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raeii^iaianaiaigiaiaiiaiaiafia^^ i# ffiV. J4IJ ■ ■ iilsS^gHM 'A I 1 I I IB ■ J^T*m WKmon B |f|^t ■ - If Ms E- m h ' ■ At '- :.p A^l^WfP I lr • fwwssi ffisifw ■m ii»i ,; -1 id Mr, sfik ■ jMk • jjany^ ifHK' l n U Twwiil'ii 1 r 1 "" B ; f "■if 4rt3g cot fe ' Ki W : '» '"' 9 M mffiarnmrnKMa—l ™*F. 1 w ®i !M> 9 nr mmwmm 'i^l Sbvmttntk. THE BRUNSWICK - ORDER NOW—NO DEPOSIT. THE BRUNSWICK PORTABLE.—-This handy Instrument Is «dec for camps and parties, or Tor taking with you on fiolljayr int. week-ends. Like other Brunswick models, it has a Ine, round, full tone. Substantially built to withstand hard osagt, and unsurpassed by any Instrument of similar design in tlnlsh and "tone quality. Equipped with Brunswick extra strong single-spring motor. Excellent new style Reproducer. Compartment for carrying records. Nickelplated trimminfs. Cose finished in Black Leatherette. Cash Price, £ll/10/trtual Terms: 6/- Down and 5/- per Week ?or 52 Weeks* Special Christmas Offer—NO DEPOSIT, and B/~ per Weak for 52 Weeka. DELIVERED FREE. SEND NO MONEY—sond for Ih© Machine TO-DAY! BRUNSWICK Model No. 85. ORDER NOW—NO DEPOSIT. BRUNSWICK MODEL No. 85.—Equipped with the All-Wood Tone Amplifier, the BruuuwlcK Improved Reproducer and 'rone Arm, Brunswick Motor; i2-inch Turntable, three Needle Cups, and Speed Indicator. In Golden Oak finish. Height, Sin. Width, 14Jin. Depth, tsia. cash Price, £ll/10/, Usual Terms: 2/6 Down and 3/6 per week for Two Years. gneclal Christmas Offer—NO DEPOSIT, and 2/0 par Wttok fop H Two Vears. DELIVERED FREE. SEND NO MONEY—send for fh9 Machine TO-DAVI Hi This Popular Table BRUNSWICK* ORDER NOW—NO DEPOSIT. MODEL 103.—This fine model, suitable for those requiringa hlßh-grads Phonograph in the table design, loses nothing of the qualities of the larger instruments because or its size. Finished in Mahogany with nickel fittings, and equipped with line double-spring balanced motor, which plays ihree records with one winding- It has the famous ULTONA and OVAL •TONE AMPI IFIER Automatic Stop. Width. i?iin Height, ,islr>. Depth, SOiin, Cash Price, £26 Usnal Terms: 5/- Dowa and 5/- psr Week Tor 121 Weelcs. Special Christmas Offer—WO DEPOSIT, and 5/- per Wesk f®r 124 Weeks. DELIVERED FREE. SEND NO MONEY —send for the Machine TO-DAYI BRUNSWICK Model 200, "THE RONSARD." NO DEPOSIT. IKZSS3S II Height, 43in.; ttldtJi, 191n.; depth, S4lu. Equipped with newly developed Single DUi" pbragm Ultona AllRecord Reproducer, Oval AH-Wood Tone Amplifier. Tone Modifier, strong doublespring balanced Motor, 12 - inch Turntable, Automatic stop. Trimmings nickel-plated. Shelf filing system. Cash Price, £g{J Usual Terms: 7/6 Down and 7/6 pep Week Tor Its Weelcs. Special Christmas Offer —No Deposit, and 7/0 per Week for I*l2 Weeks. Delivered Frew. Cultivate the family spirit in your Christmas giving this year. Not something for EACH, but something worth-while for ALL. Why not take the money you are planning to spend for gifts for various member of the family and invest it in a BRUNSWICK-—the Christmas gift that never grows old? A hook you may read and cast aside-—a game you will play and wearily discard. But Music, as conveyed to you in your home through a BRUNSWICK, is a never-ending source of pleasure. The highest and best sentiments of Christmas are expressed in Music. •' Let your home resound with the glad strains this year—get a BRUNSWICK? . Every BRUNSWICK is perfect in tone; whether it is a small table machine or a large cabinet one, you get that rare tone quality which has won for BRUNSWICK the proud title of " The World's Finest Phonograph." . At a great demonstration in the Auckland Tow* Hall, with three thousand people present, the BRUNSWICK Panatrope more than proved the claims of the Brunswick Phonograph Company. The " Herald " said:u Band selections were delivered with the volume one is accustomed to associate with hand music in confined quarters, while the softest notes of a soprano came through with a sweetness of tone that made one forget for a moment that the reproduction was mechanical." The Brunswick Phonograph Company maintains the same high quality in all its products. Select the BEUNSWICK that best suits your requirements, and we will DELIVER IT FREE IN AUCKLAND OR SEND IT FREIGHT PAID TO YOUR NEAREST ■ PORT' OR STATION, Test fiie BRUNSWICK in your home, and if it does not give absolute satisfaction, we will take it back and refund your money in full. ?irsjeusjsn 3Jsis/SfsisisiSjSJSfsrsfMSJsr3 fsjsfsrsjsrsjsisrsisrsrsisrs nHJSfsr3Jsrsr3ii3isj2iSf3fSJ&f3isfsrc SJE|2iiSJ"sisnsi3J2iSiSEfSJSEJ2/SJ3JsrE {; Selecf: any Twelve Records from the following list, enclose £l, being 5/- each for four Double-sided Records;, and we will send you Twelve Records Post Free. This gives you twenty-four items, ton play these over and select the Four Records you prefer, keeping them and posting eight back in the.same box and packing. The only condition we make is that you pay the return postage on the eight sent back. j[f you decide to keep more than four records, you are welcome to do so. Just send the cash for any excess records you retain, and forward the balance of records back to us. 2002—National Emblem March (Bagley) Brunswick Military Band JacH Tar March (John Philip Sousa) Brunswick Military Band. 2007 —American Fantasle—Part I.—(Victor Herbert) New York Police Band American Fantasle—Part 1)1. (Victor Herbert) New York Police Band 2008—WilJiam Tell Overture (Rossini), w . , j.: - Part L ■ The Dawn .Brunswick Concert Band William Tell Overture (Rossini), Part 11. The Storm Brunswick Concert Band 2009—William Tell Overture (Rossini), Part 111. Pastorale Brunswick Concert Band WiUiara Tell Overture (Rossini), Part IV. Finale . Brunswick Concert Band 20iB—Daly's Reel (Daly)—Banjo Solo Fred Van Eps Chinese Picnic (Victor Herbert) — Banjo Solo Fred Van Eps 2029 —Sabre and Spurs March (John Philip Sousa) Brunswick Military Band Up the Street March (Morse) Brunswick Military Band 2087—Apple Blossom Time Amphion Male Quartet Old Pal, Why Don't You Answer Me?— Baritone Ernest Ware 2088—-Evening Chimes (Heins.i—Violin-Flute-Harp Gondolier Trio Love's Old Sweet Song (Molioy)— VIoIIn-Flute-Harp . Gondolier Trio 2iO&-"Ua LiKe No a Like (Lua)— # Hawaiian . Players Frank Ferera, Anthony. Franchini Honolulu March—Hawaiian Players Frank ferera, Anthony Franchini 2H9—Kawaha—Hawaiian Players Frank Ferera, Anthony Franchini M&lanl Anu Ka Makanl (Cool Breezes)— Hawaiian Players , , Ferera, Franchini 2«B—Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Mendelssohn) All Souls' Choir It came Upon the Midnight Clear (Willis) Cathedml Choir 2163—Monastery Bells—Waltz Castlewdod Marimba Band Silver Sands of Love—Waltz Castlewood Marimba Band 2193—Three O'clock In the Morning—Waltz Carl Fenton's orchestra Indiana Lullaby—Waltz Carl Fenlon's Orchestra 2198—Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight—Waltz— Hawaiian Players, Moonlight Waltz Toots Paka Hawaiians Hilo—Hawaiian MarchHawaiian Players Toots Paka Eawaiians 2218—Tile Night Berore Christmas (Moore) —Recitation Ernest Hare *'l)e Sandman" (Protheroe-Grimn) Criterion Male Quartet 2219—Auld Lang Syne—Male Quartette Shannon Four All Thro' the Night (Old Welsh Air) —Tenor Chas. Harrison and Shannon Four 2276—M00n River—Waltz . Hawaiian Novelty Orchestra Hawaiian Mghiingale—WEltz Hawaiian Novelty Orchestra 2333 —Santa Claus Hides In the Phonograph (Alan Brown)— Recitation Ernest Hare Christmas Morning at Ciancey's— Christmas Specialty Steve Porter 2384--Old Black Joe Criterion JUale Quartette Sweet Genevieve—Tenor Duet Charles Harrison and John Young MUS—Dreamy Melody—Waltz Oriole Orchestra A Kiss in the Dark—Waltz, "Orange Blossoms" Carl Fenton's Orchestra 2439—Giber Lips—Fox Trot Isham Jones' Orchestra Mureheta—Fox Trot Isham Jones' Orchestra 2460—'Wonderful One—Tenor Allen McQuhae Mellow Moon—Soprano anu Contralto Irene Audrey and Emily Earle 2487—1 Ixive You—Fox Trot, "Little Jessie . James" Carl Fenton's Orchestra What Do You Do Sunday, Mary?— Foz Trot, " Poppy " Carl Fenton's Orchestra 2-593—Just a Qlrl that Men Forget— Soprano and Contralto Irene Audrey and Emily Earle Little Pal of Long Ago—Tenor and Baritone Billy Jones and Ernest Hare 2495—Til© filerry-Go-Round—Yodeler Paul Van Dyke Ttiat Naughty Yodel —Yodeler Paul Van Dyke 2511—Mississippi Ripples—Waltz Castlewood Marimba Band Steal a Little Kiss- While Dancing -Waltz Castlewood M&rimba Band ! £s29—Sighing Sands—Waltz , - Castlewood Marimba Band Coral Sands or My Hawaii—Waltz Castlewood Marimba Band 2544—Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms (Moore-stevenaon) / Kathleen Mavourneen (CrawfordCrouch) —Violin-Cello-Harp , • Riviera Trio 2G3l—Mandalay (Fox Trot, Vocal Chorus by Charles Kaley Al)e Lyman's California Orchestra Sweet Little You—Fox Trot, Vocal Chorus, by Charles Kaley Abe Lyman's California Orchestra 2G40—1 Want to be Happy—Fox 'Trot from "No, Ko, Nanette," with Vocal Q. Fenlon's Orchestra No, No, Nanette Melody—Fox Trot, Piano Passages by Phil. Ohman Fenton's Orchestra 2642—May time—Fox Trot -• • Bennie Krueger'a Orchestra June Night—Fox Trot Bennie Krueger's Orchestra 2649—Mexican Rose—Waltz, with vocal Chorus Castlewood Marimba Band 1 Miss You Most at GloariilngWaltz Castlewood Marimba Band 2652—Haril-hearted Hannah—Comedienne Margaret Young The Glass is Always GreenerComedienne Margaret Young 2654—0 h My, Yes—Tenor ana Baritone Billy Jones and Ernest Hare The Big butter and Egg Mau— Tenor anu Baritone Billy Jones and Ernest Hare 2659—01 d. Rugged Cross (Bennard), with Organ Criterion Male (juarU'tte Dear Lord, „ Remember Me (Thompson), with Organ and Chimes Criterion Male. Quartet 2662—Adoration—Waltz Carl Fenton's Orchestra Georgia Lullaby—Waltz Cart Fenton's Orchestra 2666—Please—Fox Trot Bay Miller and his Orchestra Charleston Cahin—Fox Trot Hay Muter and Ms Orchestra 2667—Charley, My Boy—FoS Trot, with • Vocal Chorus Bonnie Krueger's Orchestra Pleanure Mad—Fox Trot Bennie Krueger's Orchestra 2668—F0110w the Swallows—Fox Trot Carl Fenlon's Orchestra Not Now, Not Yet, But Soou—Fox TrDt, with Vocal Chorus Carl Fenlon's urchestra 2669—Sonwihody Loves Me—Fox Trot, from Geo. White's "Scandals" Miller and his urcnestra Lonoly Little Melody—Fox* Trot, from "Ziegfeld Follies of 1024'" Millar aiut his Orchestra 2671—F0110w the swallow—:Coiriedlan AL Jolson, with Carl Fenian's Orchestra I Wonder What's Become of sally? —Comedian At. Jolson, with Carl Fenton's Orchestra 2673—T00 Tired—Singing Comedienne Margaret Young Doodle-Doo-Doo—Singing ,Comedleciiio Margaret Young 2675—Memory Lane—Violin Solo Fredric Fradkin Nightingale—Bird imitations by Miirgaret McKee—Violin Solo Fredric Fradkin 2678—Some Other Day, Some Other Girl —Fox Trot, with Vocal Chorus Isham Janes' Orchestra Get Lucky—Fox Trot Isham Jones' Orchestra 2679—Romany Jays—Fox Trot Abe Lyman's California Orchestra A New Kind or Man—Fox Trot A,be Lyman's California Orchestra 2652—1 Wonder What's Become or Sally? —Fox Trot Bennie Krueger's Orchestra Susquehanna—Fox Trot Bennie Krueger's Orc.hextra 2086 —When It's Love Time in HawaiiWaltz /Castlewood Marimba Band Honolulu Rose—Waltz Casllewood Marimba Band 269i —one Sweetly Solemn Thought (CaryAmbrose)— Con and Tenor Eliz. Lennox, J. Young Beautiful Isle of Somewhere (Pounds-Fearis) . CollegiatP Choir 2693—Sinff Me to Sleep (Green)— Soprano Irene -Williams Sweetest Story Every Told (Stult«> — Soprano Irene Williams 2696—Rosary, The (Nevln) —Contralto Elizabeth Lennox and Crescent Male Choir. Cradle Song (MacFadyen)—Contralto Elizabeth Lennox 2702—Onward, Christian Soldiers (Sir A. Sullivan) -t: Collegiate Choir Rock or Ages (Topiady-Hastings)— Soprano and Con. Marie Tiffany and Eliz. Lennox 2705—Serenade (Sing, Smile, Slumber) (Gounod) Flute Obllgato Soprailo Virginia Rea The Swallows (Bingham-Cowen)— Soprano Virginia Rea 2706—Cavallerla Rusticana (Mascagni)— Selection Vessell's Italian Band Soldiers'. Chorus, "Faust" (Gounod) Vessell's Italian Band 2707—L0, Here the Gentle Lark (Shakespeare-Bishop)— Soprano Virginia Rea Lass With the Delicate Air (Arne) —Soprano Virginia Rea 2708—1 Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls, "Bohemian Girl" (Baire)— Soprano Solo Irene Williams Moon Song, " Mikado» (GilbertSullivan)— Soprano Solo Irene Williams 2713—Lead, Kindly Light (NewmanDykes) Collegiate Choir y God Be With You Till we Meet Again (Tomer) Collegiate Choir 271&- : -Though Shadows Fall (BurnsMcDermid) CeHo Obllgato Baritone John Barclay Give a Man it Horse He can Ride (Thomson-O'Hara)—Baritone , ( , John Barclay 2723—Memory Lane—Waltz Carl Fenlon's Orchestra , My Dream Girl—Waltz from "The Dream Girl" Carl Fenlon's Orchestra 2726—Christmas Carols—Mixed Voices Collegiate Choir Day .of the Lord (A Carol Scene) (Kreutzer), with Bass Choir Criterion Male Quartette 2734—Mistletoe—Waltz - Casl\ J £wood Marimba Band Waiklkl is Calling Me—Waltz Castlewood Marimba Band 2741—Eliza—Fox Trot Oriole Orchestra Mandy, Make Up Your Mind—Fox Trot from "Dixie to Broadway" ' Oriole Orchestra 2742—A1l Alone—Fox Trot Abe Lyman'.s California Orchestra Out or a Million, You're the Only One —Fox Trot % / Abe Lyman's California Orchestra 2745—The Story of the Three Bears Vat. McLaughlin The Original Radio " Sandman" The Cock,'the Mouse and the Little Red Hen Val, McLaughlin The Original Radio " Sandman" 2740—The Story of David Val. McLaughlin, The Original Radio "Sanaman" Jingles for Little Folks x Val. McLaughlin The Original Radio "Sandman." 2754—Haunting Melody—Waltz Castlewood Marimba Band Kiss Me Good-Night—Waltz Casllewood Marimba Band 2759—Rose Marie-—Fox Trot from "Rose Marie" Carl Fenlon's Orchestra A Little Bin or This—Fox Trot, intro, "My Road" from "Be Yourself" Fenton's Orchestra 2762—Keep on Going—Tenor and Piano, 4 Guitar by Nick Lucas The Dixie Stars My Poodle-oodio Dog—vocal Duet The Dixie Stars Bennard and Robinson 2767—Honest and Truly—Fox Trot Isham Jones' Orchestra Doo Wacka Doo—Fox Trot Isham Jones' Orchestra. 276S—My Best Girl—Guitar and Voice Nick Lucas Dreamer of Dreams—Guitar and , Voice ■ Nick Lucas 2769—0 h Mabel—Fox Trot—Vocal Cborus by Nick Lucas Oriole, Orchestra Back Where the Daffodils Grow— Fox Trot - Oriole Orchestra 2774—N0 Wonder—Fox Trot Vic. Meyer and his Orch. The Only, Only One—Fox Trot, Vocal Choir, by Bessinger Vic Meyer and his Orch. 27S6—Can You Bring Back the Heart I Gave you?— Vocal Duet The Radio Franks At the End of the Road—Vocal Duet The Radio Franks 2787 —Old Pal—Tenor Frank Munn You're Just a Flower from an Old Bouquet—Tenor Frank Munn 27S9 —Indian I.ove Call—Fox Trot rrom "Rose Marie" Isham Jones' Orch. AJabamy Bound—Fox Trot Isham Jones' Orchestra 2790—Lady Be Good—Fox Trot from "Lady Be Good" Carl Fenton's Orchestra Fascinating Rhythm Fox Trot Intro. "So am I" from "Lady Bo Good" Carl Fenton's Ordhcstra 2791—0n My Ukulele—Vocal Duet with Piano, Ukulele The Happiness Boys. Jones and Hare How Do You Do—Vocal Duet with Piano, Banjo The Happiness Boys, Jotles and Hare 2792—1 Wonder How the Old Folks Are at Home Fireside Male Quartet AH That I Ask or You Is Love— Contralto and Tenor Earle and Bessinger 2794 —Familiar Italian Folk Songs—Walts . Vibraphone by Green, Piano Duet Ohman and Arden Old Familiar Melodies Waltz Vibraphone by Green, Piano Duet Ohman and Arden 2802—Bygones—Waltz Castlewood Marimba Band SlJver Sands of Waiklkl —Waltz Caslleiuood Marimba Band 2812—Indian Love Call, from "Rose Marie" —Soprano /lea Giannlna Mta from "The Firefly" —Soprano Virginia Rea 2816—Peter Pan—Fox Trot Bennie Krueger's Orchestra Everything You Do—Fox Trot Bennie Krueger's Orchestra 2821—Memory's Garden—Tenor Frank Munn Our Yesterdays Contralto and c Tenor Elizabeth Lennox and Frank Munn 2822—My Gal Don't Love Me Any More—--7 Vocal Duet The Radio Franks Lullaby of Long Ago—Vocal Duet The Radio Franks 2823—0n the Way to Monterey—Fox Trot Ray Miller and his Orchestra That's My Girl—Fox Trot Ray Miller »n* h'.« orchestra 2840—Scotch Melodies—Vibraphone Solo Joseph Green Irish Melodies—Vibraphone Solo Joseph Green 2843—When I Think or You—Fox Trot Gene Rodemich's Orchestra Everybody Loves My Baby—Fox Trot Gene Rodemich's Orchestra 2846—What I Think of You—Voice and Guitar Niclt Lucas • The Only, Only One—Voice, Guitar Nick Lucas 2851—June Brought the Roses—Tenor Allen McQuhae West of the Great Divide—Tenor Allen McQuhae 2855—Let it Rain, Let It Pour—Fox Trot Ray Miller and his Orchestra Red Hot Henry Brown—Fox Trot Ray Miller and his Orchestra 2859—Yearning—Fox Trot. Bennie Krueger's Orchestra Don't Bring Lulu—Fox Trot, Vocal Chorus by Jones Bennie Krueger's Orchestra 2863—0 hj,, rcatliarina!—Tenor Btlly Jones What Do You Say, ISoys?—'Tenor and Baritone Jones and Hare 2864—Song or Songs—Tenor Frank Munn In the Garden of To-morrow—Bari-tone /ohn Barclay 2866—Moonlight and Roses;— Fox Trot, Vocal Duet by Wright, Bessinger, Miller and his Orchestra Just a Little Drink—Fox Trot— Vocal Duet by Wright, Bessinger, Miller and his Orchestra 2958—1' m Kneo Deep in Daisies—Fox Trot Park Lane Orchestra You Gotta Know How—Fox Trot Park Lane Orchestra 2965—The Farmer Took Another Load Awayl Hay! Hay.'—Fox Trot Vocal Chorus Carl Fenton's Orchestra The King Isn't King Any More — Fox Trot, with Vocal Chorus Carl Fenton's Orchestra 2068—What Do We Care If It's One O'clock Waltz, with yocal Chorus Regent Club Orchestra When I Dream of the Last Waltz With You—Waltz, Vocal Chorus Regent Club Orchestra 2974—Pardon Me—Tenor, Baritone, Piano and Banjo Jones and Hare Happy-Go-Lucky Days—Tenor, Baritone, Piano and Banjo Jones and Hare 2978—Silver Threads Among the GoldTenor Frank Munn and Male Qt. When You and I Were Young, Maggie—Tenor Frank Munn 3007—Kentucky's Way or Sayln' Good Mornln'—Comedian with Tarapatch Wendell Hall Show Me the Way to Go HomeComedian with Tarapatch Wendeli Hall 3022—1' m Sitting On Top of the World— Fnx Trot Isham Jones' Orchestra I Wonder Where My Baby 13 ToKigbt—Fox Trot with Vocal Cborus Isham Jones' Orchestra Comer H "THE HIDALGO" Brunswick Model ORDER NOW—NO DEPOSIT. " THE HlDALGO."—Another new modeil, Just introduced by the Brunswick Company. As in all models, special attention has been given to the cabinet, making tlxlu a piece of furniture that will grace any home. The tone win and reproducer &ro the new Brunswick exclusive type, which *o ralthfully reproduces all tones—not the bass tone alone, but the higher delicate treble topes, asid all with a rich, mellow tone, which makes, anyone who has once heard a Brunswick always recognise It again. | All-Wood Oval Tone Amplifler, Automatic Stop, and atroag-DOUbl®-Spring Motor. i Height, 37jin, Width, 21 pi. Depth, Sifcla, Casla Price, Usual Terms: 7/3 Deposit and 7/6 per Week for H2 Weeks. Spaolnl Christmas Offer—NO DEPOSIT„ «wd 7/6 par Week to? 112 Weeka. DELIVERED FREE. . SEND NO MONEY—send for the Machine TG-DOTi : i ii i ''THE SEVILLE" Brunswick Model . ORDER NOW—NO DEPOSIT. «THE SEVILLE." —Tbia model and "The Madrid" ar® the very latest Brunswick productions. No efforts have been '•oared in these machines to produce the very highest value in phonographs. Fitted with the special Brunswick extra size double-spring motor, U will play four records with one wiaaIng. The Tone Arm and Reproducer mark the most recent discovery in regard to ideal reproduction. The diaphragm is or aluminium, making flaking impossible, and giving a rail mellow tone, in-which Hhe bass notes.are faithfully reproduced without sacrtnclng. anything of the liliyher treble tones. The famous All-Wood Ovall Tone Amplifler Is a feature of this model, The illustration can convey only a partial Idea of the splendid cabinetwork —a special feature of all Brunswick productions. Finished In Adam Brown or Walnut, Complete with two record albucas. ; - Height, 3 Bin. WldtUt, 2lfn. Depth, 81 in. Cash Price, £45 Usual Terms:,lo/- Deposit, and 10/- p «r Week for 404 Weeka. Special Ch?l#tmaß OJTfiIP—MO DEPOSIT, and 10/- m Wwfe fcr 2 Yoato. DELIVERED Fft IE lE. SEND NO MONEY—(lend for tho Machine TO-DAV! i iiii/fi "THE MADRID" Brunswick Model. ORDER NOW—NO DEPOSIT. "THE MADRID."—This Is wlthoul model that the great n n tic; . r 3li '(j winding Handle are mars The Tone Arm, t^iprooucoi, a» flnlsli bronzed, giving the '»stnmj rent ®^ n e Fmeii wiin special unknown In any but a Brunswick men ne - * paying four Brunswick extra large ! flL r Sr. of exclusive records witb one . diaphragm, making riskingdsißfgn, is fitted with an Jlumiinlt P wjlh Jiie bßii3 notc3 impossible, and or W( . ai reproduction tm been fully developed The A !tfl r Auto . given fullest ss "rt ouMWnrtlnr feature of matlc Stop The eabmetwor h f veneered Brunswick * n A o^P th a V"r™ ™ r"Vn«3 In Adam ESS rwiSnSl-pW«■»"«> record riMM. Height, 36in. Width, 3<in. Depth, 51,"d. Cash Price, ggg -J 1 a Usual Term«: 18/ a » n<s ,B ' 6 * er Week for t '*' i ©ipecls, Christmas «u, 13/6 We S * i I>EL!VEREO FRIEE. BEND !NO fHONEV—-«end for the Wlttchlno TO-DJ&VI

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19502, 4 December 1926, Page 9 (Supplement)

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19502, 4 December 1926, Page 9 (Supplement)

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19502, 4 December 1926, Page 9 (Supplement)