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/ CHAPTER XV. Time' passed and the suspense was becoming almost unbearable, when the sound of heavy footsteps in tho rocky corridor made Myra's heart jump convulsively. She started to her feet as the door opened to reveal Don Carlos, slill wearing ,hi\s cowl. Behind him wero Garcilaso and Mendoza with Slaudish now fully dressed, and with a bandage round his eyes .between them. "Docs the Scnora Cojuleo wish to say farewell to the lo\er who renounced her J" inquired Don Carlos, with a noto of mockery in his voice. " I am now about 1o redeem my promise, and have him .escorted back unharmed to tho Castillo de Ruiz." " Why are his eyes bandaged ?" asked Myra sharply. " What has happened to him ?" f . Nothing has happened," Don Carlos assured.her. "The bandage is merely .1 precautionary measure, lie was brought here blindfolded, so that ,ho might have no idea as to the location of my mot:aU' ; :i nest. He leaves blindfolded for the same reason. ''Don Carlos do Ruiz will follow him when I so choose. Have you any. thing to say to Senor Standish ?" ."Nothing," answered Myra, after a moment of hesitation. " Myra, if only " said Standish hoarslev, and paused, gulping as if he were choking. " T suppose it isn't any •use attempting to say anything," he added .weakly. ■' Except farewell." remarked Don Carlos ironically, and laid his hand on Myra's.;arm. " Permit me to escort you to the door -Scnora mia, to witness tho departure of Senor Standish." In tho wake of Standish and his escort, he led. Myra along tho corridor to tho outer hall and Myra, her senses, acute, •watched him closely as ho manipulated knobs which looked like part of tint ; ockv "wall, and the great door that looked liko rock itself swung open. " Lead the Euglish senor forward carefully, and remember 1 have pledged my word thiit ho shall be returned safely to "the castle of Don Carlos do Ruiz," said Don Carlos in Spanish. " Farewell, senor,"/ he added in English. *' You will have great stories to tell 011 your return to England of your encounter with El Diablo Cojuelo. and how you escaped from him." Standish's face contorted in momentary passion/'then with a sigh and a gesture of utter despair lie submitted himself to be led'away by Mendoza and Garcilaso. Myra, her face tenso and white, took an involuntary step forward, and instantly Don Carlos' hand ,closed cn her arm. "You' forget, dear lady, that you are the price of his freedom, and your place is with your husband," ho said, as he drew her hack into the hall and touched a lever w;hich released tho door. To Myra the clang of tho door as if shut seemed like a death-knell. Don Carlos took off his cowl and flung it aside, smoothed his jet-black hair with his hands, arid drew a long breath, llis uyes and expression wero inscrutable as he gazed fixedly at'Myra. "Exit Mr. Antony Standish," he said slowly, after a pause. " One chapter of your "life is closed, Myra. Now another opens, the most wonderful chapter of all, in which you will fulfil your destiny." Myra suddenly found herself cold and trembling, and to gaiu time and avoid Don Carlos' eyes she crossed the room to the radiator and held out her shaking hands to its warmth. "Are you frightened, Myra mine?" asked Don Carlos gently, crossing to her side. /■'Are you stiil afraid of love?" " If this is your idea of love, I hate it!" responded Myra with sudden passion. " Y"ou have humilliated me until I feel that I am less than the dust. What greater humiliation could you inflict 011 any woman than to prove to her that the man who professed to love her would surrender her to a bandit? You have humiliated mo as much as Tony Standish, and perhaps you have further humiliations in store."

" If you have a sense of proportion, you should thank me instead of reproaching me for proving Standish to bo at heart a knave," Don Carlos retorted, the hard- note creeping into his deep voice again. "If you tell me you still love him, Ind prefer him to me. J will send you back to him at once. Can you truthfully say that you still love him and would marrv him if vou were free?"

Myra shook her i:ed gold head despairing, and sank down into a corner of the couch with a sigh.

"If he- were the only man on earth, I would not marry him now," she answered.

"But that does not alter the case or excuse your conduct."

"I do not understand. Myra," said Don Carlos. "It was only because you had promised to marry Standish that you hardened your heart against love and nip. You have surrendered to love now, at last, and "

" I have not," interrupted Myra. " I hate you for what has happened." " Yes. hating me, you have become my wife!'' Don Carlos commented, with an air of perplexity. "I am riot your wife," protested Myra. " You have fooled 1110 before, but "you cannot fool :ne into believing that the farcjal service, gabbled in a language I <Jo not understand, by one of your men, masquerading as. a monk, constitute u marridge."

"Padre Sancho is an ordained priest. Tho ceremony was not a farce. You are now» my wife —tho wife of El Diablo Cojuelp, the outlaw. Later on, when you marry Don Carlos —if Don Carlos still desires you—you shall have a mora elaborate ceremony, if you wish it, and you will be doubly married without being a bigamist." There came an interruption at that moment. Madre Dolores appeared, murmuring apologies, with a tall glass of wine in her skinny hand, and seemingly made tome appeal to Don Carlos.

" Myra, some of my men are holding festival to celebrato our marriage, and they have sent Mother Dolores to ask us 10 do them the honour of taking wine with them and allowing them to toast, us, Don Carlos explained. "It ,would be a gracious act, which will endear you to my men, to consent." "'Hut I have told you I cannot believe the marriage ceremony was other than ;l farce," objected Myra. "Is this another iricji to humiliate me and make it appear J have surrendered?"

" .-Wain you misjudge me," replied Box* Carlos abruptly.>" "It is a compliment, and should bo proof <o you that my men ki>ow the marriage ceremony wi rjo farce They will take, it ns an nffrorit if you refuse their invitation."

VVhat does that matter to me?" exclaimed Myra rebellious^'. Don Carlo's brows drew together and lie looked chagrined. " Tell the men, Mother Dolores, that the scnora is either as kicking in courage as the 'Englishman, or considers them sueli a gang of cut-throat ruffians, that she cannot bo persuaded to nerve herself to face them," he said, addressing ihe old woman. " Tell them she is aware s>he is affronting them ar.d " " How daro you suggest I am a coward!" interrupted Myra, starting to her"feefc. "Tell them nothing of the sort, Dolores.' I am not afraid to face them "

" So we will be graciously pleased to accept the- invitation," added Don Carlos as sne paused. " Yes,", said Myra. " Otherwise, I suppose, you will taunt me with being a coward."

"I think ? managed that rather cleverly, Myra," Don Carlos said, his face crinkling int.'> a mischevous smile. " 1 thought you/would not notice that I was giving my instructions to Mother Dolores in English, of which she scarcely understands a word!"

Myra crimsoned in annoyance, but she mado no. retort, nor did sho offer any


protest when Do>) Carlos, after a few words of thanks lo the puzzled Dolores, who scurihod away, drew her hand through his arm and led her through tho corridors to the great cave. Dolores had spread the news of their coming, and every man was on his feet, glass or flagon in hand. Myra and Don Carlos were each handed a tall glass of wine, and tho band drank their health with enthusiasm, shouting all sorts of good wishes. Don Carlos toasted them in turn, drained his glass and called Myra to follow his example. ' 'Drink to me and to love, Myra Hlino," ho cried. Myra was so confused by tho shouting and by tho men pressing around with uplifted glasses and flagons, that she scarcely knew what she was doing and hurriedly swallowed the wine.

" Thank you, beloved," said Don Carlos, drawing her hand into the crook of his arm again. "We will go now." Through tho corridors they went again, and Myra's heart seemed to miss a !>eat as ho paused at her bedroom and opened tho door, She looked at him with dread and appeal in her dilated blue eyes to see him smiling exultantly. "Mine! Mine ot last, Myra!" ho said in a low vibrant voice, as ho slipped his arm around her waist and drew her into the room. " The hour for which 1 have waited and craved."

" Don Carlos, is it useless to appeal to you to let 1110 go?" gasped Myra. "Surely 1 have suffered enough without —without this?" "Darling, why should you fear love now t" responded Don Carlos tenderly, enfolding her in his arms. " Let 1110 lire your heart with the burning ardour of my passion. I have won you and 1 swore 1 would, and .1 claim my reward. Myra, mio, I want you—want you!" llis dark eves were ablaze with ardour, his lean face was Hushed, and his breath was coming and going pantingly as lie crushed Myra to him and kissed her until his kisses seemed to be burning her very soul and her senses were reeling. All power of resistance had gone from her. She felt dazedly as if she wero encompassed by flames and no hope of escape.

Languidly Myra opened her eyes and sat up with an involuntary cry of consternation, for she could see nothing and tho teVrifying thought flashed through her mind that she had gone blind. Then sho remembered that the rocky apartment was dark as a tomb when the electric lights were not burning, and she groped for tho switch.

With clenched fists she beat the pillow 011 which she knew his head had rested. The fury of rage speedily exhausted itself, and Myra buried her faco in her hands and sobbed fearlessly.

" He will come back," she thought distractedly. "Ho will come back to make mock of me, to gloat over me. Oh it only I could get away! If only I could die!" 1

She sprang out of bed and began to dress in frantic haste, starting at, every sound. Sho could not have explained what she intended to do or the reason for her haste. All she knew was that she must get out of the bedroom before Don Carlos returned.

Her hurried toilet completed, Myra with trembling fingers cautiously opened the bedroom door and peeped out. The rocky corridor -was deserted, 110 sound came from the great cave, and tho whole place seemed almost uncannily silent. With an effort of will Myra mastered her panic and tip-toed silently along the corridor toward sthe. outer hall.

The corridor was lighted, but she found the hall, when she reached it, in darkness, save for ono tiny light abovo the electric switch on the wall near the entrance. Myra pressed the switch, and at once tlio apartment was flooded with • , „ " Oh, God, help me to remember, breathed Myra, after a swift glance around to assure herself the place was untenanted. " Help nio to get away—if only it is to die among tho mountains." She had watched Don Carlos closely a few hours previously as he manipulated the levers, which opened the secret door when giving Standish his freedom, and tho thought that flashed into lier mind was that sho could manipulate tho levers as he had done and escape into the outer world.

Her first attempt was a failure, and she bib her lips in chagrin and hurt her delicate hands tugging vainly at various knobs' and slides. But again and again she tried, and at last, when she was about to give up in despair, slio heard a sudden click and the great door swung open!" With a gasp of relief, Myra darted out, negotiated the narrow crevice, which hid the door from view, and found herself in the open—and in brilliant sunlight. She paused for a moment to collect herself, fancied she heard a noise behind her, and sped away like a startled doc.

There appeared to be no path, and she ran aimlessly and without tlio slightest sense of direction, clambering over rocks, and slithering down slopes, several times narrowly escaping disaster, and once only escaping from plunging lieadloug over a precipice by clinging frantically to a boulder on the very verge. And the boulder, which must have been balanced ! like a logan stone, went crashing over the side of the precipice the moment she had released her hold on it and recovered her equilibrium. Although she had, as it were, been •■courting death, Myra was so terrified that she could not proceed for several minutes, and she had to muster up nil her courago to negotiate the perilous path. After that she advauced with greater caution, and reached at last a little grassy plateau, a sort of oasis amid the bleak rocks, commanding a magnificent view of the mountain range and the country. Far below her, Myra could see a twisted white ribbon —so it looked from a distance—which she knew must be a road, and on the while ribbon were ant-like moving objects, which she knew must be horses and men —the civil gpard and (lie militarv, in all probability, seeking for her and for El Diablo Cojuelo. "If only I can get to them, I shall bo safe," said Myra aloud. " Oh, if only I knew the easiest and quickest way clown I think I can see other men climbing up as if they had seen me. 1 wonder if they have seen me. I wonder if they could hear me if I called?" She had lost some of her sense of proportion, forgot how far away the' men must, be, and gathered her breath and shouted as loud as she could: "Help! Help!" Almost instantly there came an ansering shout, but to Myra's consternation the shout came from somewhere above her, and not from below. She looked round and upwards, but at first could see no one, then she heard tho shout again, heard tho voico of Don Carlos cry: "Myra, where are you?" saw a head appear over the side c-F a rocky ledge about fifty feet above her. and panic seized her again. From the little plateau there ran for a distance a sort of natural path, and down this Myra fled as fast as her feet, would carry her—which was not fast, for i already her thin shoes were almost in ribbons, and one foot had been badly cut by a sharp stone. But she was scarcely conscious of the pain in her anxiety to escape. She could hear Don Carlos shouting to her to stop, and fancied she could hear him in close pursuit as she sped down tho steep path. Again she came to tho edge of a ravine, and she had to creep cautiously along tho edge of a rough and treacherous path. Glancing over her shoulder, after she had crossed tho most perilous path, Myra saw that Don Carlos was now closo behind her, and that she must inevitably be overtaken. Almost she succumbed to a mad iihpulsc to hurl herself to destruction into the ravine, but in the moment of hesitation before taking tho fatal plunge, she heard tho sound of many voices ascending,: 1


A. groat boulder blocked her view of tho "mountain-side immediately below her, but on rounding tlio rock &110 tsaw,,within a hundred yards of lier, a company of mon in uniform advancing in straggling order up tlio mountain. Myra criod out breathlessly, some of tho men saw . her and shouted excitedly, and one, who seemed to bo an ollicer, camo running toward her and reached her side just as Don Carlos appeared behind her. "Myra, Myra!" shouted Don Carlos. " Do not—"

Myra did not hear tho rest of his shout. Excitedly she clutched tlio arm of the ollicer of the Guardia Civil.

" Save mo! Save 1110!" sho gasped. "That man is El Diablo Cojuclof Don Carlos is El Diablo Cojuclo! Do you understand '! Don't let him take mo back." " Yes, scnorita," said tho officer quickly in English. " f understand. Von alia right now fronl El Diablo Cojuelo."

" Yo:i do not understand," gasped Mvra halt-frantically, pointing at Don (.'arlos, now only a few yards away from tier. v " That man is El Diablo Cojuelo. Don Carlos do ltuiz is El Diablo Cojuelo. .Arrest him!"

It seemed to her that as sho spoke tho words denouncing Don Carlos tho whole world went suddenly pitch dark, and she fell herself falling, falling through space. What actually happened was that slio fainted, and the officer of tho Civil Guard was just in time to catch her ere sho fell. She recovered consciousness to find a swarthy, weather-beaten man supporting her head and holding a watcr-bottlo tc her lips., and to sec many dark eyes regarding her with . sympathetic curiosity. Until her brain cleared sho could not realise where she was and what had been happening, and sho felt horribly scared. Then sho heard tlio voice of Don Carlos and sho remembered everything. "Don't let him take mo back!" sho cried, sitting up. " 1 tell you ho is El Diablo Cojuelo!" " Alia right, senorita, you secure from El Diablo Cojuelo now," said the ollicer. " Yes, you arc safo from El Diablo Cojuelo now, Mvra," said Don Carlos, moving nearer, " a!n explanation can wait until wo get to the castle." Myra realised that it would be rather absurd to continuo to try to mako the officer, who had but an imperfect knowledge of English, understand that Don Carlos and fc.l Diablo L'ojuclo were 0110 and tho same.

Still feeling faint and shaken, Myra was assisted aown tho mountain side after a little while, and was eventually lifted 011 to a mule. Tho journey to the highroad that ran through tho heart of tho Sierras was accomplished without untoward incident and by great good fortune a motor-car carrying two high officials of tho (juardia Civil drove up just as the party reached the road. Into tho car Myra and Don Carlos were invited after somo voluble explanations on tho part of their escort, and wero speedily conveyed to El Castillo do Ruiz. " Welcome home, .Myra, my wife," whispered Don Carlos as ho stepped out of the car and proffered his hand. "When you have recovered, wo will discuss tho question of taking vengeance on El Diablo Cojuelo," ho added. "He is now entirely at your mercy." "And f shall not spare him!" rusponded Myra. CHAPTER XVI. " I am simply aching with curiosity, Myra," said Lady Fermanagh, a fewhours later. " Do, please, tell me everything. Tony has been talking strangely, and Don Carlos is reticent about what happened at the bandit's lair, but I suppose it was ho who rescued you V " Has he said so?" asked Myra. " Not in so many words," answered Lady Fermanagh. "He seems desperately worried and so does Tony, who says ho will have to return to England to-morrow. I can't make put what has been happening, Myra. Do tell me." " It is difficult to explain, Aunt,'* said Myra slowly, after much hesitation. "El Diablo Cojuelo professed to have fallen in love with mo at first sight, and 1 was crazy enough to promise to become his wife if Tony offered to renounce me. Tony did renounce mo when ho was threatened with torture, and I was married to El Diablo Cojuelo in his presence last night. Tony failed me, "Myra," gasped Lady Fermanagh, in horrified amazement. " Married to the brigand. You —you don't mean actually married 1"

" I don't believe it could have been a proper marriage, although Don—er—Cojuelo swore tho man who performed the service was an ordained priest," said Myra, avoiding her aunt's eyes. " Mvra, you are ruined," Lady Fermanagh almost wailed, wringing her beringed hands. " What madness possessed you to offer to marry the brigand ?" ' " He taunted me—and Tony failed me," Myra answered, oddly reluctant to explain everything. " I wish I were dead." "Does"Don Carlos know?" asked her aunt and again Myra Hushed as sue nodded assent.

" Yes, 110 alone knows, Aunt," she said, " and ho alone knows whether tho marriage service was a mockery or not." Lady Fermanagh still wringing her hands, rose and paced agitatedly up and down the room, her nimble brain busy trying to think of some way of saving tho situation. ,

" I will see Don Carlo 3, Myra, beg him to keep your secret, beg him to assert that this so-called marriage was a farce and a mockery," she announced suddenly, after a long pause. "Heis a chivalrous gentleman, and I know 110 will lie if necessary to save your honour. \\ by do you sneer, child ? Don't you realise that everything depends 011 Don Carlos and how you behavo toward Tony ?" " I have nothing but contempt for Tony. now. I despise him." "Don't be a little fool," snapped Lady Fermanagh. " Your only hope of saving. yourself is to forgive Tony for his cowardice and marry him, He will bo grateful to you all his life. Don Carlos can tell him that the marriage ceremony was only a farce, and that lie arranged with tho bandit for your liberation immediately afterwards, or else explain that he helped you to escape. How did you escape, by the way ? You h.'i.vo not told me. Did Don Carlos help:"

" Don Carlos showed me the way to open the secret door," answered Myra. " Aunt Clarissa, nothing will induce me to marry Tony Standisli now." " But you must, you must!" insisted her aunt, passionately, "it is the only way of saving yourself. Think how you are placed, and what a ghastly tragedy it would bo if it became known that you had surrendered yourself to a brigand. I will see Don Carlos at once, beg him, for your sake—" "No! No!" interrupted Myra springing to her feet. " I will not permit it, Aunt. On 110 account must you appeal to Don Carlos. I will see him niyself. You do not understand."

" No, I certainly do not' understand, and I think you must bo crazy," responded her aunt, with an impatient sigh. " Oh, Myra, don't you realise in what a terrible position you have placed yourself? You lay the blame on Tony Standish, but now only lie can save you ?'.' " Tony Standish lias nothing to •do with tho matter now," retorted Myra. " Only Don Carlos can save me. I beg you, Aunt Clarissa, not to make any appeal to him. Leave me to settle the matter inyself with him, and to decide ray own fate, and work out my own destiny. Shall I see him now or wait until morning 7" "T think you had better wait till morning, and take time to consider how you arc placed." said Lady Fermanagh, after a thoughtful pause, regarding Myra searchingly. " I fancy your mind must be temporarily deranged. Myra, are you keeping something back from me ?"

(To be concluded oa Saturday nest).

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20402, 2 November 1929, Page 16 (Supplement)

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OUTLAW LOVE. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20402, 2 November 1929, Page 16 (Supplement)

OUTLAW LOVE. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20402, 2 November 1929, Page 16 (Supplement)