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2'i jpfe-i gßfe.t ■P« M ■BwBI ■■fill <■»»— I |L I -tgitot cgfcLftnflED -fi P ■ | Ft. 1 ]«■£; j;K E^SEi'S LfeliiKßif'c! g KHiMi 111 »Ai r'W7rjMaUWfTil«i] [»j i >MmriMm?iTr?] BipppßSll M P#7«i73 ■ rjTHiJ rrxn w - : "V.* : : lPi%^ IK .OWa FANCY HALF HOSE will be sure to please him! We have a wide selection at 3/11> 4/6, 4/11 <^ r Hugh Wright, Ltd., XMAS GIFTS FOR MEN, 65, 67, 69, Queen St., Ponsonby, ' and Hamilton. A-, jl9 «$R&g V""' m OT~] SMART HAT WOULD DO. *lr¥ Our «4,4-|fe Special English MtjMl Fur FELT ASSM 1 At, 21/- \ t\JvW Takes a lot of x - \A v beating, Hugh Wright, Ltd., The Young Men's Outfitters, 65, G7, 69, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. FISHING LINES AND GEAR j THAT LAND THE FiSH ij CAPE BRETT LINES. || Illustration shows a boot with concealed cork 'raising for a short leg. All classes of deformities fitted. Quotations oil Request. DENVER'S Good Shoes, 308, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. —OR A PRETTY CHINESE SUNSHADE. The designs are prettier than ever this year. 2/11, 3/11, a/11, and 6/11 each. Iu a wonderful range of styles and colours at ,r#Htl 102-4*B, Karangahape Road, AUCKLAND. v>. m r . w V';.' Astonishing Value , in GIFT ATTACHE CASES Solid Leather, 2 Steel Frames,' 38, QUEEN STREET. Nothing to equal them in N.Z. l4in, 16in, 18in. .23/6 26/6 31/6 A Splendid Present. Stockings for Xmas. Buy trpm the Silk Importers. " Comet" - - 6 /6 P r » "American " Ladderproof 6/11 pr. " Silver Star " 14/6 pr. " Rosa " 3/6 pr. The above brands ate specially made for us in all the popular shades. We Fay Postage on Mail Orders. Auckland's Leading Silk House, 326, Queen Street. AUCKLAND. 'An Acceptable Xpias Gift. j Brush, Comb and . Mirror Sets, in white-xylonite, 25./.6, .30/-, .37/6 ' per set. In Ebony, 30/-, 34/6 and 44/- per set. Also large selection in Ladies' Handbags, Manicures, Vanity Cases, Work Baskets, and many lines too numerous to detail. CALL AND INSPECT. At KINGSFORD'S, Leather and Sports Goods Specialist, 164, Queen Street. Phone 45-700. m W: m.; sli'f. !£■■*•? :::si Our selection of Racquets this year is particularly attractive in quality and price. Racquets from 12/6 to £ 5/5/-. All best makes stocked. All Accessories for Tennis, Croquet, Bowls, Cricket, Badminton, etc. Indoor Games in great variety. Mechanical To ys, Tricycles, Scooters, and Flivvers. Boxing Gloves, from 18./6 Set. , Punch Balls. Sandow Developers, m a rt y other lines too numerous to detail. Special attention to Mail Orders. C. H. K Leatiier Goods and Sports Specialist, 564, Queen Street - AUCKLAND. Phone 45-700. Give her a Dainty Box of Handkerchiefs. Handkerchiefs always make an acceptable gift. We ■ have them at 1/11. 2/6, 3/11, 4/11, and 5/11. Put up in dainty boxes, either 3 or G in a box. BRADSTREETS, 102-4-6, Karangahape Road, AUCKLAND. It is only faintly praising this marvellous offer to say it is the outstanding limit of value ever submitted* Each case is made of Finest Cowhide Leather, is handsewn throughout, and has built in what is in no other line on the market—two steel frames. They cannot lose their chape, and may be guaranteed for 20 years' wear. Medium Brown or Dark Leather. The price for this wonderful line is: 14in., 23/6; 16in., "26/6; 18in., Send for one to-day. 31/6. Postage, 1/- to 1/6 extra. Jumpers, Art. Silk, in Cedar, Caramel and White, 12/9 —now 7/6. Cotton Vests, 1/ now 10|d. Cotton Vests, 2/6 —now 2/-. Art. Silk and Cotton Vests, 3/9 — now 3/-. Wool and Silk Vests, 5/6 —now 4/6. Hose, Art. Silk, 2/6 —now 2/-. Pleated Repp. Skirts, 37/6 —now 27/6. Postage Paid 11 (Opposite Town Hall), 378, QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND. Hear the Atwater, Kent 20 Compact Radio in Your Home. Without obligation we will demonstrate this world-renowned machine in your home. Or you may hear it any afternoon at Queen Street or Karangahape showrooms. You will notice it is quick, clear, and precise, bringing to you the Queen Street or Karangahape Road showrooms. Sole Agents: Electric Products & Gramophones, Ltd., Karangahape Rd. (opp. Bon Marche), 313, Queen St. (just above Town Hall). I f &VaKiiiti nPI , „ , WHAT ABOUT SET a tie?"' 300 Assorted JlFliSßrj Patterns iMidiS Priced""!' "sR ' 2/11, 3/6, 3/11 w to 6/6. Hugh Wright, Ltd., The Young Men's Outfitters, 65, 67, 691, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. TENTS and FLYS OPP. FERRY BLDGS a < GUARANTEED Complete fit. Bft a 3ft walls— 3a/Bft, x 10ft. x 3ft. walls— 55/10ft. x 12ft. x 3ft. walls—7s/-/ w. McCarthy, Maksr of All Canvas Goods, 33. Eden Terrace. AUCKLAND Phone 47-626 m PURE ART. SILK STOCKINGS, seamed and mock fashioned; in shades of Crash, Zinc, Bran, Sum set. White Sunburn, Nude, Apricot, Blopm, Fawn. etc. Specially Priced—7/11 pair. Post Paid. ASHLEY'S A.B.C. STORES, KARANGAHAPE RD., AUCKLAND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT A. EADY AND CO. Leedy Orchestral Drums—£s/5/-, £6, £7, £l2/12/-. Violin Outfits, complete—£2/10/-, £3/10/-, £4, £5, upwards. Violoncellos, complete—£lo upwards. Flutes— £3/10/-, £4/-, £5, upwards, Mandolins, with cases —£3/3/-, £4, £4/10/-, £5, up to £l6, Swanee Whistles, latest novelty, play every tune—9/6, 12/6,'19/6. Banjos, with caßes~£B upwards. Banjo Mandolins—£7/7/-, £l2/12/-. Accordeons (our famous "Maoriiand"), 2 stops—2s/-. 3 stops—3s/-, 40/-, up. Accordeons (our famous "Maoriiand"), ■1 stops—so/-, 60/-, 70/-, lip. Wheatstone Concertinas—£2o. We Pay Postage to Any Address In New Zealand. A. EADY AND CO. EADY'S, "THE OLD FIRM." Our Only Address: 112, Queen Street, Auckland. Also at 141, Victoria Street, Hamilton. Va V>* FOR HUSBAND, SWEETHEART, FRIEND. He will'appreciate your thoughtfuLness. Dainty and Useful " Reptile" Skin Slippers, sewn soles, beautiful finish and comfy fitting. As illustrated —In Grey, 14/6; Chocolate Brown, 13/11; Tony Tan, 13/6; Light Tan, 10/6; Black Glace, 9/11. We Pay Postage. FOR " UTILITY" GIFTS, " Shoeman," 155, SYMONDS ST. (opp. Scots Hall). ELECTRIC KETTLES From 35/-. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! Electric Construction Co., 52, Fort Street. Electric Toasters. Gifts that last the year round. See them! VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 1 Select Your Xmas Gifts. Electric Construction Co., 52 Fort Street. Auckland pr/ USEFUL GIFT. ViViV J Fuji Silk Neglige Shirts (with Rifji j Also, in Canoe Price, 19/6. Hugh Wright, Ltd,, The Youn{» Men's Outfitters, 65, 67, 69, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. Every person nas use lot a They are the most convenient, portable, hand lights that you could possess. They furnish a powerful beam of light instantly, right where you want it. Range, 500rt. .. 20/-Rang-e, 400rt. .. 17/6 Range. 200 ft. .. 115/6 Range, 15 Oft. .. 13/6 Other lines rrom S/- to 12/6. Electric Construction Co. of NX, 52-58, Fort Street, Auckland. FOR THE BOUDOIR. Hair Curlers—3o/-. Marcel Wavers—22/6. Nestle's Permanent Hair Curlers—£s/10/ Violet Rays from £5. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! Electric Construction Co., 52, Fort Street. Ladies' Two-piece Pyjamas, in Fancy Crimp; jumper style; round neck, 2 pockets, and finished with tie sash and hemstitching a.t neck— Price, 10/6. Ladies Satin de Chine Princess Slips, cumfy-cut style, gathered on hips and finished at neck with hem and hemstitching: made in all shades—Price, 5/11. (Post Paid.) KARANGAHAPE RD., AUCKLAND IllOtlHUWtHt 111 I Fine Quality Silk, with pretty embroidery. Leather sole. Great wearing. In all colours and sizes. Handkerchiefs. What Gift is Nicer than Beautiful Pure Linen Handkerchiefs in Artistic Colours, also Fancy Whitest PURE IRISH LINEN, IN NOVELTY BOXES Quarter-dozen Boxes —4/9, 5/0, 6/3. Haif-dczen Boxes—B/B to 13/6. Children's and Cotton Handkerchiefs, From 21- Quarter-dozen. 37. STRAND ARCADE, AUCKLAND (Third Floor.) SEASONABLE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. XMAS GIFT. Free .installation and no charge for travelling expenses to all buyers of Wireless Sets. Pool the money and buy a Family Gift. WILLIAIVI HENRY, Cheapest Radio Dealer on Earth, Stocks the World's Best 1027 Models, delivers anywhere In the North Island, and installs Free:. Demonstration every afternoon and evening. It will pay you to call and see the most perfect stock in New Zealand. I sell from my private house, No. 1, St. James' Street, behind St. Helens Hospital, off Beresl'ord Street. Phone 46-020. Give Your Business a. Xmas Present ELLIOT WOOD'worker, ?■ New Heavy-weight, specially built for New Zealand condition!!. Elliot's masterpiece. A great advance. Compact, powerful, self-con-tained, efficient; 12in. Planer, 3 h.p. Motor. Ball bearings all over. Ask for folder and urice to-day. J. A. MACNEIILL, Maxwell's Buildings, Corner Hobsort St. and Fanshawe St. —Xmas Presents Of fp l We are Australasian JD!*LS. Agents for the famous Giifillan NeuO A TOO trodyne Sets. Send for our Complete Radio Catalogue, POfjT'L Valve and Crystal & Sets, Thorola Speak- „ ers, Marco Parts, ? f Willard and Columa. j jjj a Batteries. Radio Catalogue. FIxFF Terms. Just send 2d & a^.,B!® £ 0 cover postage. Jang Hing Loong Co., '* Ltd., 320, Queen St. (Oup. Civic Sauare). FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS, IN BOXfeS. Finest Quality, Nice Embroidery. Lawn, 1/11 to 4/6. Pure Linen, 5/6 to 8/6. 320, Queen St. (Opp. Civic Square.) CAMERAS.—AIso send 2d for our new Photographic Catalogue. *5 LTD., 140 QU'iEN STREET, AUCKLAND. Also," at 40-42, Willis St., Wellington! and throughout Australia. w This bowl would be appreciated by any lady. Chippendale Glassware has a sparkle and lustre like crystal. OUR PRICE, 1 r* /a Htiij; THREE LAMPS, PONSONBY mum m 162, Queen Street, and 15, Karangahape Road, AUCKLAND. And at Whangarei, Hamilton, Tauranga, and Gisborne. ■'"MM m wmzm fpsMJPmrUm 'mi GIVE HANDKERCHIEFS THIS XMAS. Wonderful Selection at FALKNER'S, Opposite the Civic Square. Our pretty Gift Envelopes make a single handkerchief a suitable gift. GANONG'S CHOCOLATES (The Finest in the Land). Her Christmas will not be complete without a Box of SsS Over 30 Varieties of Fancy Boxes to Choose From. Put up in £!!>., lib. and 21b. Sold Everywhere. Such a tasteful gift is remembered and prized for many a day. Moccasins—B/0 to 14/6. Fancy Cloth Slippers—4/11 to 9/11, Felts—2/6 to 7/6. In attractive colours. T. CLARK, BOOT EMPORIUM, 14-20, Victoria Street (Cr, Elliott St.) I'M N »' What could be more acceptable than these comfortable Slippers, in Soft Tan or Black Leathoi. And Only 9/11. ' We Pay Postago. ; T. CLARK, BOOT EMPORIUM, 14-20/ Victoria Street CCr. Elliott St.); Three Lamps, P^nsonby; and 33, Karangahape Road. INEXPENSIVE XMAS GIFTS for the MEN FOLK. H a nd so m e Ties, from 2/6. Initial Handkerchiefs, 1/-. Paris Garters, 2/3, 2/6, 2/9. Braces in Gift Boxes, 5/6, etc., etc. Every gift put into a pretty Gift Envelope, or Box, with a card of good wishes, thu3 greatly improving the gift. 308, QUEEN STREET, Opposite Civic Square. ■vm i " ll " IB hi i Spectacles and Sun Glasses. Years of Practical Experience enable us to assist you to choose a pair suitable to your requirements. Large Variety—Prices from 1/- to 18/6 per pair. Canvas Footwear, Boots and Shoes, Toys, Presents, Crockery, etc. See our Monster Packet of Xmas and New Year Cards, containing 36 cards for Fancy Repository and Boot Palace, 70-74, VICTORIA STREET WEST. M m Built on bicycle lines with nee wheel and brake, chain drive, and ballbearing crank bracket. English built—B7/6. This is the age of wheels and all childreii appreciate anything on wheels. Buy the Best. It will give you years of service. ■a; liM. ttiiK (opp. Court's, Karangahape Rd.) m & te m We have a large assortment of Tricycles at keenest prices; from the Joycycle Junior at 38/6 to the extra large model at £5. Only the best makes stocked and satisfaction is guaranteed by buying from us. F. R. HUTCHINSON (opp. Court's, Karangahape Rd.) Karangahape Road. In Black or Old English Colour, 5/6 extra. STAINLESS SPOONS AND FORKS FOR PRESENTS. J /f c iv % BOWLING AND TENNIS TROUSERS Make an acceptable offering. Priced from 16/6 to 32/6. Hugh Wright,, Ltd., Tiie Young Men's Outfitters, 65, 67, 69, Queen St., Auckland. fl J MEN'S I I SUMMER jLJ\ [ UNDERWEAR ¥% ' is acceptable. Ijl j vrpHH Tho popular , \\Vr 1 Aertex \ \\v M Singlets and j\ IT jSHvI Knickers. |jj if Si -'S Knickers, 7/11. Hugh Wright, Ltd., XMAS GIFTS FOR MEN, 65, 67, 69, Oueen St., Ponsonby and Hamilton, ' I iww Seagrass 5/- Cash s, THESE BEAUTIFUL SLIPPERS in Several Colours, Leather Sole Only 7/6. Mall Your Order. Postage I'ald F. C. FARROW'S ' SHOE STORE, 240, QUELiM STREET. Only 45/JOHNS, LTD.. SUPERADIQ, LTD., And All RADIO DEALERS. MP m s Beach Sunshades and Garden Umbrellas. From rhe CHILDREN'S SUNSHADES at 1/3 jach, to the great big © CANOPY SUNSHADES for a Family Party, at 35/- to 39/6. All in ; retty colours. They don't mind brushing their teeth with 21-0-DINE because it tastes scod and keeps their teeth white. ZI-O-DINE makes acid mouths sweet and keeps gums firm and healthy. Contains lodme in just the right proportion to destroy harmful germs. Small tube, 1/6. Large. 2/6. Sold everywhere 308, Queen Street (opp. Civic Square). • * V v-" ■ : k 21 ZI-O-DINE, uhe Perfect I>errt&C&edm In Black or Old English Colour, 2/- extra. XMAS BOX FOR BOYS. MECCANO AND HORNBY CLOCKWORK TRAINS. Prices from 5/- upwards. Splendid Selection. Also Toys and Fancy Goods. SKEATES, 224, 'Karangahape Rd., Auckland. —-Xmas Presents- — 84-PAGE ILLUSTRATED PHOTOGRAPHIC CATALOGUE, FREE. Send by next post for this big Camera and Photographic Catalogue. Carbines, Ensigns, Kodaks, Brownies, and every conceivable photographic accessory illustrated, described, and priced. Catalogue Free. Just send 2d to cover postage. Getting a Radio Set? First send for Harrington's Radio Catalogue. Terms. Just send 2d for postage. Write for either or both Catalogues The Gift He Will Appreciate. Hundreds of the latest designs and shades in MEN'S SOCKS— Cashmere, plain Black—2/6, 3/8. Cashmere, fancy design—4/6, 5/6, Silk—7/6. Artificial Silk—4/6, 5/#. Wo Pay Postage on Maill Orders. If you cannot call, write and tell us the style and design you require. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. G. Jelicichj 77, VICTORIA ST., AUCKLAND. / Pure Irish |i Linen ! * Always Appreciated. Ladies' Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, hand embroidered, from 1/3 to 3/6 each. Gent's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. 2A, 3/-, 3/6 each. Pure Linen Hand Embroidered Tray Cloths, from 7/6 each. "Pure Linen Double Damask Table Cloths,, 2yds. x 2yd3., from 39/6. Pure Linen Guest Towels, 2/- and 2/6 each. A Great Variety of Suitable Gifts. Call Along and Inspect Any Time. KERR'S IRISH LINEN HOUSE, DIRECT IMPORTERS, Junction Great South Road, Newmarket. Vifc—«r,l Tea Spoons - - -4 /Q half doz. Dessert Spoons and Forks, y /Q half doz. Table Spoons and Forks, -|{)/Q half doz - W. LAMBOURNE. THREE LAMPS, PONSONBY. Easy to Flay! Encourage your boye to be musical by giving them the best instruments. Conn Instruments are easy to play, perfect in scale, and reliable in action. Write for Art Catalogue. Exclusive Conn Agents. lewisßEkiy & S2B L " EVERYTHING MUSICAL. 162, Queen Street,, and 15, Karangahape .Road, AUCKLAND, And at Whangarei, Hamilton, Tauranga, and Gisborne. Have an Avonia for Xmas. Our Cash Gramophone Drive enables you to secure an Avonia of renowned tone qualities at about half-price. A FEW EXAMPLES:— £B/10/- Table Grand, now £ 4/15/-. £lO Taible Grand, now £5/10/-. £ 11/10/- Table Grand, now £6/15/-. £l3/10/- Table Grand, now £B/10/-. £l4 Taible Grand, now £9. Come along and hear these fine gramophones at Electric Products; & Gramophones, Ltd., Karangahape Rd. (opp. Bon Marche), 313, Queen St. (just above Town Hali). y/f/ mm POST FREE. \ 6® sis Last Season's Annuals. (as new). Greyfriar'a Holiday, Schoolgirl's Own, Playbox, Tiger Tim and Puck Annuals. Usual Price 8/-, now 4/6 each. Postage extra. 6d= Chums, 1924, 9/6; 125. 10/6. ' Postage extra 1/- each. Back dates Magazines (as new) 6/6 and 9/6 per assoi-ted dosen. Post Free. Big assortment of all the popular issues. Brooking & Son, Booksellers, 28, Wellosley St. W., AUCKLAND. SEXTON SUPER, The Super Radio Set. This locally made «et will, at half the price of an imported set. give better performance, .purer tone, and clearer reception. Va ill bring in all Australasian stations on load speaker strength. The price ,in ridiculously low in the light of its wonderful periormance. Set only. £l6/15/-. Set complete, with sccphboi ies. £29/10/*. SEXTON MOTORS, 6. Lower Albert Street. AUCKLAND. „ Phone 40-(JG7. LET US POST YOU THIS LINE. , !c . e Champagne Shoe, with light tan acings. as illustrated; very comfortable , smart—Special Reduced Price, 23/6. T . , POSTAGE PAID. FACTORY 2 YOU, I An!t' f ARANG AHAPE ROAD, s—~?-£iWt°cxtSt. Kev . nß Arcade> We illustrate a particulariy smari Champagrne Shoe, with blonde facings, splendid fitting—Bargain Price, 26/6. POSTAGE PAID. For Value in Shoes, FACTORY 2 YOU, 164, KARANGAHAPE ROAD, And 2 doors next St. Kevins Arcade.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19512, 16 December 1926, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19512, 16 December 1926, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19512, 16 December 1926, Page 8