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; mS M M ' V : ' '■ ' ' ■ ' :■ ' : '• ! . : ': ' TOILET Priced to Pears' "Golden Series" and "Blossom' Talc. Powder —Usually 2/-. Sale Price, tin. Drastic Reductions in Excellent Quality Whalebone Hairbrushes. Usually 0/11 12/6 1-5/6 Sale Prices, 2 /H 3/H 4/11 McKessor and Robins' Almond Cream, Tor the hands, faco and complexion. Sale Price, 2/6 Ladies' Novelty Bead Bags, with draw string. For day or evening- wear—Usually 5/11. Sale Prioe, 1/fi LADIES' GLOVES Attractively. Priced, 1-Dome Pique Sewn Fancy Gauntlet Gloves, trimmed white, in dark grey and brown only—Usually S/6. Sale Price, gjQ 1-Dome Kid and Suede Gloves, with fancy cuffs. In light preys and pastelles— Usually 10/6. Sale Price, 5/11 I A Bargain Price to Clear Children's Duplex Glcves, in pastel, beaver, and brown — Usually 3/11. Sale Price, 2/6 HANDKERCHIEFS and VEILS. A Large and Varied Range of Ladies' Fine Quality White Lawn Handkerchiefs, with guipure lace corners and edges, also embroidered corners, with Vnl. lace edge, etc.—Usually 1/9, 2/3, 2/0, 9/9, 2/11 to 7/6 each. All to Clear at HALF PRICE. Black and Coloured Veil 3, in all shades, With embroidered corners and ends; hot;: square and scarl' style—Usually 2/11 to 5/11, 6/6 to 0/11, 10/6 to 18/0. Sale Prices, |f- j/jj 2 /ll Also, Black and Coloured Veiling, in plain and fancy bordered designs—Usually 1/6 to 3/11. To Clear, rjd. and gd. yard. HOSE BARGAINS, 1/- 3/11 4/11 Ladies' Full Fashioned Pure Silk Hose, priced remarkably low; in brown and grey shades only. Superior quality—Usually 16/11, S/11. To Clear, 3/J J P air - Ladies' White, also. Black, Fine Cotton Hose at Bargain Price to Clear. Sale Price, j/- the pair. Pure Spun Silk Hose also offers a big saving. These are full fashioned, and , lu numerous fancy checks and stripes. All new shades for sports wear. Bcautifur quality—Usually 14/6. Specially Priced, *» 1 X* II it £5! W n I 1 SYr m \rSStf. mmm VI I 5 u\ PHI ma HERE'S a further full page selection of wonderfully low-priced items sure to command your interest clearance prices seldom offered. Be sure to arrange for a shopping visit for Thursday or Friday. Every one of the 33 departments at the J.C.L. has something priced Extra Low. Remember the Basement for savings on many useful Houseware Articles; also oddments in Novelties and merchandise. i MEN'S WEAR ' at Saving A Big Saving is Represented on a Selection of Super Quality Worsted Suits for Men's Wear.—These, nre ready-to-wear. In mid ami dark greys, are up-to-date in style, and cut to lit smartly. Superior quality—Usually sold at £6/16/- and 7 guineas. In sizes from 3 to 7. Specially Priced, 89/6 An Unusually Good Saving is offered on Men's Genuine Stetson Hats. —In all shades, shapes and styles. To those who appreciate value, this special price offer should make a special appeal. Special Sale Price, 35/- 49/6 oacil. Men's Strong Elastic Braces. —With leather ends—Usually 9/il. Special Price, | pair. SOYS' WEAR BARGAINS. Boys' Navy Doctor Flannel Shirts, in sizes to fit. boys from 1 to 17 years. Well cut, good fitting shirts, made to give every satisfaction in wear. Sizes 1 2 3 ,-1 r> JSL.B/11 9/3 9/6 9/9 10/10/3 10/6 11/' 11/6 12/Boys' All-wool Golf Kose, with red, myrtle, blue, white, or plain black tops. Superior quality. ■ w Sale" Prices, 3/- 3/3 %/Q 3/9 Sizes 8 n 10 11 Salo Prices, 4/- 4/3 4/6 4/6 "QUALITY" SHIRTS Priced Much Men's Union Ceylon Flannel Tennis Shirts, in grey ground, with neat stripes; collar and pockets attached. A special price reduction to clear. All sizes, from 14 to 171 —Usually 7/1 i. Specially Priced, a! 11 Men's Striped All-wool Flannel Shirts, In neglige or tennis stylo, with neat stripe, designs on cream grounds. An excellent quality line, specially reduced—Usually 17/6. Sale Price, 1n fc each. Spocial Saving Offered on Men's Plain Colour All-wool Ribbed Half Hose, in fawn, grey and brown. A splendid wearing, sort finished line—UsuaiJy 3/6. Sale Price, 2/6 BOYS' SUITS, ■ also KNICKERS. School holiday lime provides on opportunity for mothers to bring the boys in to try on. When such "Speoial Savings" ara available, mothers will find It worth while. Boys' Mid and Dark Grey All-wocl Spo.Hs Bults arc priced extra low. Bults 'arc priced extra low In Sizes 5 to 8 9 to 12 13 to 16 27/6 29/6 32/6 Boys' All-wool Tweed Overcoats, well made, rcliablo.fitting, good quality coats. Sizes 5 to s w to 12 13 to 16 00, 27/6 29/6 32/6 Boys' Well-lined English Tweed Knickers, strongly finished in greys. Special value. Sizes 4 to S 0 to 13 p a ;,:„s/6 6/6 MOONGLOW 5/11 TAFFETA-4/11 A Great Bargain Offer on a Beautiful New Silk Fabric in 36in. Moonglow Satin, with a lovely sliot colour effect: in pink, sky, hydrangea, lemon, ilame, coral, jade, also rose. A superior quality for evening frockSi princess underskirts or lingerie—Usually 12/6. Specially Pricad, 5/11 36-inch Plain Na'fy Chiffon Taffeta Silk also offers a big savin?-—Usually 7/11. Spacially Priced, TRAVELLING RUGS Priced Unusual Here's an opportunity to secure a useful reliable All-wool Travelling Rug at a Saving Prltm Seldom Offered. 7 only Sizd 70 * 100 Ail-wool N.Z.-made Travelling Rugs, In attractive check design. Excellent quality, good weighty Hugs—Usually 42/6. Specially Priced, 10 only Mohair Rugs, in brown only. Splendid serviceable Rugs for car, railway or covering. Exceptional quality— Usually 03/6. Specially Priced, *3Q/f5 Grey Flannelette Blankets Specially Reduced. ' , !Sf 3/11'- 1M 5/11 V 4 7/11 SHEETING, . ■ 1/6 1/11 2/3 DAMASK, Further savings are available in these praotlcal household lines in qualities that hold a good value reputation at ordinary prioe. • . Heavy Unbleached Horringbone Sheeting priced as a Special Buying Attraction. Three widths. 5-5 in. 6 8 in. 7 8 in. usually 1/9 2/3 2/9 Sale Prices, j/g. 3/3 60-inch Heavy Unbleached Damask, with attractive floral patterns. An excellent lino for the breakfast table—Usually 2/11. Sale Price, l/ll yard. ijammmti it HI ti thrill Oddments in Children's and Maids' Pure Wool Combinations in "Pesoo," "Theta" and "Roslyn" Manufactures. All best quality garments. '■•' Offered HALF PRICE to Clear. Oddments in Maids' and Children's Padded Silk Dressing Gowns, priced for immediate clearance. Good shades —Usually from 21/-. To Clear, j j Maids' Coloured Satin de Luxe Underskirts, with Oriental accordeon-pleated flounces and shoulder strap; in rose, saxe, white, navy, brown, green, and black—Usually 12/6. Sale Price, 6/11 ENSEMBLE and COSTUMES, 6\ Gns. G only Ladies' Ensemble Suits of Superior All-wool Repp, in the season's new cinnamon, oedar, grey and nigger shades. These are faultlessly tailored Suits, with full length coats, with,cuffs and collar of American opossum, and lined throughout with silk. The frocks Is also of repp to match—Usually priced- 11 igns. Special Sale Price, gl. guineas. 12 only Light-weight English, Tweed Costumes, ideal for early spring wear. Well made, smartly cut, medium length coats, and wrap skirts. Shades are the latest in fawn, ton arid rosewood— Usually 89/0, Specialty Priced, gCWg < LADIES' COATS Priced to Clear. An Extra Low Clearing Price features in 10 only Smart Short Style Velour Coats, with double and step collars; all excellent quality, in grey, fawn, tan and henna—Usually 29/ C, 39/6: ' Specially Prio'ed,' Ladies' Black Rubber Raincoats, priced to clear. Good quality coats, with storm collars, belt 3 and slit pockets—-Usually . 27/6,- 39/6. . Priced to Clear, J 2 /6 17/g 5 only Beautiful Model Coats, in black, palm green, and amethyst. Priced specially low —Usually .15 and 12 guineas. Specially Priced, g guineas and Qf jQ SPRING CL OVERALLS & APRONS Well-mado, Useful Morning Glorys of fast colour Checked Gingham, cut. Magyar style, with round neck and- short sleeves, gathered at waist line; in various effective check "designs—'Usually 6/11. . 4 •: Specially Priced, 2/11 Smart-looking Slip-over Aprons, with ... . skirt to. go all round, and floral tops;,,— • also. 1 "plain linene> with collar effect; trimmed Oriental design; rose, fawn, saxe, nigger, navy;Ygrecn; mauve., : : ; i Specially 'Priced, n >•* < Smartly Tailored Skirts in Superior Quality Black and Navy Serges, some trimmed'.silk braids and tucks; also, navy, flannel—Usually 49/6, 39/6, 29/6, '2 5/ *. Specially Priced, AH at 0/H SILK and MAROCAIN FROCKS, Beautiful Silk Marocain 1 Frooks in onepiece styje, designed round neck, with "■O'i long sleeve to lit In ;at .wrist. . A nicely trimmed frock, ■with. silk applique on skirt; in cinnamon, grey and fawn— Usually 69/6. Specially Priced, 29/6 Smartly. Styled Printed Silk Frooks, designed flared apron front, long sleeves, lie collar, on round neck. * Superior quality—Usually S9/6.' Specially x Priced, 3JJJq LADIES' UNDERWEAR Priced Wonderfully Low Special Low Prico Offer to Clear Ladies' Black Moire and Blaok Sateen Underskirts, in -all sizes, various good qualities—Usually priced from 9/11 to 12/6 and 15/6 to .19/6 To Clear, 3yrg and QjQ A "Clearing Price Offer In Ladies' Fins White Cotton Undfervests, 'with tape shoulder. A-saving that should promp: economical ladles to lay by a stock — usually i/i, 1/0. Special Price, Qd. each. - Ladies' Woven Cotton Combinations, in Women's size only, without sleeves. Specially Priced to. Clear. : :. Sale Price,: 2/11 LACES, BRAIDS, Etc., Much Less Price. Special Value to Clear a Selection of Dainty Laces arid Insertions, comprising Imitation Filet, Valenciennes, Cotton Torchon, etc. —Usually from 2Jd. to 10 Jd. yard. ' . Speoial Prices to Clear: l/- l/ll 2/11 and 3/11 <,ozen yardß- - In Braids for trimming purposes, in smart fancy, also plain military styles—Usually 2id. to ijd. To Clear, j /- the card of 3 dozen, 34-inch Diamente Fabric, in black and gold, black and silver, mauve and silver— Usually 1 I/O. Special Price, 6/11 BASEMENT Worth Investi A Selection. of Ladieo' Art. Silk Frooks, in various neatly trimmed styles In cream, blue, ten, lielio., lawn, plain shades, some with stripes. To Clear, oach* '••• r-'» •»'**' * ■*' •' - Ladies' Fine AIJ-wobl Stooktnette Jumpers. in kingflshcr, cedar, orange, brown, and cinDatnon. Special value. 5/11 " th - Clearing Price Offer on Ladies' Corset Oddments, also in Corseiettes. To c«, y 6 i/ii Bargain Baiiemeni Onjy. SPECIAL 22-GUINEA JENSEN-MOORE PIANO'S at 67 Gu This remarkable saving is specially offeree on the B' Model instrument, which is usually sold at 89 guineas. A Piano that is guaranteed by the J.C.L. to give satisfaation In every way. An instrument that ' embodies all the ftno qualities, finish and technlquo of the higher priced Pianoa. To more fully realise the outstanding valuo offered you are advisod to oome In and h»ar this model demonstrated. We Invite inspection and comparison. 50/- Deposit 7 34 j- Month TWEEDS & VELOURS. Usually 8/11 9 12/6. To Clear, 3/11. Special Value in Clearing Priced Velourn and All-wool Tweeds in BOin, width. A selection which covers various colours in velours, and smart effects In tweeds. All superior, quality—Usually priced from 8/11 to IS/{V. t :I . ■ M All to Clear, 3^ll the yard. 30in. JAP. CREPE, 6%d. Bargain Prioe Offer to Clear Several Shades in 30in. Coloured Jap. Crepe, in light grey, mole grey, blue, green, navy, bottle, kingfisher. Good serviceable quality. Specially Pricad, g3_d. yard. at Bargain Prices« Coloured Raffia Grass, specially treated for making baskets, bags, etc., in assorted blue, red, and green shades. Sold in bundles. Spacicf Sale Price, the bundle. Sky and Hslio Ivcrlne Wool, In ballsUsually 1/3. Sale Price, gld. ball. Dainty Kingfisher Wool, in nigger, champagne. lemon, light and mid peacock— Usually i/ 3. BRASSIERES, 2/11 CORSETS, 9/11 A Special Selection of Oddmerit Brassieres, in various styles, back and front fastening, with lace, also plain, ranging in sizes from 32in. to 46in.—Usually 6/11 to *l2/0. Specially Priced, 2/11 ° Bo ' l * Extra Value in Various Corset Oddments in Pink and White Coutil. Good fitting average figure models, in sizes ranging from 22in. to 2Sin. only—Usually to 37/ G. All to Clear at Qj\\ P*i r » HABERDASHERY ITEMS at Saving Prices A Remarkable Price Offer to Clear Pure Japlo Stocking Silk (slightly imperfect), =n various shades—Usually 5/11. To Clear, jyg Embroidery Beads, in red and steel, Specially Priced \j~ l ' ie box 10 bottles. Special Reductions Offered on 9in. and 12in. Silk Brassiere Elastic, superior quality, in pink and white—Usually .9/1 l. Sale' Price, 6/11 COLOURED FUJI JUMPERS. Special Clearing Price on Ladies' Coloured Fuji Silk Sleoveless Jumpers, designed V neck, with pockets; in * ! sapphire, tan and peacock shades —Usually 9/11. To Clear, each. SILK BLOUSES. 6/11 Excellent Heavy Quality Japanese Silk Shirt Blouses, roll collar and high neck styles; in black and navy— Usually 12/6. To Clear, g/JJ "STAR ATTRACTIONS 30-inch, also 38-Inch All-wool Floral ~Delaines," m a wide range of attractive ' designs .and effects in blues, fawns, greys, pinks, etc. An irresistible "Star" Clearance Price on quality goods. Excellent for bouse frocks, dressing jackets. STAR ATTRACTION PRICE, TO-MORROW, 1/11 tho yard. '..vC " v 'V A "Bargain" Pries Offer on a Special Selec- , tlon of Men's Fanoy Cashmere Half Hose. Many smart effects to contrast In fawn; grey, pTitty, and cover-t grounds*— STAR ATTRACTION PRICE. TO-MORROW, All Sizes, 9/11 the pair. f f All Sizes, 2/H the pai From 9 to 11 a.m. Mail Orders not accepied _at . at Attraction Price 'Always Busy. ;; FURNISHINGS It will Pay to Secure. 60-inch Bordered Cretonnes, with attractive all -over designs, priced remarkably low for "Sale" Clearance—Usually 2,' d. To Clear, jj- the yard. 50-inch Sundour Figured Casement, ■ In cream and blue, also mauve and blue only—Usually 6/6. To Clear, 3jQ yard. Also, 50-inch, in various dssigns and colourings—Usually 3/6, 3/11. To Clear, g/Q Two-tone Madras Muslin, in blue, rose, flame, on black ground. Superior quality—Usually 0/0. To Clear, 3 yard. Ax minster Squares Sizo 9ft. x 12i\. Axminsler Squares priced extra lew an a special buying inducement. A popular size— Usually £ll /10/and £l3/10/--To Glear, £ g/i 9 / 6 1 only All-wool Art. Squgro, . e i/,c oxl2, in mauve and black—Usually £7/10/6. To Clear, Special Value in Size 9fc x 10ft. 6in. Axminster Carpet Squares—Usually £O/10/- and £ll/10/-. To Clear, £ 6 /19/6 MAIDS' COA 29/6 49/6 10 only Molds' Smarf Tweed Coats, effectively styled and half lined w>th'Caroline. - Excellent quality coats, sizes 42in. and 44lnr only, in beige tones — Usually 00/0. To Clear, 29/6 Special Low Clearing Price on 20 IWaids' Tweed Costumes, in two' smart fitting, well out styles. Suitable Tor the maid from 16 to 20 years. N<;w shades are in bracken, copper beech, and fawn—usually 70/6, 80/6. To Clear, 49/6 Sale Price, OJLd. skoin. AUCKLAND'S LEADING FURNISHERS HALF-PRICE FURNISHINGS. Half Price to Clear SOin. White Swiss Lace Curtain Net, in two qualities. All dainty designs—fouflily 6/11, 8/11. T C Clcr, 3/g 4 /g Also, 30-inch—Usually 3/0. Half Price, 2/H 50-inch Craam Madras, wttli mauve— Usually 3/11. TO Cl..r, J/.J. Coloured Bordered Fadeless Vollo, In blue and rose only— Usually 4/6, To Clear, 2/3 45-Inch Dark Ground Madras Muslin— Usually 3/6. To Clear, jyTg Nainsook Flouncings Here's a Great Bargain Offer that Should Quickly Cisar; 17« inch Nainsook Flouncings, Embroidered In Two effects, Vink and sky; also pink and almond —Usually 2/i, 2/6 yard, 'To Clear 1/3 ' ■ . s- v ■ •" ■ * Also 17-inch White Embroidered Voile: with dainty designs—Usually 3/U, l/ 11. To' Clear, J Ladies' Beaded Frocks, 3 9/6 A Wonderful Purchase which has Created a Keen Demand. Showing in black, navy, brown, white, blue. saxe. primrose. Jade, rose, cinnamon, mauve, and apricot shades or silk georgette; some in crepe do clilne. All elaborately embroidered in beaded designs. Suitable for evening, theatre. • or afternoon wear—Usually from 6 guineas up. Lace Edged Nets. for Curtains* 2/11 • , : 3/3 Special Half Pries Offor to clear dainty lare edge, ivory net curtaining.,.. A * ..' superior quality line in 50in. width— Usually 5/11 to 6/6. To b,SBP '2/113/3 : : . Doim Quilts at Half Price. Usually 45/' , To Clear* 2 Mzo C'K 5 Dov/n Quilts of rancy sateen, ' with plain sateen panels. Well-lllled serviceable quilts In various attractive co!oTirings. A half-prAri clearing offer. Phenomenal, valuer—Usually -15/- each. To Clear, 22/6 Flannelette Grey Blankets. A Special Reduction Features in Good Serviccsblo Grey Flannelette Blankets; with striped borders. A useful quality Tor u:id°r blankets and Ironing purposes. Single Size 5 Size Double Sizo usually 5/6 7/6 0/6 «.i. PH«., y n 7/11 Two-tone Sdede Bags, 9/11 Usefully Sized Shopping Bags of Suedefinlahed Leather with deep fringe In dark two-tono colourings. Excellent quality— Usually 25/-.' To Clear, Q / J J

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19416, 26 August 1926, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19416, 26 August 1926, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19416, 26 August 1926, Page 16