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Si ■ RESORTS * AMD TRAVEL. RESORTS fgßSgg* It is the sea breeze that offers /Vffilfcterafc tha Greatest Inducements for M \J|» \ tbe vacation days of Summer. ' v Kcaltby sea enjoy ViSSSSS accommodation Is good and Here are «iaomc^tt^ f^i»-ggg° | g'Sa a^enS" 10^1 ' 011 Wrlt ° KflWflU. ° MANSION HOUSE, Kawau. Spend your Holiday this y ear _ at . !^ e moat beautiful island In New Zealand. Inclusive Tariff, from £*//"• Write for Illustrated Booklet. " devonport ferry. —. ~ NF ISLAND. Gam of the Upper Harbour. The Ideal Picnic Resort. Beautiful Native Bush. Swimming, Boating, Fishing:. Splendid Jazz Floor. Refresnments obtainable on Island. Launches Wynona and Tawa leave Auckland dally, iO a.m. Pares: Adult, 1/6. Children, 9d. " BROWN'S BAY. BROWN'S BAY FOR FUN. Theatre and Cabaret. Ev«ry Saturday, 8.30 p.m. Best Floor In New Zealand. Stay at BROWN'S BAY PRIVATE HOTEL. Under entirely new management. New and spaclotis verandah. Tea Rooms. Magnificent ocean view. Courtesy assured. Charges reasonable. IIRB. A. M. MacDONALD, Proprietress. Phone 171 V. Albany. Clampers, Holldaymakera, and Residents. Wo need to carry Groceries from town. All your requirements at tbe v only up-to-date Store In the Bay. Right on the beach. A. E. NYBERG, Wharf Btore, Brown's Bay. Phone 19„ Albany. Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Confectionery, Cigarettes. Benzine, and Oils In stock. BEACH HAVEN. BEACH HAVEN CABARET, Beach Haven. Saturday next and following Saturdays. Double Tickets to Dance, 2/6. Arrangements: Launches (Tawa and Te Awa) leave I- Ire Steps, returning after dance. Fare, 1/3 return. Buses leave Birkenhead after arrival of 7 p.m. ferry from Auckland. Refreshments and 30da fountain in our Cafateria. ARKLE'S BAY. SYLVAN GLADE. 1 Right on the beach. House has been entirely renovated and electric light ■ installed. Tennis court, dancing , pavilion. Jazz Band, in attendance dur- ! ing Christmas holidays. Reservations now for Christmas and New Year. Phone Post Office, or write, MRS. M. C. SHEFFIELD. Proprietress. .; MURRAY BAY. C. S. WHEELER, MURRAY'S BAY STOREKEEPER. We have everything for the Campers Why worry about your provisions when you can procure them at our Store? Full Stocks Wood and Coal, Bread, ( Grooeries and Provisions. i Ssnd Us Your Christmas Order. j We Deliver. J LEIGH. ! Beautiful beaches, bathing, and good fishing. Within three hours of ; Auckland, motor, boat or train. | Cumberland Hotel, tinder new management. B. GILLAN, Proprietor. I WAIWERA. SUNNY jijgij THE ARCADIA OF NEW ZEALAND. i Only 29 miles from Auckland. With its health-giving, hot mineral || springs, swimming pools, the thrill j of purling, fishing, picnics, tennis, . music, dancing, wines, laughter and ■ rrolic, will make your stay the pleasant memory of your lire. NEW MANAGEMENT. The Walwera Hotel Is now under the management or MRS. M. EVANS, tats Hotel Northland, Auckland, and is entirely reorganised. Daily Aard Motor Service and Launch Service during summer months. Write Proprietress, Walwera Hotel, for Bookings. Phone 2, Walwera. BUCKLAND'S BEACH BUCKLAND'S BEACH AND EASTERN BEACH. Spend the long Summer days at this beautiful resort. A delightful run of i 5 miles In the Passenger Transport Company's Yellow and Black Buses. Public Tennis Court —Tea Kiosk. And a Perfect Beach. Safe Ba'thing for Children—Boating. TIME-TABLE, Leave City: 10.D a.m. 1.15 p.m. (Saturday only). 2.0 p.m. 5.15 p.m. Leave City: 5.30 a.m. 2.0 p.m. RETURN FARE, ONLY 3/-. WEEK DAYS. Leave Buckland's Beach: 7.45 a.m. 12 noon. 4.0 p.m. SUNDAYS. Leave Buckland's Beach: 14.0 a.m. 5.30 p.m. 12 Trip Concession Card, 15/-. The Passenger Transport Company, Ltd. CYeMow and Black Buses). Phone 12-588. BUCKLAND HOUSE, Buckland's Beach. Auckland's popular seaside pleasure resort. Accommodation for tourists and visitors. Boating, swimmng, tennis, etc. .Excellent table. . Moderate tariff. Morning and Afternoon Teas. For terms, write MRS. H. WOLNER. Phone 21S, Howick. BUCKLAND BEACH TEA ROOMS. | Right on waterfront. Well-appointed Tea Rooms and Dance 1 Hall, which may be hired. Beautiful sandy beach, safe' swimming, j boating'. Hampers for picnic parties provided, j Up-to-date Store, with everything for j the camper and resident. Town Prices. G. A. NEWTON & CO., Carriers and Contractors. Coal, Wood, Kerosene. Benzine from pump at town i Prices?. Phone 2iS, Howick. ST. HELIERS BAY, AUCKLAND'S FAVOUR'TJE BEASIDE RESORT. Only nine mile- from the City. Visitors and the public should not fan to visit St. Heliers, which offers all that makes a trip to seaside enjoyable. Safe bathing and up-to-date bathlpg pavilions for young and old. Clean, sandy beaches. Tennis and croquet lawns, bowling green. Pleasant walks and good fishing. The well-known Kf Buses leave the G.P.O. at frequent intervals daily. Spend your flat seaside holidays at St. Hellers and enjoy, yourself. RESOETB AHP TRAVEL. HOWICK BY THE SEA. Only 14 Miles from City. Splendid Motoring Roads, Magnificent Scenery. Fishing. Boating, Safe Bathing, from 3 lovely beaches. Bowling, Croquet, Tennis. Pictures on Saturdays followed by dance. Here's a Handy Phone Directory. Phone Mclnnes & Co., G. R., Grocers, Herald Agents. 6 Motor Service Station. All Accessories. Gandy & Sons. 40 Newton, G. A. & Co., Carriers, Coal. Wood. Kerosene, Benzine. 21M Rlshworth, F. P., Drapery, Mercery, Fancy Goods. 28 Belie Vue, Beach Road. Summer Accom. 7/- day, £2/S/- week. 34 Heron. J., Estate Agent. Taxi for ~ Hire. Sections everywhere. 10 HELENSVILLE. At HOT SPRINGS, PARAKAI. TONIC BATHB Revitalised energy and quick relief from chronic aliments through the Magic Healing Properties of these Curative Hot Waters. Swim In hot water and regain your health at the Baths. Tennis Croquet, Bowls. Special Sunday Railway Excursions—Return Fares: First, 6/3; Second, 4/3. Accommodation as below, from £2/15/- to £3/10/- week. Further particulars from an- of the undermentioned hotels. PARAKAI HOUSE. Excellent Table. Up-to-date Service. Large Free Garage. Drawing and Smoking Rooms. Opposite Government Grounds. Buses meet all trains. Tariff: £3/3/-. Phone 35, H^lensvllla. SPRINGSIDE PRIVATE HOTEL. Additions to building now completed. Electric light throughout. Tennis Court electrically lighted. Private Hot Mineral Baths and Large Swimming Pool for use or guests. Terms: 12/per day; £3/10/- per week. A. & A. EDDLESTON, Proprietors. XjM Sunday and Daily Trips. T. o H H E BUSES P u | will givei you a " nice run to these _ _ If popular Beaches IVI for two shillings 1% return. jE* Children, Half ** Fare. § Frequent service all day from * G.P.O. A B Phone 24-788. M A L. J- KEYS, AVI _ _ St. Heliers. • Y A NORTH SHORE ROUND TRIP. 12 MILES BY MOTOR-BUS—--4 MILES BY SEA—For 1/6 Return. lip the beautiful Waitemata by steamer to Nortiicote. By motor-bus, l'rom Northcote, tbe route lies through tlve mtiea of very beautiful country to Millord Beach. Here the Journey may be broken lor afternoon tea. Then by frequent Motor Service In luxurious buses over the 6 miles to Devonport, returning by steamer to City. Leave Auckland, via Northcote: Monday to Friday: 7.t5, 10 a.m., 1.30. 3, 4, 5.10 p.m. Saturday: 7.15, 10 a.m., 12.20, 1.35, 3, 4 30, 6.25 p.m. Sunday: 9.30, 10.30 a.m.. 12.50, 2, .. 3.30, 5 p.m. Motor Services run by Waitemata Bus and Transport Co., Ltd., United Service Motor Bus Co. Adults, 1/6: Children, od. Through Tickets and Timetables obtainable at the OlTlces of their Agents, THE DEVONPORT STEAM FERRY CO., LTD., Ferry Buildings, Auckland. wy JCLi SUMMER VISITORS see their vacation dreams come true at Waiheke. Fishing, Surf Bathing, Boating, Shooting, any or all, as you desire. It is not only the ideal holiday resort, it is /he ideal place of residence. See it tor yourself—its beauties and its pleasures. Glorious beaches, white sand, tumbling surf, make bathing an exhilarating pastime. Surf Bathing, Swimming, Boating, Deep Sea Fishing, Horseback Riding, Dancing, Sailing, Tramping, Sightseeing Trips, Tennis, Bush Rambling. All Auckland can Enjoy Thrilling Seaside Enjoyment. Take a boat to Waiheke this week-end. * BLACKPOOL ESTATE. ❖ * Blackpool Estate, 5 Mmuies Horn Uucruu beach. J 10 Minutes Surfduie Wharf. *♦* Sections from £ls to £SO. Deposit. A'2'lo Balance, A' 1 per »*» ■ month. No interest. a Apply Whitley & Co., Lid.. Wellington • Place, City. Phone 41-7GC. Or to V R. Brown, Carrier, Surfdale. % OMIHA. <♦ OMIHA BEACH, OMIHA BEACH, ❖ Rocky Bay, *** AN IDEAL PLACE t-'OK AN IDEAL ❖ HOLIDAY. , . , **• A most delightfui spot, with its ioveiy jr. bays, sheltered water, and beautiful * * Native Bush. V Excellent Store and Refreshment Rooms •J*. Cloae to Wharf. #*♦ Many fine Sections still available oil X this fine Estate, from £2O. } Small deposit and £ i per mon th. V No Rates. No Interest «% Send for illustrated plan to Jv c. F. BENNETT. LTD.. 1 N.Z. Insurance Buildings •j* QUEEN STREET. f SURFDALE £« Turn to Right from Wharf for Tea a Rooms, Store, and Post Office. J Baches to let Information Bureau. *♦* Everything necessary for a joyous K* holiday—quickest way to Oneroa. Dances every Saturday Phone, or write orders. ♦ MRS. LUSH, Proprietress. f COWES BAY V ___________ ; <* Cowes Bay, Waiheke. ♦* Arr Ideal seaside resort Lovely sandy V beach for bathing; good fishing and ❖ shooting; tennis, uancing and Music Hall. Boating and launch trips Tree First-class table TarilT: £2/15/f weekly, special tarin for children Phone or write. > ❖ jNSLEY, Cowes | CONNELL'S BAY * CONNELL'S BAY, WAIHEKE. K* Yachtsmen and visitors, why worry •*» about your provisions when you can #!♦ procure all your require at Gonnell's >. store at Town Trices? To Let—Seaside t Cottages, rurnished. For Sale—-Sec-f tions, frontage to good sandy beacti, V situated In Arran Bay. Absolutely the <♦ pick or Waiheke. Five minutes Cowes wharf, Post and Telephone Office. Write or phone W J. CONNELL. Cowes. ORAPIU BAY. 'X ORAPfU. , „ i Wftiheke'a Beauty Snot—the Holiday- *»* maker's Ideal . , V Better boating, bathing, fishing, tennis. Launch for fishing' and picnic parties. First-class accommodation. t* Guests assured every possible home comfort at Oraplu House. Terms on application to <» L. A. Teutanberg, Private Bag, Auckland Telephone, private wire, Awaroa P.O. ,K BRADNEY AND BINNS' STEAMER FOR OSTENO, CONNECTING WITH BUS FOR PALM BEACH. Leaves Prince's Wharf: Sundays, Tues days, Wednesdays, Thursdays, at a.45 a.m.; next Friday, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.; Saturdays, 1.4 5 p.m. Leaves Ostend: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, at 4.30 p.m. BRADNEY & BINNS. ONETANGI. OCEAN VIEW STORES (Cross Roads), Onetangl. All holiday requirements at lowest prices. Fresh Eers, Milk. Vegetables Sole Agent? Kent's Bread. Baches and Camping Sites to Let Telephone.—M. E. McCOMB, Proprietor. £!0 Deposit.—Sea View Section and Bach built to suit Ready for Xmaa. Baches, from £4O. Cottages, £loo. W. McCOMB., Builder and Contractor. Estimates free. Telephone 2, Onetangi. Established 5 years ONETANGI HALL. Largest and Finest E'loor on Waiheke. Every convenience and comfort. Modern and Old-tirye Dances. Morning and Afternoon Teas obtainable Moderate Charges A. F. AHERN. Proprietor. ONETANGI PRIVATE HOIrEL. See thu Magnificent Seaside Hotel, on Auckland's Finest Ocean Beach. Telephone Bureau. G. R. & G M. McGREVY, Proprietors. OSTEND. Bay View Private Hotel. Real Hpme Comforts. Most central position. Right on Beach Boating, Tennis Dances every Saturday. Electrio light right through. Latest wireless set. Store and Post Office on premises Tariff; £2llOl per week: 81 per day. Phone. Putiki P.O. J. WHITAKER, Proprietor. DAY'S OSTEND ONETANGI BUS SERVICE. Travel in comfortable and reliable buses, charabancs and taxis Sightseeing trips and picnic parties enable vou to see more of Waiheke Dances, iports, etc. catered for Cartage -work a specialty. Further particulars, book ing, etc., annl" Aar\ Office, Dilwortb Buildings.—A. F. DAY, Proprietor, Ostend, Waiheke. Phone, Putiki P.O. When Contemplating Building Consult A. R. SMITH, The Practical Builder, Ostend. .1 have Freehold Sections and v ill build small baches, or seaside bunfealow, to suit purchaser. Also Sections, with bach built thereon, and with boat, for Sale. Design and Estimates E'ree. ONEROA. - STEAMER SERVICES. PALM BEACH. PAL9VI BEACH. General Store and Tea Kiosk. H. HUNTER, Proprietor. AARD Blue Bus Service. AARD Regular, Roliable, and Comfortable. Carrying, Contracting, and Bus for Special Hire at Lowest Rates. All Boats Met. Telephone Hunter, Putlkl. J. Russell, 20 years'.experience. Builder; prices reasonable Tlmbei agent ountry mill prices low Also agent Bourner if Co., Hamilton, concrete chimneys ~~ PALM~BEACH, WAIHEKE. Bathing in the blue OCEAN SURF. BEACH SECTIONS. Glorious views Haufakl Gulf. YOUR CHOICE will cost you £35 and upwards. Paid by £1 per month. No Interest. FREE cartage building timber. ' 1 hour 45 minutes harbour trip from Prince's Wharf. Bradney and Blnns' Service to Osteud. Time-table dally papers, to minutes' comfortable bus trip through beautiful native bush gives you four hours to spend a glorious holiday. PICK YOUR SECTION. Strawberry gardens, tea rooms, telephone Auckland, general store, dally papers. All you want. % Local Agent meets all boats. 1 >„ First-class accommoaanon. r\ Cm. ; 1 Guests assured every possible home Uneroa otOTe, Local Agent meets all boats. ♦ | d'on appHcation^ to" Right on Beach, X. MANDENO JACKSON, ❖ , Supplies all you need. M^T m mVr« * J 1 *X* "X* ***' ♦* *♦* *♦* *** *♦* *♦* *♦* *♦* **• *♦* *»* *»* *♦* *♦* *** *** *♦* *♦* *** *♦* *♦* *** *»* *♦* *♦* *♦* *♦* *♦* *♦* *** **" *** *+* *+* *l* *** ***

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19832, 30 December 1927, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19832, 30 December 1927, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19832, 30 December 1927, Page 4