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PORT OF AUCKLAND. SATURDAY'S ARRIVALS. Rona-{10.40 p.m.). from Fiji. Claymore (2.4° a.m.), from Whangurci; Tuhoe (4.J0 a.m.) from Coast; Hcrekino (5,10 a.m.). from Portland; Omana (8.40, from Waiheke;-Motu (1.30 p.m.). from Coast; \\aipu (7.50, from Kerepeehi; Eikurangi (9.10 p.m.), from Whangarei. SATURDAY'S DEPARTURES Torea (12.10 a m.), for Coast; Rangitoto (10.10 a.m.), for Thames: Elsie Mary (12.10 p.m.), for Uisborne; Coronation (1 4 2.50 pin ) for Const; Paroto (12 50 p m.), for Coast! Gael (1.50 p.m.), for Waiheke; Waipu (1.50 p.m.)* for Waiheke. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. ... Pono (12.50 a.m.). from Coast; Matangi (6.45 a.m.), from Tauranga; Wingetui (1.50 p.m.). from Southern ports. Mahurangi (2.30 p.m.). from Portland; Otimai (7.45 p.m.), from Coast; Omana f (7.55 p.m.), from Waiheke; Waipu (8.15 p.m.), from Waiheke: Rangitoto (8.30 p.m.) from Thames; Gael (8.35 p.m.), from Wai- ; heke; Waimea (9.30 p.m.). from Napier; i Tiroa (10 p.m.), from Gisborne. j YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. " • R. .T. Hanna (9.35 a.m.), for Wellington. Waipu (9.50 a.m.), for Waiheke; Omana (9.60 a.m.), for Waiheke Lyttelton (4 p.m.), for Coast; Tuhoe (7 p.m.). for Coast; Claymore (7.45 p.m.), for Whaugaroi; Taniwha (8.60 p.m.). for Pae'toa. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. R.M.S. Niagara, from Sydney, 6 a.m. Ruapehu. from Tokomaru Bay, afternoon. Omana. from Arkle's Bay, 8.30 p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Port Curtis, for Napier, noon. Hinemoa, for Norfolk Island, 3 p.m. Kawau, tor Mangawai. 10 a.m. Gael, for Coromandel. 11 a.m. Rangitoto. for Thames, 11.30 a.n>. Omanaj, for Arklo's Bay, 1 p.m. Motu. tor Whakatane, 4 p.m. Otimai, for Opo*iki, 4 p.m. Clansman, foi :?, :ssell, 5 p.m. Mntangi. for 'i'auranga, 7 p.m. Waipu, for Kerepeehi, 11 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL. Niagara, Sydney. November 21. Maunganui, Sydney. November 22. Knrow, Soutliern ijorts, November 23. Kekerangu, South Australia, via Southern ports, shortly. H.M.S. Dunedin South, "November 25. H.M.S. Diomede, South, November 23. To'iia, Fiji, November 28. Ulmiaron. Sydney, November 29. Marama, Sydney. December 6. Waipahi, Fiji. December 14. * OVERSEAS. , Ruapobu. South. November 21, to load. Pacific Transport. Nauru Island.. November 25. Atlienic, London. November 25. City of Kliios, New York, November 25. Turakino, South. November 28, to load. Matakana. London, via Suva, November 28. Crosskeys, San Pedro, December 1. West Calera, San Pedro, December 4. Aorangi, Vancouver, December 4. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND OVERSEAS. Hinemoa, Norfolk Island. November 23. / Niagara. Vancouver, November 22. Ruapehu, London, November 24. Maunganui, Sydney, November 25. Ulimaron. Sydney, December 2. Waipahi. Fiji. December 2. Tofua. Fiji, December 3. R.M.S. Aorangi, Sydney, December 5. Marama, Sydney, December 9. Rernuera. London, December .10. Port Hardy, England. December 14. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. Makura, due at Wellington from San Francisco, to-day. sail 3 on Tuesday for Sydney. Tahiti, due at San Francisco from Wellington, on Friday. Niagara, due at Auckland from Sydney, this morning, sails for Vancouver tomorrow. Aorangi, dv.e pt Auckland from Vancouver December 4. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Athenic, left Liverpool, October 18. due Auckland on Friday. lonic, left Southampton October 21, due Wellington November 23. Iku'erata. left Southampton, October 28, due Auckland December 5. Tamaroa, left Southampton November 11, , arrives Wellington December 17. Rimulaka, left Southampton November 11, arrives Wellington December 21. Ruahine. leaves Southampton November 25. arrives Wellington December 31. Tiinui, leaves Southampton, December 9, arrive? Wellington January IG. Arawa, leaves Liverpool December 13, arrives Auclil - '- '' T, inuary 20. VESSEL:, (N PORT. In Stream—-Rewa (bq.), Northern Chief : i. Kurnalpi, Wainui, Whangape. JDcv t—H.M.S. Philomel, H.M.S W ;;! : ;ura, H.M.C.S. Iris, Nucula 'lralty oil-tanker. H.M.S. Laburnum. Qik' Wharf —Port Curtis (Heather, Ruberton). Princes Wharf—Kaitoke (U.S.S. Coy.). Hinemoa (Spodding, Ltd.). Wnitematn 'U.S.S. Coy.) Wingatui (U.S.S. Coy.). R.M.S. Niagara (U.S.S. Coy.). Jn Dock—H M.S. Veronica. * Western Wharf—Kaiapoi (U.S.S. Coy.) North Wall—Kawutiri (U.S.S. Coy.). ' Central Wharf—Waimea (U.S.S. Coy.). s Wharf—Tniroa (A. Cr. Prankhsm) Kurcw left Lyttelton at nine o'clock , on I'nda.y evening for Wellington, Napier and Auckland. Passengers' hold luggage from the Now Zealand Shipping Company's liner Remuera ■ reached Auckland by the Wingatui yesterday. The Kekgrangn left Wellington on Friday for Cnstlecliff New Plymouth, Portland and Auckland, to complete unloading cargo from South Australian porta. The Tiroa arrived from the coast last Bigiit and berthed at Kind's Wharf. She is to be despatched at mid-day to-morrow for Hick's Bay and Gisborns. The Wingatui arrived at Auckland yester-J'-V with produce and treneral cargo from South Island ports and Wellington. She unloading at Prince's Wharf On Wednesday the vessel is to be despatched for Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin and Timaru. The Union Company's island stealer Wai- : pihi lefi Portland on Friday v/it.h cement for Wellington and Lyttelton. The, vessel is to load produc and general cargo a) Lyttelton for Auckland. She is scheduled to leave Auckland on December 2 for Kiii to load a cargo of fruit. The Richardson steamer Awahou is due this morning from the East Coast and will berth at Queen's»Wharf. Messrs. Watkin and Willis advise that she is to sail tomorrow evening 'or Hicks Bay. Tokomaru Bay and Gisborne Thfi Union Company's chartered steamer waunea arrived from Napier last evening and berthed at Central Wharf. She is . scheduled to sail at four o'clock to-morrow afternoon on her return trip to Gisborne and, Napier. THE R.M.S. NIAGARA. An arrival at, Auckland this morning will be the Royal Mail liner Niagara from Sydney. According to her wireless advice she will anchor in the harbour at six o'clock. After medical inspection the vessel wil' berth at Prince s Wharf to land passengers and mail from Australia and to loud cargo and mail and embark passengers for Suva. Honolulu and Vancouver. She is scheduled to resume her voyage at five o'clock to-morrow evening. The departure of the Niagara this voyage is of considerable intereßt because «ne is the last link with Great Britain ' jore Christmas. The mail to be despatched | by the vessel is scheduled to reach London on December 21. THE R. J HANNA. The tanker R. J. Hanjlsi (7095 tons), which arrived from San Pedro on Friday night, berthed at Western Wharf on Saturday morning to pump 625.000 gallons of petrol mt< the Vacuum Oil Company's tanks at freeman's Bay The work was completed on Saturday evening and yesterday morning the vessel resume' her voyage to Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin, where she wi Unload the remainder of the cargo. The R. .7 Hanoi. one of the 19 tankers owned by the Standard Oil Company, She I • was built at Oakland California, in 1921 Her cargo carrying capacity of bulk oil is 1 3,350,000 gallons Trie vessel is an oil ijs(l burner and for hci own consumption she |1 carries, in addition to cargo 60R000 gallons. | sufficient t. last her for a voyage to Aua S ifalia or New Zealand and back to America SI The vessel is fitted with a Gyro compass I? and she crossed the Pacific to New Zealand t| without a man at the wheel. A wireless 1 direction finder ia connected to a cage aeri. ! on the bridge and gives better results Inf. J Jf wireless bearings of land stations wore ob \ tain'ed by means of the main wireless aeriel | between the masts. The ° 'f\ elB . ' j quartered in commodious rooms on «ne on age ! deck. The engineers live aft, also the crew who are housed two in ft rOom The vessel left San P»dro on ,9 C ■ and experienced fine weather on the voyage. | Her average speed was 10.6 knots but wher ; 3 n light trim on the homeward voyage shi 1 does nearly l.'i knots Captain »,p. bl ; Jivan is in command and the * , . the chief. Mr. J. 3 Chmtensen. Jectfmi, Mr. F. B. BaU; third, Mr J. Orlando; cuief engineer, Mr. H. Moors, -• "jsistant, Mr. 3. Sprague: nccosid. J. McHala; third, Mr. M .w right; wirel(?s« 1 orjeiator. Mr. Labell#: chief stewnid. Mr. I W. Robinson.

THE RONA. The Colonial Sugar Company's steamer Jvona arrived on Saturday evening with mmrT" i S ' le er thed yesterday morning at Chelsea to discharge. RAFT OF LOGS A DRIFT, log ? f as obse rvod adrift eight t) 8 , s . ou t»-eaflt by east of Ore re Point, mo™;™ nn/' at , i si . x o'clock on Saturday morning The raft is a menace .to navigaingly aU mast orß are warned accordMANCHESTER MERCHANT. . Jbe ateomer Manchester Merchant has i i ? Commonwealth and " ™ . Lm o to load case oil and general N , e , w Yo ' pk ,n Decernbe;r for ton anf Dunedin ' Wellinston ' MIDDLESEX REPORTED. T e( ? 6ra , 1 Lin o steamer Middlesex is l n^ Ve reached Halifax (Nova '1 st Thursday en route from New nntrhZf Jt° The vesse l was despatched from Wellington on October 20. THE MAUNGANUI. wW'f, iJfJ te a C j lonia V B, . ean !" • Maunganui, winch left Sydney for Auckland on Fridav atternoon. is expected to arrive about eight o clock to-morrow morning. Her passengers, Wharf* CUrg ° W be landed at Central THE HINEMOA. A departure from Auckland this, afternoon win be the Government steamer Hfnemoa for Norfolk Island. Sh* is at Prince's Wharf and is to sail at three o'clock. THE PORT DARWIN. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Port Darwin is to leave Wellington on Wednesday for Napier to complete loading. She is to b>. despatched from Napier on November 23 for London, via Panama. Cargo from England. .The New Zealand Shipping Company ad vises that three more steamers have been ll x ':d .to load at Wes' Coast ports of G rea' Britain and to sail from Liverpool for New Zealand as follows:—Somerset, Februarv 4, luxakica, March 3 Xongariro. March 17. THE PORT CURTIS. „ The Commonwealth vl Dominion Lino steamer Port Curtis did not complete cargo operations on Saturday evening as expected. ®;l e is to Bail this afternoon for Napier. Wellington. Dunodin, New Pbmouth and Newcastle, in continuation of her voyage from New lork. 9 THE TOFUAI The Union Company's island steamer Tofua reached Apia from Tonga at noon ot Thursday anc was to sail on Friday in continuation of her voyage to Suva and Auckland. The vessel is scheduled to clear Suva on Thursday and tr reach Auckland next Monday. 4 GERMAN STEAMER PASSAT. The German steamer Pasßat is reported to have cleared Galveston, Texas, on September 27, and Barbados on October 10, for Fremantle, Geelong and Auckland. The Passat is fISS2 tons gross She \vas built in 1900 -it Chepstow bv the Monmouth Shipbuilding Company. Her first name was the Silo. CYDONIA FROM MONTREAL. Running under the auspices of the New Zealand Shipping Company's Eastern Cnrdian Service the steameT Cvdonia is scheduled to clear Montreal on Wednesday witl- - carjro for discharge at Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin. Svdney n'Mslbourne. She is due at Auckland early in January. THE CANADIAN PIONEER, The Canadian Pioneer left Wollincton on Friday for Lyttelton. Timaru and Dunedin. to complete discharge and nlso to load her homeward voyage. The vessel is due hack at Wellington next Saturday, and ;■ Auckland about December 1. On December 3 r she is to be despatched from Auckland for New York. Boston and Halifax. THE TURAKINA. The New Zealand Shinning Company's steamer Turakina was to leave Port Chalmers yesterday foi New Plymouth, Auckland. Napier. Wanganui and Wellington to complete loading for London, Avonmovth. Liverpool and Glasgow! She is expected at Ancr land next Monday. THE RUAHINE. With passengers, mail and cargo for New Zealand the Ruahine is to leave Southampton next Friday. Her cargo from London is for discharge at Wellington and Auckland. She is due at Wellington December 31 and at Auckland a week later. THE WAITEMATA. The Union Company's transpacific steamer Waitematf is to sail at mid-day to-morrow for Wellington. Melbourne and Sydney to complete unloading cargo from Pacific Coast ports. Subsequently the vessel will return to the Pacific Coast to load in February for Napier, Lyttelton, Dunedin. Bluff and NewPlymouth. THE REMUERA. The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Remuera is to leave Port Chalmers today for Bluf! to complete discharging general merchandise from London. The vessel will afterwards load in the South and then come to Auckland to complete her cargo and embark passengers. On December 10 she is scheduled to clear Auckland for Southampton and London, via Panama. THE R.M.M.S. AORANGI. The Union Company advises that the Royal Mail liner Aorangi was despatched from Vancouver at noon last Wednesday with nasaengrers, mail and cargo tor Honolulu, Suva. New Zealand and Australia. The vessel is scheduled to reach Auckland on Sunday, December 4, and to sail for Sydney at 11 p.m. the following day. HERTFORD FROM LIVERPOOL. With general merchandise from West Coast ports of Great Britain the Federa Line steamor Hertford is to clear Liverpool next Saturday for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton. Port Chalmers and >.e_w I lymouth She is due at Auckland on January y. The New Zealand Shipping Company are the local agents. THE RUAPEHU. To fill up with refrigerated and gene.ral cargo for England the ><ew Zealand Shipping Company's liner Ruapehu is due from -tokomaru Bay this afternoon. t.'\ e vessel wi.l berth at Queen's Wharf. With passengers and mail she is to. sail on fhprsday afternoon for London, via Panama. She is no scheduled to call *t Southampton as is usually done WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireWilliam Wellington. West . Ivan, Maiania. Ul] rnaroa Poolta. Vuccinum, Anteim, Aorangi. Ruapeku, Kairanga Canadian Cruiser, ha - tangata. Waipahi. Q A ;, a rsen. Awarua. Sir ' Alonfl ' o , Tahiti. Manuka. Karctu. Tutanekai. Queen blea " or ' Turakina. Canadian Pioneer. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Saturday's Arrivals.— Arapawa (5.30 a.m.). fr S™u7d^r U iep ft rtiire 9r Thomas Currel. ,r Yesterdays' "Irrivals.-.Ngapuli. (7.15 am) from New Plymouth: Hauturu 0.20 p.m.), from Hokianga. The Anchor Line steamer Kaitoa is expected at Onehunga early nuKnitig load for Nelso'.i and West Coast poits. by telegraph. WELLINGTON.-—November 19: Arrived— (2 15Vm). from Lyttelton; John nun m ) from Lyttelton. Sailed—Calm nil nm ) for Picton; Holmdale (11 p.m.). for 'Wanganui November 20- ArrivedWnikawa (f a.m.) from San I - l , anC p„"f Knfoa (6 25 from Auckland : Port rangu (1 IS ). for Castlechff r YTTELTON. —November ArrivorlWnirai (2 am 1 from Blenheim; \\ nhnie Dunedin - "o'pih, (1.15 vVnhine PIP p m.V for Wellington %n Arrived—Queen Eleanor (10 a.m.), from Lyttolton Sailed-Kahika (12.10 a.m. 1 for Oamat't „ ... , "ANCOUVFJt.—November 10: tlaiienAorangi] for Auckland. CT4T/IFAX.—November 17: Arrived en route from New Zealand to Lon :

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19799, 21 November 1927, Page 7

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19799, 21 November 1927, Page 7

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19799, 21 November 1927, Page 7