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The first representative match of the neaaon to bo played in Aucklnnd will bo decided at Eden Park tomorrow when a return game will take, place between Auckland and Waikato. These teams met nt Hamilton earlier in tho season, and after n disappointing display on the part of tho Auckland fifteon it run out winners by 25 points to 17. Several changes hnvo been made in the Auckland rearguard for tomorrow's match and the team selected should prove a much better combination than that which played nt Hamilton. Tho Waikato team will arrive to-day. Mr. M Kronfold has been appointed to referee tho match.

A curtain-raiaor to tho representative fix /ture will bo provided by a third grade match between Waikato and Marist intermediate. Besides theso games tho first sories of mntches in tho Pollard Cup competition will take place. Hamilton Technical College and Auckland Technical College will try conclusions on Eden Park No. 2 ground at 1.30, and Whangarei High School will play Sacred Heart Collego at tho collego grounds at tho same time. Lower grade and secondary school n:ntchc3 under the control of tho Auckland Rugby L nion will bo continued to-morrow. Following lire tho team 3 UNIVERSITY. Senior Grndo.-McGlnshan. Moorehousc. Carter, Milliken, Stotter. McKay. Babbage, / Stone, Robinson, Edwards. Brooker. Jenkin. Hudson, Clarke. Colgan. Second Grade A.-Jackson. Benton. Hosking. Blythe, Taylor, McCrystal, Watts, Bark, Watt. Rix-Trott, Kelly, Boswell, Gillett, O'Llalloran, McKean. Hudson. Second Grade B.—Bell Abbott, Soljak, Lamb, White, Williams. Ramsay. McCorkindale. Watt. Gaudin, Calvert, Parsons. .liobb. Stevenson, Forder, Greig. Third Grado Open.—Mitchell. Andrews. Mason. Hawkins Stowart, Ludbrook, McCoy. Mars. Gregory. Abbott. Cleland. Bnildon. Tattersfield, Hunt, Clarkson. Kenny, Adams Proctor. . , , Third Grade Intermediate.—Sutherland, Henderson. Lewis. Uapson, I Sheriff. Young. • Greshnm. loote, Moore, Miller, Sutherland. Shroff, Whitmoro. Hor3,nli. Pickmero. Thomson OTAHUHU. • Senior Grade.— Knighu Lntta. ■Connora. Denize, Lfart, To luni, Heath, ■Allen, Inglis, Short. Williams. Popper, liaining. Ship. Todd. Bennifield. Smith. /Third Grade Open.—Glendinnir.g. Broun. Hickson, Whyto (2). Russell. Pnnckhurst. Hieatt. Lawson. Andrews. Labrum. Lindf-. Whittle (2), Hillyar. Stark. Beale. CochTa Third lin Grade. Intermedintc.-Clark: (2>. McCallum. AVhite (2). Sturket. /Hieatt, Jones. Pearson Rosewarne. lodd. Thompson, Gillies. Nelson. Stowell. lay10Fourth Grade-Walsh. Sanders. Castles. Brewer. Philp. Petne. Horan. Botha;. Bpbertson, Hart. Lutta. Hope. Hill. Goldsmith Trevena. Brennan, Kelly. }} ells. Fifth Grade.—Pulnian. Coop, Cadthgan. Goodall. Pearce. McConacbio (2), Cook. . Hall. Richardson. Hovte. Ne son. Creen. / Grant. McCowatt, Fearnley (2). Wilson. K Cn»le A-—Greenwood. Jones. Stewart, Cochrane. Black. Cross, trevena. Bennett. McDell. Turner Campbell. Apps. Doran, Barry. Goodnll. Larsons. Kenncn.. Shaw. Webh?r. Dando. Seventh Grade B.—Sinion3. Clark. Aprs. Samson. D -". vy. Jones. Eddelsten. Pulnian. Carter Finlayson. North. Cross, Cowper. "Weir, Lee, Harris, Dando. 1 nnje. Josephs. PARNELL. Senior Gradc.-Dyett. Packman, Rhodes. Frinklin, Fnusett. Flynn. ban heily. .Mcintosh. Bines. GiiSP. Munyard. Leonaid. Davis. Tversan (2). Killip. Barry, Bell. Neuland, Stevens. M Third Grade Intermodiato.— Mc Carthy,' Smith, Cocks. Barry. Courtney. Kay. Barry. Dowd, Jenkins. AlcDonald, Callaghan. Strong, Kogers, Kelly, Noonan, Culltim, xir.lpym' CITY. .Senior Grade.—J. Blakey. D. Kerr-Taylor, E. Wheaton, A. Berridge. N. Ifwerson, L. Clement, B. Lockio IJ. Barnes, H. Flav. E. Wightman, W.. McLean, N. Crisp. H. Farnall. A. Sorrenson, C Sherman. C. Fletcher . r , , S*-.:ond Grade. —Ilardin?:. Elli3. Hudson, - Pickering. Burd, Ross. Cc.rnnga, Doonin, Smith, White, A'len (2), Papish. Simmone, Philiips, Russell. I.ogan, Wat^em. Third Grade Intermediate.—Cantlon, Rea, Peilion, Warren. Patten, Mo'esworth. McLean, Wales, Payne. Webb. ALsolum, Wells, Paltridge, Noble, Wigmore_, Pivott, Ford, Cummins. UNIVERSITY. Senior Grade.—Crawley, Brown. Hay. Storry, RadclilTe, Ellison, Thomson, Sce'.cu. Meiklejohn. Don, Taylor. Second Grade A —Carter. Lumsden, Gurney. Noakes. Brown. Chambers, Hubble, Thomson, Brown. Ross, Adams. Second Gradf* B.—Torekler, Whitley, Burnett. Cooper, Turner. Winn. Bullock. Carter. Leonard. Blake. Brodie. Third Grade A.—Kr.yll. I-'orsyth. O'Snlliran, Mnrkham. Pitzpatiick. Gittos, Taylor. Smith. Houchen. i\t!f. Marshnll. Third Grade B.—Allen. Pollok, Jones. Woolcott. Leonard. Bowden, Gascoigne. Turner. Wilson. Ely.- Greer. Fourth Crade.—Sims. Osbnrne-Lilly. Radford. Battley, Goodsir. Horrell, Davidson, Wilson. Warin. McLean. Crookes. GRAMMAR OLD BOYS.

Second Grade A.—C'.everley. Garlick, Liadrum, Meredith. Biss. Tapper, Frankham. Jordan. Clephorn. Pollok. Hamilton. Young, Forsyth, Simmonds. Von Sturmer. Bourke, Scarborough. Robinson, Lewis. Third Grade Intermediate A.—Fenton, Beii. Rawle. Williams. Macey. McCormack. Holmes. M0110.v.. Mclndoe. Robertson. Chamber*. Marriott. Copland, Warren, Owen, Drummoud. Dickoou, Miller, luaham, Gould, Stephenson Third Grade Intermediate _B. —Kinsr. Lofley, Davidson. Canning. McKer.niey, Stuart, Reston, Potter. Percv Walton, Barker, Taylor, Warren. Wyberg, Sefton. Whitley. Fourth Grade.—Fisher. Evans, Stubbs, Allen, Shibhs. Tilly. Cato_. Wruy, Knisht, French, Cairns, Kellv Watson, Pr.tteson, Meuiler. BloaiSeld, Laird. Btan, Clapham. Frost. MAR IST. Second Grade.—l.oomb. Main. Foy. Triccr, Belcher. Mueller. Ronnie. Miller, McCabe. Hirst, Clark, Eville, Lynch. McVeagh, Morris. Garvey. Lack WAITEMATA. •Third Grade Open.--Sin ton t'2), Johnson, Taylor, Cutler. Rebor Delaney. Nickhn. Ross f 2). Buchanan. <iiy. Scott, Bright. Emmere. Colvin. Berry, Schartfeger. Wrtw - Y.M.C.A. Third Grade Open.—Chambers. Conway. McDonald. P.iton, Eade. Bycroft. Fear. Barnfather, Findlay. Whitnsnrsli. Silccck. Watt. Bert'man, Jansen. Mather. Third Giade Intermediate.—Hemphill. Bransby, Mclvor. Randerson, Corbett. Mar low, Emanuel. Herbert. Cu'forth. McKay. H'.nvley. Love. Baird. Carrcll. Harmon. Fourth Grade.—Redputh, Hawkins. Johns. Piessley. Miller. Dick, Latieiilan, Harris. Kirk, Harris, Bruno, Sprntt, Underwood. Bat hurst, McLean, Duncan, Halford. I PENROSE. Third Grade Open —Pricht. Allison, Biggs, Hoi lis. Forrester. Bedford. Hammond, Waller. Kcnworthy C2). Anderson li), Ellis, Ncwmurch, Prince. Richards, Hushes. , ALTERATION'S TO GROUNDS. The following alterations have been mod'? to itrounds for Ru ;by footbal' ;:ames tomorrow City v. Nortlieote H. lliiid crndo intermediate, North M,oie No. I. .'! ; 11.M.5. Diomi'd" v. North Shore, third ;:rade open. North Sho'e No. '2. I,t."> p.m f The Grammar Old Moyn team has withflrawii from the I'lillard (.'up competition. PRIMARY SCHOOL MATCHES. „' r , lK ' for the city croup in matches Kthoot. i) c ',' ntl I ? t .<>' the Amkhind P imaiy Irfa't w?,«.L y .. Un . 10tl tho same m< that for "«liaT 0 eK '4'° V 1"" Junior 11,,, V. ll ctween Northcole Tl 'a will i . s< ''iool anil Mi: limond Road o'clock " PIUVC,) nt Viclo 'iu Park at , .ntrttdoirorriia::,""' 1 MATCH AT PAPAKURA. / Tho following players will represent tl„> , Manukau representative* r.rrainst Waiknro at I n bakurn. to-morrow : —J. Wilson. M Ster.b tr ['■ r P»''«r. T. Cossy, Hannitcn P /Heard. R t'ossy. J. ,\. i c i, ; : klv II r"' m; S ? o,t - Stanford! T w ??' it" M'lnfo- W. Alexander. Reserves'- ' - J ' w i]? on - A - Munro. /the followint; will represent Wnikorenlnvvf'vr' (jor 4 o '!- Wurd. Austin. Bar--1 Nil. T' tnhivsoii. Soutor. Gibbons, r Giles. Hansen. M Cor I, ' eUlke -

WHANGAREI HIGH SCHOOL TEAM. MATCH WITH SACRED HEART. [BY TELEGnAPH.— OWtt CORRESPONDENT.] WHANGAREI, Thursday. Tho Whangarei High School first Rugby fifteen leaves for Auckland to-morrow to play tho annual match with Sacred Heart College. Tho following boys will mako tho trip:— D. Finlayson, N. M. Izznrd, R• Georgeson, L Browne, E. Kelsall. D. Swinburn, D. Newman. B. Yates, G. Peterwood, G. Greig. I. Stewart. L. Good. T. Fuller. J. Dixon, B. Crawford, H. Webber, and B. Cuff. WHANGAREI JUNIOR TEAM. [BY TELEGRAPH —OWN CORRESPONDENT. ] W H A N G A R EI, Thursday. The following plnyers hnvo been selected to represent Whangarei in the junioi Rugby gamo against Northern Wniroa on Saturday Fullback, Storey (Horahora); threequarters, Moor (Whnnanaki), Hooper (Karamea), Saul (Horahora); live-eighths. Williams (Horahora), Allan (City); half back. Perry, captain (Onernhi): forwards, Clotworthy (Onernhi), Bindon (Old Boys), Squires (Onernhi), Walker (Karamea), Ilalverson (Whannkaki), Edwards (City). Jones (Horahora). Reserve*: Child (Karamea). Wilson (Whakapara). Bennett (Whananaki) and Fisher (Onernhi). PAEROA JUNIOR TEAM. [BY TELEGRAPH. —OWN CORRESPONDENT. ] PAEROA. Thursday. In a junior representative Rugby mntch ; with Hauraki on Saturday Pneroa will bo , represented by Verran, Vercoe. Coxhead, | Curtis, Wells. Johnson, Turner, Nealis, Corbett, Avery, Williams, Edwards, Prendorj ville, Campbell, and Braniley. Emergencies: : Vowles. Potter. Alley and Welsh. | MATAMATA V. ROTORUA. The following tenm will represent the i Matamata Rugby Sub-Union against the ] Rotorua Sub-Union on Saturday:—rollback, Stewart (Tirau); threequarters, Kneebone (Matamata), Fausett (Walton). A. Brown (Tirau); five-eighths, Davies and Egnn (Matamnta): hnlfbnck, Douglns (Tirau); rover, Kuhtz (Walton): forwards. Stevenson and Higgins (Matamsta), Eraser (Tirau), Ensor (Mntnmnta). Simpson and Syino (Tirau), and Brown (Matamata). EAST COAST TEAMS. [BY TELEGRAPH. —OWN CORRESPONDENT.] OPOTIKI, Thursday. Great interest is being tnken in the Rugby match between Poveity Bay and Bny ct ! Plenty, to be played at Opotiki on Satur- ! day Poverty Bay won the Dutch played at Gisborno earlier in the season by a narrow margin, but the Bay of Plenty team is confident of turning the tables on Saturday. Mr. W. Barrett, of Opotiki, has been appointed referee.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20323, 2 August 1929, Page 18

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RUGBY FOOTBALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20323, 2 August 1929, Page 18

RUGBY FOOTBALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20323, 2 August 1929, Page 18