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A VARIETY OF CLASSES. LARGE ENTRIES RECEIVED.<-v THE FIRST DAY'S AWARDS. The .Auckland Kennel Club's special mid-year show, held in conjunction with l!io Winter Exhibition, was commenced yesterday and proved to be a popular attraction with the public. Terriers and toy dogs will not, be benched until to-morrow. The show will continm; nutil Saturday.

The judges in yesterday's classes were agreed that, in every respect the show is as successful as in tho past. There were about 200 dogs entered, representing a wide variety of breeds. The bulldog classes were the most popular with enlrants and, from the congregation round their benches throughout the day, with the general public also. Sporting dogs were well represented, both in number and in quality, and grcttcr interest was taken in the class for Gordon setters. The most outstanding class, however, was that for collies, in which the entries were tho best that have been received for at least five years. Alsatians, too. were benched in larger numbers than usual, and the class of animal was excellent. Whippets. English and Irish setters were the most popular of other classes. Splendid entries have been received for the classes to be judged to-morrow, terriers especially being entered in largo numbers. following are tlie awards:—

Greyhounds.-—Doss, Puppy, mirier 12 mouths: H. Taylor, 1. Bitched, junior: 11. Wynn, 1; A. Apple-ton. 2. Bc?t either tc::: 11. Wynil's Irinh Rose. Retrievers.—Bitches, brown: W. Allcock, 1. Dogs, black, maiden: A. l'\ Krater, I. Novice: A. P. Prater, J. Junior: A. P. Prater. I. Limit: W. J. Builey. 1. New Zealand bred: W. J. Bailey. 1. Colonial bred: W. J. Bailey. 1. Open: W. Allcock, 1; W. J. Bailey. 2. Best retriever, any variety, cither sex: V". Allcoek's Te Pnpapu Darkey. English Setters.—Dogs. puppy, under 12 months: Mrs. A. Mh vson, 1: S. Saulbrey. '2: Mr. aud Mrs. Govan, 3. Maiden: S. Saulbrey. I: Mr. and Mrs. Govan. •*. Novice: S. Saulbrey, I; A. J. Reynolds. 2. Junior and limit: A. J. Reynolds, I. New Zealand bred: C. D. A. Raynes. 1: A, .1. Reynolds, *.!. Open and stud: 0. D. A. Raynes Bitches, puppy. under six months: Mrs. J. C. Ilardi?, 1. Puppy, under 12 months: L. E. Smith. 1. Maiden: S. Saulbrey, 1. Novice: S. Saulbrey. 1: Mr. and Mrs. Govan. 2. Junior: S. Saulbrey. Limit: S. Saulbrey, 1: Neil Morrison. 2: W. Smart, 3. New Zealand bred: S. Saulbrey, 1: L. E. Smith. 2: N. Morrison. 3. Colonial bred: S. Saulbrey. 1; D. E. Smith, 2: N. Morrison, 3. , Open: S. Saulbrey. 1: L. E. Smith. 2: N. Morrison. 3. Brood: I/. E. Smith. 1; Mr. and Mrs. Govan, 2; W. Smart. 3. Brace: S. Saulbrey, 1; Mr. and Mrs. Govan, 2. Best either sex: C. D, A. Raynes' Ch. Maliutii. Best puppy, either sex: Mrs. J. C. liardie's Moerangi Tui. Irish Setters.—Dog3, puppy, under 12 months: G. Trusler, 1. Junior: H. A. Coleman, 1. Limit: C. 11. Prince, 1; H. A. Coleman, 2. New Zealand bred: C. H. Prince. 1: IT. A. Coleman, 2. Colonial bred: C. IT. Prince, 1; 11. A. Coleman, 2. Open: C. H. I'rincc. 1: 11. A. Coleman, 2. Bitches, puppy, under 12 months: J. Gardiner, 1. Maiden: R. G. Newell. I and 2; J. Gardiner. 3. Novice: R. G. Newell. 1 and 2.- Junior: J. Gardiner, 1; I. C. Durbridse. 2. Limit: C. H. Herdson. 1: R. G. Newell, 2. New Zealand bred: R. G. Newell, 1. Colonial bred: ('. H. Herd son. 1; R'. G. Newell. 2. Open: C. 11. Ilerdson, 1; R. G. Newell. 2. Brood: I. C". Durbridge. 1. Brace: I. C. Durbridse. 1: R. G. Newell, 2. Best either sex: C. H. Prince's Kin? Asthore. Gordon Setters (Challenge).—Does, limit and open: E. J. Schoficld. Bitches, open: D. Sutton, 1; R. Forbes. 2. Brood: It. Forbes. "1. Springer Spaniels (Challenge).—Doga, open: P. T. Brock, 1. Cocker Spaniels (Black'.--Docs, puppy, under six months: G. C. Ashley, 1. Puppy, under 12 months: 11. Kinder. 1; G. C. Ashle.y. 2. Maiden, novice, junior and lim>t: H. Kinder. 1. Onen: K Kinder. 1: L.-11. "White. 2. Bitches, puppy under "six months: C. Ashley, 1. Puppy, under 12 months: .C. Ashley, 1. Maiden! J. Grove. I. Novice: K. C. Brown, t. limit,: Miss D. Wr'glit, 1; T. Carson. 2. Open: Miss D. Wright. 1: T. Carson, 2. Best either sex: Miss D. Wright's Bnxliill Gynsy. Best puppy, either sex: 11. Kinder's Woodcroft Wind em. Cocker Spaniels (coloured). —Dn;'!, nuppy, under six months: H. W. .T. Hill, !. Popov, under 12 months: J. B. Torbet. 1:IT. W. •T. Hill. 2. Maiden, novice, junior and limit: ,T. B. Torbet. 1. Bitches, puppy, under 12 months: Miss E. Barribnll. !: E. J. Conns, 2. Maiden: Miss E. Bn,n' : - 1 hall. 1: E. .T. Conns. 2. Onen: E. P. White, I. Best either sex: Miss E. Bnrriball'e Sylvester Queen. Best nuppy, either sex: J. B. Torbet'p Monovnle Rocket. Collies. Smooth-coated.— Doers, open:_T. P. Campbell. I. Bitches, open: T. P. Carirpbeli. .1. Collies. Rough-coated. Dogs, puppy, under 12 months: G. H. Fisher, 1: A. E. Home, 2; W. Hunt. 3. Maiden: G. 11. Fisher. 1: Mrs. Parry. 2: W. Sinton. 3. Novice: E. W. Timeweil. 1: G. H. Fisher. 2; Mrs. Parry. 3. Junior: G. H. Fisher, 1; A. E. Home, 2: Mrs. E. A. Payne, 3. Limit: E. W.' Timeweil. 1: Mrs. W. Parrv. 2; W. Hunt. 3. Colonial bred: E. W. Timeweil, 1; W. Hunt, 2. Onen: F.. W. Timeweil. 1: W. Sinton, 2: W. Hunt, 3. Bitches, puppy, under six mouths: Mrs. T. P. Cook. 1 and 2. Puppy, under 12 months, maiden, novice and iuuior: A. J. Patterson. 1. Brace: Mrs. E. A. Pnvne. 1. Best either sex, and best nuppy. either sex: A. J. Patterson's Kingsford Princess Joy. <; Alsatians.—Dogs. puppy. under six' months: A. H. Millar. 1: R. N. Bnylis, 2. Puppy, under 12 months: H. M. I 'Winstone, 1: A. H. Millar, 2; R. N. Bnvlis, 3. Maiden: W. J. Adams. .1;. A. H. Millar. 2; R. Vickerman. 3. Novice: W. J. Adams, 1; F. G. Baylis, 2; L. Manson. 3. Junior: L. Manson. 1. Limit: P. C>. Baylis. 1. Colonial bred: Miss P. Poole. J. Open: Trevor Lloyd. 1. Stud: P. G. Baylis. Bitches, maiden: H. M. Winstnne. 1: F. G. Baylis. 2. Novire: H. M. Winstone. 1: F. G. Baylis, 2. Junior: W. Constable. 1. Limit: Alice Rendt, 1: E. M. Winstone. 2: R. N. Baylis. 3. New Zealand bred: IT. M. Winstone, 1. Colonial bred: Mrs. A. Rendt, 1: H. M. Winstone. 2; K'. N. Bay-, lis. 3. Open: Mrs. A. Rendt, 1: 11. M. Winstone. 2: R. N. Baylis, 3. Best either sex: Mrs. A. Rendt'a Freza of Wolf Valley. Best puppy, either sex: H. M. Winstone's Duskv of Orakei.

Bulldogs.--Docs, punny. tinder six months: Mrs. L. K. Nick?, I. Punpv. under 12 months: P. Young. 1: F. Ga«\ 2: Moore Brothers. 3. Maiden: Mrs. L. K. Nicks. 1: P. Young. 2: F. Gmv. Novice: Mrs. Nicks', 1: F. Gnw, 2. .Tuniov: F., B. Daveney. 1; F. Gaw.'2. J.iinit: S. H. Howie. 1: C. B Daveney, 2. New Zealand bred: S. H. Howie, 1: C. B. Daveney, 2. Colonial bred: S. 11. Howie. 1: C. B. Daveney. 2: W. J. Dunn. 3. Oreo: .T. \V. Cummings. 1: S. H. Howie, 2: ('. B. Daveney. 3: AW J. Dunn, v.b.e. Stud: .T. AY. C'umminss. 1: S. H. Howie. 2: V>'. -J.

Dunn. 3. Bitches, puppy, under six months: J. B. AYainscolt, 1. under 12 months: J. A. AVainscott. 1: J. V. 7 ureieli, 2. Maiden and novice: .T. B. "Wainscot). L Junior: R. A Linninrott, 1: .1. A. XVai'iscoU, 2: J. AAV Tureich. Limit: R. \. Lippincott, 1; J. A. Wainseott. 2; ,T. W. Tureich, ; AW .1. Dunn, v.h.c. »on Zealand bred: E. A Lippincott. Ctnmnincs, 2. Colwiial bred: •«. \V. Curj* minus. I. Open: I?. A. Lippincott. 1: «. P. Buchanan. 2: AY. .T. Dunn. ;l. Brood and Brace: J. W. CunimtWM. ' "m* either sex: .1. W. Cummnisrs Mackny. Best nuiipv, either sex: J. 13. ANaiu&cotts Bonnie T?ct Whippets. Dogs, puppy, under 12 months: A. A. Avery. 1. Open: M. <- Hardy, 1. Bitches, puppy, under six months: M. C. Hm'dy. 1 Puppy. under 12 months: Mrs. 13. M. Woodlmin 1: Mrs. Dyer. 2. Onen: O. Hunt 1;; M. U Handy i2. Best, either sex: M. C. puppy, cither box: Mrs. L. M. Woodllan!' VARIETY CLASSES. Spotting Dogs.—Novice stakes: S. fcaujbrcv. 1: A. J. Reynolds. 2: R. O. Tvewell, H. Limit stakes: C. 11. Prince. 1: Miss D. Wricht. 2: C. H. Herdson. .1. Open «,take«: ('!. D. A. R'nynes. 1; Miss D. AYnsjht. 2: S. Saulbrey, 3. Puppy stakes: H. Kinder, I; Mrs. A. M.iwson. 2; S. baulhiey, .1. . A'salians.—Novieo stakes: H. M. Wi|istore. 1: F. fl. Bavlis. 2:R.Yickfirmnn, :! Limit stakes: Trevor Llovd. 1; H. W. AYii.stone. 2. Open stakes: Trevor Lloyd, \ Puppv stakes: H. M. AVinstonc, 1; Mrs. A. "Woods. 2; R. X. Bay lis, .7. Bulldogs.—Novice Makes: F. Oaw. .1. Limit stakes: S. H. Howie. I: J. A. AYaniscott 2. Open Btakes: J. W. Cummines. 1 and H: C. B. Daveney, 2. Puppy 6takC3: J. A. AVainscott. 1: F. Gaw. 0.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20304, 11 July 1929, Page 15

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KENNEL CLUB SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20304, 11 July 1929, Page 15

KENNEL CLUB SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20304, 11 July 1929, Page 15