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SERVICE AND PROGRESS. WORK OF THE LODGES. A very enjoyable evening wns spent by the Loyal Otorobanga Lodge Manchester Unity. 1.0.0. F., on the night of i(s visit, by members from other lodges. J lie N.G., liro. 11. V. Closey, welcomed the visitors 011 behalf of the lodge, and a musical programme was carried out, followed by supper. Comment was iniide on the very rapid growth ol the lodge, which lias initiated over 50 members since last .Tune. The Devonport Juvenile Lodge No. 4, A.0.F.. has made great strides of late, and now has a membership of over 120, with a very good average attendance. This improvement, is to a large extent line to the good work of tho adult president and secretary, Bros. Walters and YV. Oughtori, and the youthful band of pfliccrs under the C.l-t., Hro. Knott. At tho last meeting the boys were delighted to receive an official visit from a juvenile court of another order, Hie Alpha Juvenile Lodge,''., whoso members attended under tho leadership of Sister B. Wood, I'.N.CL The meeting was also honoured with the presence of the D.D.G.M., lira. F. Newboltl, who gave a short address to the hoys. The visitors were made to feel quite at home by the warm welcome extended by the C.8., Bro Knott, and his followers. (J a rues of all kinds were enjoyed, and the Devonport boys gave their visitors a line exhibition of boxing. Sister Wood, who is so well known for her keen interest 111 the juvenile movement, thanked the foresters foi the splendid evening provided. Last luesday tho Devonport boys paid' a visit to the adult Court Balmoral, where they were treated to a good evening's entertainment. On October 16 the Auckland Lodge 1J.A.0.D. received an official visit from the members of the Star of Newmarket Lodge, U.A.0.D., under the leadership of Bro. J. Blakemorc. The D.l'.'s of Nos. b and 23 districts, Bros Govan and W. Blakernore, were also present. The A.D., Bro. McCowatt, gave the visitors a hearty welcome, and during the evening received hum tho Newmarket Arch Druid the Mewburn Memorial Ritual Shield, which the Auckland Lodge has just won. Bro. A. McKay, I'.A., spoke of the old days when Auckland Lodge was the strongest in the district. He said he regretted to see the decreased attendances at the meetings. lie promised to gather some of the members of sister lodges together and attend some of the meetings in an endeavour to bring back the old standard of the lodge. Friendship liebekah Lodge No. 42, 1.0.0 F., Henderson, held its installation of officers ou October 9. The following officers were installed: —Sister L. 11. Wnugh. J.P.G.; Sister Z. A. Corban, N.G.: Sister L. Schramm, V.G.; Sister K. Fit/patrick, financial secretary; Sister J. Pilgrim, receiving secretary; Sister H. A. Corban, chaplain ; Sister A. A. Corban, conductor; Sister Latham, treasurer; Sister Baker, W. A notable event of tlie evening was the presentation of a P.N.G.'s collar to Sister It. E. Grant. In making the presentation Sister E. M. Crooke, L.D.D.G.M., complimented Sister Grant ou tiie excellent work rendered by her during her term of office. There was an exceptionally large number of visitors present from various lodges, and a sociable evening was spent after the installation ceremony. The fortnight meeting of the Loyal Papatoetoe Lodge, M.U.T.0.0.F., was held on October 16, a large number of membcrs and visitors being hi attendance. During the evening four new candidates were initialed, and received the honours of the order. At the conclusion of the business the lodge entertained the members of the local Foresters and Orange Lodges at an indoor bowling tournament. After a keenly-fought contest the Foresters' team emerged victorious. Music by Johnston s Orchestra enlivened the proceedings, and ;i dainty supper brought a very pleasant evening to a close. The Star of Newmarket Lodge, U.A.0.D.. met last Wednesday, the A.D., Bro. J. Blakernore, presiding. A hearty welcome was extended to Bro. 1. Hampton, an old member of the'lodge, who for the past 13 years has been living in Gisborne, but who has now returned to this city. Bro. Hampton was for some time secrctarv of the lodge and is also a I'.D.P. of No. 23 District. During the evening feeling reference was made to the passing away of Bro. Robert Andrews, a member of the lodge for over 20 years. Bro. Andrews, who had only reached the age of 49. was one of n band of five brothers, all of whom belonged to the lodge. Only two are now left. Several officers ami members attended tho funeral. and the Druids' funeral service was most, impressively read by P.D.P. Bro. Walls. A vote of sympathy with the relatives was passed by the lodge. The, fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Mount Albert Lodge, M.U.1.0.0.F., was held at »Moniingside Lodge Room on October 17. a large attendance of members and visitors being presided over by the N.G., Bro N. Thayer. At the close of the routine business n very enjoyable time, was spent, the company being entertained by Hie, lady members of Mount Albert Lodge. Games, dancing and some very good vocal and musical items all helped to make the evening pass away too quickly, a dainty supper bringing the entertainment to a conclusion. The visitors included members from Loyal Birkenhead, Ponsonbv, Good Intent, Dominion and Richmond Lodges. The Mount Albert Lodge is still growing in numbers and fivo more now members arc due for initiation at the next meeting, which will afterwards take (he form of a social. A feature of tho programme will bo the first public appearance of the lodge's now orchestra of five members, which will supply the music for the evening. The St:n of Eden Lodge, 1.0.0. F., No. 54. held its fortnightly oil October 15. After lodge business was concluded the D D.G.M.. Bro. 1 1 . S. Newbold, and flu district installing team of officers proceeded to install the newlyelected officers The chief officers installed were as follows: -N.G., Bro. J. Sinardoii; V.G,. Bro Joynt ; conductor, ■Bro U West brook; warden, Bro. McNainarii. recording secretary, Bro, I*. Parr (re-elected); secretary, Bro P. Evans (re-elected): treasurer. Bro. W. D. Boss (re-elected). After the ceremony the I). D.G.M made a short speech and also presented 011 behalf of the lodge, a past grnnd'« collar to Bro. Drummond. The N.G. welcomed P.G. Bro. S. Takle back to the lodge after his recent world tour Bro Tackle, in responding, gave the members a brief outline of the various places lie had visited and thanked the lodge for iff! welcome The Royal Arch Chapter, IJ. A.0.D., met fin October 18, at Newmarket. The Royal Arch-Druid, Bro. W. Gregory, presided. A simple lodge of instruction was formed and 1? young officers put through their various chairs, (he work done being very promising. In the chapter proper arrangements were made for (he examination of candidates for next term. A discussion on financo was adjourned until next meeting. Sister 11. Crow-soil, N.G., presided over a good attendance of members ol the Loyal Chevalier Lodge, M.U.1.0.0.F., last Thursday evening. Visitors from Loyal Richmond, Lynndalo and Ponsonby were present and received tho nonours of tho order. During tho evening a good programme of vocal arid instrumental Items was presented which, with games and dancing, helped (0 inukc the evening a great success.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20086, 25 October 1928, Page 18

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20086, 25 October 1928, Page 18

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20086, 25 October 1928, Page 18