINEN HEMSTITCHED SHEETS— Six yards in each .pair. 72 x 3 yards—Usual Price, ,39/6;. pair. Sale Price, 29/6 pjur. ;80.x .3 yards—Usual Price, 49/6 pair. Sale Price, 39/6 pair." # ALL-LINEN HEAVY TEA TOWELLING 27 inches wide—Usual Price, 1/4£ yard. Sale Price, ll£d yard. -. - -j' * . tJ . / \>j ' HEAVY QUALITY UNION FLANNEL—--28 inches • wide.' " Offeripgvin 'smart', shirting stripes—Usual Price, 2/6 yard. Sale' Price, l/li|.-. u ./ > , : 11 Horrockses' 1 White Flannelette, in" plain .Winceyette finish, j 36in. wide—Usual Price, 'l/6 yardJ ' Sale Price, l/ 3 yard, oijr 14/6 dozen.'-All-wool New Zealand Fringed ,Bed ,Coverts three-tone checks. " Size 78 x 58—Usual Price, 19/11. Sale /Price, 16/;11 each. The "Admiralty" Towel, 24 x 48in„ with red heading-—Usual' Price, 2/3 each. Sale Price, 3/6 pair. fiww> " (iW"\ ~ ' > t i V ' h ft I 1 w prim f: " '"'a *#l | A Wonderful -| 1/ Millinery Offering at .. I^/U A collection of 197 Felts, the majority representing a special purchase, and showing for the first time on Monday—Hats that would range in the usual way from 15/6 to 35/-i Every conceivable shape, from the small, close-fitting to the wide brim for sports wear. A wide variety of beautiful colourings include: Gold, greens, blues, beige, cherry, rust, browns, also white. BE AMONG THE FIRST TO SELECT ON MONDAY* - 23 Real Shetland and Hand-crochet Bed and Boudoir Jackets, cream, sky, mauve. Usually 27/6 to 35/6. To be Cleared at 21/-. 8 Only, Crepe de Chine Embroidered Kimonos and Printed Crepe de Chine Dressing Gowns, black, green, pale pink, mauve—Usually 97/6 to £9/19/6. To be Cleared at 84/-. Striped Winceyette Pyjamas, coat; shape, step collar, cuffs and pockets, S.W. and W.—Usually I*2/6. Reduced to 8/11. THE CORSET SECTION OFFERS A POPULAR NUMBER Usually 25/9. For 21/Made in serviceable pink Coutil, low top, long skirt, six suspenders. Sizes 26 to 36. A number of special interest to fuller than average figures. MILNE &CHOYGE'S SALE Wher vv frr*»>'4;gr 'th-frb . /i;. i TTF

,v Pi jjjly KB Sklm&l SKI^ wSa\" "igSyi R|sWEETACRES|fI ■J*" '■■■f-L'—jJ [W /' K* & YOU *w_ NEED a*® THE UNIVERSAL SWEET M«d« ONLY by Jima Sixain .»• Hcndmon't S*«tt Ltd., "Stoikiii," AixUind.'N.Z. P.O. Boa I&J0. S»d 14. tump for Dw "MumiS" M«j>c_Drj.liij Book.' N.Z.'A^6

Whether an artistic six-room bungalow or an enormous multi-storied warehouse or factory, there is nothing so suitable as Concrete for modern buildings. It merits consideration for large and email structures alike, because of its strength, durability, ease and speed of construction, and low main* tenance costs. The quality of Wilsons "Star" Brand Portland Cement far , exceeds the British Standard of Specifications. Be sure to specify the best—moims Wil WW Ms E M

There is no need to put up with the discomfort and irritation of # the world renowned ointment for all ailments of the Skin. Results are indisputable* Testimony received the world over points to the Indisputable fact that Germoiene is supreme for removing rash and pimply conditions from the skin* Soothing, nonsmarting, skin building, it provides all that is necessary for the relief and healing of all skin troubles—large or small. Price—l/ 9 and 4/• per tin. mm*

I " \ r im than sanitary protection has ever been before * * Eotbx is sb light, so cool, so dainty, that women forget to ..dread the need of sanitary protection! Kotex never loses its softness. It simply cannot pack. Many air-cooled layers of Ccllucotton absorbent wadding , keep Kotex light and cool though' worn for hours. It actually absorbs 16 times its own weight in moisture! • Kotex gives complete protection—without a trace of bulk! Rounded, tapered corners keep it inconspicuous, though worn with thinnest frocks .. . the deodorizing process is doubly comforting „ . , instant disposability means so much. The layers of filler can be adjusted to suit individual needs. Try Kotex. It offers a world of KOTEX is soft*. . J Not a deceptive softness, that soon packs into chafing hardness. But a delicate, lasting softness. 2 Safe, secure . • « keeps yowr mind at ease. 3 Fastidious . . , the cign c& true daintiness., 4ln hospitals... Kotex is the identical material used in , leading hospitals throughout the world. Cuhro, Rushbrook Coejpaay, ltd, 16 Victoria Street, 'WelHartoa.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20596, 21 June 1930, Page 42 (Supplement)

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Page 42 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20596, 21 June 1930, Page 42 (Supplement)

Page 42 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20596, 21 June 1930, Page 42 (Supplement)