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[MMfMfnrMnifrifrwfmufmMMWMfjiifminunMirMMiiMinifiin^ 88 R 55 r - J? 06501 I At this Karangahape Road Store "Newness" speaks from every offering Fashion, Artistry, and the unmistakable stamp of Quality, and the low USUAL Prices are genuinely and generously reduced. SOME WONDERFUL BARGAINS OFFERING in Children's Wear A visit to this Department on Second Floor will repay you handsomely. Especially see the Bargains in GIRLS' and MAIDS' COATS. SCHOOL BLAZERS 06501 ILLUSTRATES A CHILD'S SERVICEABLE NAVY SCHOOL BLAZER—In wool nr. I rut ton i'lnzer cloth. Has step collar anil pockets, similar to Illustration, but with plain black braid. Sizes: 00 0 1 5 6 7 S 0 10 11 12 Usually 7/11 ft/G 8/11 11/0 15/6 15/11 13/11 14/11 15/6 15/1116/11 SALE PRICES: 7/3 7/9 7/11 10/9 11/6 11/9 12/9 13/6 13/11 14/6 15/6 COLLEGE COSTUMES 88 ILLUSTRATES A CHILD'S COLLEGE COSTUME—In excellent, quality all-wool navy serpre; fadeless and unshrinkable. .Most suitable for school wear. Sizes: 22in. 2 Sin. 27in. 30ln. 33in. 3tjln. flflln. Oenrsro Court's Usual Prices: 45/- 49/t> 55/- 50/6 or>/- CO/6 70/6 SALE PRICES: 39/6 44/6 49/0 53/6 58/6 G2/6 72/0 Not Illustrated CHILDREN'S AND MAIDS' SERVICEABLE SCHOOL BLOUSES—In purictto Cloth; splendid .wearing. Regulation shape. Sizes: lOin. 12 In. Uin. 16ln. 1 Sin. 20!n. 221n. 21 in. 26in. George Court's Usual Prices: I'./M 4/6 4/li 5/6 5/11 6/6 6/11 7/6 7/1 1 SALE PRICES: 3/6 4/3 4/8 4/11 6/6 5/11 6/3 6/11 7/3 CHILDREN'S AND MAIDS' FUJI SILK BLOUSES—-Superior quality, regulation shape. Sizes: lOin. lSin. 14In. 16ln iSin. 20in. 22in. 2 sin. 26in. Genrgo Court's Usual Prices: 6/11 7/6 7/11 8/6 s/il 0/6 o/ii 10/6 10/11 SALE PRICES: 6/3 6/11 7/3 7/9 7/11 8/6 8/11 9/6 9/11 j WHITE SHEETS—j Ready hemmed. 54I inch, single bed size, i Good quality, withi out dressings. ! Usually . . 8/ II pair ! Sale Price: 7/9 pair. ALL-WOOL REPP—Excellent quality, splendid firm weave, and nice soft texture. Most dependable in wear. Dove, wild honey, smoke, stormcloud, maize, mohawk, mushroom, cedarhark, rosedust, Goya. Malay, iris blue, moorland, wineberry, sultana, Venetian blue, and passion (lower. 5! Inches wide —Usual Price ...... 8/11 yard. SALE PRICE 7/6 yard. SATIN CHARMANTE—Mado Trom pure Botany wool. A dellghtru! frock fabric. Lovely, line, sort weave; very line, smooth finish, and soft woaded back. Obtainable in dune, Mother Goose, oaktieart, gazelle, Persian green, radio blue, liberty blue, pewter grey, and navy. 5 1 inches wide—George Court's Usual Price .. 15/6 yard. SALE PRICE 13/G yard. ALL-WOOL TWEED—A super quality, In a really beautiful, line Saxony weavo. Very smart; new tonlngs. Showing in faint indistinguishable two-tone check elTects. In Chippendale, oakheart, cedar, moorland, mushroom, copper beech, lagoon blue/cocoa, and rustic/Dutch blue. 38 inches wide—George Court's Usual Prico ... 7/11 yard. SALE PRICE 6/6 yard. WOOL CREPE DE CHINE—Our best qualities. "Soapshrunk." Made from selected Botany wool yarns. In sugarcane, mohawk, dovo grey, beige, wild honey, woodland rose, eau do Nil, rosette, rosedust, sultana. Iris blue, lavender, wineberry, silver, orchid, and passion llower. 51 Inches wido Georgo Court's Usual Prices: 12/6. 14/6, 16/6 yard. SALE PRICE All 10/6 yard. MEN'S SINGLETS—FIeecy lined, short sleeves, medium weight, suitable for present wear. Sizes: 36in., 38in. and 40in.— Usual Price .... 3/6 each. SALE PRICE .. 2/10J each. UNDERPANTS To match. Sizes: 36in., 38in. nnd 40in. Usual Prico 3/1 I pair. SALE PRICE ... 3/2 pair. MEN'S SINGLETS—WooI and Cotton Singlets, short sleeves. A good winter weight. Sizes: Men's and O S. Men's—Usual Price . . 8/6 and 8/1 I each. SALE PRICE .. 6/103 each. PULL-OVERS For boys. Cotton nnd Wool Pull-overt. A hard-wearing line for school nnd general wear. Two shades: Grey marl and fawn marl mixtures. Sizes: 24in. to 32in. chest—George Court's Usual Pr : ce 6/9, etc. SALE PRICE 4/8 SOYS' FANCY JERSEYS—In Cotton and Wool. A nice assortment of serviceable shades. Hard wearing and good fitting. Sizes: 20in. to 28in. chest —Georgo Court's Usual Prico 5/9, etc. SALE PRICE 4/U EARTHENWARE TEAPOTS Best English manufacture. Assorted fawn and green bands. Size: 2 pintar—George Court's Usual Price: 2/3 each. SALE PRICE 2/- each. COOK'S KNIVES—With 8-inch blade, strongly rivetted black handle—George Court's Usual Price 1/9 each. SALE PRICE 1/6 each. FIRTH'S STAINLESS KNIVES— Mirror finish, with white xylonite grained handles. Dessert — Usual Price: 15/6 half doz. SALE PRICE: 13/9 half doz. TableUsual Price .. 17/11 half doz. SALE PRICE: 15/9 half doz. j imtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmts Uli^ So, in addition to the wonderful bargains Eis «£: throughout the four floors, our magnificent selection of the LATEST IN GLOVES is especi- Zjg ally reduced in price for one week from Monday. 3 % mmmmmmmmmiiumm BODY AND BORDER CARPETS. In Axminster weave, two cmart designs of light and dark fawn grounds. George Court's Usual Prices: 16/9 and 14/6 yard. SALE PRICE ... 9/11 yard. AXMINSTER HEARTH RUGS— Unfringed, nice quality, nnd good designs, in plain and fancy centres. Size 27in. x 54in.—George Court's Usual Price 22/6 each. SALE PRICE ... 18/6 each. CURTAIN NET—4O-inch. Bordered and Coloured Striped Curtain Net, guaranteed fadeless. Ideal curtaining for «ny window—George Court's Usual Price .... 2/6 yard. SALE PRICE ... 1/11 yard. SHADOW TISSUE—3I-inch. In light and dark colourings. Excellent for loose covers, cushions and curtains—Usual Price ; 3/6 yard. SALE PRICE 2/6 yard. LADIES' COMBINATIONS "Vedonis" Interlock Woven Cotton Combinations. A most beautifully soft texture, warm nnd strong wearing. V neck, self bound, short sleeves, button front, long leg—George Court's Usual Prices: W. 10/11, O.S. 12/11 SALE PRICES: W. 9/6, O.S. 11/6 Usual Price . . X.O.S. 14/11 SALE PRICE .. X.O.S. 12/11 LADIES' VESTS —ln Cream Ribbed Wool and Silk mixture, Heavy winter weight. Round neck, short sleeve, or wide shoulder. George Court's Usual Prices: W. 6/1 I, O.S. 7/6 SALE PRICES: W. 5/11, O.S. 6/6 MSifm mm S2 r e Now 42/Was Now 59/6 Note the Beautiful " line " of this Smart Tailored Costume. Now 69/6 1264—FASHIONABLE LUMBER SUlT—in best quality wool, and in sill; % vool. Exceptionally prettv two and three-tone design in Jacket, with plain facing., and plain ribbed skirt to tone. Ideal ror present wear. Shades: fawn/peach, brown/ saxe, brown/peach, lawn/orange, rose/peach, green/putty, mauve/biscuit, rose/saw, putty/orange, rawn/rose, brown/saxe, brick/biscuit, navy/biscuit, and navj/ Sizes: S.SAV., S.W., W. and O.S. —George Court's Usual Price .»-/0 SALE PRICE • 707 SMART TAILORED COSTUME—In prelty tweed, of good quality; single or doublebreasted style. Shades: rose, fawn, bark, and mushroom. Sizes: S.SAV., SAV., W... O.S. and X.O.S. — George Court's Usual Price '9/0 SALE PRICE 89/0 733 —SMART COAT FROCK—In wool crepe de chine or splendid quality. pin tucks on shoulders, dainty silk crepe do chine tie, and pipings or contrasting shade to tone. Shades: beige, saxe, cedar, and light mushroom. Sizes: SAW, W. and O.S.— fieorge Court's Usual Trice 84/SALE PRICE 69/6 V / r j j/# <*?"■ M :2v ''S/Mzi ■// Mi '/Q4-20 Made to Measure SAC SUITS 7S> GLOVE BARGAINS ILLUSTRATED. WE PAY POSTAGE OR RAILAGE on all goods excepting Fragile Goods, Seagrass Furniture, Madc-up Bedding, Wiro Mattresses, Kapok, Curtain Rods, Oil Baize, and Hardwaro. Bo Sure to Visit tho FASCINATING DISPLAY OF BARGAINS In TOILET SECTION, Ground Floor. Cut and fitted by experts. One or two fittings, as desired. Satisfaction guaranteed, and no matter what size the price is the same, 95/-. Fifteen patterns, in beautiful Tweeds and Worsteds, to choose from. Suits usually £6/10/- and £7/7/SPECIAL SALE PRICE 95/. If you can't call, send for self-measurement chart and patterns. G <I26—CHILDREN'S FABRIC GLOVES—With attractively embroidered turn-down culTs. A comfortable glove for present wear. Shades: light grey, sandalwood, peach, ilesh, bols do rose, and bols (lores. Sizes 2 to 0— j; Oeorjre Court's Usual Price 1/11 pair. GLOVE WEEK PRICE 1/5 pair. G 425—LADIES' SUEDE FABRIC GLOVES—In pull-on Style, with neat embroidered tops. A particularly serviceable glove for present wear. Shades: light mode, mid grey, Mdo, camco, and liglU beaver —George Court's usual price 4/11 pair. GLOVE WEEK PRICE 2/11 pair. n II I 11 IMI 11 /11 /11 ;11 /111 II I Jl',' 111111111 Gi 424—LADIES' SUEDE FABRIC GLOVES—With daintily trimmed, narrow, turn-back culTs, and points to match. Neat 111 fit. Shades: grey, pastel, rosewood, mode, champagne, and beaver —Usual Price 3/<S pair. GLOVE WEEK PRICE 2/11 pair. G 423 —LADIES' DUPLEX FABRIC GLOVES—With tailored eulT and ono dome fastener. Finished with half plquosewn seams; Houlton thumb and raised points. Shades: bols de rose, chamois, grey, and pastel—George Court's Usual Price i/.V pair. GLOVE WEEK PRICE 3/6 pair. GLOVE BARGAINS ILLUSTRATED. & SONS-LTD. KARANGAHAPE ROAD 'AUCKLAND G 422 LADIES' KID GLOVES With turn-down cuiTs, embroidered in contrast colour; pique-sewn seams, and braid points. Perfect In fit. Shades: mordores, light mode, and pastel—George Court's Usual Price: 10/6 pair. GLOVE WEEK PRICE 6/11 pair. G 421—LADIES' WEAR-CLEAN GLOVES —In pull-on style, with elastic at wrist. A serviceable glove in wear. Shades: beaver, slate, mastic, dark pastel, an_d nude—fifiorsre Court's Usual Price 7/11 pair. fieorge Court's Usual Price GLOVE WEEK PRICE .. 5/11 pair. G 420—LADIES' SUEDE GLOVI-S—With straight CUiT, tastefully embroidered, and points to tone. Perrect ntting, extra gussettcd lingers, washable. Shades: light grev, pastel, mode, nnd liols dores George Court's Usual Price 13/G pair. GLOVE WEEK PRICE 7/11 pair. G 427—LADIES* KID GLOVES—With turn-down, tailored CUIT, tasterully trimmed, and points to match. Perfect In (It; attractive in appearance. Shades: mode, beaver, mordores, tan, and perle—Usual Price 12/Opair. GLOVE WEEK PRICE 7/11 pair.

# 6 f o* CV C V <C* U .. <P A A iuir ' v^A v c ** \3 * 0 *Vvo^^* A V^i \ y *; c <c» O c°" o ,e£ n \ , \> V> / # :*?>V y^vv> % > <s* «o 0 t- 0 s New Zealand Distributors: F. J. HYAMS, LTD. Gillette Blades with the finest edge that steel can take, priced, 5 for 2/6 and 10 for 5/K.UY ONLY GENUINE GILLETTE BLADES

LOOSE LEAF : SHEETS Our new Bookbinding | Department is equipped jl with the latest arid most i| modern devices for producing the above work. !j Best results at moderate cost. When next ordering, j telephone 44-290 and our ! representative will call i and give quotations. HERALD PRINTING WORKS I Queen Street.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20306, 13 July 1929, Page 15 (Supplement)

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20306, 13 July 1929, Page 15 (Supplement)

Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20306, 13 July 1929, Page 15 (Supplement)