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Ik J k I k IV i I I I 'AH | | . V'I ... . ;• L . CA 5Tm BSSa? slifi ■iS iiti

Boxing Cricket Football Sports Depot (Jack Watts). Phone 45-412. Phone 45-412 Absolutely the Cheapest house in town for Address: 99, Queen Street, or Exchange Lane, AUCKLAND.

lIIIMIIIMIIII NEW SEASON'S TENNIS RACQUETS, CRICKET BATS, CROQUET MALLETS, etc. SPALDING'S EACQUETS. ® All England - - 115/Hard Court * 90 /• Balmoral 80/Krobat ...» 105/- i Gold Medal ... 85/- i ' Pytchley .... 65/- I I SLAZENGEE'S EACQUETS. | { Primoris - - - - 115/- > J Patterson - - - 102/6 JllL Anderson » » - 105/tVISEMAN'S SUPEE SPECIAL—9O/- IBISI Other makes from 13/6 to 55/-. * ' ! 1927 TENHIS BALLS. ; " "j Spalding's, Slazenger's, Ayrea', s • j Wisden's—2/6 each. 28/6 doz. } 1 i SLAZENGEE'S CEOQUET MALLETS. The Slazenger Brass-bound —9in. head, 47/6; lOin. head, 60/-. Slazenger's Centraject —9Ln. head, 35/-; 10iu. head, 37/6. Slazenger's L.V.H., 9in. head—3o/-. Slazenger's Corbally—9in. head, 30/-; lOin. head, 32/6. Slazenger's D.D., 9in. head—2B/6. Slazenger's Stadium —9in. head, 25/-; lOin. head, 27/6. M. & Laa. v v Known as WISEMANS 170-172, Queen St. Branch: 55, Kararigahape

Brings You Three Distinct Piaying Advantages ! ' M f //a Now y° u can bay 8 racc i |llot wilh p° r '<' ect con " fidonce. The Now Dayton Stoe! Racquet, to-day, WHIM ) offers you the racquet you've always wanted—a \fflw ,/ sturdy, fast, perfectly balanced steel model. Tho New Dayton was designed and built according to the specifications of world-famous players. The strings of this racquet are stretchod drum-tight—and thoy stay tight. They are unsurpassed in resiliency by tournament gut. This new Steel racquet brings you greater speed and a marvellous control. A„ d jt is always In perfect playing condition. Guaranteed for six months. Price: De Luxe Model . . m.i - . £4 Senior Model j. • >•, .»••< £3/5/Junior Model i. . i. .i >•'•■ £2/S/» Ask your nearest dealer, or write direct to CHANCERY STREET, AUCKLAND.

Whether the buyer relies upon his own first impression, the tribute of owners, the reputation of Dodge Brothers, or whether, going deeper, he compares and examines the Touring Car part by part, the result is invariably the same. He recognises the car's fundamental" worth at a glance. He hears the sort of testimony a tried product inspires. And .on further examination he discovers the sort of workmanship and materials which Dodge Brothers have employed in building their own good name. Dodge Brothers Motor Vehiclea imported into New Zealand are manufactured by Dodge Brothers (Canada), Limited, Toronto, Canada. NORTHERN AUTOMOBILES, LTD 150-156, Albert Street, Auckland. m m 3 m A I m fiomx wm* 1 ••• m m m I m m i m n m m ''MinminnimiiiiiiiMiinutiiiiiiuiiiuiiinniniiiiHiiinunimMiiniiniMiiiiiiiiii^ fSHßllsifflmi 'M.n | Oufcside Verandah Blinds. | | Tents, Sails, Motor Tents, Luggage | | Carriers, and every description of | = canvas goods. | 1 Cairns & Woodward | 1 68 HOBSON STREET. | PEONE 45-423 iiiiMnmiumiummiuniinuiimiiMiimiimuitmmiuuiiimftumuiUliiMiu? MECCA CAFE The Mecca Ca f o has achieved an enviable reputation for its meals and alsct its COFFEE, which is a speciality. THE MECCA for all sports and business men. It has a strong appeal to business men, for whom it caters especially. Make a note of the address: — 9, Swanson Street, Auckland. •is Hal •i» Office and Stand: Victoria Street East. Phone 46-000. Fifteen De Luxe Sedan Cabs. Cheaper it an any meter cab in New Zealand. "^assS,*. ass ~-<i!l!ll!llilllIllIlllini!lIlllHlllIIllIfllllll(ll!milllllllllll!llimi!l!imfll!Iiillli!ili!I!ll!ll>_ YOUR DAILY DRINK at the G ORANG NO SPORTS PAGE IS COMPLETE unless Special Mention is made of the M.C.C. Solo-Cycle Touring Case Planned and built specially by the Leather Goods Department at George Walker's, to meet the convenience and requirements of the Cyclist on Tour. Fits the Flapper-bracket and hangs on like "one of that ilk," but with one difference—" It's Noiseless." See this indispensable Accessory——every Solo Must have one—price Extremely Moderate. GEORGE WALKER'S ONLY, 38, QUEEN STREET. No Sports Page is complete unless Special Mention is made of GEORGE WALKER'S FAMOUS BOWLS CASE. Unquestionably the finest Case ever produced. Carries Four Bowls, Shoes and Hat—a marvel of solid strength and high finish. A splendid presentation trophy. George Walker's Only, 38, Queen St. AUCKLAND. I " RQYLETE " SWINGING COTS. Realise the full pleasure of sleeping outdoors. Get a " Royiett" Cot., made of strong materials in the famous Le Roy way. A Couch by Day, a Cot by Night. Green Canvas ■ • . £3/12/6 Plain Canvas - - - £3/10/Green Linen ... £3/7/6 Mattress and Pillow (extra) £l/12/6 Delivered to Rail or Steamer. " Roylete " Tents and Camp equipment " Gold Medal" Folding Furniture, Primus Stoves, etc., etc. All illustrated in our 64-page Camping Catalogue Send for one to-day: Orders now being booked for Hire or tents and camp equipment. Send for Hire Catalogue. E. Le Roy, 81, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. i I have a theory that people are better in health when they are well dressed. A man who is well dressed has more self-respect and inhales more freely; all of which contributes to his health." Dr. Copeland, Health Commissioner, New York, In the springtime a man's thoughts should turn to what is comfortable and attractive in light-weight clothing. We have now opened up complete stocks of outing clothes for ail sports and occasions. Ask io see our range of Sports Coats and Trousers. "Clothes for Every Purse and Purpose," H

Racquets. THE " FINAL"—A fair quality Racquet; well strung gut, bound shoulders; a real good School Racquet; all weights, 12J,0z. to 14oz. OUR PRICE— 11/& each. THE " PARK " —Asli frame, well strung with good qualitygut, bound shoulaers; double centre mains; weights, 12jOz. to 140z.; a suitable Racquet for Ladies' use. OUR PRICE— 14/10 each. TI. ' " RENOWN " —As above, with bevelled frame. OUR PRICE— 15/9. Spalding's Tennis Racquets, in a range of the most popular models; weights, 12loz. to 14oz. " Clifton " - " Exmoor " » " Ascot " " Keswick " - " Pytchley " " Gold Medal " Price, 24/6 Price, 32/6 Price, 39/6 Price, 57/6 Price, 65/Prioe, 85/KENT'S TENNIS RACQUETS —The best American Racquets made; strung in New Zealand by English experts; only best English and Armours' American gut used. OUR PRICES — Kent's Special - - -95/President - - 85/Olympic Driver - - 95/Paragon - - - 75 / 6 Premier - - -73/I,ennox - • -67/6 Eldorado ... 55/Wimlsor ... 39/6 Tennis barker, A simple and effective Marker; steel tank; no belt to perish or stretch; an excellent machine for private courts. PRICE, 45/9. Gut Reviver. For preserving the strings when in use or laid away for any length of time. OUR PRICE— 11- per bottle. nes ncc The New Racquet Press. Fitted with nickel non-project-ing screws and drop-corner fittings; may be placed in a teanis bag or suitcase without dam ago to clothing. PRICE, 4/6. Other Racquet Presses at 2/9. Tennis Nets. English-made; good, serviceable quality. OUR PRICES — 42ft. x 2ft. - - - 17/6 42ft. x 3£ft. - - - 24/9 Strong Net, suitable for club or private use—' OUR PRICES—42ft. x 2ft. - - -27/6 42ft. x 3£ft. - - - 34/9 Superior, Strong, Patent Hemplaid Twine, flexible steel line and doable-mesh tops; this Net will give long service. OUR PRICES—42ft. x 2ft. - « - ■ 43/6 42ff. x 3gft. - - - 55/Tennis Balls. A.YRES' TENNIS BALLS —New season's goods, imported direct from the maker-Price, 2/6 each; 28/6 dozen. Unbranded Quality A good Ball for private courts—Price, 1/5 each; 16/- per dozen. SPALDING'S TENNIS BALLS —Price, 2/6 each; 28/6 dozen. Tennis Ball Wets. A handy method of carrying balls. OUR PRICE— 9d each. Racquet Covers. Will carry four balls and a pair of shoes; made of best, waterproof materia]. OUR PRICES — . With Ball Pocket only—Price, 2/11. Witli Ball and Shoe Pocket— Price, 4/5.

A :««« « m m m m m IB ■/m m y-m----m **6o m m m IIIMW » Have you inspected our wonderful showing of Sports wear ? The young men of Auckland will l>e interested in tlie new Flannel Trousers to be had in many new and exclusive shades—also a big selection of English Sports Coats, that will assuredly appeal to men who prefer something a little different. SHIRTS, SILK HALF HOSE, CLUB TIES, BELTS, ETC. Men's Super Flannel Trousers, in a wide variety of new shades —Prices, 35/-, 37/6, to 42/- pali-. Also Showing—A Big Range of the Very Latest English Sports Coats,, exclusive designs, and beautifully finished—Priced at 27/6, 32/6, to 59/6. Suit at Sgns. Still Leads ! "FOR ALL SPORTS WEAR,"' 65-67-69, QUEEN ST. - Also at HAMILTON Men's White Cotton Garb. Trousers. A smartly cut garment, and well made— Prices, 13/6 and 18/6 pair. Men's All-Wool Garb. Trousers, in White and Cream. This is the very smartest made—Prices, 29/6 and 35/'- pair. Men's Flannel Trousers, in Medium and Light Greys, well made, and perfect fitting—Prices, 17/9, 22/6, and 29/6. Our Wonder Navy Serge

G; hom £3/17/8 Portable £ll-0-0 Portable You'll want to take a portable with yon to your Labour Day week-end camp. Good music wherever you go is possible if you own a reliable portable. Call and make a selection at the E. and F. this week. m Qsvcn S 1 We.* VVtoia f'UBGELAfII f, W. J. Caddell, Auckland Manager. | L. Hoffmann, Manager, New Plymouth | Branch. S. Blanshard, Whangarei Agent J. H. Oittos, Hamilton Agent. A, V. Merriman, Rotorna Agent. J. Puiyer, Pukekohe Agent.

Riding Saddles used and recommended by leading settlers and stockmen. Saddler and Harness Maker, ALBERT STREET - AUCKLAND Sanitarium Health Food Company, Opposite His Majesty's Theatre, Queen Street jl 1111 !l 1111! 1111111111111H11 i H1111II11!! UI! IH 31II!! 11H Hlllllll It Jll i 111111111 111 MI iI tl II111111115*; - High-grade Steel Water Ballast Electric Welded ™ | LAWN ROLLERS | ~ With Plain or Balance Handle. 1 Also Steel Cylinder Rollers, 1 | WITH CONCRETE FILLING. = ™ Made in sizes. Giving Service for Years. Z2, E Price List on Application. ~ |W. WILSON, LTD., M ' s3 ' KSfikF 1 ni!IlIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIII3!IIinill]llSllISIIiilI{IIli:i!ililiIIIIlIIi!IUllIIIIlIlllIlil!iIIi!!l9IIIIIIIl*r;

Successors to 10, ALBERT ST. (Next Customs Honße), ths house for t&m mmmum We have the finest range of Sports Goods and Tobacconists' Sundries in the Dominion. A visit to our showrooms will convince you. Wo Specialise in Tobacco Blending. Sole Agents for (Kegistered) RSHIMG LINES. 10, ALBERT S„ AUCKLAND. Telegrams: "Mac-wise, Auckland." P.O. Box 288.

17, Darby Street, Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19469, 27 October 1926, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19469, 27 October 1926, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19469, 27 October 1926, Page 7