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PORT OF AUCKLAND, YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. Kekeirangu (6.35 a.m.), from Portland: Taniwha (8.50 a.m.), from Paeroa; Claymore (8.50 a.m.), from Whangarei. Whakakura, minesweeper (10.45 a.m.), from Hauraki Guif, Rangitoto (1.15 p.m.), from Thames; Apanui (5 p.m.). from Great Barrier; Hauiti (5.30 p.m.), from Turua. Kawau (7.10 p.m.) from Big Omaha YESTERDAY S DEPARTURES. Omana (7.30 a.m.), for Matakana; Taniwha (4.50 p.m.) for Paeroa; Lyttelton (4.10 a.m.). for Coast. Hinemoa (12,t5 p.m.), for Nine Island. Wbakakurai, minesweeper (2.30 p.m.), for Eauraki Gulf. Turakina (4 p.m.), for Napier. Wsipu (5.50 pm.). for Kerepeehi-, Rangiioto (7.10 p.m.). for Thames; Claymore (9 *->' p.m.), for Whangarei; Hikurangi (10.15 p.m.). for Whangarei. Kekerangu (6.5 p.m.), for Sydney. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Kartigi, from Sydney. 1 p.m. Jw.ako, from East Coast, morning. Clansman, from Russeil 7.30 a.m. Rangitoto, from Thames, 4 p.m. Matangi, from Tauranga, 7 a.m. Taniwua, from Paeroa. 9 p.m. Hauiti, from Coromandel, 7-p.m. Claymore, from Whangarei, 9 a.m. Kawau, from Wnrkworth. 6.30 p.m. Omana, from Matakana. 5 a m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. TJlimaroa, for Sydney, 11 a.m. Waipaln, for Suva. noon. Hauiti. for Coromandel, 7 15 a.m. Matangi, for Tauranga, 7pm Kungitoto. for Thames, 7.30 p.m. Omana, for Waiheke. 6.30 n.m. Kawau, for Warkworth. 7.30 a.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND INTERCOLONIAL i.ND COASTAL. Kartigi, Sydney, December 2. Kanna. Westport, December 3. Marama, Sydney, December 6. Kaponga, Melbourne, December 8. Waipahi, Fiji, December 14. OVERSEAS, Matakana. London/via Suva, December 3. Crosskeys, San Pedro. December 3. West Calera, San Pedro, December 4. > Aorangi, Vancouver, December 4. Canadian Pioneer. South. December 5. to load. Hororata, London, December 6. Cumberland. Liverpool, December 7. Remuera, South, December 7, to load. City of Lyons, New York, December 8. Tongariro, South. December 8. to load Marama, Sydney. December 9. Remuera, London, December 10. Canadian Seigneur. Montreal, December io. r Port Hardy, South. December 10. to load - - Port -Fremantle, South, December 12, to load. Gisla. Montreal, December 15. Port Sydney. South, December 16, to load. Huntingdon, Liverpool. December 20 Southern Cross. New Hebrides. Decern ber 20. Tamaroa, London, via Wellington. Decern ber 24. ■* Wairuna, San Fiancisco. December 27. Passat, Tesaa. via Australia, lend of -. r - December. Surat. Peru, to sail. Hertford, Liverpool, January 3. ; ; Cydonia, Montreal. January 5. Ruahine, London, via Wellington. Jani - - _ uary 7. . City of Delhi. New York, to sail. ' Middlesex, London. January 28. Manchester Merchant. New York, to sail Cambridge. Liverpool. January Si. EARL? SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL «ND OVERSEAS, Ulimaroi Sydney. December 2. Waipahi Fiji, December 2 Tofua, Fiji, December 3 R.M.M.S Aor&ngi, dydrjey, December 5. Canadian Pioneer. America and Canada. December 6 Remuera, London, December 10. Port Hardv England. December 14. Hororata. London; January 21. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS ..' Makura. due at Wellington from Sydney on Monday. Tahiti, due at '.Wellington from San Fran cisco December 19. Niaeara. due at Vancouver from Auck land December 9. Aorangi, due at Auckland from Vancouver on Sunday. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS Hororata left Southampton Octobe»: 28. due Auckland December 5 Tamaroa. left Southampton November! 11, arrives Wellington December 17. Rimutaka. left Southampton' November 11. arrive? Wellinttton December 21; Ruahine, tefi Southampton Novembei 25. arrives Wellington Decembei 11 Tamui. leaves- Southampton December 9. c." arrivea Wellington January 16 / Arawa,_ leaves Liverpool December 13, arrives Auckland lanuary 20. VESSELS IN PORT, In Stream Rewa (bq.). Northern Chief (schnr ) Kurnalpi. Wainui, Whan gape, Kawutiri. Devonport—H.M.S. Philomel, E.M.C'.S Iria. H.M.S ) Laburnum, bI.M.S Veronica. CJueen's Wharf—Ulimaroa (HuddartPrince's Wharf—Kaiapoi - (U.S S Coy.l. Athenic (A. S. Paterson), Waipahi (U.S.S. Coy.). Western Wharf--Kaitoke (U.S.S Coy.) 'King'- Wharf—Pacific Transport (Hen derson and Macfarlane). Wharf—Tofua (U.S.S. Coy.)., The Kaituna left Greymouth yesterday for Westport and Auckland The Wingatui will load at Dunedin tomorrow for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington and Auckland. The Kanna wilt load at Tauranga this morning for Auckland. After discharge here .-■* eha will carry out survey The Richardson steamer M&ko is due from East Coast ports this evening. She will sail on the return to-morrow afternoon. The steamer Tairoa, which is at present in Australia, will shortly come to New Zealand to commence homeward loading The Katoa, now loading at Port Craig for ' Wellington and Auckland, will complete at >■' Bluff and probably Lyttelton en route to Wellington. Messrs. Russell and Somers advise that ihe steamer Tymeric left Bunbury on November 25 with a full cargo of hardwood for Auckland. She is due on December 9. The Kamo will ieave Wellington, for Auck- - land at noon to-day, and after discharge of cargo from Southern ports she will proceed to Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff t . next Tucsdwy. " WAIPAHI FOR SUVA. The Union Company's fruit steamerWaipahi completed discharge at Western Wharf yesterday afternoon and moved to Prince's .. Wharf She is expected to sail at noon to- •, day for Suva, where she will load for Auck- ' ' land about next Thursday. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. The Huddart-Parker intercolonial steamer Ulimaroa, which is ai Queen's Wharf, is to leave for Sydney at 11 o'clock this morning with passengers, mails and carpo. She in due at Sydney on Tuesday morning. The Union Company's steamer Marama will leave Sydney for Auckland this morning, and iB due on Tuesday. TONGARIRO ARRIVED The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Tongariro, from Napier, was about 20 miles Tiritiri at 10 o clock last ?/ evening. ,She will berth at Queens Wharf at seven "o'clock this morning to continue - loading for London. After filling up in the - Sojth she will sail finally from Lyf- e '' oll on December 21. SALE OF WESTRALIA After lying idle m Sydney Harbour io-.-/."..-.■four vears. the Huddart-Parker steame' ..... has been sold to W R Carpen ter and Company. She is a steel screw vessel, built in Sunderland in 1397. anc has a gross tonnage of 292? tons It ip thn intention of the purchasers to use the ... vessel as a storage hulk for copra ill " Rabaul. The price paid was m tne vicipt'- ity of £ 3000. . ; THE PORT FREMANTLE. The Commonwealth and Dominion j^ T ' ne steamer Port Frrrnantle is' expected at fsew Plymouth from Australia about December .> K to commence loading in New Zealand for .vv, London and the Continent She )» due at Auckland to continue loading ; 'bout Decern ber 12. a-d - fter filling up in the South w-' 'nail finn' 1 'rom Napier on December 30. TOFUA FOR ISLANDS The Union Company's Islard steamer To fm wen\ v . into dock early yenterciay morning ~ to iiave her hull eleaned and pointed one -: j; " an-locked early lost evening, berthing at -■y Central W'narf. preparatory to B °!!! n H r a .. o'clock t6-morrow morning for Fiji, longa. and Samoa. AORANGI LEAVES'SUVA. The Roy ill Mail liner Aorangi arrived at Suva yesterday afternoc'i from Vancouver, *it, Honolulu. She left again at el &hf in the ovenirtg, itnd is due at Auckland on Sunday evening, with passengers, Snails and cargo. She is announced to continue her voyage t:o Sydney at 11 o clock sit Monday evening.

RONA REACHES SYDNEY. A cablegram from Sydney states the Colonial Sugar Refining Company's steamer Itona arrived fiom Auckland yesterday. She left Auckland on November 25. HINEMOA FOR NIUE. The Government steamer Hinemoa sailed fo'r Niue Island shortly after noon yesterday Speddirig, Ltd . advise she is to return to port on December 16. • KAPONGA FROM MELBOURNE." The Union Company has received advice that the steamer Kaponga left Melbourne for Auckland at 4 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. She is due next Thursday. KARTIGI DUE TO-DAY. A wireless message received yesterday from the Union Company's steamer Knrtigi states .jthe vessel experts to arrive from Sydney at one o'clock this afternoon. She has been allotted a berth at Queen's Wharf THE CANADIAN PIONEER. . The Canadian Government steamer Can adian Pioneer is to leave Napier for Auckland to-day. and is due on Monday morning. After completing her loading here she will sail finally on Tuesday for New York, Boston and Halifax. REMUERA TO LOAD. The. New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Remuera is due from Gisborne on Thursday She is to sail finally for Southampton and London via Panama on December 10 TURAKINA'S LOADING A departure from Auckland yesterday afternoon was the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Tural<inn. which is to complete loading in the South for London and West Const of United Kingdom ports She is to leave Lyttelton finally on December 15 THE KEKERANGU. To complete discharge ot her Australian cargo, the steanie.- Kekerongu arrived from Portland yeaterday She left again for Sydney early lost evening to load for New Zealand ports. 1 CASE OIL FROM TEXAS. At present loading a full cargo of case oil at Port Arthur. Texas, the German steamer Kersten Miles is due at Auckland about the middle of January. She will also unload at Wellington, Brisbane. Rockhamptou, Townsville and Newcastle. , THE WHAKAKURA. The Admiralty minesweeper Whakakura, which has been in Hauraki Gulf during the week carrying out exercises with the warships Dunedin and Diomede, returned to port yesterday morning to secure floating targets. She left again in Lhe afternoon with the targets in tow. PHOSPHATE FROM NAURU. The steamer Athoil, en route with phosphate from Nauru Island, reported to Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane that she was nearmg the New Zealand coast, and requested instructions She is to proceed to New Plymouth and Wanganui to unload CROSSKEYS DUE SUNDAY Messrs Henderson and Macfarlane advise the steamer Crosskeys is due on Sunday morning from Los Angeles and other Pacific Coast ports with case o'l md general merchandise. After unloading at Auckland she will proceed to Launceston, Melbourne and Sydney. HORORATA FROM LONDON. Ail expected arrival from London and Southampton next Monday 'is the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Hororata with passengers, mails and cargo. She will complete discharge at Wellington, and after commencing loading in the South will return to Auckland to fill un on January 16, sailing finally for London on January 21 lONIC AT WELLINGTON. L. D. Nathan Ltd., advise that th? Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer lonic arrived at Wellington at noon yesterday from London and Southampton, with passengers, mails and cargo. She berthed two hours later. Passengers for* Auckland left by lost evening's express. Baggage will be forwarded North by the .next week. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be withiij range ■of the under-mentioned wireless stations to-day Auckland. —West Calera, Aorangi, Matakana, Crosakeye. Mandalay. H.M.S. Dunedin, H.M.S. Diomede. Athoil, Cape Comorin; Tongariro, Ka-rtigi, Hinemoa. Kanna. Chatham. Islands—Corinthic, Ruapehu, ! Hororata. Cumberland. City of Lyona. Canadian Seigneur. Wellington.—Maori. Wahine. Ngaio, Arahura. Tamahiile. Niagara. Port Darwin, lonic, Waikawa, City of Winchester, Mahia, Maltura., Port Curtis. Remuera. Turakina. Sithonia. A war*.'!.—Sir J. C, Rom C. A. Larsen, N. T. Nilson Alonso Tutanekai, Norfolk, R. J. Hanna. PORT OF ONE! IUNGA. - Yesterday's Arrivals.—Aratapu (7 a.m.). from Waitaru: Thomas Carroll, trawler (1.30 p.m.), from Coast. Yesterday's Departures.—Kaitoa (4.45 a.m.), for Nelson; Ngapuhi (4.20 p.m.). for New Plymouth. The Hauturu is due at Onehunpa from Raglan and Kawhia at six o'clock this morning, and she will sail for Hokinnga at three o'clock this afternoon. BY TELEGRAPH. GlSßOßNE.—December J.: Arrived—Awahou (1.30 p.m.), ficm Auckland: Elsie Mary (12,30 p.m.), from Auckland. NAPlEß.—December 1. Arrived—Remuera (11 50 a.m.), from Wellington; Canadian Pioneer (12.40 p.m.) from Wellington. WELLINGTON.—December 1: Arrived— Maori (7 a.m.). from Lyttelton; Holmdale (8.45 a.m.). from Lyttelton; Kamo (9.40 a.m.), from Lyttelton; lonic (12.10 p.m.). from Lcr.don; Paua (12.30 n.m.l. from Napier. Sailed-Port Curtis (3.45 p.m.), for Lyttelton; lonic* (6.55 p.m.). for Lyttelton, Arahnra (7.35 p.m.). for Nelson: Maori (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON.—December 1 Arrived— Kotit' (1.45 a.m.). from Kaikoura: Wnhine (6 50 a.m.), from Wellington: Port Hardy (7.40 a.m.). frim Bluff. Cnlm (9.5 a.m.). from Timaru: Wa' l- nwa (1.10 n.m.). from Dunedin. failed—Knretu (12 25 p.m ). for Onmaru Oale (4.10 p.m. I. for Dunedin: Wincutui (4.15 p.m » f or PnrWinCnlm '6.15 p m ), for Wellington: Wnfiine 'B.ft' /n.m.-) /or Wellington! Cvcnef ft).2o r> m: for Kn'konra. , SYDNEY.- December I. Arrived—Born, from Auckland '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19809, 2 December 1927, Page 9

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19809, 2 December 1927, Page 9

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19809, 2 December 1927, Page 9