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YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. Narbada <0.25, from Calcutta. Passengers—Mrs. E. Be:".;, Mrs. E. Stuart, Miss R Stuart. Messrs. H. and D. Stuart, Cuptain frank Bulliludo. Mrs. E. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. T.egg. Marcarot W. (.11 a.m.). from Gisborno: pelican (1.1, from Gisborne. Pukcko (7 li.tii j, from Portland. VESTEIIDAV'S DEPARTURES. Fa roto (10 a.m.). for Coast: Oniana (11.10 a.m.). for Warkwortli; Kangit.oto (1.20 p.m.). i"" Coroniiuidel; Apanui (3.10 p.m.), for Mercury Bay: Ngapnhi (.">.1(1 p.m.), for J*ll vli: Ton (5.35 _ p.m.), for Whakatane; Po!' 1 • (5.50 P.m.), for Paeroa; Tuhoe (5.55 ji.n.). '"or Coast. I'eli' ii. tug (7 p.m.), for Gisborne; Herekino (10.15 p.m.), for Portland. VESSELS HUE TO-DAY. Ti'i'n'i. from Suva. 4 a.m. TJli:• i:i run., from Svdney. noon. C'.'tii.ip'n, from Westport, afternoon. To• iihi. from Paeroa, I! p.m. Chivmnrt*. .from Wh.mgarei. .'1.30 a.m. W,from Taitrnmra, 7 a.m. 11; ni;from Coroniandel. 10.30 a.m. Orri'ia. from V.'nrkworth, 11.30 a.m. from Mrnrawai, evening. Knponga, from Lyttelton, mornintf. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. V.'.- '.vi, for Wellington, noon. Tiroa. for East Coast bays, noon. ]; .;u:i:n',o, for Thames, 2 p.m. for G:,ahorne. :t p.m. l-'ukek . for East Coast bays, 4 p.m. Aw ilio'j, lor East Coast buys, 5 p.m. Claymore, for Whangarei, 8.30 p.m. Taniwi a, for Paeroa, 11 p.m. ,VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL. Tofua, Kin. May 13. Knpongii, Lyttelton, May 13. Ulimaroa, Sydney, May 13, Kntoa, Southern ports, May 15. Wiimatm. Southern ports, May 17. I'o.iltii, Newcastle, May 10. H.MS. Wak.'iknra, Wellington. May 20. Waipahi. liarotonga, May 20. Maungan'ii, Sydney,- May 20. Maui Pomare, Apia. May 2(>. Waipiata, Southern ports. May 27. Mara in a, Sydney, June 3. OVERSEAS. Port l r f i ion. Liverpool. May 18. June, Nauru Island, May IS Taranaki, S;>uth, May 19, to load. Niagara, Vancouver, May 19. City -of Osaka, New York. May 21. liar.gitata, London, via Wellington, May 21 Runhine. South. May 26. to load. Golden Cloud, Los Angeles, May 27. Port Adelaide, Australia, May 2s. to load. Quercua, New York. May 23. Canadian Conqueror, Wellington, May 30, to load. Tainui, London, Juno 1. Huntingdon Gisborne, June 2, to load. Kent, Liverpool. June 3. Norfolk, Opua, Juno 5, to load. Canadian Constructor, Halifax, Juno S. Ran git a ne" London, Juno 11. Enton, New "York, Juno 11. Karamea, Liverpool, Juno 112. Ao'rangi. Vancouver, June .15. Waitemata, Los Angeles, June 19. Cambridge, Gisborne, Juno 19, to load, Papanui, New York, Juno 2G. Port Fremantle, London, June 26. Argyllshire. Liverpool, July 1, EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND OVERSEAS. Hertford, London, May 14. Uliraaroa,» Sydney, May :t6 Tofua. fiii, May 17. Niagara, Sydney, May 20. Maungami, Sydney, May 23. Ruuhine, London, May 24. Canadian Conqueror, America aud Mon-

treal, May 31. Mamma, Sydney, Juno 6. Huntingdon, America, and London, Juno 7. Maui Pomare, Apia, Juno 10. Aoransi, Sydney, June IG. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND. Ulimaroa, left Sydney May 9, due Auckland May 13; sail.- for Sydney May IC. Jjalieno. at Melbourne; sails for Bluf! and Dunedjn May 15; lays up for overhaul at Dunedin Uauri!;an,ii, due Sydney May 13, Auckland May £O. Jlakura, duo Sydney from Auckland May 13, withdrawing from intercolonial service. , _ , IMarnma, leaves Wellington for Sydney May 23. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Tahiti, at San' Francisco; sails May 11; due Wellington June 2. 'Aorangi, left Auckland May fi; due \ aricouver May 23; sails for Auckland May 28. Niagara. left Vancouver April 30 ; due Auckland May 15); sails for Sydney May 20. - Ifakura. leaves Sydney May 13, Wellington May 20, for San Fra,ncisco. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Eangitata.' left Southampton April 11; duo Wellington May 14. Taiuui, left Southampton April 2G; due Auckland J una 1. Kangitane, left Southampton May !). due Auckland June 11. Tamaroa, -leaves Southampton May 23; due Wellington June 24. Kotorua, leaves Southampton Juno G; due Auckland July I t. Remuera, leaves South am ptcra June 13; due Wellington July 2^. VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream liewa (bq„), Waitomo, H.M.C S. Iris. Mako (Watkin and Wallis), Nucula (Admiralty oil-tanker), Devonport—lf.M.S. Philomel,ll.M.S. Dunedin, ILM.S Veronica, 11.M.5. Laburnum King's Wharf—Wuimea (U.S.S. Coy.). Kaiinatiavva (U.S.S. Coy.). Tiroa (A. G. Frankliain;, Margaret W (A. G. Fraiiklutm j . Central Wharf- Hfertford (N.Z.S. Coy.), Awaltott (Watkin rnd Wailis). I'ukeko ; (Wutkhi and Wailis). Quecn'u Wli?rf— 'U.S.S. Coy.), Narbarda ! U.S.S. Coy.). Prince's Wluir/- Maturoa (L. D. Nathan), Tofua, I.U.S.S. Coy.), Kii.pbnga (U.S.S. Coy. i. Western"Wharf— (U.S.S. Coy.). In Dock—Cambrid::-.' (N.Z.H Coy.). . The Wingatui is duo at from j Dunedin this worniujT to continue loading for Lyttelton, Wellington and Auckland. The Oisboriie Harbour Board's tug Pelican, which towed the Margaret W. to Auckland, sailed on, her return trip to Gisborno last evening. The West port Coal Company's steamer j Canopus is expicted from West port about, one o'clock this afternoon. She will unload | at Western Wharf. Having left LyttiiKoii for Auckland direct at 4.30 p.m. on Saturday, tlu Kaponga is expected to aruve this luorning. She will unload at Prince's Wharf. The Waipia' i, which left Auckland for southern port- on Friday evening, is scheduled to load at Bluil' next Monday and afterwards at Dunedin, Tiniaru, Lyttelton and Wellington for Auckland. The Katoa, en route from South Island Ports, lei I Wellington for Auckland last j evening, ami hi; i-; <!;!•■ on T h 11 c.-da y morn-' H'E. After discharge lh«: vessel is to pro-j Jjeod to Wellington, Lyttelton Untiedm audi iimaru. ' KAIMANAWA TO RESUME. The Kaimai.awa came out of dock yesterday morning and alter;;ases were ad* jtist.ed.nt tb" dolrdiin at Moclianii's' Hay berthed a! Kin;:'s Wharf to complete, her overhaul. Tin. vessel i-t being recom- ! tolSßioncd ami l :'! 1 ■ i,\ m lieduled to Hail to- : Morrow for I'miland to load a cement cargo j '*or Wellingtoii • ml Lyttelton. THE M.\lt<"; A MET W. The tin t.,! vi -hi ! .Marge ret W.. which met With n niish: p to }ier engitce when she was °tl the ivi-i ~n Kr;<:«y night, reached Auckland y«- Unlay luoriiii::;. She was towed [rot.i ;... i;,iy ; ,e Ilauraki Gulf • Py 'he (iirljo ;... ii: rbour Board's tug lelican, but i.. v own .'.".gines, .vdiicli nad been tempunrii.; u.-s-i.. d v.ere moving at ,u&U-spceu riui-iiia the tup. After landing ; sheep at Mo iim.ju is-Jami t!:« -Margaret W. I etime into port, and hmthed nt King's! Wharf. L'rrm.i'cut k p.will be effected : to the engint e.-ii lc tlio vessel is loading 1 Jrid she js ■hoduieu I" sail on her return j l,r ip to GislflVnio on Timr-alay. j KAWC JTAT \'S PASSENGERS ! ih'3 New Zealand Shipping Company's! jootor-lmor Ram itala is due at Wellington "om Southampton .nut London to-morrow ?' l ®rtiuoii3 In a'idition to cargo for VVellAocklawl and Bluff the vessel has lfi e following p:isscu:r<-« ior New Zealand;— . ir ®t Saloon.- for Wellington: Mr. P. H. Angus Mis. t\ J. Thompson, Mr. T. B. Gus®olt. Mr. W. J. R ,I.lns, U.N . Mr. and Mrs. ! «'• And* raon and child. M r. W. H. aiirulera nnd. tfe 2i.i tr.i'inbers of the British f\ üßby u Bby team. F,, r Dum.dui: Mr. J. I'hac- £"• *or 0.1 rim ni •. Miss M. B. D Bell. f, or Australia: >lr.v. M. 1:1. Armstrong' and obtain arul Mrs. W. L F. Macj'>onald. v Class.--For Mrs'. J. Ait ken. Mrs. M, rj. Nelson end child. tv r Auckland: .Mrs. M. if. Barry. For i«»j Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Macdonald ■Th 0 c ' ln,! -'hlers. Mr. J. L. L. Dutfus, Bre K ' BO third class passengers on

THE TOFUA. . Due from Suva at four o'clock this nornin;; tho Union Company's Island steamer lofna. will berth at Prince's Wharf to land passengers, mail and cargo, from Tonga, Samoa and Fiii. THE WAIKAWA. The Union Company's transpacific steamer Waikawa is now scheduled to sail for Wellington, Melbourne and Sydney at noon today to complete unloading cargo from Pacific Coast ports. ULIMAROA DUE NOON. The Huddart- Parker steamer Ulimaroa will arrive from Sydney at noon to-day, according to her wireless advice. She will berth at Prince's Wharf to land 245 passengers, as well as mail and cargo. CAPE EG MONT LIGHT. > The Marine Department advises that Capo Egmont light has been put in order and is now functioning properly. THE POOLTA. Tho Union Company advises that the Poolta, with a timber cargo from Grafton, is scheduled to leave Newcastle for Auckland, Napier. Dunedin, Bluif and Greymonth to-day. Sho is expected at Auckland next Monday. THE HERTFORD. The loading of tho Federal Lino steamer Hertford at Central Wharf is taking longer ! than was expected. She hj, now scheduled to sail for London. Hamburg. Liverpool and Glasgow at fivo o'clock tomorrow evening. THE WAIPAHI. The Union Company's Island steamer Waipahi reached Rnrotonga from Auckland at 11.30 p.m. on Thursday. From Rnrotonga tho vessel will proceed to Aitutaki and Mangaia to discharge and load. Afterward she will return to I'urotoiign to complete loading fruit and other island produce' for Auckla nd. THE MATAEOA. ' After discharging nearly 3000 tons of general merchandise from London at Prince's Wharf tho Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Mataroa will commence loading this morning for her homeward voyage. On Thursday afternoon sho is to be despatched for Napier, Lyttelton and Wellington to complete her cargo. THE WAITEMATA. Advice received by the Union Company states that tho transpacific steamer Waitemata arrived at Vancouver from Suva last Thursday. After loading at Pacific Coast ports the vessel is scheduled to clear Los Angeles for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne and Sydney on May 25. She is duo at Auckland on Juno 19. H.M.S. WAKAKURA. The naval training vessel Wakakura, which has been at southern ports since early in January, in connection with the train- ■ ins of Royal Naval Volunteer Reservists, j ii duo at Wellington from Marlborough Sounds on Friday and is to leave Welling- j ion for Auckland at the end of this week, j Her arrival at Auckland is expected next . Tuesday. TAINUI AT COLON. The Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Tainui is reported to have reached Colon frqm London and Southampton last Saturday. Tho vessel has passengers and mail for New Zealand and cargo for discharge at Auckland and Wellington. Her arrival at Auckland is scheduled for June 1. A. S. Patersou and Company, Limited, aro tho local agents. PUKEKO AND AWAHQU. Tho Richardson steamer Pukeko arrived j from Portland last evening and berthed at Central Wharf. Sho bo despatched for East Coast bays, Napier and Wairoa at four o'clock this afternoon. Tho Awahou is also loading at Central Wharf and is to sail for East Coast bays

and Gisborne at five o'clock this eveninsCAMBRIDGE TO DOCK. The Federal Lino steamer Cambridge is to bo docked at Auckland for repairs to her propeller before she resumes her voyage to Southern ports. The vessel is to go i_ni.o dock at seven o'clock this morning and after a new blade has been fit.ted to. the propeller she will proceed to- Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru and Port Chalmers to complete discharging general cargo from West Coast ports of Great Britain.REMUERA AT SOUTHAMPTON. Tho New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Remuera is reported to hav-; reached Southampton from Veiling ton hvjv, Stiturday. She was despatched from Wellington on April 2. After discharge tho load at London for her return vo.'rage.- Sho is to clear Southampton on June 13 with cargo for discharge at Suva, Port Chalmers, Lyttelton and New Plymouth. From Suva, alio will proceed to Wellington to laud passengers, and mail for New Zealand before she calls at Port Chalmers. NORTHERN COMPANY'S STEAMERS. Tho Northern Company advices that tho Arapawa is now to lc-avo' Onehunga for I Wanganui at three o'clock this afternoon, instead of to-moruw. The Taniwha was delayed at Paeroa yesterday by foggy weather and is now duo at Auckland at tlireo o'clock this afternoon, instead of this moniin#. Sh© will sail cm her return trip to Paeroa at eleven o'clock to-night, her time-tabje time. Tho company also advises that the next trip to Colville will be mailt; by tho ltangitoto, leaving AucklanO at six o'clock nest Monday evening. The Kawau, which is laid up for repairs, will resume rurning on Friday. CARGO FROM THE EAST. Tho Union Company's Indian trader Narbada arrived frda Eastern ports yesterday morning-. Sho berthed at Queen s. \V hart to unload cargo from Calcutta, Rangoon. Penaiis. Port Swettenham, Singapore, Stunarang, Sotiy.baya and Probolingo. Generally fine weather prevailed during the voyage. On Thursday tho vessel is to sail for WellinHon, Lyttelton and Dunedin to complete discharge. Captain E. Harris is in command, and the. ship's officers are:—Chief, Mr. C Burgess; second, Mr. C. Strong; third, Mr. W. W. Molyneux; chief engineer, Mr. ■T. Nelson: second. Mr. McLeod; thirl, Mr. F Sinclair; fourth. Mr. Baker: fifth, Mr. A. Dickey: sixth. Mr. it. Robertson; seventh, Mr. W. Thompson;, radio operator, Mr. L. D. Niclioil; chief steward. Mr. W. Swift. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to ba within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— . . Auckland. —Taranaki. June. City oi Osaka. Lady Lewis. Hororata. Canadian Transporter. Hauraki. Makura. Maui I omaro. Moeraki. Port lluon. Ulimaroa. Chatham Islands.— Coptic. _ Wellington.—Port Sydney. Maimoa. \\,ikakura. Tamahine. British .Star, lasmnnia. RangitLki. Rangitata Niagara Aoraugi. Maungtiliui, Kia Oia. lonic. Mahana. Awarua. —Brunswich', Kiwitca, Kaietu. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Sailed.— (;i p.m.), for Raglan and Kawhia. BY TELEGRAPH. WE LLINGTON. —May 12: Arrived—Canadian Conqueror (7,10 a.m.). from A«rl<. land Sailed- Storm (4 lu AV', ngantii: Gale (5,10 p.m.), for l ; l " hine (7.50 p.m.). Lyttelton, Katoa (J p in.), for Auckland. LYTTELTON - May 12: Arrivcd-Kulcu ( o ; iim .), from Nelson. Sailed-!-'oxton (4 for Foxton; Opawa (4.50 P;™;.*',, ( ' r Blenheim: John (5.40 p.m.). for New I h-■ on, in -.ii" . p.m.). for Waikokopu: | Koutunui (5.50 p.rn.).. for Waikokopu; Maori j (R ;jo ). for Wellimnon. DUNEDIN. -May 12: Arrivecl-Progrm (noou). from Wcllinaton: ..Waimu ( ..1» | p.m.), from Wellington, bailed—Paua (1-0, p m ). for' Timaru! COLO>' .---May 10: Arrived—-Tainni, en j route fro, » Southampton to Auckland. ' SOUTft-■"■ MPTON.- -May 10: Arrivcd-Re- j mttera, from New Zealand.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20562, 13 May 1930, Page 5

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20562, 13 May 1930, Page 5

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20562, 13 May 1930, Page 5