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KMXWffiVsHK* mmrnm pr %'Xv.v.v>vrfa A m ia, AMV «b>> »«# This page contains a host of helpful suggestions for Xmas buying ■ Make your choice now and avoid the mmmm / iHSsSj liliif tMaHf MB®™ Ilk 111 ill JtJ lidp^ Leather Hand W Bags, silk ,fi lined, ml strong clasp, tfv \ fitted with A f mirror. %, $ price, 10/6 \f^ r /" Price, iu/o HUGH WRIGHT, LTD., IMPORTERS OF LADIES' WEAR, 85, 87, 89, QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND. Pairs Speoial Price, 3/6 pair. HUGH WRIGHT, LTD., Importers of Ladies' Wear. 85, 87, 89, Queen St., Auckland. ?/sais BHBp,?'' .. ' Token - of Friendship. Lovely Strings of Pearlis, in varying lustre and colouring-, possessing a charm of their own. What token more beautiful or sincere can express remembrance and goodwill? Beautifully graded, in varying lengths, with plain gold or gem -set snaps In exquisite cases. The " Jewel Casket " will serve you well with quality gifts. Corner Queen and Customs Streets. & Astonishing Value in GIfT ATTACHE OASES So'id Leather, 2 Steel Frames, at . • ii nalJ Hti V/lili 38, QUEEN STREET. Nothing to equal them in N.Z. 14in. 16in. 18in. 23/3 26/6 31/6 A Splendid Present. Millinery Bargain. 150 Beautiful Ready-to-Wear Hats, ■worth up to 29/6. Special Price, 10/HUGH WRIGHT, LTD., IMPORTERS OF LADIES' WEAR, 85, 87, 80, QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND ELECTRIC KETTLES From 35/-. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! Electric Construction Co., 52, Fort Street. Electric Toasters. Gifts that last the year round, Sea them I VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 1 Select Your Xmas Gifts. Electric Construction C 0.,, 52, Fort Street, Auckland. wmlfxivmM We are making Special Low Prices to clear these lines. Shop Here and Save Money. Silk Stockings for Xmas. Buy from the Silk Importers. "Comet" .... 6/6 pr. "American " Ladderproof 6/11 pr. " Silver Star " ■ - 14/6 pr. "Rosa" - 3/6 pr. The above brands are specially made for us in all the popular shades. We Pay Postage on Mail Orders. SUN AMD YEW, Auckland's Leading Silk House, 326, Queen Street, AUCKLAND. Attache Cases at George Walker's. It is only faintly praising this marvellous offer to say it is the outstanding limit o£ value ever submitted. Each case is made of Finest Cowhide Leather, is handsewn throughout, and has built in what is in no other line on the market—two steel frames. They cannot lose their shape, and may be guaranteed for 20 years', wear. Medium Brown or Dark Leather. The price for this wonderful line is: 14in., 23/6; 16in., 26/6; 18in., Send for one to-day. 31/6. Postage, 1/- to 1/6 extra. GANONG'S CHOCOLATES '(The Finest in the land). Her Christmas will not be complete without a Box of What better Christmas Gift than a Seaside Section at beautiful LAINGHOLM, Titirangi ? Magnificent sea and land views. Good beach. Sections, from £25. Deposit from £2/10/-. £l a month. No interest. 4 GUARANTEED Complete 6ft x Bft, x 3ft. walls—3s/Bft. x 10ft. x 3ft. walls—ss/10ft. x 12ft. x 3ft. walls—7s/w. McCarthy, Maker of All Canvas Goods, 33, Eden Terrace. AUCKLAND. Phone 47-626. Every person mis use for a flashlight. They are the most convenient, portable, hand lights that you could possess. They furnish a powerful beam of light instantly, right where you want It. Range, 500 ft. .. 20/Range, 400 ft. . .. 17/6 Range, 250 ft. .. 15/6 Range, 150 ft. .. 13/6 Other lines from 6/~ to 12/6. Electric Construction Co. of N.Z., 52-58, Fort Street, Auckland. FOR THE BOUDOIR. Hair Curlers —30/-. Marcel Wavers—22/6, Nestle's Permanent Hair Curlers—£s/10/Violet Rays from £5. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! Electric Construction Co., 52, Fort Street. <3 V> —OR A PRETTY CHINESE SUNSHADE. The designs are prettier than ever this year. 2/11, 3/11, 4/11, and 6/11 each. In a wonderful range of styles and colours at BRADSTREETS, 102i4-6, Karangahape Road, AUCKLAND. Give her a Dainty Box of Handkerchiefs. Handkerchiefs always make an acceptable gift. We have them at 1/11, 2/6, 3/11, 4/11, and 5/11. Put up in dainty boxes, either 3 or 6 in a box. BRADSTREETS, 102-4-8, Karangahape Road, AUCKLAND. GIFTS FOR MEN. A Real Gift—Our 'B/11 Felt Hats. Also Fuji Shirts, with collars, 13/11, 19/11, 21/-. Coloured Negliges, with collars, from 5/il to 11/6. Fuji Pyjamas, 23/6. Coney Island Bathers, plain, 14/6; With White and Striped Tops, Fancy Ties, Handkerchiefs and Sox galore. BE Top o' Symonds .Street. ORPHONIC REPRODUCER, Make an up-to-the-min - ute Gramophone out of your old one. —Xmas Presents are Australasian Agents for the famous Gilfillan NeuI? A FblO trodyne Sets. Send for our Complete Radio Catalogue, PPirP Valve- and Crystal & Sets, Thorola Speakers, Marco Parts, I IQT Willard and ColumJL<JU,J Jt j bia Batteries. Radio Catalogue. PIRIFTP Terms. Just send !£d & cover postage. CAMERAS.—AIso send 2d for our new Photographic Catalogue. PRICE, 27/6, Post Free. Give it the "new" "tone" and " volume " of the latest new machines. Sent on trial post free on our usual "Satisfaction or Money Back" Guarantee. WOODHOUSE AMD CO., 340, QUEEN ST.. AUCKLAND. Over 30 Varieties of Fancy Boxes to Choose From. Put up in |lb., lib. and 21b. Sold Everywhere. GOVERNMENT LIFE BLDGS., QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND. •111 ii«lS a Xmas Present. fra»v~v Mtmmm uinii (MBIffELLIOT fSsI^SJs^WOODWORKER, New Heavy-weight, specially built for New Zealand conditions. Elliot's masterpiece. A great advance. Compact, powerful, self-con-tained, efficient; 12in. Planer, 3 h.p. Motor. Ball bearings all over. Ask for folder and price to-day. . .1. A. WIACNEIL!., Maxwell's Buildings, Corner Hobson St. and Fanshawe St. OAK CAKE STAND. 7/11 r A Most Useful Christmas Present. BUTCHERS, LTD., Kararigahape Road. In Black or Old English Colour, 2/- extra. 1 I m Here's a sensible gift most men would welcome - f.n extra pair of smart pyjamas. These are really good-look-ing garments, in quality fabrics and smart colours. Price. ic/_ a Pair. Ww'- 1 iiWii Last Season's Annuals. (as new). Greyfriar'a Holiday, • Schoolgirl's Own, Playbox, Tiger Tim and Puck Annuals. Usual Price 6/-, now 4/6 each. Postage extra. 6d. Chums, 1924, 9/6; 19.25, 10/6. Postage extra 1/- each. Back dates Magazines (as new) 6/6 and 9/6 per assorted dozen. Post Free. Big assortment of all the popular issues. X ykES% .v/.v \ The Gift He Will Appreciate. Hundreds of the latest designs and shades in MEN'S SOCKSCashmere, plain Black—2/6, 3/8. Cashmere, fancy design—4/6, 5/6. Silk—7/6. Artificial Silk—4/0, 5/6. Wo Pay Postage on Mail Orders. If you cannot call, write and tell us the style and design you require. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. G. Jelicich, 77, VICTORIA ST., AUCKLAND. VICTORIA ARCADE, AUCKLAND eat in Case Beautiful Leather Slippers, in a soft leather case that slips into the pockets. A man who does a lot of travelling would especially appreciate this gift. Price, only 13/6 Ask to see These. Tie Firm of Fowlds, VICTORIA ARCADE, AUCKLAND PURE ART. SILK STOCKINGS, seamed and jnock fashioned; in shades of Crash, Zinc, Bran, Sunset, White, Sunburn, Nude, Apricot, Bloom, Fawn, etc. Specially Priced—7/11 pair. Post Paid. ASHLEY'S A.B.C. STORES, KARANGAHAPE RD., AUCKLAND SEASONABLE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Fine Quality Silk, with pretty embroidery. Leather sole. Great wearing. In all colours and sizes. Jang Hi tig Loong Co., Ltd., 320, Quean St. (Opp. Civic Square), FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS, 9N BOXES. Finest Quality, Nice Embroidery. Lawn, 1/11 to 4/6. Pure Linen, 5/6 to 8/6. JANG HING LOONG CO., LTD., 320, Queen St. (Opp, Civic Square.) mz. i flsfiaßl Vfi'V ,• rr .. ; =u—j ' I i *• • mm ■ js. ■' m * I - r, V^S£> m Handkerchiefs Artistic Colours, also Fancy Whites i PURE IRISH LINEN, IN NOVfcLTY BOXES. Quarter-dozen Boxes —4/9, 5/6, 0/3. Half-dozen Boxes —8/6 to 13/6. Children's and Cotton Handkerchiefs, From 2/- Quarter-dozen. BROWNE, BROS., 37, STRAND ARCADE, AUCKLAND (Third Floor.) " The Gift House," Karangahape Road. Youth's B For the Grammar School or College boy, what better gift than a Blazer? A sensible, useful Xmas token that will give lasting service. Fowlds can show you a serviceable Youth's Blazer, priced at only 15/-. Price, 15/. The Firm ©f Fowlds, VICTORIA ARCADE, AUCKLAND Fancy Half Hose, Always Acceptable, 51Per Pair, At Fowlds ,i \\WS^R mm Ik Firm of Fowlds, T=? Sllll mm, 200 Pairs ol zzzszsz* Art. Bilk^ or i pairs 'for \ j Hugh Importers of Ladies' Wear. 85, 87, 89, Queen St., Auckland. 't Vt / # V l v • W FLEETWING ROADSTERS Have proved their superiority over others. Easy running, swift, reliable. CASH PRICE, £l2/12/-. 309, Queen St. (just eibove Town Hall). 84-PAGE ILLUSTRATED PHOTOGRAPHIC CATALOGUE, FREE. Send by next post for this big Camera and Photographic Catalogue. Carbines, Ensigns, Kodaks, Brownies, and every conceivable accessory illustrated, described, and priced. Catalogue Free. Just send 2d to cover postage. RADIO. t Getting a Eadio Set? First send for Harrington's Radio Catalogue. Terms. Just send 2d for postage. Write for either or both Catalogues now to Ladies' Two-piece Pyjamas, in Fancy Crimp; jumper style; round neck, 2 pockets, and finished with tie sash and hemstitching at neck— Ps-lco, 10/6. Ladies' Satin de China . Princess Slips, cumfy-cut style, gathered on hips and finished at neckwith hem and hemstitching; made in all shades—Price, 5/11. (Post Paid.) KARANGAHAPE RD., AUCKLAND William Henry's XMAS GIFT. FREE INSTALL!. ATION AND NO CHARGE FOR TRAVELLING EXPENSES TO ALL BUYERS OF WIRELESS SETS. POOL THE MONEY AND BUY A FAMILY GIFT. WILLIAM HENRY, Cheapest Radio Dealer*on Earth, Stocks the World's Best 1927 Models, delivers anywhere in the North Island, and installs Free. Demonstration every afternoon and evening:. It will pay you to call and see the most perrect stock In New Zealand. I sell from my private house, No. 1, St. James' Street, behind St. Helens Hospital, off Beresford Street. Phone 46-020. I Ladies' Super Quality Imitation Suede Gloves, with fancy embroidered gauntlet as illustrated. On® dome at wrist. Bois d e Rose, Sunblush, Nude, Beige, Pastel, Black and White. Sizes 6, 7; jierfect fitting. Price, 5/6 pair. RENDELLS, LTD., • " The Gift House," Karangahape Road. A A Wide Selection of Sunshades for Ladies and Children. Special Prices, 2/11 to 12/6. HUGH WRIGHT, LTD., IMPORTERS OF LADIES' WEAR, 85, 87, 89, QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND. WILLIAM HENRY'S XMAS GIFT. Free installation and no charge for travelling expenses to all buyers of Wireless Sets. Pool the money and buy a Family Gift. WILLIAM HENRY, Cheapest Radio Dealer on Eartn, Stocks the World's Best 19:27 Models, delivers anywhere in the North Island, and installs Free. Demonstration every afternoon and evening. It will pay you to call and see the most perfect stock in New Zealand. I sell from my private house, No. 1, St. James' Street, behind St. Helens Hospital, otT Beresford Street. Phone iC-020. WITH A UKULELE OR STEEL GUITAR. SPECIAL PRICES FOR XMAS. Easy to play and much appreciated. Aloha—34/» each. Cases extra, 12/6. Kumalae—37/6 each. Cases extra, 12/6. Sonora—l's/-, 17/6, 20/-. Cases, 10/-. Sonora Steel Guitars—£3, £3/10/-, £4/4/-, £4/10/-. Complete with Cases and Accessories, mmm M EADY'S, "THE OLD FIRM." Our Only Address: 112, Queen Street, Auckland. Also at 141, Victoria St., Hamilton. 3UO Pairs of Art. Silk Hose, silk tn , krip e> and seamed ladderproor. in leading shades.— AU Price, 4/6 pair, or 2 pairs for 8/6, HUGH WRIGHT, LTD., Importers of Ladies' Wear 85, S7, 89, Queen St., Auckland. AT DENVEFtS' This Neat Shoe, as illustrated, sells at 25/6 pair, postage paid, In Champagne at Grey Glace Kid, low covered heels. Call In or Mail your Ordar immediately DENVERS' Good Shoea, £!6B, Queen Street (opp. Town Hall), Wl ' v<\ ilfpf-"M ifiai iliiain T Smart ill 5/- a Tie Firm of Fowlds, VICTORIA ARCADE, AUCKLAND VICTORIA ARCADE, AUCKLAND Children Like It! They don't mind brushing their teeth with ZI-O-DINE because it tastes good and keeps their teeth white. ZI-O-DINE makes acid mouths sweet and keeps gums firm and _ healthy. Contains lodine in just the nffht proportion to destroy harmful germs. Small tube, 1/6. jLarge. 2/6. Sold everywhere. Entertain her all the year round with UP-TO-DATE GILFILLAN RADIO, clear, simple, durable, long range. See Latest Sets. Cash or Easy Terms. Moore's Piano Coy. Ltd., (opp. H.M. Theatre), QUEEN STREET., Sole Agents for John Brinsmead Pianos, Duo Art and Aeolian Pianolas, etc. Please post Catalogue with Cash Prices, and show Jiow £5 secures good Piano, or Pianola, balance easy payments. THE F. MOORE PIANO CO., LTD., 166, Queen St. (opp. H.M, Theatre), Auckland. ZI-O-DINE, Jhe PerfeftDental Cream\ PICTURES THE IDEAL PRESENT. A Special Line in a Splendid Selection of Gilt Framed Scenes, AT 2/11 EACR POSTAGE FREE ON 4 OR MORE. See us for Etchings, Paintings and all Framings. SPOONER'S Globe Picture-Framing Works, 31, VICTORIA STREET WEST (opp. Roya! Hotel). SEXTON SUPER, The Super Radio Set. This locally made set will, at half the price of an imported set. give better performance, purer tone, .and clearer reception. Will bring in all Australasian stations on loud speaker strength. _Ths price is ridiculously low ia the light of its wonderful performance. Set only, £lB/15/-. Set complete, with accessories, £29/10/-. SEXTON MOTORS, 6, Lower Albert Street, AUCKLAND. Phone 40-367. as ttnese Bargains KBBBaaßpqraaagagsesKßflMaaaß^^ Jumpers, Art. Silk, in Cedar, Caramel and White, I 2/9 —now 7/6. Cotton Vests, 1/ now 10£ d. Cotton Vests, 2/6 —now 2/-. Art. Silk and Cotton Vests, 3/9 now 3/-. Wool and Silk Vests, 5/6 —now 4/6. Hose, Art. Silk, 2/6 —now 2/-. Pleated Repp. Skirts, 37/6—now 27/6. Postage Paid. (Opposite Town Hall), 378, QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND. POST FREE. I i Im| iff GIVE HIM What could be more acceptable than these comfortable Slippers, in Soft Tan or Black Leather And Only 9/11. We Pay Postage. T. CLARK, BOOT EMPORIUM, 14-20, Victoria Street (Or. Elliott St.): Three Lamps, Ponsonby; and 33, Karangaiiape Road. SEE US FOR THE BEST CUTLERY. Carvers, Dinner Knives, Pocket Knives, etc., etc., And all classes of Cutlery suitable for Xmas Presents. Goods that will last for years. HARDIE BROS., Builders' Hardware, HIGH STREET (opp. Old Police Court). n 2§i/ LADIES' DAINTY Sports S Here's a gift any man would appreciate—a cool Sport Shirt for sport 3 wear. Xmas time is holiday time, so this would be a timely gift. Ask us to show you this smart Sport Shirt at 10/-. Price 10/. at The Firm of Fowlds, VICTORIA ARCADE, AUCKLAND FUMED OAK SERVICE WAGGON. An Ideal Christmas Present. BUTCHERS, LTD., Karangahape Road, In Black or Old English Colour 5/6 extraSuch si tasteful gift is remembered and prized for many a day. Moccasins—-8/6 to 14/6. Fancy Cloth Slippers—4/11 to 9/11, Felts—2/6 to 7/6. in attractive colours. T. CLARK, BOOT EMPORIUM. 14-20, Victoria Street (Cir. Elliott St.) tS&S M FOR HUSBAND, SWEETHEART, FRIEND. He will appreciate your thoughtfuLnesa. Eiainty and Uneful " Reptile" Skin Slippers, sewn soles, beautiful finish and comfy fitting. As illustrated—ln Grey. 14/6; Chocolate Brown, 13/11; Tony Tan, 13/6; Light Tan, 10/6; Black Glace, 0/1 We Pay Postsige. FOR " UTILITY" GIFTS, A. J. FERNANDEZ, " Shoeman," 155, SYMONDS ST. <opp„ Scots Hall). OFFERS A FEW SPECIAL LINES FOR CHRISTMAS. Cig-ars, from 18/6 to 170/- per 100. Packed In lo's, 25's, 50's, and iOOs. Send 5/- for a box or 10 to try. Oilskin Tobacco Pouches—l/«, 1/w» 2/9 each. Solid Rubber Tobacco Pouches —2/9 each. Cigarettes to suit all smokers. A very large stock or Pipes at all prices. Playing * Cards—a large assortment— From 2/6 for 2 packets. British Safety Razor Blades, to fit al razors—3/6 per dozen. Wonderful value. Wo havs Just Issued a New Catalogue. Should you l;!ke one, kindly. .send a postcard or call lor one. POSTAGE PAID ON ALL LINES. Only Address: 308, Victoria Arcade, Queen St, AUCKLAND. CALL FOR CATALOGUE. Men's Smart Patent Shoes, latest narrow toe, as illustrated —22/6, *A/"> pair,. Same Style in Black and Ni«S« Tan st 18/« and 21/6. FACTORY 2 YOU, 164, KARANGAHAPE ROAD. And 2 doors next St. Kevins Arcade Excellent Gifts. Illustrating Maid's College Shoe, in patent leather, good fitting, at 15/11. Same Style in Box Calf, at 14/11. Pa^r.* C ''ti. tion Ladies' Smart Chamfclhocs ' fr om 19/11. Values at F. 2 U. Shops. FACTORY 2 YOU, 2 dn„«f RANGAHAPE ROAD, doom next St. Kevins Arcade.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19510, 14 December 1926, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19510, 14 December 1926, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19510, 14 December 1926, Page 8