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An ultra-modern ninestorey reinforced concrete building, with a frontage to Queen Street and Customs Street West, within a few hundred yards of the post office, railway station, and shopping area. An Inviting Atmosphere of Comfort and Charm Greets the Visitor to thi* Luxurious New Hotel, where every essential of a home is provided. The rooms are lofty and snugly-furnished. The main corridors have tiled floors, which are attractive as well as highly hygienic. A lift runs between the first floor and the upper storeys. It is reached by a passageway from the lounge. In a section to be completed each bedroom will have hot and cold water. The following Modern Innovations have been instituted: A LONG-FELT WANT. Special Bed and Breakfast Service at 8/-. Visitors by Day or Week Specially Catered For. BEDROOM ACCOMMODATION. 150 Airy and Snugly-furnished Bedrooms, with Elevator Service —First to Top Floor. grill room service. On Strictly Continental Lines. Highly-skilled Chef. ' Appetising Meals Served a la carte. Phone 41-377 and Order Your Grills. A Five-minute Service. m - Hn View of Grill Room which has seating accotnmodation for 150 guests The restaurant, near the door of which is a lobby with an attendant for hats and cloaks, has seating accommodation for 150 people. Most tables are for four, but larger parties are provided with one table if necessary. Tables may be reserved by phoning No. 41-377. Meals are ala carte, and, while grills are the specialty, it is possible for one to obtain a meal of several courses. You will enjoy the comforts of its luxurious appointments, the delicious food, and courteous service. THE LOUNGE Acme of Restfu Entered by a wide stairway leading from the entrance vestibule, the oak-pan-elled lounge is the acme of restful luxury. The furnishings are a credit to Auckland manufacture. The large room is filled with beautiful chesterfields and chairs, but there is ample space and no crowding. The tones are rich byt subdued, and the charm of the room is enhanced by the colour scheme in the shades of the lights, which are set on ornamental pedestals. The Hotel Auckland is located in the heart of the business district. It establishes a prestige for you that will help you in many ways, for both in business and society you are judged a great deal by your place of rjpideijce. HOTEL AUCKLAND Main Entrance Queen Street

THE HAURAK/ q WAIHEKE There's Not a Dull Moment Glorious beaches, white sand, tumbling surf, make bathing an exhilarating pastime. Surf Bathing, Swimming, Beating, Deep Sea Fishing, Horseback Riding, Dancing, Sailing, Tramping, Sightseeing Trips, Tennis, Bush Rambling. Vacation dreams come true at Waiheke.. It is not only the Ideal Holiday ResortIt is the Ideal Place of Residence. See its Beauties this Week-end* m s suSS STEAMER SERVICES. a '.3RADNEV AND BINNS' STEAMER FOR OSTEND, W®ii««fCONNSCTING WITH BUS FOR PALM BEACH. Leaves Prince's Wharft Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, at 0.4 5 a.m.; Fridays, 6.30 fms Saturdays, 1.15 p.m. Leaves Ostend: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, at 4.30 p.m. Saturdays, 7 a.m. BRADNEY A BINNS. Northern Steam- ' ship Co., Ltd. SATURDAY, MARCH 10th, 1828. SEE SPECIAL WEEKEND AND SUNDAY TRIPS (in To-day's Issue) to this GREAT SEASIDE RESORT SURFDALE. Turn to right for Tea Rooms, Boarding House, Store, and Post Office. Baches to let. information Bureau. Every necessity for a Joyous holiday. Burton's Bread, HctUby'3 Meat, Stoncx's Milk, Robinson's led Cream. Shortest Way to Uneroa passes Store. Dances every Saturday. Houic your accommodation lor Easter. MRS. LUSH, Proprietress. _____ ONEROA. Orteroa Store, Hight on waiheke'a Finest Ocean Beach. Supplies all you need. J. SOLEM, Proprietor. OSTEND. Bay View Private Hotel. I\eal Hoirtft Comforts. Most central position. Right on Beach. Boating-, Tehnis. Dances cvet-y Saturday, With full orchestra. Electric light right thl'pugh. Latest wireless set. Store and Post Office on premises, Tariff: £&/10/- per Week; 8/" t>or day. Phone, Putlkl F.O. J. WMIYAKER, PrdpHetor. ' E. BROWN, General Storekeeper, Ostend. AH inquiries re Sections for Ostona and onetangl. Also Beaslde Cottages ft) let. phone or write for further particulars. ORAPIU BAY. ORAPIU. Wailleke's Beauty Spot—the Holidaymaker's Ideal. Better boating, bathihfl, fishing, tennis. Larnch for listiing and picnic parties. First-class accommodation. Guests assurfed ttvdry possihlo home comfort at Orapiu House. Terms on application to L. A. Teutonberg, Private Bag, Auckland. Telephone, private wire, Awaroa P.O. ONETAtiGL " DAY'S OSTEND - ONETANGi BUS SGRVICU ■ Travel in eotnrombio and reliable Buses, charabancs, and taxis. Sightseeing: trips and picnic parties enable you to see more or waiheke. Dances, sports, etc., catered ror. Cartage work a specialty. Further particulars, book' ing, etc., apply Aard Ofllce, Dlltvortb Buildings.—A. F. DAY, Proprietor, Ostend, Waiheke. Phone, Putiki P.O. OfUETANGI PRIVATE HOTEL and Health Assort. Right on beach, Rooms and Flats can be had, with every modern convenience, Electric light. Tennis Court, Store, Post Office. Easy terms now, off season. __ Phono rooms. M. McGftEVY. ONETANGI, Auckland's Finest Beach. The Piofleei* of Waiheke Seaside Subdivision. Marty Fine Sections still available from £25, on small deposit, and £ I per month, free of interest. VISIT THIS MAGNIFICENT ESTATE and see for yourself the wonderful progress it has made, SECURE A SECTION WHILE PRICES ARE LOW. There are also a few Sections* OSTEND Subdivision, still available from £ls up. See MR. E. BROWN, our Manager, OSTEND, or the owners^ LICHTENSTEIN* ARNOLbSON & CO., Chancery Chambers, O'Connell St. PALM BEACH. » J. Russell, 20 years' experience. Builder! prices reasonable. Timber agent country mill, prices low. Also agent Bourner fit Co., Hamilton, concrete chimneys. PALM BEACH, WAIHEKE. Bathing in the blue * OCEAN Sfc'RF. BEACH SECTIONS. Glorious views llaurakl Gulf. YOUR CHOICE will cost you £35 and upwards. Paid by £1 per month. No Interest. Price Boards all sections. Look round yourself. 1 hour 35 mlnUtos' harbour trip frorrt prince's Wharf. Braduey and Binns' Service to Ostend. Tinte-tablo dally papers. 10 minutes' comfortable bus trip through beautiful native bush gives you four hours to spend a glorious holiday. Blue Bus meets all boats. LooK for Aard Service, PICK YOUR SECTION. Strawberry gardens* tea rooms, telephone Auckland, general store, daily papers. All you •want. Local Agent meets all boats, T. MANDENO JACKSON, e, Commerce street. jy^^ggglgg mm I it Rvice Auckland-T auranga-Gisborne. In 24 hours, and vice versa, via Tauranga, Whakatane, and Opotikl. Leave Auckland by N.S.b. Go.'s steamer Matangl, Mon., Wed., Fri., 7 p.m., arr. Tauranga 0.15 am. Breakfast on board. Cars depart 0.15 a.m., arr. Glsborne C p.m. Leave Gisborne, Tues., Thurs., bat., 5 a.m., arrive boatside, Tauranga, 5.30 p.m. Tea on board. steamer leaves 7.30, arr. Auckland 6.-15 a.m. We specialise in this service, and run only specially-equipped, comfortable, seven-seater, balloon-tyred, service cars. Owner-drivers ensure the utmost care, comrort, and civility. Special information and reservations at AARD Ofllce, Dllworth Bldgs. (Arcade), Phono 44-656, or wire AAHD, Tauranga. HOLMANN AND BECKETT, Proprietors,. Auckland - Wanganui. The Quickest and Best Way. Auckland to Martoa Junction by any Main TrunkExpress, then by Ilodson's Motors to Wanganui, one hour's run. All Auck-land-Wellington Expresses met at Marton Junction Both ways. Dally Servicees wanganui, Hawera, New Plymouth, Opunake, Te Kuiti, and Waitomo Caves, Wanganui-Paimerston North: Connecting Kapler Expresses ut i'almerston and AShurst. Depart Wanganui, 10.15 a.m. for Asliurst, and 10 a.m. lor P.N., arr. noon. xralii departs 12.28. arr. Napier 5.6 p.m. Car departs P.N. 1 p.m., arr. Wanganui 3 p.m., arr. Hawera 5.40 p.m., New Plymouth 7.30 p.m. ' HOD3ON PIONEER MOTOR SERVICE, LTD. Telegrams, " Aard," Wanganui. Phono 2131. ikiok at Aard Oillee, Auckland, Diltoortli Buildings (Arcade). Enti'alice first door from Queen St. Phono 44-066. . AARD-DUCO. Rotorua-disboriie Orie-Day Service: Cars leave Botorua dully l'or Wliakatane, Opotiki, and Glsborne 6 a.m., arrivingGlsborne 5.30 p.m. Fares: RotoruaWhakatane, £1 Single, 37/6 Return. Roiorua-Opotlki, 30/- Single, 55/Return. liotorUa-Gisborne, 55/- Single, £5 Return, cars leave doily at 12,15 p.m. Tor Whakatane and Opotiki, arriving- at Whakijtane 3.15 p.m.; Opotiki 5.30 p.m. Cars leave dally for Watrakei, Taupo, and Napier at 9.30 a.m. Wairakei 20/-, Tanpo 22/G, Napier £3. Wire to Rotorua ror Seats, or Book at Auckland AARD Omcc and Government Tourist Bureau. Auckland Phone ■ 44-0501 Rotorua Phone 370. Auckland AARD Oflloe, Dilworth Buildings Arcade. TAUftANGA - WAIHI - AUCKLAND DAILY —Leaves Tauranga, 0 a.m., arr. Waihi 8,30: arr. Auckland 12 30 p.m. Leaves Auckland 8 a.tru, arr. Wullll tiootis leaves Waihi 12.30. arr. Tauranga e.30 p.m. Book Or Wire Aard, Tauranga, Waihi, or DilWorth Bldgs. Phono 14-050, Auckland. T. Allrlght, late B, Carter. Tauranga-Ratorua Service. W. KIDDY, Proprietor. Car leaves Tnuraugp daily, at 7.4 5 a.m. Leaves Rotorua daily, at 1.15 Auckii.nd Booking- Offlce; Aard, Dilworth Buildings (Arcade). Phono 41-050. Tclegrranis: Aard, Taurahtfa or Rotorua, TAURANGA - IWAtAMATA SERVICE. Twice Dally. Cars leave Tftul'tlnga 8 a.hi. and 3 p.m., connecting with Auckland and Wellington Express trains. Car leavefc Mataniata a a.m., after arrival of Frankton to Rotortia train, also at a p.m., alter arrival of Auokland-Rotorua Express. DON CATTANACH ahd FAT. ALi.KLV, Proprietors. All Rerlv all weather Pervlceii Booking Ofllcet Auckland Aard Office, DilWtirth Buildings. Phone 41-050, or collect wire," Mataniata or Tauranga. | New Zealand's | | Great Scenic River, I 1 - I | —THE— | (WANGANUI | § Tourists! This magnificent river, S § winding past Maori villages and sur- k rounding- scenery with dense native g § bush to the water's ed&e, caii he § | visited in two days from Auckland. | | The delights or Plpirlkt and the | 5 beautirul scenic gorge to the top of § § Waipuna Saddle, 2100 ft. high, from g s which views of snow-clad Ruapehu s and Tongarlro, with the active vol- § 6 cano Ngauruhoe, 7515 ft. above sea | § level, are obtained, and the pleasant s § time oifered at the Houseboat, nest- s § ling at the beautirul Retaruko J"tthc<> s | tion, have an irresistible appeal. § | Connection with Wanganui River 1 s Service can be made at Taumarunul s § lrom Auckland, Rotorua. and Wei- s § lington, by Main Trunk central Rail- g § way; also in one day from Walrakel, g | Tokaanu, Taupo, and National Park, g S by Motor Service, connecting with § 8 the Steamer at the Houseboat, Reta- s § ruke Landing. The River Service S § also Connects nt Wanganui With S g Railway System to and from Wei- § g lington, Auckland, and New Ply- § s mouth. | 1 Special Fast Trips, f «- " B § Passengers from Wairakel, via g | National Park, arriving Houseboat s § Monday, leave Tuesdajt 7 a.m. s g Lunch Piplrlkl. Arrive Wanganui § | 5.30 p.m. > | g Call, Write, or wire for particulars § | A. HATRICK & CO., LTO., I 1 River Steamer Proprietary* | Auckland, Wanganui, Wellington. | TAUPO. FOR HEALTH, FOR PLEASURE. Spend a Holiday at Beautirul Lake TiUipo, iittiid Thermal Wonders arid Miraculous Healing springs. CONIE TO TERRACES HoUl, Taupo. First-class accommodation, Views of Lake Taupo, Ruapelm and active volcanoes, Tongarlt'o, Ngaiirunoe, Itot Mliieral BatllS rree to guests. Ideal place to spend a holiday.—MßS. A. BURNS, Proprietress. MT. VIEW, Private Hotel.—unbroken views across Lake or NgSUruhoe active volcano, and snow-clad lluar pehti from lounge. , Excellent table. Tariff: 14/- day; 64/10/- Weekly.— MRS. MONTGOMERY, Proprietress. MOTORISTS-! Look for the Big Tree and Shell Pumps, at Bulk Pricey.— REID'S BuSy Corner. Main St. For free information, Write Or Phone No. 1. m ilfl HENDERSON. On Conereie Highway. Ide?l private PlCrtlo And Cftrtfipittfl P*rk. Open only for private motor-cars or tadtdfcycles and their occhpatltli Boating, SWllilhilng, Tennis, Cricket, swings. Free Donkey Rides for children, and other sports arid attractions. Furnished Cottages, Bungalettes, Tents, all sizes, now open for season's bookings. Write or ring ror C. t. BROOKES, Proprietor Hendereon; or Phone A - ■•'.n'tGRAND CENTRAL Private Holts!. Tariffi 10/* per day; J33 week. Cleanliness, homeliness, and first-cl&B# table.—Mß. & MRS. A. A. NEWELL, Proprietors. P.O, Box 84. The TERMINUS HOTEL, Delightfully located. Overlooking the sea. The Garden of New Zealand. The luxe of the MoUht&ih is irresistible. Travel South, Auckland-Te K.uiti-New Ply-mouth-Wellington. illustrated Booklet Free from Touriet League, Box 105, New Plymouth. Right At Railway Station. One mltttit# hot salt Water baths. Tariff: IS/- diy. MRS. FABER, Proprietress. Phonfc 59. NEW ORIENTAL HOTEL, KING'S CROSS (ISO License), OARUNeHURtf. Central, Convenient, Modern. Accommodation, 180. Billiards, Dancing Laundry Facilities. Radio and Telegrams: " NEWOn," SYDNEY.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 19891, 9 March 1928, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 19891, 9 March 1928, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 19891, 9 March 1928, Page 4