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SEAMS AND INDIVIDUAL BIRDS. The thirty-eighth week's laying in the /Auckland Poultrykeepers' Association's contest concluded last Sunday. The following are the leading teams, the figures in parentheses being the weekly totals, the hext set the individual totals, and the last set the team aggregates : , SINGLE BIRD CONTEST.. Black Orpingtons (11 birds)— «•. Black—(s) .. 212 A. H. Clark—(6) . . . * .. 201 Mrs. ,7. A. B. Heliaby— (7) * . *. 202 Mrs. A. Harvey—(s) .. * * a. 191 F. G. Baylis—(6) .. «• 37-1 J. N. McLean—(s) . . *. t. 174 4K. S. HigKinbotliam ( —) *. .. 161 ■C. Dunstan —( —) .. a a *. 155 Mrs. I. Dimant—(s) s> ■« «• 15J R. J. Roberts—(s) *-> .. . . 11" Mrs. Leo Ay ling—(—) »uk v 117 light Sussex (1 bird)— "tilrs. iT. A. B. Heliaby—(—) ua ■» 143 Br.rE Orpingtons (9 birds)— fThos. Douthwaite—(7) . . tv 167 Mrs. I. Dimant—J—) .. w « »» 122 White Leghorns (14 birds)— J. W. Perry—(s) . . . . . * .. 228 Mrs. J. A. B. Heliaby—(G) .« ** 22b A.. Taylor—(6) . . .. *.• *. 211 Mrs. R. G. Hunt—(s) .« * * 200 -iJ. N. McLean—(6) .. m« • H « *.200 N. Dickey—(6) *» 197 Mrs. I. Dimant—(6) •.* »* ». 19' J. Johnson—(4) .. .. km k • I'B Xi. G. Bedford—(2) , .. ». .. I' 6 Mrs. It. S Higginbotham—(6) * **l7o lu Z. Nixon- (6) .. .« .. ITO B. A. O'Brien —(5) .. 168 Sam. .Tames —(6) .. *» »« Mrs. Alf. Stewart—(4) . . . . . • 149 DUCKS. "White Indian Runners (2 birds)—. Mrs. J. A. B. Heliaby—(7) km i • 157 IL J. Roberta—(6) - 140 Khaki Campbells (2 birds)— Jt. B. Cruickshank —(7) *» 256 iT. N. McLean— (6) .. n ..210 TEAMS CONTEST—FOUR BIRDS. LIGHT BREEDS SECTION. "White Leghorns (51 teams) — A» R. Browne—(23), 235, 190, 203. 2:17 815 J. W. Perry—(2l), 183, 188, 200, 213 . . 8j.4 T. Ij. Thompson—(2s), 212, 195, 187, i. 21 4 > « • • • • • ° " H. Astbnry— (24), 189.'213,' 197, 198. . 797 ■G. H. Shaw—(23), 213. 194, 109, 179 . <BS Geo. Webb— (22), 2t2. 213, 193. 164 . . -82 W_. H. Oliver—(23), 191, 196, 186, 201. 7-4 J. Johnson, No. 1— (23), 195, 210, 182, 286 tN. Dickey—(26), 201, 189, 181, 191 .. 762 J. N. McLean, No. 3—(2d). 194, 193, 180 179 • • • • • • • ' 3 ' Sam. James—(2s), 151, 193, 227, 177 . . 718 Alf. Stewart—(23). 190, 189, 181, 184 .. A. Taylor—(22), 203, 197, 131.157 .. 738 J. E. Noton—(2s), 182, 138,- 225, 184 . 729 leo Ayling— (23). 181, 152, 179, 215 .. <27 F. S. Allen—l6), 213, 174 , 200, 138. .. 72a A. Wood— (19), 190, 174, 216, 142 .. 722 J. Johnson, No. 2—(21), IS2, 1 178, 178 • • • • • ' * I. Montgomery and Son—(l6), 174, 165, 173 . . • • • - • • Urs. J." A. B. Hellahy, No. 1—(20). 168 146, 195, 196 .. .. v •• 700 Mrs. J. A. B. Heliaby, No. 3—(19). IQfi IfiO 174 174 . . • • » • XIBD. Smeed— (19). iSO. 207. 176,,168 .. 701 A. Boyd—(16). 151. 192, 192. 166 . . 'Ol J. N. McLean, l\o. 1—(15). 182, 153, J. H?vern— (25), 203." *2lO, * iB9. J 3l .. C 93 B. Woodcock—(2l), 156, 161, 203, 171 . . 691 A. Broadwell—(18). 195. 133.175 184 . 687 :R. J. Roberts—(lß)., 171. 158, 196, 160 680 Mrs. J. A. B. Heliaby, No. 2 (20), 164, 174 16° 160 tIM) E. B. Fawcett —(20). 174. 153 168 162 657 Mrs. N. Dickey—(l9). 203 124, 178'.148 654 Tom Ingham—(ll), 176. 195. 129. 143 648 A. W. Bradley— (14). 20?., 162. 130 147 . 647 J L Fray—(l7), 163, 144, 162, 169 . . 638 T. A. Harrison—(l3), 164, 187, 117, 16r> 633 A J McLean—(23). 161. 134. 14b. i9l 602 +Mrs. L. Pickard— (24), 149, 177, 137,

IP 7 .. •• •• • • " * OOv Mrs. R. S. HiVgi-nbotham—(l7), 165, 67 "07 IPS ■ - 6 - 4 G Hunt—(23)» 186, 140, 175, 113 bl4 Mrs. .T. W. "Williams —(17), 96, 187. 184, J. Nbcon. No. 2—(15).'i11,'i55. 159, 186 611 H. G. Morris—(lß). 15G. 136. 159, 153 . 604 A. Harvey-—(ll). 131, 172. 154. 147 .. 604 *.T W. Williams —(13), 176. 157, 19/, * pfl 596 Joe Williams—(23), 143. 121, 160. 169 . ti. H. Bates—(lß), 14S. 109 138 134 .. 589 E. Wrigley—(l4). 139. 94. 190 166 .. 589 TP. Marritier—(l6), 155 195. 69. 16d - . 584 J. Nixon. No. 1—(15), 163, 123, 137, 7,. Z.^Nixon—(l7). 123. 145," 159.118 . 545 •H. Hitchcock —(18), 161, 151, 16, 197 . 525 Minorcas (1 team) — Mrs. I. Dimant— (13), 62. 140, 114. 182 498 Black La Bresse (1 team)— E. W. Marriner—(lß), 178. 119, 155, 193 64» HEAVY BREEDS SECTION. Barnevelders (2 teams) — +,T. Kissling—(22),l4B. 161. 140, 165 .. 604 •tMrs J. A. B. Hellaby— (16), 149. 43, 123, 150 4ho Light Sussex (1 team) — Mrs. J. A. B. Hellaby— (9), 136, 96. 78. 146 406 "White Wyandottes (3 teams)— iH. A. J. Edgley—(l7). 191, 186. 193. ICO ' ** +L. G. Bedford—(l7). 93. 201, 166, 192 652 tMrs. J. A. B. Hellaby—(ll), lb7, 140. 171. - b2b Black Langshans (2 teams) — J. Kissling—(l4), 145. 144. 143, 147 .. 579 TT Harrison —(7). 68. 101. 173, 163 .. 555 Rhode' Island Reds (3 teams)— J. H. Kissling, No. 2—(16), 179, 185. orft 206 . •• • • * . • - * iJ. H. Kissling. No. I—(2i), 152, 221. ioi lfiO 1,04 J. V. Siddall—(ll). 105. 127, 175. 124 531 Black Orpingtons (37 teams)— H. Astbury-(22), 208. 201 228 181 . . 818 "tJ. N. McLean, 196 168 iThoa. "Dowthwuite— (22). 216, 176, 206, 173 • • • • • • * •IT. E. H." Evans—(22). 214. 163, 198, C II Oliver—(l4), 168. 185, 200, 210 763 Nash—Uo). 203. 146. 205. 199 . . 753 tM. Yates—(l7), 185. 162. 200, 189 . . 736 C. Dunstan— (21), 191, 195. 171, 177 . . /34 •fj. N. McLean, No. 3—(13), 181, 148, °l2 191 . . . • • • • • • F G "Baylis—' (lß). 140. 187. 181. 220 708 G*. H. Bates—(7). 191. 163. 189. 179 .. 722 J N. McLean, No. 2—(19), 187, 202. 156 177 - - * • • • • • Wm. Blomfield— (20). 184, 160, 195. 175 714 Miss C. E. A. Purvis—(24). 189, 185, 358. 176 'OB *G. H. Shaw—(B). 164. 210, 185, 134 . . 693 R. S. Higginbotham—(l6), 175, 189, 160. 162 •• 686 R. J. Roberts—(l2). 184. 129, 188, 180 681 Alf Stewart, No. l 2 —(16), 196, 160. 138. 183 677 I. Walters—(lß). 146. 175. 173, 173 . . 667 iF. Marriner, No. 1—(15). 181, 179, 122, 183 665 A. H. Clark B. A. O'Brien— 172, 173, 142, 174 661 ■il. Montgomery and Son—(3), 144, 152, 214, 148 . . 658 Mrs. H. E. Worsp—(l6). 146, 16S, 173. 159 616 *W. U. Timewell— (10), 175. 109, 148. 210 612 Mrs. .T. A. B. Hellaby, No. 1—(15), 167, 154. 131. 138 . . . . . . . 640 J. Nixon—(23). 139. 171. 170. 158 . . 638 S. Wright—(l7). 191. 166. 111. 167 . . 635 ■IF. Marriner. No. 2—(11). 186, 178, 96. 170 630 *Alf. Stewart*, No. 1—(16), 58, 165, 195 200 618 Mrs. J. A. B. Hellaby, No. 2—(11), 154. 118, 193. 112 607 B. G. Coo—(15), 148. 169. 142. 145 . 601 +R. J. Roberts. No. 2—(9), 148. 136. 148. 166 . . 598 Mrs. Geo. Fairburn—(ll). 139, 109, 168, 177 . . . . 593 ,7. Black—(l4). 175. 137. 105. 151 . 568 Sam. James—(7), 129. 109. 138. 161 . . 537 *E., B. Fawcett—(B), 109. 159. 160, 264 454 DUCK SECTION. Fawn and White In. Runners (9 teams) D. Riley. No. 1—(20). 261. 176, 205. 207 869 F. G. Baylisf—(2o). 188, 192, 201, 194 775 Tho3. Dowthwuite— (25). 151. 174. 241. 152 ..718 W. L. Conway—(22). 152. 117. 239. 204 712 G. A. Frethey. No. 1—(12), 175, 138. 171. 220 704 H. Astbury—(ls). 209, 102. 227. 106 . . 644 D. Riley, No. 2—(20), 133. 175, 133, 126 567 G. A. Frethey, No. 2—122), 152, 103, 115, 116 . . . . 516 *"E. B. Fawcett—(—), 01. 157. 158, 101 510 White Indian Runners (3 teams) — A. Wood. No. 2—(20). 247. 224, 257. 176 904 A. "Wood. No. I—(21). 240. 188, 236. 215 879 W. A. Bell—(23), 180. 182. 202, 105 .. 669 Khalti Campbells (5 teams) 11 B. Cruickshank. No. 2—(24). 218, 228. 180, 193 819 Mrs, I. Dimant—(23). 195. 224, 154, 235 808 R. B. Cruickshank, .No. 1—(21), 122. 228. 223. 211 ..789 •G. N. Bell, No. t—(l7). 172, 234. 190. 81 . . *.' 677 G. N. Bell. No. 2—(15). 154. 201, 172. 65 . . . . . . . .. . . 595 i * Denotes bird dead. •* Denotes two birds dead. •1 Denotes bird or teams failing to gain (Standard weight of 2oz. at third weighing. life-' V.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19832, 30 December 1927, Page 14

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EGG – LAYING CONTEST. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19832, 30 December 1927, Page 14

EGG – LAYING CONTEST. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19832, 30 December 1927, Page 14