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PORT OF AUCKLAND. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. Waipahi (9.15 a.m.), from Suva. Lionel (12.15 p.m.), from Texas. Wairuna (0.30 p.m.), from New Plymouth. Gael (2.15 a.m.). from Wnrkworth; Pnroto (2.30 a.m.). from Coast; Ronaki (3 a.m.), from Portland; Motu (('>.35 a.m.), from Const; Apantii (7.5 a.m.), from Parengn; Ngapuhi (7.20 a.m.). from Tauranga : Gunbar (4.30 p.m.), from East Coast bays. Lyttelton (0.50 p.m.). from Coast; Gael (7.<15 p.m.). from Waiheko. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Canadian Winner (5.10 p.m.), for Wellington. Cerasus (5.15 p.m.). for Wangnnui. Westmoreland 15.25 p.m.), for London. Otimai (12.10 a.m.). for Const; Toa (12.25 a.m.), for Whakatane; Taniwha (1.15 a.m.). for Pael'oa; Gael (10.15 a.m.), for Waiheke; Kawau (11.25 a.m.). for Bit? Omaha; ltangitoto (-1.-15 p.m.), for Thames'; Pono (5.20 p.m.), lor Coast. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Canadian Explorer, from Montreal, noon. Balls Head, from Greymouth, 0 p.m. Taniwha. from Pneioa. 5 a.m. Claymore, from Whangarei, (>.30 a.m. Raniritoto, from Thames, 2 p.m. Haititi. from Kopu, 3 p.m Kawati. from Big Omaha, 5.30 p.m. Apanui. from Great Burner, 6 p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. /Itirnutaka, from Port Chalmers, G. 30 a.m. Pint Darwin, for Wellington. noon. Waipahi, for Fiji, 3 p.m. Wairuna. for Apia, 3 p.m. Gaol, for Matakana. 1 p.m. Faroto, for Kerepeehi, 4 p.m. Ngapuhi, for Tauranga, 6.30 p.m. Claymore. for Whnngaxei, 10.30 j>.m. Taniwha. for Paeroa. midnight Canbpus, for Westport, 5 p.m. Gunbar, for East Coast porta. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. I.NTEKCOI.O.NIAI AND COASTAL. Balls Head, Greymouth, October 13. Kaimanawa. Weatport, October 19. Katoa, Southern port:!.. October 19. Kaitangata. Greymouth, October 20. 11.M.S Laburnum, Fiji. October 20. Niagara. Sydney. October 22. ' H.M.S. Veronica. Tonga. Oetobor 23. Maheno, Sydney. October 23 Waipiata, Southern ports, October 21. Kaiapoi Weatport, to sail. Maui Pomare, Apia, via Southern porta, November 10. _ Southern Cross. Now Hebrides. December o>. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE 'Aorangi. duo from Vancouver, Isovom&pr 4, ieaves Auckland for Vancouver £v,ovember 20. Makura, left Snn Francisco October 3. duo Wellington, October 22, leaves Wellington for San Francisco November 6. Maunganui. cKie Snn Francisco from Wellington October 26, sails for Wellington October 31. Niagara, leaves Svdnev October 19. and Auckland October '2l, for Vancouver. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND. Mul'ama, at Sydney; sails for Wellington October 19. Ulimaroa, at Wellington; sails for Svdney October 19. Manuka, at Wellington, her next trip to Melbourne is indefinite. Maheno, leaves Sydney October 19; due Auckland October 23. VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream—Rewa (bo.). Wainui. Hinemoa, Wuitomo. Kaitoke. Devonport—H.M.S. Philomel, 11.M.5. Wakakura, Nucula (Admiralty oiltanker). Queen's Wharf—Port Darwin (Heather. Koberton). Prince's Wharf—Wingatui (U.S.S. Coy.), Waipahi (U.S.S. Coy.). Central Wharf—Canopus (W.C Coy ), Wairuna (U.S.Si. Coy.). Gunbar (Spedding. Ltd.). King's Wharf—Lionel (R. Millar and Coy.). North Wall—Tofua (U.S.S Coy.). In Dock—H.M.C'.S. Iris, drodge Hapai. The Westport Coal Company's steamer Canopus is to sail on her return trip to Westport at tiv. o'clock this evening. The Gunbar arrived from the coast yesterday afternoon and berthed at Central Wharf. She is to sail for East Coast bays to-day. With cargo from Westport the Kuihi ng.iti leit Greymoii'.h for Auckland at 11 o'clock on Tuesday night. She is duo on Saturday morning. The Waipiata'en route from South Island ports, is to leave Wellington for Napier and Auckland on Saturday. Shu is due at Auckland aevt Wednesday. With cargo from South Island ports and Wellington the Katoa left Pictou for Napier and Auckland at 3.30 p.m. on Tuesday She is due at Auckland l;o-morrow. Russell and Somers, Ltd.. advise the Anchor Line steamer Alexander is due at Onehunga from Wangaiun on Sunday to load for Nelson and West Coast ports. The Kaimanawa left New Plymouth for Auckland on Tuesday evening. She is diu to-night or to-morrow morninc. and wjli berth, at Prince's Wharf to complete unloading coal from Westport. The Union Company's steamer Ball's Head is due from Greymouth at six o'clock this evening., She will unload her coal cargo at King's Wharf Afterwards the vessel will return to Greymouth to load again for Auckland. MAKURA FROM SAN FRANCISCO. With passengers, mail and cargo from San Francisco, Papeete and Rurotonga, the Royal Mail liner Malum is due at Wellington on Monday. Owing to the day being a holiday the vessel will resume her voyage to Sydnoy at noon on Wednesday. WAIPAIII RETURNED. After a. fine weather voyage to Fiji the Union Company's island steamer Waipahi returned to Auckland with a cargo of fruit, yesterday morning. , She is at Prince's Wharf, and is to sail on her return trip to Suva at threo o'clock this afternoon. KAZEMBE AT SUVA. The New Zealand Shipping Company has received advice that the A. and A. Line's chartered steamer Kazembe reached Suva from New York last Saturday, and is expected to resume her voyage to New Zealand to-day. The vessel has case oil and general merchandise ;for discharge a.t Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton and Dunedin. She 13 duo at Auckland about Monday. PASSENGERS ON CIIITRAL. Russell and Somers, Limited, have received advice that the following passengers for New Zealand are travelling by the P. and 0. liner Chitral. which is due at Sydney from London to-day:—Mrs. and Mnscs (2) Herbert, Mrs. Natusch. Mr. and Mrs. Court. Miss Graham, Mr, Baker, Mr., Mrs. and Misses (2) Johnstone. Miss Gulverwell, Misses (2) Nathan. Miss Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin, Mr. Whitaker, Mrs. Summers. Mr.. Mrs. and Miss Jordan, Miss Farley, Mr.. Mrs. and Miss Burton. Mrs. and Messrs. Bukor (2). CANADIAN EXPLORER. Tho Canadian National steamer Canadian Explorer which was due from Montreal yesterday afternoon, has reported sho is being delayed by bad weather, and will not arrive until noon to-day. The vessel has general merchandise for discharge at Auckland. Sydney. Melbourne and Adelaide. Cargo for Auckland will be unloaded at Prince's Wharf, and the vessel will resume lier voyage toward the end of the week. THE LIONEL. With_ Rirjo tons of sulphur from Galveston, Texas, the Norwegian motor-ship Lionel reached Auckland yesterday afternoon. After unloading 2200 tons at King's Wharf she is to sail for New Plymouth, -Melbourne and Port Lincoln at mid-day to morrow to complete discharge. The vessel sailed from Galveston on September 10. She reached Colon on September 17, and cleared Balboa the following day. Generally fair weather prevailed on tho voyage, until last Friday, when a Bouth-west gale »nd high head seas were encountered. The storm continued for three days, and at times the vessel could only prosiresa at about half her normal speed. On Tuesday tne weather improved and better progress was made to J)ort. 'J'ho Lionel wiis at Auckland in Jnnnary, 1927. when sho unloaded ease oil from Texas. Since then she has been engaged mostly in tho America-Australian trade. She carries a crew of all told, and Captain M, Loftdnhl is in command. Messrs. R. Millar and Company are tho local agents. C. AND D. LONDON SAILINGS. Following tho Commonwealth and Domin ion Lino steamer Port Wellington, which left London for Now Zealand last Sunday, the Port Melbourne is to be despatched from London for Dunedin, Lyttelton and New Plymouth on December 12 The company's latest schedule states that steamers are to leave London for New Zealand next year on the following dates: — January 2. for Suva, Wellington, Lyttelton and Napier. New Plymouth. , April 17, for Lyttelton. Port Chalmers, Bluff, Timaru. ~ , Juno 19. for Wellington. Auckland. July 31, for Suva, Auckland, Port Chalmers. . _ ~ ~ ,August 21. for Port Chalmers, Lyttelton Nelson, ~ , . October 23. for Auckland, Wellington. December 25, for Lyttelton, Port Chalmers,. Bluff, Timaru.

THE RJMCTAKA. Tho Now Zoaland Shipping Company'.!) liner Rimutnka is to sail for Port Chalmers and New Plymouth at 6.30 a.m. to-day to complete unloading cargo from London. THE CANADIAN WINNER. The Canadian National steamer Canadian Winner sailed for Wellington. Adelaido and Melbourne last evening in continuation of her voyuga from Montreal. WESTMORELAND SAILED. The Federal Line steamer Westmoreland was despatched from Auckland lust evening with a cargo of New Zealand produce for London. THE MAMILUS. From London tho Shaw, Savill and Albion stsanier Mumilus in to sail on November '2l for Suva. Lyttelton, Port Chalmers and Tirrmru. Sho is due at Lytteltou on January -1. Til 12 POUT FREMANTLE. Now loading at Wauganui tho Commonwealth and Dominion Lino steamer Port Freniantlo will later load at New Plymouth and Wellington. She is to bo despatched from Wellington for London, via Panama, on Ootobo' 31. THE CANADIAN TRAVELLER Reported to have reached Colon last Sunday tho Canadian National steamer Canadian Traveller ia en route from Montreal to New Zealand. Sho is duo at- Auckland about November 12. PORT CURTIS FROM NEW YORK. Tho Commonwealth and Dominion Lino steamer Port Curtia is scheduled to leave New York on October 26 with case oil and general cargo for Auckland. Napier, Wellington, Lytteltoii and Dunediu. MAIMOA FROM LIVERPOOL. With cargo from West Coast ports of Groat Britain tho Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Maimou is to leave Liverpool for AuckWellington. Lytteltou and Dunedin on. November 10 Sho is duo at Auckland on. December IS. CARGO FROM AUSTRALIA, i'ho ConiF'any's steamer Kniranga left Wellington yesiterday for Edithburg, Wallaroo. Port Augusta. Adelaido and Melbourne to load for New Plymouth, Auckland, Portland, Napier. Wellington, Castlccliffe, Lyttelton and Dunedin. TIIE lONIC. Tho Shaw. Savill and Albion liner lonic is to leavo Napier for Wellington to day to completo loading for England. With passengers and mail sho is to bo despatched from Wellington for Southainpto and London, via Panama, at daybieak on October 26. THE CANADIAN BRITISHER. Advice receiver! by tho Canadian National Steamships states the Canadian Britisher reached New York on October 11 and sailed the following day in continuation of her voyage from Auckland to Boston 'and Montreal. Sho was despatched from Auckland on September 3. WAIRUNA LOADING. The Union Company's transpacific steamer Wairuna arrived from New Plymouth last evening, and berthed at Central Wharf. After loading general cargo sho is to sail for Apia, Fanning tshuid and Vancouver at threo o'clock this afternoon. NORFOLK AT COLON. En route from London to Suva. Auckland and Wellington, the Federal Lino steamer Norfolk is reported to have reached Colon last Sunday. She is duo at Auckland on November 9. Tho New Zealand Shipping Company aro tho local agents. THE CERASUS After unloading 4400 tons of phosphates from Nauru Island at King's Wharf, the tramp steamer Cerasus sailed for Wunganui Inst evening to complete dischargo From Wanganui the vessel will proceed to Westport for bunkers and then to Nauru Island to load for South Australia. NIAGARA FOR VANCOUVER. The Royal Mail liner Niagara is to leave Sydney for Auckland to-morrow with passengers and mail. Tho vessel is due on Monday evening, and ia to resume her voyage to Suvik, Honolulu and Vancouver at J.l o'clock on Wednesday morning. THE PORT DARWIN. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line siteanier Port Darwin did not complete unloading at Queen's Wharf last evening, as was expected. Her departure for Wellington and Lvttelton has been postponed until uoon to-day. WMTEMATA FROM PACIFIC COAST. Cablo advico received by tho Union Company states the Waitemata was despatched from Los Angeles last Friday with cargo from Pacific Const ports for discharge at Auckland. Napier. Lyttelton. Dunedin. Nelson and New Plymouth. Sho is duo at Auckland on November C. THE CANADIAN HIGHLANDER. Cable advico has been received by the Canadian National Steamships that the Canadian Highlander arrived at Panama last Friday morning from Montreal, and sailed again in tho afternoon for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedin and Napier. The vessel is due at Auckland on November 10. HERTFORD FROM LIVERPOOL. Tho Federal Lino steamer Hertford is scheduled to arrive from Wcßt Coast ports of Great Britain next Tuesday. Her general merchandise cargo is for dischargo at Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton. Port Chalmers and New Plymouth. Cargo for Auckland will be unloaded to the agency of tho New Zealand Shipping Company. THE SOMERSET. The Federal Line steamer Somerset was scheduled to clear Liverpool last Saturday with general merchandise from West Coast ports of Great Britain for dischargo at Auckland. Napier. Lyttelton. Timaru and Dunedin. Tho New Zealand Shipping Company are tho local agents. THE TAMAROA.. Tho Shaw. Savill and Albion liner Tamaroa is scheduled to clear Southampton on November 9 with passengers, mail and cargo for New Zealand. .The cargo will bo unloaded at Wellington and Auckland, oho is due at Wellington on December 13 and at Auckland about December 20. MATAKANA CLEARED BALBOA. L. D. Nathan and Co., Ltd.. havo received advice that the Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Matakana. en route from Liverpool to New Zealand, cleared Balboa Inst Monday. The vessel has general merchandise from West Coast ports of Great Britain for discharge at Auckland. VTellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. She is due at Auckland on November 4. PORT WELLINGTON LEAVES LONDON. Tho Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company has received advico that the Commonwealth and Dominion Lino steamer Port Wellington was despatched from London last Sunday for Auckland, Wellington and New Plymouth. Tho vessel has over 4000 tons of general merchandise and '260 tons of explosives for Auckland She is scheduled to arrive on November 23. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Tho folio ving vessels arc expected to bo within ran sc. of tho undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— Auckland.—Veronica. Kazembe, Raramca, Maui Pomare, Dunedin. Laburnum. Chatham I»lands.--Port Dunedin, Hertford. Wellim'ton.—Poelta, lonic, Kanna, Port Fremontfe, Ruahine, Hauraki, Kairangn. Awania.— Mtttinganui, Makura, C. A. Jjarsen. Sir J. C. Ross. City of New York, lurakina, Karetu. Waikawa. PORT OF ONEHUNCA. Yesterday's Arrivals.—Rarawa (0.45 a.m.), from New Plymouth; Arapawa (11 a.m.). from Holriaimu Hauturu (7.* p.m.). from Raglan and Kawliia. BY TELEGRAPH. WELLINGTON.—October 17: Arrived— Wahine (7 a.m.). from Lyttelton; Toolta (7.50 a.m.), from Newcastle. Sailed —Pukura (2.5 a.m.), for Napier; Totaru (1.10 p.m.), for New Plymouth; Sussex (1.30 p.m.), for Vancouver; Ruahiue (4.50 p.m.). and Wahine (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON.—October 17: Arrived— John (t>4o a.m.). from Wellington: Maori (0.50 am.) from Wellington; Baron Inchcapo (7 a.m.), from Wellington: Kamona (S.lO a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed— Canadian Conqueror (3.40 p.m.). for I lmaru; Kurow (11.15 a.m.). for Dunedin: V aipiata, (4.30 p.m.), for Wellington: Kamona (3.35 p.m.), for Groyniouth; Maori (7.3 a p.m.), for Wellington: John, to sail, for Wellington. DUNEDlN.—October 17: Arrived—Calm (1.30 p.m.), from Bluff. Sailed—Calm (8 p.m.). for BLUFF.—October 17: Sailed—Waikawa (10.15 a.m.). for Melbourne. COLON.—October 14: Arrived—Norfolk, en route from London to New ZealandMatakana, en route from Liverpool to r*ew /Zealand; Canadian Traveller, en I'outo from Montreal to New Zealand.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20080, 18 October 1928, Page 11

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20080, 18 October 1928, Page 11

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20080, 18 October 1928, Page 11