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PORT OF AUCKLAND. Y ES'l'E RI) AY 'S A R RIV A LS. fort Alma (7 a.m.), from Wellington. IJtirunili (2.4tl p.m.), from Gisborne Waipuhi (3.35 p.m.), from Wellington. Kaiwarra (2.-C5 a.m.), from Wellington; Hahuran'gi (2.30 a.m.), from coast; Ronald (0.10 a.m.). fr<mi Taurangu, Clansman <S.;:o n.m.), from Russell; An.i-iui (1.40 p.m.), from Great Barrier. V ESTEUDA Y'S DEPARTURES. Maheno (11.30 a.m.), for Sydney Pasecn^ora Saloon/—Major V. L ' Manning, Mr. W. G. Brornahan. Mr Ij. K. Howe, Air. J. D. MacKiuven, Mr. 11. C. Kent. .\ir. and Mr«. A. George. Mr 11 L. Smith, Mr E. 10. Bailey, Mr. C. A. Wilson, Air. F. Beamish, Mr. .U. W Vovster, Mr. A. L. Gibaud, ilia. Buigoyne, Mrs, Talbot and child Mr. C. G. Harden. Mr A. A I-isher. Mr. W. (J. Simpson, Mr. It. Leeson. Mr. M. Femon, jlr. ami Mrs. E W. Sharp, Mis. Blade, Miss Griffen, Mr. O. I. Kcmpthorne, Mrs. Rolling, Mrs. Hay, Miss Mil!, MLs Wright, Dr. J. I), and Mrs. Pen ton. Mi. and Mrs G. C. Parr, and child, Mr. W. E. Sinclnirt Mrs. and'.Miss Rankin, Mr. C. M. Berkeley, Mr. W. D. Carnegie, Mr F. E. Williams, Miss WyAtt, Airs. Birdling, Mr. If. C. Rentier, Mr. T. F. Dollaid, Rov. S. C. Roberts. Mr. G. L. Clarke, Miss Eodgetts, Misij LaLievro, Mrs Black, Mrs, and Miss Sheriff, Mrs. Morley and child, Mian Scott. Mr, J. A. Moloney, Mr. 11. ,T. Langlands, Mr. and Mrs. N T . T. MacKao and two children, Mr. J. W. Walker. Mr. G W. Altoft, Mr D. V. Madell Mr. J Dow no*. Mr. T. A. Mack', Mi N. W. West, Mr. T. J. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. llatding; and 32 third class Golden Coast (4.30 p.m.). for Wellington. Apanui (12.5 a.m.), for Great. Barrier; Bnngitoto /(0.10 a.m.), for Thames. Kawau (J0.15 a.m.). for Warkworth VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Claymore, from Whangarei. 3.30 a.m. Omanir,, from Waihelce. 0 a.m Hauiti.'from Korepeehi, 10 a.m VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. "Waipahi, for Cook Islands, noon. Motu, for Awanui. noon. Ronaki, for Tauransa, noon. Coronation, for Awanui noon. Apanui, for Parenga, noon. Kawau, for Waiheke, 1.45 p.m Pukeko. for East Coast bays, 3 p.m. VESSELS DUE TO-MORROW. !Waimoa, from Napier, morning. Awahou, from Gisborne. Waipiata, from Wellington, evening. Rangitoto from Coromandel, 0 p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-MORROW. Claymore, for Whangarei. 7 30 p.m. Taniwha, foi Paeroa, 10 p.m. .VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL. Waipiata, Southern ports, August 4. Tofua. /Fiji, August 5. Katoa, Westport, August 5. lvaponga, Grcymouth. August 0. Ulimaroa. Sydney August li. , Maui Pomare, Norfolk Island. August 7. Marama, Sydney, August 13H.M.S. Dunedin, Ilobart, via South. August 22. H.M.S Veronica, Suva, October 19. f' OVERSEAS Pipiriki. Nov; York, expected. Hertford. Livorpoo:. August 5. Plume, San Francisco, August 5. Hauraki, Loa Angeles. August 5. Age, Ocean Island, August b Dunrobin, Cuba, August 7. Canadian Highlander. Montreal. August 8. Lumen, San Francisco, August 8. Canadian Conqueror, South, August 9, to load. Makura, Vancouver, August 12, Rimutakff. London. August 13. Raranga, Liverpool, August 11. "Waiotapu Los Angeles. August .17 Cumberland, South, August 19, to load. Port Gisborne, South, August 20, to load. Scotacraig, Texas. August 24. Arhngtrn Court. Texas, August 2G. London, August 26. Golden Cross. Los Angeles, August 27. Tasmania, Liverpool, August 27. Pakipaki, New York, September 2. Southern Cros3. New Hebrides. September 3. City of Lincoln, New York, September 4. Northumberland, South, September 9, to load. Port ?'clboiirne. London, via Suva. September 9. N?r'-ndff. Cn'cutta, early September. Tniuui, South, September 15, to load. Pnnrtnui. . Liverpool. September 10. T:\mrror.. T "ndon. via Wellington, • Sep'ember 22. Port Arthur, to sail. Matcppa. New York. Sentember 27 Pinko, Liverpool. September 30. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND INT Ell COLONIAL AN T t) OVEnf-'EAS. Waipahi, Cook Islands, August 3. Ilurunui America and London. August 7 Canadian Conqueior. America and Alontreal. August 9. Ulimaioa, Sydney. August 9. Tofua. Fiji August 10. Mnkurn. Sydney. August 13. Maui Pomare. Apia. August 13. Cumberland, London, August 22. Port Gisborne. London, August 24. Northumberland. England. September 12. Tainui London. September 18. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Makura, sailed from Vancouver July 21. due Auckland August 12; sails for Sydney August 13. Tahiti, at San Francisco.; sails August 7, due Wellingtoii August 26. Aorangi. due Vancouver August. 16, sails for Auckland August 21. Maunganui, due Sydney from Wellington August 3. sails for San Francisco, via Wellington, August 8. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Rimutaka, left Southampton July 5; duo Auckland August 13. Tainui, left Southampton July 12: due Wellington August 17. Rotorua, '.eaves Southampton August 2; due Wellington September 6. Tamaroa, leaves Southampton August 16; duo Wellington September 17. Remit era, leavea Southampton August 30; due Auckland October 4. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND. Majrama, due Sydney August 6, Auckland August 13. Ulimaroa. left Sydney Augnst 2, due Auckland August 6, sails for Sydney August 9 , , Maheno. due Sydney August 6, sails lor Wellington August 9. Manuka, leaves Uunedin August 14, Well ington August 17, for MelDOurno, VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream - R"wn 'bq.L Waitomo. H.M.C.S. Iris, Kaitoke. Devonpnrt-H.M.S. I'hiiomel, Nucula (Admiralty oil-tanker), H.M.S. Diomeao Western Wharf —■ Elipcmoa (SpcclQin{4. litd.), Piri, aux. achnr. Central Wharf—l ourvillo (French Kin"'s U 'wharf—Pukeko fWntkin and WalliaL Waipahi (U.S.S. Coy ) Onsen's , Wharf— Hurunm S Coy.). Prince's Wharf—Ruahine 'IvZ-b- Coy.). Port Alma (Heather Roberton. Ltd.). Kaiwarra (U.S.S. Coy.). Tho Margaret W. is due from Gisborne this morning and will berth at King s Wharf. The Ivatoa left Westport at seven "'clock yesterday morning for New Plymouth and Auckland She in expected at Auckland on Tuesday After undergoing overhaul at North Wall the Union Company's steamer hnitoke is to go to. an anchorage in the stream at tiipe o'clbck this morning The Waipiata. with, cargo from South Island ports, left Wellington for Auckland yeaterday afternoon. She is expected tomorrow evening and will berth ut I s \Vharf. Russell and Somers, Limited, advise that tho Anchor Lino steamer Titoki hr's been delayed and is now Bchedtiled to load at Onehunga for Nelson and Westport ■ nly nc;t Mon'day The Wnimea reached Nap.'er from Ginborne nt four o'clock yesterday morn-ng and sailed for-Auckland at three o'clock in the afternoon. She is due to-morrow morning a,inl will berth at Queen s Wharf. The Government steamer which i'V m route to Auckland, vie I'.ast Cc-«t ligli' hnu u'S fini.-led working f :>-f!e----point on Wcdnc"d-y and v.-aa expe r ted to wo'k at Knhii Pcc'-s on Tl:i• if-r'i y S;.o is due nt AucVhnid about the middle of next weulf Pli'inriCl I'XPECTED. Having -irl-d from New York cn July 1. and el' : r-d Pnnrmrt c : " ! 't days late r, he Federal f.-inc s'loin.r Pimriki is >7pccted at Auckland at an e. r'y dide but « e ha/l not reported hv wireV.s? "esterday. Ihe eel in under charter to .Ijn A. nn.l A. yi ie. and the cerpo in for d;j-;-erre el uel h I. Wei iu-ton, Lytteiton lininru end JJnnc..m. The. New Zealand Shipping Company are the' local agents THE PORT ALMA. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line motor-ship Port Alma arrived from London. via Wellington, yc: tordry Sl'C bertued fvt Prince's Wharf to unload 0000 tons of general merchn P ndi3c? to the < Heather. Roberton. Limited. Tvext Saturday she is to sail for New Plymouth to complete discharge. From ew lynioiith tho vessel will go to Australia to load for lior homeward voyage.

ULIMAROA FROM SYDNEY. Tho Huddart-Parker steamer Ulimaroa was despatched from Sydney for Auckland yesterday with passengers, nimt and cargo. Sho is duo on Tuesday morning THE TOFUA. The Union Company's Island steamer Tofua which ia duo at Auckland from Suva on Monday, will berth at Queen's Wharf to land passengers, mails and cargo from Tonga, Samoa and Fiji. .NEW SCHOONER LAUNCHER Tho new auxiliary schooner Foxton, which was built by Mr. G. Niccol for tho Canterbury Steam Shipping Company, .-ua h"' c;ed yostoiduy nitenoon. Sho berthed afterwards at Central Wharf to havo her masts stepped DUNROBIN REPORTS. Tho steamer Dunrobin will arrive from Cuba r.out Wednesday, according to wirele.iH advice received by Spedding, Limited. She has a full cargo of raw sugar, which will bo unloaded at Chelsea. THE KAIAPOI The Kaiapoi. en route from South Australian ports ond Ilobart, arrived i:t Dunediu at four o'clock yesterday afternoon. She is to sail for Lytteiton. Wellington, New Plymouth and Auckland to-day. AOIiANGI CLEARED SUVA. The Royal Mail liner Aorangi reached Suva from Auckland at six o'clock yesterday morning and sailed ut 12.30 in continuation of her voyr.go to Honolulu unci Vancouver She i* <luo at Vancouver on August 21 THE WAIPAHI. The Union Company's Island steamer Waipahi returned from Wellington yesterday afternoon and is loading at King's Wharf for Cool: Island. She is to bo despatched for Aitutalci, Atiu. Mauke and Mangaia at noon to-day. THE KAIWARRRA. The Kaiwnrra arrived from South Island ports and Wellington yesterday morning nnd is at Prince's Wharf. After discharge she is to sail for Gladstone. Queensland, on Monday evening. MAHENO SAILED. With 102 passengers, as well as mail and cargo, the Union Company's intercolonial steamer Maheno left Auckland for Sydney yesterday morning. The vessel is due at Sydney on Tuesday, and she is to sail for Wellington on Friday. THE MAUI POMARE. The Government motor-ship Maui Pomaro was due at Norfolk Island yesterday morning and is expocted to sail to night on her return trip to Auckland. The vessel is scheduled to reach this port on Tuesday, and she is to be despatched for Niue Island slid Apia on August 13. CHARTERED BY UNION COMPANY. The Union Company has chartered tho 4265 tons Norwegian motor-shin Tyr. to make two voyages from Pacific Coast ports, to Melbourne and Sydney. Sho is to load nt Pacific Coast this month for the first voyage. THE GOLDEN COAST. In continuation of her voyago from Pacific Coast ports tho Oceanic and Oriental Navigation Company's steamer Golden Coast left Auckland yesterday afternoon for Wellington, Timaru and Dunedin. After completion of discharge at Dunedin the vessel will return to America, probably without calling again at Auckland. THE HAURAKI. Tho Union Company's transpacific motorship Hauraki. which is duo at Auckland from Los Angeles on Monday, will, unload cargo from Pacific Coast ports foi Auckland at King's Wharf. Her other discharging ports are Wellington. Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney. THE KALINGO. After loading timber at Central Wharf the Australian steamer Ivalingo sailed for Oncrahi, Kaipara, Durgaville and Greymouth. She will unload Australian hardwood at Kaipara and Dargavillo and "ill till up with New Zealand timber for Aus trulia at Onerahi and Groymouth HURUNUI FOR FINAL LOADING. To complete loading refrigerated and general cargo for America and England Ihe New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Hurnnui returned to Auckland from Gisborne yesterday afternoon. She is at. Queen's Wharf and is to bo despatched for New York. Boston and London on Wednesday, CASE-OIL FROM TEXAS. The Texas Oil Company advises that the West Hartlepool-owned steamer Callandiu, 6155 ton*, is to leave Port, Arthur, Texas, about August 20, with ca3o-oil for discharge at Auckland Napier. Wellington and probably South Island ports. She is due at Auckland toward the end of September. THE HERTFORD. Due from Liverpool at four o'clock on Monday morning, the Federal Line steamer Hertford will berth at Queen's Wharf to unload general merchandise from West Coast ports of Great Britain to tho agency of the New Zealand Shipping Company. Tho remainder of the cargo is ior Napier, Lyttelton. Port Chalmers.and Timaru. THE GOLDEN CROSS. The Oceanic and Oriental Navigation Company's steamer Golden Cross, wa3 scheduled to clear Los Angeles on Thursday with lumber, case oil and general cargo from Pacific Coast ports for discharge at Auckland. Wellington and Lytteiton. Sho is due at Auckland on August 27. Henderson and Macfariane, Limited, are the local agents. NORTHERN COMPANY'S VESSELS. The Northern Company advises that tho Hauturu is due at Onehunga Irom Hokianca t.o-morrow, and ia to be cleapatcned for Raglan and Kawhia on Monday. Tho Motu and Otimai aro to leave Auckland for Bay of Plenty ports at four o'clock on Monday afternoon, tne Motu for Whaicatane and the Otimai for Opotiki and Kutarcrc. PUKEKO AND AWAHOU. Tho Richardson steamer Pukeko arrived from Portland late last night and berthed at King's Wharf to load general cargo, bho is to ho despatched for East Const bays, Napier and Wairoa at two o'clock this afternoon. • , Tho Awahou is due from Gisborne to-mor-row. She i 3 to bo tor lucks Bay, Tokomaru Bay and Gisborne at five o'clock on Tuesday evening. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels aro expected to bo within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— Auckland.—Canadian Victor, Dunrobin, Hauraki, Hertford, Maui Pomare, Pipiriki, Plume. Tofua, Age, Maheno. Chatham Islands.—Canadian Highlander. Wellington.—Makura, Surrey, Ivaituna, Waikouaiti, Otokia, Port Dunedin, Marama, Newton Pine, Ilororata. Awaruo.—Maunganui, Tahiti. Mataroa. Falsterho, Kia Ora, Waihemo, Karti&i, Canadian Conqueror. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Yesterday's Arrivals—Hautnru (7 a.m.). from Raglan and Kawhia. Yesterday's Departures.—Hauturu (4.30 p.m.), for Hokianga. BY TELEGRAPH. WELLINGTON.— August 2: .Arrived— Calm (5.40 a.m.). from Wanganui; Wahino (7 am.), from Lytteiton: Waipiata (t 2a a m ), from Lytteiton: Wiugatui (3 50 p.m. . from Auckland. Sailed—Paua (11.20 a.m.). for New Plymouth: Marama (3 p.m.). for Sydney: Port Dunedin (3.45 p.m.). for London: Galo (5.10 p.m.). for Dunedin; Calm (5.20 pm.). for Lytteiton; Waipiata (5.25 p.m.). for Auckland: Wahino (7.50 p.m.), for Lytteiton. LYTTELTON.— Aiisust 2: Arrived—-Breeze (5.55 a.m.), from Wanganui; Storm (0.10 fi .in.), from Timaru: Maori (0.45 a.m.), from Wellington; Knretu (6.55 a.m.). from Timnrti: Mnrrton (9.30 a.m.). from Ocean Island. Sailed —Kurow (3.30 p.m.). for Dunedin; Kartigi (3.40 p.m.). for Dunedin; Mntaroa (5.20 p.m.). for Port Chalmers; Storm (1.50 p.m.), for Wellington; Breeze (5.50 0.m.), for Timaru; Maori (7.45 p.m.). for Wellington DUNEDTN.— August 2: Arrived—Kaikorai (1.20 a.m ). from Westport; Waihemo (7 15 a.m.), Lorn Bluffy Kckcrangti (8.30 a rn ). from Gladstone; Kaiapoi (3.45 p.m.), from Bluff Sailed—Corinna, for Oamnru. BLUFF.—August 2: Arrived—Cumberland (11.CO a.m.), from Dunedin. SYDNEY.— August 2 Sailed—Ulimaroa (4 p.m.), for Auckland SUVA.--August 2: Arrived—Aorangi (6 a.m.), from Auckland. Sailed—Aorangi (12.30 p.m.). for Vancouver.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20324, 3 August 1929, Page 9

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20324, 3 August 1929, Page 9

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20324, 3 August 1929, Page 9