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WEEKLY WESTFI ELD SALE. FIRM MARKET FOR BEEF. PORK AND VEAL EASIER. There \v;is a slightly smaller yarding nf ox beef at t lie weekly West field fal stock sale yesterday. Hie offering was of excellent quality and sold under keen competition at fully equal to inte rates. Cow and lieifer beef was in shorter supply and made better values than a week ago An average yarding of mutton met with a steady demand. Prices were about on a par with late rales or, if anything, showed n tendency to improve. There was little change in values for spring lambs, which came forward in average numbers and were generally of good quality. One line made up to 34s 9d. Calves were penned in excess of requirements and although the sale, opened at late rates there was a distinctly easier tone toward the closePigs also were in over-supply, with an easing of demand as the sale proceeded. Following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock this week, compared with those of last week This Week. Lust Week.. BEEF (per 1001b)Extra choice ox . 45/- 45/Clioice and prime ox .. .. 42/- to 4U- 42/- to 44/Choice and prime cow and lieifer 37/- to 40/- • 35.'- to 40/SHEEP (per head) Prime Wethers— Shorn .. 31/Glo 39,''G 33/- to 35/6 Unshorn ... 10/- to 49/ C 43/0 to 45/9 UnfininliL-d Wethers— Shorn . . 25/- to '>ol- 2G/- to 29/9 , Unshorn .. 37/- to 39/9 35/- to 38/9 Prime EwesShorn .. "3/- to 09/9 22/fi to 29/G Unshorn .. 32/-to 41/- 29/- to 39/G Spring lambs .. 23/- to 34/9 25/- to 30/G CALVES (per head) — Runners .. JlO/- to 152/G 75/- to ]4n/Vcalers .. GG/- to 120/- 70/- to 11G/PIGS (per head)— Baconers .. 55/- to 87/G 49/- to 84/Porkers . . 38/- to 58/- 46/- to 58/Weaners .. 10/- to 24/- 5/-to 17/Slips . . .. 19/- to 3G/- 18/- to 28/Laige stores .. 31/- to 45/- 30/- to 41/LONDOX MARKET PRICES. Following are the latest quotations for New Zealand meat on the London market: Mutton.—Wethers and maidens, Canterbury quality, selected brands, light, per lb.; medium, 7d; heavy, 6 7-Bd. Other brands, light, 7d; medium, 6 7-8 d; heavy, 6|d. Ewes, light and medium, SidLambs. —Canterbury quality, light, per II).; medium, ; heavy, 9Jd; seconds, Selected brands, light, 10 l-8d; medium, 10 l-Bd. Other brands, first quality, light, 9||d; medium, 9^d; second quality, 301b. to 321b., average, 9,5 d. Beef.—Ox fores, 4d; hinds, Cow fores, 3i,d; hinds, 4? t d. Pork.—Porkers, to 7£d. Baconers, 7^d. DALGETY AND COMPANY. Dulgety and Company, Ltd., report:— Beet: Only a medium yurdmg of ox beef came forward, which sold under steady competition at prices ruling at last week's market. We bold, on account of the Somcrviile Estate, Okoroire, one truck of prime bullocks, which averaged £IS 23 9d ; Two trucks on account oi Messrs, laylor Brothers, of Taupiri, averaged £l7 12s. Prime heavy bullocks made £l7 15s to £lB 15s; choice and prime, £l7 to Xl 7 12s lid; ] prime bullocks, £IG 17s Gd. Cows were varded in less than average numbers and sold under strong competition at a slight lice on last, week's prices. Good cows and heifers made £ll 2s Gd to £l2: lighter sorts. £6 17s Gd to £ 10; just killable cows, £6 5s to £G 15a. Extra choice ox sold to 45s per 1001b.; cho'ce and prime, 42s to 445; just killable, £1 19s to £2 Is; prime young cow and heifer beel, 40s; just killable, 303 to als An average yarding of fat sheep came forward and sold under steady competition for all good lines. A fair number of shorn sheep came forward. A line of prime heavy woolly lambs sold at 43s and a line of heavy shorn lambs realised 31s Extra heavy prime wethers, woolly, made 42s 9d; shorn, 39s Gd; heavy prime, woolly, 42s Gd; medium, woolly, 39s cd; "horn. 30s 3d; light and unfinished, shorn, 28s Gd; heavy prime ewes, woolly, 435; shorn, 31s 9d; lighter, woolly, 36s 9d; shorn, 30s Gd; other ewes, woolly, 33s Gd; shorn, 23s Gd. Lambs: An average yarding of spring lambs came forward, which sold nt late rates. Heavy prime lamb made 32s 9d; medium. 31s; light, 275. Calves sold under keen competition at fully late rates. A line of °ix nice quality vealers of medium weights, on account of Mr. C. N. Worker, averaged £4 13s. Medium to heavy vealers made £3 15s to £5 Is; light, £2 10s to £3 12s; small. 20s to .£2 2s. Pigs were yarded in increased numbers, and sold at late quotations. A large number of very plain pigs were included in the offering. Choppers made £2; heavy porkers, £2 8s to £2 12s; medium baconers, £3 to €3 Gs; medium porkers. £2 2s to £2 Gs; liglit baconers. £2 los to £2 183; light porkers. £1 Ins to £2. LOAN AND MERCANTILE. Tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Limited, reports:—Beef was penned in average numbers. Competition was keen and values were very firm at lato rates for all classes of beef. Extra I choice ox sold to £2 5s per lOOlb: choice and prime. £2 2s to £2 -Is; ordinary and plain, £2 to £2 Is; prime young cow and heifer beef. £1 183 to A'2; ordinary cow beef. £1 15s to £1 17s; heavy prime steers, £l7 to £lB 10s- lighter prime, £ls 5s to £IG 17s Gd; light prime, £l4 to £ls 2s. Gd; unfinished and small. £l2 to £l3 17s Gd: heavy prime young cows and heifers, £l3 to £ls 7s Gd; lighter. £lO to .£l2 17s Gd: light cows. £8 to £9 15s; other cows, £5 10s to £7 17s Gd. Sheep were yarded in average numbeis, ewes predominating. Prime shorn wethers sold readily and improved in value, all othc. classes being at late rates. Heavy prime wethers, woolly, made £2 4s to £'> ss, shorn £1 17s to £1 38s 3d; medium prime, woolly £2 2s 3d to £2 3s 9d, shorn £1 13S to £1 lGs Gd: light prime, woolly £2 1o £2 2s. shorn £1 10s to £1 12s Gd; small and unfinished, woolly £1 17s to £1 19s 9d, shorn £1 5s to £1 Upheavy prime ewes woolly £1 19s to £2 Is shorn £1 8s 9d to £1 9s 9d: medium prime woolly £1 16s Gd to £1 18s 9d, shorn £1 7s to £1 8s Gd: light prime, woolly £1 12s to £1 15s Gd, shorn £1 5s to £1 Gs 9d; prime hoggets, woolly £1 10s to £1 17s, shorn £1 Gs to £t 9s Gd. Spring lambs were penned in. average numbers and sold readily at late rates. Extra heavy prime made to £1 Its ?d: heavy prime. £1 7s Gd to £1 10s; medium prime, £1 5s 3d to £1 7s 3d; liglit prime, £1 3s to £1 ss. Pigs were penned in extra largo numbers. Values were easier on late quotations, the demand falling as tho sillo advanced. Choppers sold at £2 to £4 7s Gd; heavy and medium baconeYs, £3 to £3 Is; light baconers and heavy porkers. £2 10s to £2 18s; medium porkers and light porkers, £2 to £2 8s: small and unfinished porkers £1 10s to £1 18s. Store nigs were penned in large numbers. Competition was keen and vniues improved on late quotations. Large stores made £1 18s to £2 ss; slips, £1 8s to £1 lGs; woaners, 10s to £1 4s. Calves were penned in large numbers. Values were about 011 a war with last weok's quotations, but for the lata sale were easier. Runners made £5 10a to £7 12s Gd; heavy vealers. £5 10s to £G; medium. £4 18s to £5 Bslight, £t to £4 Gs: smaller. £.'! Gs to £3, 18s: small and fresh-dropped, 9s to £3; rough calves. £1 5s to £3. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, report ;—Our heel' pens contained 219 heud, as against 257 head at last Wednesday's sale, comprising' 118 steerß and 101 cows and heifers. The major portion of the ox beef was o! excellent quality. There was a keen demand for all classes. Ox beef was very firm, and prime cows and heifers wore better worth. Extra choice ox sold to £2 as per 1001b; choice and prime, £2 2s to £2 4s; secondary and plain. £1 19s to £2 Is; prime young cow and lieifer beef, £1 17s' to £2; ordinary cow beef, £1 13s to £1 16s. Heavy prime Blcers ranged from £l7 10s to £lB 15s, the latter price for steers from Mr. D. Donovan, le Puke, bought by Mr. E. R. Fisk; 24 steers from Mr W. Vospcr, Dingley Dell, Cambridge, averaged £l7 5s Gd; 1G from Mr. D. Donovan. To Puke, £l7 3s 9d; 18 from the Wuiknto £l7 2s Gd; 10 from Mr. J. It. Self. Beoc'hlea Downs. £IG 8s Gd. Lighter prime steers made £ls 17s Gd to £l7 7s Gd: light prime, £l3 10s to £ls 15s; small and unfinished. £ll 10s to £l3 7s Gd: extra heavy prime young cows and heifers. £l2 to £l4 2s Gd; one extra special heifer from Mr. T. Muir realising £IS 10s. the purchasers being Messrs. Fearon Bros.: heavy primo cows and heifers. £1(1 10s to £ll 17s Gd: lighter prime. £9 to £lO 7s fid: other killable cows.

£6 to £8 J7s Gd. There wan an average yarding of sheep. the demand and value for which were similar to last report. Extra heavy prime wethers, woolly, £2 7s Gd to £2 9s Gd; heavy prime, woolly, £2 4s to £"2 Gs 9d; medium to heavy prime, woolly. £2 to £2 3s Oil; shorn, £1 lis Gd to £1 14s 9d; light 1o medium prime, woolly, £* l7b to £1 19s 9d: shorn, £'l 83 to £1 us 3d; unfinished wethers, shorn, £'l Gs to £1 7s 9d; extra heavy prime young ewes, woolly, £1 18s to £2 Os Gd; shorn. £1 7h Gd to £1 10a; heavy prime ewes, woolly. £J 15s Gd to £1 17s Gd; lighter prinie; woolly, £1 12s to £1 14s; shorn. £1 3s to £1 4b 9d. o*her tillable ewes, woolly, .l'l 108 to lis 9d; shorn, 11 to £1 2s 9dr other ewe*. 13s to 18s Gd (973 sheep sold). IHe J< spring lambs which came forward were ot good quality, and met with a brisk sale at improved values. Extra heavy piane lambs made £1 12s to £1 13s Gd; heavy prime. £1 10s to £1 Us 9d; lighter prune, XI 7s to £1 9s Gd; light prime, £t 4s <o £1 <>s 9d; small. 19s 9d to £1 3s .Gd. Calves were penned in excess of requirements. In Utt early part of the sale values were fullj equal to lost week's, but in the conchiding stages prices slumped, especially for smalle sorts. So heavy runners were offeied. medium made to £5 19s; b«M* 10s to £5 10s; medium. £3 hs to i 1 »==. 1 i•• 111 I '2 10s to £3 3s; rough and ished £1 5s to £1 lus; fresh dropped and small: 5s to £1 10s <315 calves sold). .hcio was an increased offering of nifls. 1 nets for baconers were easier, while maintained recent rates. Choppers le.ihsed i f? "J* readily" b«t made £i U» to £1 13s: smaller. £1 5s to £1 9* = good slim i<u to £1 3s; weancrs. lis to JHs. small and weedy. 4s to Da (*» P'S" ">U t . COUNTRY SALES. The .New Zetland Loan and Meicamile Loiupaiiy, J'tel., reiKUtb.—a."eb oi v.ei" tieid during Uie week at w esiiieiu, L'ußeKOhe, \\ arkwoim.l and haukupakapa, h pig - l >?. au \v •aid a clearing tale ou account oi Ml. • i'tee at I'uni. We report good «a es, v-ith values firm for all classes oi c.ittlt, J, We quote Dairy cows and heifers, beht. £lO to £ls 10s; others £b id, 1P £9 IPs aged cows and initriui ■u.iJs £3 'o £6 ss; bulls, grades. £4 to £ls, according to age, breed asld q^ tJ ' rc'isieied pedigree bulls, Gi;ns to *.»fcns, JeTs v and Shorthorn bulls being njost y ,u demand, store and toner ««,!■! 16* i n j'c iQu yearling heifers, best, io to A* t t&. « >»> <•» » «. JjfSTJ to 18-months" steers, £4 to £5 178 Gd. 2 21-year steers, £0 to £G 1-s 6d; 3 to-J 3 -jejr steers. £7 to £» ss; 4 to 45-year steers. £8 7s Gd to £9 10s; grown steers, in forwald condition. £9 15s to £ll 10s. Alf-ed BucUland and Sous, Ltd., repciit. Dunns the weeli we held sales at '.N estfiedd Timkau. Turua, Pokeno, Runcnnan. Clevedon and Waiheke also ww sa?e at AVaiuktl. There were full yardinfrs ot all centres, and a keen demand continues fm all cl r ses of cattle and sheep Best daiiy co* at profit, or recently calved, £l2 to £18; extra, to £24; second grade cows, £S 10s to £ll 15s; others, £4 to £8 ss; best springing heifers. £lO to £ls 10s; otliero. tfi to £9 10s; heavy prime young cows nnd heifers. £9 10s to £l3: lighter fat cow and heifers, £0 10s to £9 .>s; boner cows £1 to £G 53; empty young cow« and heifers. £4 5s to £G 17s Gd; store cows. £Q lOs to i! 4 10a; fat steers. £'ll to i-lo 103 yrown steers, in forward condition, £lO 5s to £l2; four-year-old steers. £8 15s to £9 17s Get. three to four-year-old steers £7 103 to £8 15s; two to three-year-old steers, £G to £7 7s 6d; yearling to 18moi th-old steers £4 10s to .£5 17fi Gd; cows with calves, £7 to £lO 10.s; well-bred yearling heifers, £3 10s to £7; smaller wellbred i.c'ters, £4 5s to £5 ss; other yearling heifers. £3 10s to £4 10s; sound young held bulls. £8 8s to £IG lGs; pedigree Jersey bulls. £l2 12s to 28gns; pedigree Shorthorn bulls, £l4 14s to 21gns; pedigree Fneaian bulls, £ls 15s to 30gns.; heavy bulls. £8 to £l2 ss; other bulls, £4 to £7; - woolly ewoe with Jembo, £1 lGs to £2 2s; snorn ewes with lambs, £1 103 10 £1 13s; woolly hoggets. £1 % *0 £1 13s; shorn store wethers, £1 5s to £1 8s; fat shorn wethers, £1 9s to £1 12s

The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Ltd., report having lipid their Ohinewai stock sale on Monday, when ft large yarding of all classes was penned. Prices were:—Cows, fat, £9 5s to £9 12s fid: light, fat, £6 15s to £7 lGs; forward, £'G His to £G Ms; fresh-conditioned. Cs_ 7s Gd to £G; steers, I)' year, fresh-conditionecl. ;ElO IPs to £H 12s; 3-year steers, fresh-condi-tioned, £9 lOs to £9 15s; two-year steers. £G 15s to £7: yearling steers. £3 7s to £4 Is; cows, store. £3 17s. to £5 2s Gd; others. £1 7s Gd to £3; heifers, empty, two-year, £4 12s to £G 2s Gd; small. £3 15s to £4 ss; yearling heifers, £3 13s to £4 Gs; small. £2 to £3 3s; dairy heifers. Jersey-cross, close | to profit, £9 to £ll 10s; more backward, £G 10s to £8; cows, £8 to £lO os; bulls, £ll to £l4 10s; others. £4 to £9 l.'is. The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Ltd., report having held their Cambridge stock sale on Monday last, when a good yarding cnine forward. There was only a medium yarding of beef, but a keen demand. There was a heavy entry of stores, particularly of empty heifers. Although the market was easier than previous sales, practically the whole yarding was cleared. The demand is still keen for dairy cattle of good quality. Pigs sold at usual late rotes. Prices were Sheep: Prime hoggets. 40s 3d; i fat hoggets, 35s Gd. Beef: Medium fat steers, £ls 17s Cd; lighter, £l4 12s Cd; heavy fat cows, £9 2s Gd to £9 12s Gd; lighter, £6 17s Gd to £8 12s (id; fat heifers, £7 2s Cd to £8 15s; forward-conditioned cows, £5 5s to £G 10s; store cows, £3 15s to £4 17s Gd: one-year steers, Shorthorns, £5 6s to £5 14s; two-year empty Shorthorn heifers. £4 to £4 9s; marked one-year Jersey heifers, £li 2s Gd to £7 10s; good quality one-year Jersey heifers, £5 lis to £(5 10s; Jersey and Jersey-cross heifers, £3 17s Gd to £4 12s Gd; India for service, £5 10s to £9. Dairy cows: Choice Jersey heifers. £ll to .£ll 15a (close to profit); choice Holstein heifers, close to profit, £ll 5s to £l3; heifers, later calvers, £7 15s to £8 10s: choice dairy cows, close to profit, £ll 10s to £l4. Pigs: Porkers, £2 3s; stores, 28s Gd to 325; slips, 20s to 255; weaners. 13s to 18s; smaller. 7s to lis. Bobby calves, best, 15s to 19s Gd; others, 7s to lis. RATES, AT ALDINGTON. FAT CATTLE IN DEMAND. GOOD INQUIRY FOR SHEEP. [I!Y TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] CEKISTCHURCH, Wednesday. There vero increased entries at Addington market to-day: in fat and storo cattle and vealers. and also in fat lambs, while the offerings of fat and store sheep were about the Bame as in the previous week. There was a firm sale of fat cattle, especially for primest'sorts, of wliich there was not a large number penned. Fat and store sheep showed no change in values, although there was a rather better inquiry for the latter. Owing to the number of fat lambs penned being double that of the previous week prices eased- a few shillings per head. There was a good sale for store cattle, among which were several lines of young stock. In the pig sections porkers sold better than baconers. and stores uiado a good recovery. The numbers of store shccu penned were about the same as in the previous week, but the quality of the better lots was not so good. Showers of rain during the week-end which had freshened up tho pastures resulted in a better inquiry for all classes of sheep, although there was practically no change in prices, except in the case of ewes and lambs, which were somewhat dearer. Prices were:—Good lialfbred ewo hoggets to 375; good three-Quarterbrud ewe hoggets, 32s Gd to 35s Gd: crossbred wether hoggets, to 28s Gd; shorn lialfbred hoggets. 18s 3d to 21s Gd; good 4. 6 and 8-tooth threequnrterbred ewes, 31s to 35s Gd: lialfbred ewes and lambs, 19s to 20s 3d; ail counted good woo lied lialfbred wethers, 32s Gd t" 33s Gd: crossbred wethers. 28s to 325: shorn wethers, to 2Gs Bd. , Tho number of spring lambs penned was 240. As the numbers largely regulate the prices of lambs at this tnreofheyea.. there was a drop of 2s Gd toJ W ' head, and in some cases even nwe. lambs sold at 37s to 39s 3d: goi< . « •. to 30s 3d; medium. :ios to 33s <-d. small. 2< The J en°try Jtl of G( ftit sl»eep was sufficient to fill 105 races, and the quality was "SP" 1 good The market opened a littie ta.iei, but soon firmed up to the previous week s prices. In some cases shorn wethers sold better than sheep in wool alues - Kxtra prime wethers, to oOs lOd. l wethers 43s to 47s Gd. prune medium-weight wot hers. 37s to 425: medium and unfinished. 30s 10d to 355;, shorn we hers -os Id to 40s 4(1; extra prime eu;es. to 4bs 4d. prime ewes. 30s to 40s: medium ewes. 25.-, to 35s- aged and inferior ewes, to -/s Gd. shorn ewes, 33s lOd to 3Gs lOd; hoggets. 29s lOd to 44s Id. . ~ There was an increase m the offerings of fat cattle, the total being 435 head, there was a moderate proportion of prime quality steers, and a very large part of the yarding W as made up of cows and heifers, the market opened quite up to tho week's rates, and in some cn.&ef prices \\eit rather better. It remained very am throughout. All very prime steers, of which there was not a large supply, being keenly competed for, and showed an advance oil tho previous week's prices. Good cows rind heifers also sold well. No extra prime beef Sold under 50s per 1001b. lhe average for prime beef was equal to 4«s to 48s: medium. 39s Gd to 435: plain heavy steer. SGs Gd to lis: prime cow and heifer bur. 44s to 47s Cd: medium. 39s fid to rough, down to 30s per 100' h. Values woe. Extra prime steers to £2l 17* <»d; prune steers, £lB 10s to £2O; medium J-lb 10s to JCIS ss: ordinary steers. £l3 7s fid lo £IG ss; extra prime heifers, to £l7 12s Gd- prime heifers, £l4 to £l6; ordinary heifers. £7 12s Gd to £l3 10s; extra prime cows, to £IG 12s Gd: prime cows, £l3 to £ls 15s; medium cows, £9 10s to £l2 10s: aged and inferior cows. £fi 17s 7d to £9.

There was a lai'iie entry, of voalci'S. .ft considerable proportion being yearling. Values were:—Yearlings to 2-year-olu sorta sold to £9 Is: «ood vealers, £0 10s to £o 15s; small calves. 20s to £2 15s. There was a larger yarding of store cuttle than has been the case of late. A good proportion consisted of yearlings to 2-yeui-olds, raised from dairy herds, and were light in condition. The balance of the yarding was made up of cows. There whs a good demand for all classes, especially for the young cattle. Values were:— Eighteen-month to 3-year steers. £7 15s to £8: 2-year steers. £G 10s: yearling steers. £4 10s; good yearling heifers, £0 3s <id .- 2 and 3-year hoifers. £5 to £G; best cowis. £5 to £7: medium cows. £3 to £4 10s; inferior cown, 30s to £2 10s. , Of a medium entry of fair quality dairy cattle only belter sorts were in demand. Values were:—Good second. third and fourth calvers, £lO Gs to £l2 15s; medium sorts, £7 10s to £9 10s: inferior sorts. £l, to £G ss; heifers. £5 10s to £lO 10s: aued cows, £4 to £6 10s. There was a medium entry of bitconers, and a large one of porkers, the latter beinc fjiT.i ut late rates, while baconers were a little weaker. Values were:—Choppers £2 ti £4 18s Gd; light weaners, £3 to £•) heavy bnconers. £3 10» to £4 78 Gd (equal to 52 d to Gjd per lb): light porkers. .Ms to 10s; heavy porkers. £2 5s to £2 I.s Gd (average price, GJd to d per lb). A medium entry of store pigs sold at price* showing f, marked advance on the previous week's sales. Values were:—Small weaners. 7s to 10s; good weaners, lis to 15s; medium stores, 16s to 21b: large stores. 22s to 335. KATES AT JOIINSONVILLE. GOOD DEMAND FOR LAMBS. [BY TELEGRAPH. —OWN CORRESPONDENT. J WELLINGTON. Wednesday. Messrs. Wright, Stephenson and Co.. Ltd.. and Abraham and Williams. Ltd., report, on the Jolmsonville sale to-day as follows: There was a larger yardins of sheep, and the usual yarding of cattle. Prices for wethers showed an easing tendency, while prices for ewes remained on a par-with late rates. Heavy ewes sold well. The offering of spring lambs was lmge, and as the quality was extra special, prices showed a good return to vendors. Included in the offering of cattle was one truck of extra heavy bullocks, and also one truck extra heavy cows, which rold at late rates. A calers wei-e' in good demand. Price* were:—Bullocks 'heavy). £lB. to £2l 12s Gd; bullocks (light), £l4 ?0s to £ls 12s fid: cows, £ll 17s Gd to £ls 15s; heifers. £ll 10s to £l6 ss; wethers, 40s to -13s 3d: ewes. .ISs 3d to 395: <nves (extra heavy), 435; lambs, 30s Cd to 335; vealers, £2 5s to £3 10s. FIJI FRUIT INDUSTRY. THE PINEAPPLE CROP. [FROM OCR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] SUVA. Oct. 12. Three experts engaged in the canning of pineapples in Honolulu will visit Fiji early in November to inspect the possibilities of establishing the pineapple industry in a big way in the colony. The Government has placed the yacht Pioneer at their disposal and they will be away from Suva for about a fortnight. Pineapple Plantations, Limited, . the New Zealand company which is taking up the industry in Fiji, and which lias secured the plant used by the Government in its experiments, will be ready to commence operations in the first week of November. It is not expected that the first fruit will be ready to cut until about the tenth of the month. Work was held up during the loading of copra on the steamer Clan McPhep on account of the dirty state of her holds. She had discharged coal, and there had been a rush to commence load ing operations before she had been properly cleaned out. The harbourmaster was asked to make an inspection of the ship and ordered a cessation of the work to give the neccssai-y opportunity for the j cleaning of the holds. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. Australian and N.Z. Press Association. CHICAGO. Oct. IP Wheat. —December. 1 dollar 16J cents per bushel; March, 1 dollar 21 3-8 cents: Mav. 1 dollar 24 cents.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20080, 18 October 1928, Page 11

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FAT STOCK MARKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20080, 18 October 1928, Page 11

FAT STOCK MARKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20080, 18 October 1928, Page 11