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»J» »J» «J» ♦J* «$♦ «!♦ ♦♦♦ •J* *** «J* «J» i,*. Strive with an earnest purpose, «y '»> In every task to excel; ❖ r V That which is Worth the doing, V i* # la worth the doing well. »•+ 'l* —From PrimrOse Self {age 9), *** V To Aroha. . *£ -I**l* *l* *«* *t**? *t* *s* ***

(Dear Boy,; and Girls.— A number of entrifes for our Christ-' mas Competitions have been received, end I can see I am going to have a very big task picking the winners out of alt the piles of stories, essays and verses! 1 hope you will all remember to write very neatly, for neatness and correct spelling will be taken into consideration in the judging. Another important matter 1 want to mention is the addressing of ,j'onr _ envelopes,. Several have . been received 'without the words " Christinas Competition." Please read the instructions given' to-Shy and remember that i? you do not obey the rules your entry will Life disqualified. As sonic of you are no doubt wanting to send in some more " BookUtnd " entries, J will tell you of a nice idea I 'lintl the other day. I would like to have some selections dealing with our beautiful New Zealand scenery, our native bush, our birds—anything you like, so long as it is New Zealand. I came across «, lovely prose gem m reading that wonderful book, " The Greenstone Door," by one of our own New Zealand writers, .William Satchcil, a story which all our older boys and girls ought to read. You ivill find it in " Bookland" to-day. I •wonder if any of you can find anything else as beautiful in any Other Notv Zealand story or article ? Be sure you read about the launching of our Santa Glaus Campaign to-dav, and I do hope we are going to get a lovely lot of scrap books and home-made toys! The Letterbox is almost clear now, so I am glad to be able to tell you you may t;end me some more letters. The first competition will bo for our older readers onlv, boys and girls from twelve to sixteen. Half-crown prizes, Or mark cards, for each letter published. One word about, our Herald circles. 'A number of boys and girls who are doing good work in our competitions have not vet sent in enrollment forms, therefore "thev are not eligible either for our Jumble fell Call Or the Merit, List Will those who have neglected to join our Circles pleasu apply for membership at once! Your Friend, Elsie K. Morton. ' IN'..'THE BUSH. Dear Mi#a- MoKton,—l ■ have never written you' below, but 1 read your tmge cveiy week. J live m the bush and enjoy Walking through it at amy time* even in rain, the birds, chirping and ivhistfias to each other aa they tlit from bough to bough. At present it is nesting time. » e have beautiful kauris, rimus, pohutakawas, ■ and every tt#e wMch call' be- iound in Mew Zealand's native bush.- in this bush one can walk ifiroUgh avenues of nikaus,' pugaas, and all the others mentioned above, some are'clothed with'beautiful dresses of moss, maidenhair funis and other plants belonging to the moss family. She rata 'With its beautiful blossoms of bright red. can be seen, ' also the hikau, with its beautiful red bead-like ' sewis. Some o£ the kauns are seventy ■ f#et his3a» and one ■ can Easily tMI that one ia among kauns by the smell of the gum which they send out. Now we '"ft'a wend our way along the Site; of the bush, until we reach the beautiiuL:,'t.«jiiiingj <!r.eek, i where* in the summer days, one can End lovely deep pools to have a" bathe, perhaps to stay for a While to Mi for eels. etc. One can spend a very enjoyable time listening to the various calls of the dififereiit 5 hints of the bush, sucn ns tlie-ttu, pigeon, thrush, fantail, commonly called the bnsbraaii's friend, etc. I think : they; "aco really too numerousfor me to mention; perhaps you will like _ another letter on native" birds another time. I send you a kind invitation to visit our "hiiish at anytime.—From Mabel Sharp. Sharp's Ba*ii. Henderson. , . (Thank you very mudh, Mabel, for your kind invitation. I shall try to pay a visit to your beautiful bush somo time this summer.) AT DAWSON FALLS. Dear Miss Morton,—The holidays will soon t>e here. . We go to New Plymouth, m 'Tatanaki. for our 1 Christmas holidays. I always enjoy the trip down on 'the m. Ifarawa. Before evening we -are - outside the Manukau Harbour, and across the bar. In the early morning we go on to the deck, and see the Sugar Loaves, ParitUtu, and Mt. E;rmont becoming plainer as we near the Breakwater. The hillsides in December are covered with golden gorse and yellow lupins. „ .... Have you ever been up Mt. Egmont, Miss Morton 7 The drive up to the Mountain House is very beautiful, for the last, part of it is through the bush. In Winter the snow covers the track below the xUOuntain House. Dawson Palis on Mt. Egmont are very beautiful. To reach them one must fol'ow a narrow bush-track, the last part of which descends f.teeply to the lower level of the falls. The falls themselves are neither very high nor very Wide, but the scenery about them is indeed beautiful. The fine spray from the falls moistens the delicate green ferns on each side, while far Up on the lidge the nikaus Wave their feathery fronds. A beautiful picnic spot is " The Meeting of the Waters." several miles out of New Plymouth. Here, two mountain rivers meet, forming one main, river, which Wishes over large boulders and stones on its way to the sea. We often 'go to OaVura Beach, ah open-turf bench, south of Paritutu. Here the great rollers sweep un on to the wide sends, and the sun beats down on to the fine iron-sand causing it to become extremely hot at mid-day. Alien-ether, I think InWmaki is a vary beautiful province, and an ideal place .for a holiday.—From Clarke, Dominion Poud facte M). (V'., T haven t been to Mount Eifmont yet. JPhelma, but 1 am look lug forward to a trip there soon.) me MAIL BAG. Selwyn BaKiiall: I ktn so glad you had a Pets' Day, Selwyn. and I hope you have quite recovered from the measles. Kathleen Thompson: Thank you for your letter, Kathleen. I haidly think it would be worth makiiiK up the story books, because there are always plenty .of fine new books for the Santa Clans Sluisn, Shirley Lane: What, fun you must have hud with your bonfire! You will find plenty of chances for story writing in the Christmas compel:; ions. Lorraine Edney; Sour account of Lnbonr D:iy v/as most interesting. I. too. spent the day in the country, and felt the cold very much. , .1 have nut your name in the " pen-Mends" wanted" list. Mavek Hill: Stalking and tracking Bbtmded great fun, Marci*. There's a day's play in the open air! . Peggy Hair: Glad to get your letter. JeKKy. and I am sure you will enjoy your trip to Auckland at Christmas. Stanley Hanson: I f>Kink sfou5 f ou sppnt your prize money very unselfishly, Stanley, and I am sure daddy was very pleased with your little birthday Rift Zpa Court; Thanks for the jumble competition. Zoe, -but they are usually far too SOW? for oar 'clever young renders! The little amrnar skftlch was kooo, Ernest Clarke: You write so often. Ernest, that I can hardly keep track of your letter's! Thank you for the pretty little Christmas card, which Was the first I received. Your new ideas will be considered later.

ivtirla Reno'wrlen: Y<?or first Fntsfty dress "■ ball Wa« -fetcle'ed ilteliahtfnl. Miria. and I am fflftd you had such a lovely titoe. IHfs Payne: Yoa ittivftcl the riddle. Iris. , btti "your# wasn't the first «ntry opened. Keen or. tryi-ntr! Mf)i¥a ; Nretopn: Ye», Moira, 3*oll mav join both this Arliata' find Pen-friends' Circles, if yoti have entered a painting competition ins w«ll :'ns -soma, other contest. PoWV Morton: Yottt drawing of "Quest was qail» pow*.' although I nm -lure lie to a (I'mfaH sub left. Amy Bmythe; Mark e.-iras ft re civen for diffwunf competitions, Amy, and when vottr jnarkw _>otal 100, vmt sret 11 cash nrlae of five shtuintts. With • regrard to certificates, ise<» renjy to Moifa. : MacLeod, F «l!in::h:tin • I. too. thin k it was *'ftbfltot time" yon v.'role, ftr.d I bow Vou " will ijpep pts, writing ».;fard entering, for the boys' comMntiMu 'What -a long ride von ■ feev<? to school Tjvft'ser; m I certainly do think It would be a gaao thinir to join the Guidea. I like to receive letter* from fi#Mi-frten*d« whenever there is a. lottSr-writinor competition, bat 1' tetfc so many that if is often BOttiO' ■ month* before TiftttfctbfcJc Corner ia clt-a-r ajfiviti'! WAtqh for the -Jtexf. competition. • Cwrb Taylor: Th«t. Was a fine trin to the fa,llb, CJuwtt Did you read ffie article about Wnirtitt ? ■ Shirley Boadley: ■ The holiday ■in Tinnnni Jmmt have Hp.>n stood ftm, I hope mother li!;: is HoMpt no'v _ VMM, wjllinkbana: A vsty goswt lettef. 'L ' JJnsmw. <w»d T ara sure you atyoy the domestic which is u moat useful one for

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19798, 19 November 1927, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19798, 19 November 1927, Page 4 (Supplement)

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19798, 19 November 1927, Page 4 (Supplement)