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us. t— ———— * " T . ir •& i -sr r © _ I _ is ittmg L ■ Unusual J.C.L. Five Handsome Designs to select from in ensen 75gns. I 85gns. 95gns. 190gns. (Player) Also Beautifully Finished 105gi sgss. 27gns. 29gns. Specially Reduced for " May" only secure your choice Showing in the " J.C.L." Annexe Through Men's Department, Ground Floor. We Pa y Postage. Samples of Knitting Wools Sent on Request. All Instruments Guaranteed by the J.C.L. Easy Terms Arranged. Inspection Invited. FURNISHING WEEK CONTINUES NEXT WEEK and offers every householder a chance to save on furnishing requirements, which include Bedsteads, Bedding, Doicn Quilts, Curtains, | Madras, Coverings, Blinds, 8-piece Suites, Cushions, Carpels, Hugs, Runners, Linoleums, Squares, etc., etc. Everything on the Furnishing Floor reduced considerably in price during this "7-day" event. Come in next week and inspect the various extra values offering on the Second Floor. The J.C.L. "Furnishing Terms System" may he utilised on purchases exceeding £lO. "May Queen" Wool and Silk Q Mixture. H Ideal for dainty jumpers, frocks, etc.; §1 brown, also black and while, lawn anil H almond, grey and oyster, champagne and H S(/£fjSk lawn, lawn and saxe. lawn and copper. jg mole and saxe, grey, green and lawn, B sand, helio. and fawn, mauve and saxe, | 1/4 ba "' 10/6 head - | Paton's 4-Ply Super Fingering. A This popular reliable Knitting- Wool, In a full range of In a shades. Including black, white, navy, also pale pink, ing 1 vieux rose, cardinal, fawns, hello., heathers, greys, fawn light apricot, bottle green, emerald, browns, sand, crner; cinnamon, dark emerald, jade, oyster, orange, lemon, and a almond, etc. peaco 1/1 the skein, g /g the head. i fton ' 3-Ply "Moorland" Sports Knitting Wool. In popular demand for many purposes. Shades Include lila' k, white, pale pink, sky, peacock, mole, light apricot, grey, lawn, sand, vieux rose, browns, oyster, cinnamon, marie mixtures, old rose, emerald, saxe, orange, lemon, \ poj almond, green, and deep cream. shade 1/4 s * ein ' IQ/6 head - slll Beehive Feather Wool. mixtc la black, pale pink, greys, navy, helio., rose, browns, saxe, champagne, oyster, scarlet, cardinal. J/4 skein, 10/6 'he tead. loz. Balls "Acorn" Lustre Wool. A SI! With silk stripe, same shade as wool, iri attractive mole, colours: Rose, golden fawn, cinnamon, prawn, primrose, rawn coral, deep rose, grey, sky, turquoise, helio., Seville, brown, black, Ivory, new copper, grey, drab, electric, cedar, kingfisher, light oriflamme. 1/2 the ba "' 9/2 head ' Paton's 5-Ply Super Fingering. In shades of black, white, pale pink, helio., greys, £ be; heathers, cardinal, navy, mid. and dark saxe, rose, vieux rose, ovster, sand, browns, nigger, fawn, jade, peacock. 1/1 the skei". 8/6 head. Beehive Shetland and Andalusian Wool. In white, sky, pink, and black only. 1/g the skein. The Twin Pin Circular Knitting Needle. Size 0, 7, a, 0, 10, 11. At l/ll oach - Also BABY TWIN PIN, for Children's Garments, Sleeves, etc ' Sizes 7. 8, 9, in. At 1/11 ® aoh * 4-Ply "Rose" Fingering. In a great assortment of favourite colourings, comprising black, white, navy, pale pink, sky, saxe, greys, fawns, heathers, light apricot, bottle green, dark emerald, natural, also heifo. and white mixtures, browns arid white, green and sky, light marie mixtures, jade, peacock, oyster, emerald, shrimp, cradinal, fawns, cinnamon, almond, green, orange, lemon, brown, nigger, mole. 1Q.1.d, skein, 6/10 head. J.C.L. Fingering. A popular Knitting Wool, in a fine range or attractive shades, comprising lemon, orange, tango, mauve, violet, pale pink, rose, old rose, pale blue, navy, light also dark fawn, brown, rust, almond, emerald, salmon, silver greys, mauve, violet, naturals, brown and green heather mixtures, also black and white. Good value. the skein, the head of 8. 2oz. Hanks of Stocking Silk. A superior pure finished Knitting Silk, in light grey, rriole, cream, champagne, mid. brown, nigger, black, fawn, and putty. the 2oz. hank. "Japio" Pure Knitting Silk. A beau-tiful quality high-grade line, in helio., amethyst, old rose, henna, jade, gold, champagne, sa salmon, cinnamon, sea green, rnole, pale pink. 6/11 the hank. 3-Ply Paton's Fingering Wool. In black, white, sky, pale pink, vieux rose, hello., naturals, heathers, fawns, browns, nigger, greys, cardinal, navy, mole, lemon, henna, jade, bottle green, emerald, sand, rose, old rose. the skein, g/g head. 2-Ply Paton's Fingering Wool. In white, black, pale pink, saxe, cardinal, tan, navy, hello., old rose, siy. g_|d. the skein, head, Paton's 3-Ply "Super" Wheeling. In black, white, greys, cardinal, maroon, heathers, marie mixtures, naturals, blues, pinks, helio., navy, browns, greens, old rose, amethyst. n ' 9/10 head " Black and White Beehive Fingering. In 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6-ply. 1/1 tho Bltein ' 8/6 h6ad ' 8-Fold Zephyr Wool. A lovely dainty Wool, in cream, blue, pale pink, reds, navy, peacocks, greys, fawns, mauves, greens, yellows, orange. 1/2 tho skein » 9/2 head- * Beehive Teazle Wool. This popular reliable Wool, obtainable in sky, pale pink, vieux rose, Jade, saxe, hello., rawn. grey, black, copper, cherry, lemon, royal, light and mid. almond greens, emerald, tomato, nigger, amethyst, also attractive mixtures. 1!" tho skein, rj/10 head. Beehive Shetland Floss. In the following: White, black - , navy, helio., pale pink, sky, champagne, oyster, saxe, jade, lemon, tomato, browns, peacock, emerald, sea green. jjd. the skein, head. Beehive "Azalea" Floss. in pale pink, sky, white, oyster, champagne, peacock. Jy'- akein, y/10 head. In white only. Beehive Eyebright Fleecy Wool. MACRAME TWINES In great demand for making Bags, Kits, Mats, etc. 1/11 th ° 4 ° Z ' ba "" Fine and Coarse qualities. 4oz. Balls of Fine Quality Macrame Twine, popular for making useful bags, kits, and mats. A good range or colours, including royal, black, grey, scarlet, orange, vieux rose, peach, henna, hay, jade, lawn, dark red, nigger, sky, helio., purple, gold, champagne, also white, tan, turquoise. 1/11 the 4oz. ball. 4oz. Balls of Coarse Macrame Twine, extra durable, in shades of black, hav, gold, orange, vieux rose, henna, pilrple, helio., scarlet, dark red, royal, violet, peach, Jade, cream, fawn, sky, nigger, mole, grey, saxe, navy, tan, emerald, turquoise. 1 /11 the 4oz. ball. MMaf JLC>®ILe "STAR ATTRACTIONS" Men's Fleecy-lined Singlets, also Underpants, warm and serviceable lor present wear. An extremely low-priced "stai line that should appeal to men who want 1 . warm yet Inexpensive underwear— jb k STAR ATTRACTION PRICE, MONDAY, 3/6 tho 9apment * jS' Ladies' All-elastic Bandeau Brassieres, in MW »» nink only. A strong, well-made line, Kgg. AW finished with shoulder tapes. Sizes 352 to WtiL Jay i'j. wonderful value. Usually y/11. W Jgr STAR ATTRACTION PRICE, MONDAY, f From 9to 11 a.m. only. 1 Mail Ordennot "'Star Attraction" PikeJ 'Always, Busy* 1/6 ioz " P 3o * l ® l. White Lady Betty Wool. In 2 and 3-ply. 1/5 th 6 skein, 11/2 head. THE "UNIVAL " COLLARETTE for Coat Hangers The above Illustration shows the latest attachment for Coat Hangers. A fitting that keeps the collar of coats always In perfect shape, and is easily fitted to any banger. It is made of highly-polished metal, and will give lasting service. 10.1-d. each, or with Hanger complete 1 /O "Gibeon" "Garrett" MAIDS' COATS in the Latest Styles and Shades. Inexpensively priced. Fourth Floor Showroom. "Gibeon"—This Young Lady Wears a Smartly Cut Wool Tweed Coat, in new shades of cedar and caramel, with an attractive fancy effect. Prominent style features are shown in the adjustable collar and long revers, also cuffs and pocket. This style in cedar and caramel shades only. "Garrett"—A Smart Fitting Warm Coat for Maids' Winter Wear, of Good Quality Silk and Wool Velour Cloth, in attractive new shades or copper, beech, bracken, also red Devon. An excellent quality, reliable coat, in. sizes 41 and 43-inch only. j «Foy"—Hero Shows a Charmingly I Finished Winter Coat, Made of ] Superior Silk and Wool Velour ; Cloth, made neat double IrattonI ing rront with fur collar, also : on side flares as Illustrated. An t appealing style, thoroughly well ; finished, in new shades of walnut I and red Devon only. ? Sizes 42-inch 44-inch "Florius"—A Maid's Winter Coat Admirably Fashioned of Good Quality Corded Wool Velour Cloth, with smart fur trimming on collar and cuffs. The season's newest shades are obtainable in walnut and fawn. 105/"Fabian"—A Superior Quality Silk and Wool Velour Cloth Coat for Maids' Winter Wear, depicting rur-trimrned collar and .long revers, with large button to fasten, also pockets and buttons. A good fitting, comfortable style, in new shades of copper, beech, bracken, red Devon. Sizes 4 1-inch , 43-inch 105/" 41-inch 5± 9ns"Falbert" —A Particularly Attractive New Coat Style for Maids' Winter Wear, depicting smart double breast errect and fur trimming on collar, cuffs, and at sides of coat on godets. This stvlc is or superior quality Silk and Wool Velour, in new shades or walnut and red Devon. Sizes 41-inch -5 3-inch is v «fi | on the Second Floor. The J.C.L,. "Furnishing Terms System" may he J T „ T S~\ . I "Florius" "Fabian" "Falbert" j g | J unused on purchases exceeding m. j uc kland's Leading Drapers and Furnishers—l he J.U.L. (Jueen btreet j —s

SURGEON DENTIST. Late University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 30 Years' Experience. Auckland: Jellicoe Chambers (next Herald). ENTRANCE, WYNDHAM ST. Phone 46-232. WELLINGTON: 119 WILLIS STREET. for £2/ Open Friday Evening, 7 to 8.30 p-m. j Remodelling Set - - £l/10/- j Painless Extractions - 2/6 Extractions free when sets ordered. Nervous people, take heart! Wo recently imported the latest N2O and Oxygen Apparatus for the administration of 'this wonderful anaesthetic, and can extract any number of teeth without the slightest pain, danger or after effects. A Boon to Country Clients.—By employing modern methods we can make a perfect set of teeth, requiring an attendance of only two hours altogether, so that patients living in the country can visit us and return the same day, and so take advantage of our superior work and low lees. ■P=»' ■SV O: ■ £5 J With barrels of Jessop's Sheffield fluid-pressed steel, chromevanadium action, nickel steel body and selected walnut stock, B.S.A. Shot Guns possess all the finest shooting qualities and are British made throughout. If you need a well-balanced, hard-hitting gun, get a B.S.A. Shot Gun, and clean it with B.S.A. Scientific Cleaners. B'®<g?jW C. E. BLAYNEY (B.S.A. Factory Representative), Look for this 30 Courtenay Place, Wellington Trade Mark.

U liipH IW ifSfl 5* w m fa: *M£W3 if ill lilllslf sitis' ; .«an'ij!i P3 3«S£ 111 315 m m m * /7 ■ *>'« sfeSS K IS2 wV IllSt 4«t SSIS Pll ■fiT ■;: r ■ i **s PK li KfiK asgs §p® ,^'V, mmrnmm 117 ELL might " Roma "be called the " Oueen of All Teas. For the I V dusky-skinned tea-pickers in sunny Ceylon pluck only the choicest young leaves from which to blend "the Dust-Freed Tea." As you sip this fragrant tea, you'll declare it supremely satisfying. So economical, too! The removal oJ: the injurious Tannin Dust means more cups to the pound. The DUST-FREED Tea

The "Mother, I'm hungry" hour! Kelvinate the children's foods, and "special diets" can be planned with half the usual effort Each dayyouwrinkleyourbrowand ponder as you ask yourself, What shall I get for the children ?" Every week-end —yes, every day—the question arises, "Will it keep?" or "Is it still good?" With Kelvinator chilling your refrigerator you would know that the special foods you buy or prepare would keep day after <Jay, You could safely plan your children's diet far in advance. Kelvinator electric refrigeration is so cold that the air in the/ef rigerator becomes frosty and diy. It does away with the annoyance of ice. Kelvinator is as constant as your electric service and requires no attention. juld keep day after Ask how Kelvinator can be in:ould safely plan your stalled in your present refrigerator. Distributing Agent#: JAMES TOMBS & CO., LTD., 37 Albert Street. Auckland, New Zealand!. Factory Representatives: W. A. CROWLE, LTD., 161 Castlercagh Street, Sydney, N.S.W. ■ Few persons know that there is a certain kind of refrigeration that not only kcept foods a long time but actually improves them. TKii is refrigeration with air that is not only very cold, but dry and frosty as well. This zone of dry, uniform, intense cold is the Zone of KLelvmation, snd is produced by Kxivinator Electric Refrigeration. Mm FITS ANY REFRIGERATOR Kelvinator is made in sizes for all standard rnakej: of refrigerators. It can be installed quickly and very easily in the one you are now using. The Kelvinator freezing- unit is placed in the ice chamber. The condenser—the mechanism that "supplies the cold" —goes in the basement or any other convenient place. Oldest Domestic Electric Refrigeration

TRY THE REST BUY THE BESTKOLYNOS DENTAL CREAM High Quality. Moderate Cost. Herald Printing Works, Queen Street. Phone 44-2SQ.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19328, 15 May 1926, Page 14 (Supplement)

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19328, 15 May 1926, Page 14 (Supplement)

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19328, 15 May 1926, Page 14 (Supplement)