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LUJ PROVISION SPECIALISTS. Idea! Brand Bacon Only Procurable tt Hutchinson Bros., Ltd., Stores. Shoulder Cuts—From 7d per lb. Other Cuts, choice—From l/» per lb. Shoulder Rashers—l/• per lb. Middle Cut Rib Special Rashers—l/ 5 lb. Old Port Cheese, our speciality—l/# per lib. IPrime Stilton, Cheddar, sad other ilvrnys on cut at Lowest Rates. TEAS^ Universal Family Tea—2/- per lb. Universal Special Tea—2/6 per lb. Universal Afternoon Tea—B/- per lb. Universal Golden Tips Tea—3/6 per lb. Special Value in 21b. Caddies—6/» oeeh. Special Value in lib. Caddies—S/« each. Full Stocks of all Fancy Teas, Scented Orange Pekoe, China Buds, Darjeeling, etc., regularly arriving. GROCERIES Iff A\ SPECIAL QUALITY AND PRICED DRIED FRUITS. Australian 3 Crown Quality Currants— —7 d per lb.} olb., 3/5; 121b., 8/9. Australian 3 Crown Quality Sul» tanas—Bd per lb.{ 6ib. f 3/1 Ij 121b.. 7/9. South African Dried Apricots—l /■*, 1/2, *ad 1/4 per lb. Finest Quality Dates—3d per lb. <£ a Liquid Grate Polish. Liquid Metal Polish. UNEQUALI-ED for QUALITY. ALL BRITISH. COLD WATER ll'mjll 11 w PAINT is Indeed a notable advancement In cold ■water paints. It has a covering: capacity of 300 to 500 square feet per gallon, covers ail stains or patches, and will not rub off With the addition or a small quantity or oil, "Mill White" may be used for exterior work. Inquiries invited at J. S, Dickson & Sons 16, Pitt Street, Auckland. \*m*: owm Bread —the staff of life—i« the moot prominent and essential article on your table, therefore you want the best money can buy. By dealing with Hansen's you Willi get the very best, in nutritive value, flavour, and keeping qualities, also reliable and courteous service. EAT HANSEN'S BREAD. Factory! 114, DOMINION ROAD. Phone 4S-018. Pour over Stewed Fruit or use as a Sweet Sauce. It's Delicious. Custard Powder Insist on having Sunshine, with the Sunshine Flavour. AUCKLAND'S BEST BUTTER. The Pride of the House. No Preservatives. Sold Everywhere. Distributing Agents: C. AICKIN & SONS (Auckland), LTD., Ansae Avenue, Auckland* Phone 43-934. C. AICKIN & SONS (Auckland), LTD., Offiee Phone, 43-934. JfWAIPA COAL. "Wltif Depot Phone, 41-025. WAIPA COAL )e Double Screened by electricity at our Mt. Eden Depot. ANY QUANTITY DELIVERED. Same Price as Ordinary Coal. Worth f main \ J Butter Wrappers, EXCHANGEABLE FOR LADIES' SILK STOCKINGS AND GENT.'S HALF HOSE. Each Pound of WAIVALE Superfine Butter carries 1 Seal. Ask your grocer for particulars or write HILL & GREENWOOD, 411, Dominion Road. Phone 24-686 or 40-311. The Market Basket. RETAIL FOOD PRICES. A GUIDE FOR HOUSEWIVES. The following are the retail prices of foodstuffs current in Auckland yesterday. General produce, fruit, meat and fish values remain steady at the rates ruling a week ago, while there are only slight alterations in a few vegetable lines. MEAT. Beef.—Sirloin, 8d per lb.; rump steak, lid; beefsteak, prime ribs, rolled chuck rib, sd; corned round, 6d; tripe, dripping, suet, 6d. Mutton.—Leg, hindquarters, 8d; loin, 9d; shoulder, 6d; forequarter, sd; leg and loin chops, 10d; neck chops, 7d. Lamb.—Spring lamb not forward in any quantity. Old lamb: Leg, Is 2d; loin, Is; forequarter, 7d. "Veal.—Fillet, lOd; loin, 8d; shoulder, fidPork.—Leg, lid; loin, la; chops, Is Id. Sausages.—Pork, 8d; beef, 6d. Rabbits.—ls each. FIBH. Fresh Fillets.—Schnapper, 4d each; terekihi, 4d; trevalli, 4d; kingfish, 4d per piece; John Dory, 6d each. Fresh Fish.—Gurnet, 3d each; cream fish, 3d; schnapper, small, 6d; trevalli, 6a; mullet, sd; flounder, 4d to la. I Fresh Fish, by weight.—Lemon fish, 5d per piece; terekihi, 6d each; hapuku steaks, 6d per piece; hapuku fins, 4d; kingfish steaics, od; silver strip, 6d; frost fish, 6d; moki steaks, 4d. Smoked Fish.—Best schnapper, small, 9d each; best terekihi, 6d; mullet, 6d; trevalli, sd; kippered fillets, 6d. Crayfish, 6d to Is 6d each; mussels, ljd each; whitebait, 6d per glass. Smoked Blue Cod.—ls per lb. Canadian Salmon.—ls 6d per lb. VEGETABLES. Potatoes.—New, good-sied, 4d to 6d per lb.; small, 3d to 4d; old, 81b. to 101b. for Is. --* Onions.—Canadian, 5d per lb.; Australian, 2d. Swedes.—Blb. to 121b. for la. Kumeras.—2d per lb. Cabbages.—3d to 6d each. Cauliflowers.—6d to 8d each; small, 3d to 4d. Lettuces.—2d to 4d. Carrots, Turnips, Beet, Parsnips.—ld to l£d per bunch. Spinach.—2d per biinch. Artichokes.—2d per lb. Pumpkins.—2d to 3d per lb. Celery.—Best, table, 9d to la per head; cooking, 3d to 6d. Cucumbers.—Hothouse, 9d to Is each. FRUIT. Apples.—Dessert, local, 3d to 6d per lb.; cooking, 3d to sd. Pears.—Dessert, 6d; cooking, 4d. Bananas.—sd to 6d. Oranges.—lsland, 2s to 3s per dozen; mandarin, Is to 2s. Lemons.—Local, six and eight for Is. Grape Fruit.—6d to 8d each. Tomatoes.—lsland, Is 4d per lb. Passion Fruit.—2s 6d per dozen. Grapes.—Californian, Is 4d per lb. Rhubarb.—3d to 4d per bunch. BUTTER AND CHEESE. Butter.—Factory, first grade, Is lOd per lb.; second grade, Is 9d; farmers', Is 3d. Cheese.—Ordinary, Is 2d to Is 4d per lb,; more matured. Is 6d. EGGS. Eggs ; — Fresh, hen. Is 8d a dozen; fresh. <iuck, Is 6d. BACON AND HAM. Bacon.—Best, la 5d per lb.; in cuts, 7d to Is; in rashers, Is to Is sd. Haras.->—' Whole. Is 3d per lb.; in rashers, Is 8d; cooked. 2s 4d; shoulders, cooked, Is lOd. r? m 2E IFriendship PEANUT BUTTER, The World's Finest. A valuable food, delightful, nutritious. and ecoFor Home, School and Picnics (iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiMiiitHiiiiiiMimiiiiiiiiiiiimtmiiiiiiuMHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiinimiiit PEANUT ftUTTtn 'Amu tjovci t'V> 'Mr + \Y/A WEET v- 7-,trr» ~ cat SP ■ ' Km.i;i >. isis-XMS-mx^M TRY BREAKFAST THE WEET-BIX WAY. SUNDAY. What's nicer than poached! eggs served on Weet-Bix, sliced in half and spread with butter. MONDAY.—To start the week well, two Weet-Bix in a bowl with hot milk. TUESDAY.—Serve them with milk and add honey or golden syrup. WEDNESDAY.—Toast two Weet. Bix in oven and serve with melted cheese. THURSDAY.—Try sliced bananas with your Weet-Bix and milk. FRlDAY.—Another delightful variety is Weet-Bix served with peaches. SATURDAY.—Serve hubby's WeetBlx with cream, and add a few fresh raisins. Hiuiiiiiinti(Diu»)KiiiiNiiiiuiiitiuiiiiii(fuuuiiuiHiiuuiiimiiiiiiiiMNiiiiiniiiiiiD TERAKIHI, one of the finest edible deep sea flsh found in New Zealand waters, Is rapidly coming: Into general use. Either fresh, smoked, or kippered. It makes a delicious meal, is cheaper than many better known varieties. On sale at any of Sanford's Shops, 2 for 1/-, frosh or omoksd. For Best Workmanship and Low Prices in Prams, Push Chairs, Dolls' Prams, etc., GEO. KERLER & CO., 35, GREAT NORTH ROAD, Near Reservoir. Prams from £4/15/-. Dolls' Prams from 8/6. SEND IT TO THE N.Z. Bagwash and Towel Supply Co. Processes employed absolutely sterilise the clothes. Blankets given special treatment. Returned like new. One Address Only, 60 TO 66, FEDERAL STREET. Phone 43-719. Another Excellent "ANCHOR" Recipe. Sponge Padding. lib. flour. 6oz. sugar. 6oz. Anchor" Butter. 4 tablespoons jam. I teaspoonful soda. I saltspoonful salt. 1 large cup " Anchor " Skim Milk. Cream butter and sugar; add jam, milk (with soda dissolved in), and flour last. Mix well and steam in a greased basin for two hours. Always keep a tin of " Anchor " Skim Milk on hanci for cooking, and also for when the milkman forgets to call. Economical. Convenient. Your Grocer Sells "ANCHOR" SKIM MILK POWDERM fk A " HANDY - PAT. How convenient to be able to buy " ANCHOR," the World's Best Butter, in half-pound pats, and yet still have the protection of the hygienic carton. That's what the new " Handy-Pat ** means to houseAsk Your Grocer to Deliver "ANCHOR" BUTTER "The World's Best. tJ, sSSBSSS & 3* BBS SOVEREIGN GREEN PEAS. Green Peas, with all the fresh flavour, just as they corns from the garden. Cooked to perfection and only require warming for the table. Ask your Grocer for SOVEREIGN GREEN PEAS. Packed in Auckland by; Irvine & Stevenson's; St. George Co., Ltd. mmmm SSeenlß

A 7-Day Test FREE Mail Form a Ngw Beauty rewards Internal BEAUTY of skin, and beauty from health, which goes far deeper than the skin. Intestine cleanness is the secret which thousands are learning. In this new, better way, people of three continents have regained the flush of youth. They have found the key to the vigorous energy they used to envy in others. This will make plain the method they employ. Then offer you a seven-day test, and urge that you accept it. Autoxima—the enemy Faulty evacuation is the cause of most disease. Food residues decay in the intestines, forming products of decomposition. Thus poisonous substances are formed, and, through the blood, absorbed into the system. This self-poisoning is called autoxima, from auto —self, and toxin —poison. Objurations too Many people who have regular bowel movements fail to secure the complete elimination which is necessary to keep the colon (large intestine) clean. Fragments of waste matter cling to the walls of the intestine, forming stagnant obdurations. These obdurations harden, and resist the action of the bowel muscles. Also they narrow the intestine, and hinder the free passage of further refuse. They form a permanent breed-ing-ground for germs. They are the roots from which autoxima flourishes. Ordinary methods of bowel relaxation are unable to remove them. This seal on every package indicates that it is prepared and guaranteed by Fremont Natural Products Limited. Address Science has discovered this dual-aiting remedy Years of research ended in the discovery of a product which has exactly the desired effect. Known as Coloseptic, it consists of two main ingredients. One promotes gentle reaction of the bowel muscles which breaks up the obdurations. Another liquefies them so that they are swept away. A secondary effect is the education of the bowel muscles. With continued use of Coloseptic they regain the natural vigor of open-air life. Results will amaze you Use of Coloseptic quickly establishes its power. A one-week test will convince you of the good results it brings. You will know the inward happiness which comes from colon cleanness. Send the form for a seven-day supply. In three days you will note the difference. / The booklet we send will make plain the reason. Also it will tell you many things you should know about yourself. For your own sake cut the form out now. If you delay you may forget I FREE MAIL FORM FOR 7-DAY SUPPLY to Fremont Natural Products Limited Dept. A i t Box 532 G.P.0., Wellington.

Note Bow the abdominal belt flattens and supports. Easily adjust' able by means of short lacing. Jjovely Jjnes 'Possible in a Jjghtweight (garment This Gossard foundation garment is specially designed to slenderize large figures and yet weighs only a few ounces. An inner abdominal belt controls and supports the hips, abdomen and diaphragm, while die outer part of the garment fits with glovelike smoothness, presenting an unbroken silhouette from shoulder to knee. All your natural figure charm is brought out by Gossard foundation garments—Gossard Completes -CI asp-arounds - Girdles Front-Lad ng Corsets. Let your corsetiere decide the type of Gossard best for your figure. Gossard Corsets are made within the Empire THE CANADIAN H, W. GOSSARD CO.. LTD %X 4 CastiexcsgEt SL, Syaacy ineo

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19761, 7 October 1927, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19761, 7 October 1927, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19761, 7 October 1927, Page 6