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II REVENUE OF "BEAUTY PARLOURS." A, udi'ld roncivss of master hairdressers in New Vnr.k it *as stated that 60.009.000 v. i>meu ami children spent a total of £78.000.000 '•)! t lio " 1 >eauty parlours '' i i ' lf ' 1 States last year. fbc I'»ite.l States now lias 135 training ■ehools i"f iiii.' instruction of creators t>i lein;mnr beauty. one school turning out pay Ml*the a*.enisw, £SO for the course of instruct , TWO PECULIAR BEQUESTS. n', vo i;r,- l».-(|«ests of a hundred ' ■<■■■■ moVp in the Times recently F:,., a.. 1836. \ in \ •>ri:>'iire, on his death, . j" t n ,;.f l»i» property to sm-h of j r J ~: ,; ji!t - <•!!*'. .is should reach the heigh* Pi'!- :j - Ipfr VK to i-e M"/nt in tea. for the enjoyn,p„; f.i me 1 v...„.e» of Ins parish, ui , o.f his itinera). '1 be merry jhe 'l,una!. SUPPRESSION OF "DUMMIES." I>v 3"0 v«to |155 the French Chamv \ decided, subject to ber oi •» ' l ,■ -i the f«|spit' Vii s pit'Vii i, t»Kit manulacture «»t baUr-y ' l dummies %> must cease* witiun tnm months. 4'be htU abolishing the baby s comforter tvib i■ itimi l.'c.hi by M. Cuerin, who m private life is an .apothecary. He coi.ieude.-i that the dummy one_oi of child rooitaJitx. i. qc t r iV , took the >ame view as the advocates of dummy suppression, and its jot en cut ion decided the matter. f WHEN MILK WAS CHEAP.

\Ul«ite\ hiiviuarket. now found to be inthe v,av nf' tho/ London trannvav servf,,:ou:upie, a site well known to Stow, the L'.-miort chronicler. Stow states that lie used as a boy to go to a farm in * the ueiciil...mhos'd to buy new milk, and '• 'never"had less than three ale-pints for a haltwnnv in /th« summer, nor less than one ale-quart if r a halfpenny m_the winter, always hot from the cow. So:iK- of the pasture land was let out for crazing; or for allotments, and the ovnor of" these /' Goodman s fields " lived like a gentleman thereby. BLUE GLASS IN FASHION There 3- u-uallv so much said about far-bions Veloth./s that bttle is heard C! fa>liious m furiiihhiiia A est i-id furniture dealer stated recently. " At the moment, lor example, blue class" v 're i- in. A hundred times a day ■ 1 am asked for / blue cut wi »f . ~;x jn ,i viM>. 1 could have made a'k'! of iii'.ney had 1 been lucky enough to have a stock of this ware. "■ Th" craze came so suddenly no one kmaVv ,vi, v —that few of us were prepared for i<- The blue glass comes from Bohemia. 'Hie colouring is a costly process."

SHAKESPEARE FIRST. ,\ rrtrivmium of the 2000 yearly subpifni >ers to the State Drama i ßurgtheater) iii Vienna. Ola-ed Shakespeare first m the list of \ favourites oi the serious theatre-going pubjic. The plays voted for the next season •• A Midsummer Night s Dream. - 'pi-,,, Mcrchai.t of Venice." " Macbeth. ' " rorioiamis." and "The laming of the SWw " Oscar AViloe vas returned noulty- v.iti. h:s La fly Winder-Ufrt-'a J r an." while chiller. Itwen. fccrfrittzier, Kostand, lidbUd and -GriUparzer iLu.'y in the Iftt. stokc*»arc and WiJdc between them oi lamed 1219 of the 2000 votes cast. EXTENSIVE JEWEL ROBBERIES. Dig jewel hauls by hotel ' rats are continuing on the l»iviera and are causing hotel proprietors and the police considerable anxiety / In "PC day yMrs. Mathilde Huppel. an .American, lost a platinum watch pendant and platinum ear-rings: Miss Mary Bach was robbed of a large sum of money: and jewels ami h pof'kot-l>ook containing £6OO was stolen from Mrs. Grant Johnson. of Montreal, in the early hours of the morning. It is reported that a gang of international thipve*, some of them British, is responsible for the sudden increase oi jewel robbrnes.

OLIVER TWIST'S OLD HOME. -The British Ministry of Health took over an old ■>v".rkhoiis.f > and farm at Claydoit, iiphi Ipswich, las-t November, and converted it. into a training place for settlenwmt ifi the Dominions, oi some of tb«» thousands <.i vf.nnjj men drawing the do!-. J'hf work invise, built in 1776. is traditionally the (>.'a< c v-'hrrn Oliver Twist. * asked 'for nHTt ." Tin- men-—about 200 in number. 50 of whom are destined for work oi! Australian forms—have been •a< Ciayfjon for four and a-half months. ' For hardening the muscles-, renewing physical fit awJ ivstoriug tfce men's, confidence, the ejij.ejnnent has proved 8 success. HYDE PARK AND ITS HISTORY. Uvdc 1 *"«: ha- been put to unusual uses the commencement oi: Britain's iireat >• nfc«* last week, was in existence jwg before- London was big I enonsh to s-tatid in m-nd "i onen spaces. Front a v«-,y early period it v.-a.-. fenced V'jth riper feti' :][;;! it was no lat'-r than fbaib-s H. (hat these way to a brick vail. The " irs'losiirc rf • ozlain land- in Kraghi.-.brjdsf; i«r prr-sorvat ion of the fair.e"" -a\t» rise to'complaints in 1570, and for I. rr- it wo, a Tb.yal hunting ground. ss a c /j;-. _• (irr. :.o_' ( on! re. and il was also „ favourite duelling ground v'hen th'j. method <«i settling a quarrel was fa.-ii. THE USEFUL WALNUT.

The wsinu'/ '-in he rmt to more uses than rsir.t.f people imagine. In California it lift— !''<■•) (iis'-ovcird Hi at no part. /■'» tJj;• =• j, ; infd he wasted. J lie trade (}.<• hands r.f H Walnut t''vneiA---'' in'. v.'huii last war produced 1 r rmO o'.'i.- oi nut-. They have Jnstaikci most modern machinery, jiK-bdinc -i r-.v!imf 10r rra<-king can dt-i'n ]. r ) tons a da".. /11k* are na—.-d tlt; •.>:j crii a number f, t 'netai fmsfj-.', >»!;•'•!) oack the shells f;! t {)*,,. kernels. For IIUIS tiv.t s,, f . .la-; '-ovi-t-!i or otherwise unfit for sale witt *•.;>.£. tli«*re is another , Kiaehinf- \%i,><}! i, the dirt and polishes i» worked by (.; r,;•nove.s .'i number ' O! I,; ~ QUALITY OF BRITISH STOCK. / 1 rieie r.ri,- j!i(ji ( stry —the breeding of pedigree st>.-k—in winch Britain remains supreme. From pi<:s to ponies and from sheep ?o short!; n-ns. British beasts are acKnov,ledged h. be the best in the world and are ! bv. foreigners at- high prices to improve the ioreicn breeds. P"nr. S 1&25 ' the Russian Government bought fiiiiii l':ri:ish h;feders 250 j>edigree has always been famous for her cattle and her sheep. Nearly 3CO •j ta f E - tU ~ e "xen were produced there, fu his diary Evelyn speaks of an ox that v,as 39 hands hiuh and four yards lone;, snrl that was in" 1649. , *ot the date mentioned Leicestershire sheep uad already obtained a great reputation and fetched big prices. The marvellous sheep of >,>«* South Wales, one j <>3 recently yielded 45iiF. -of wool t '* a tlip, arc cf purely British descent.

SAVED BY A WOODEN LEG. When a Gorman shell (ore off his leg in the Argonne, Pierre sftndrieu, a French soldier, came near to losing his life. Now his life has been saved by the wooden h'g which replaced the missing limb. Andrieu was caught in a sudden snowstorm in the Alps, far from shelter. He would certainly have died a victim of exposure had he not conceived the happy idea of starting a fire with his wooden HOPPONENTS OF EVOLUTION. Fundamentalism has scored another victory in the United States, adding Mississippi to Tennessee and Texas to form a trio of Southern States where the te-acbinr; of evolution is prohibited. The Governor of Mississippi. Mr. Henry L. Whiifield, has signed a bill, which, under a penalty of a fine of £IOO and cancellation of .contract, forbids teachers in the State-supported schools to teach that " man is ascended or descended from the lower order of animals." EX-KAISER BUYS A CASTLE. A sum of 2.000,000 Swiss francs, or roughly £BO,OOO. was offered on behalf of the ex-Kaiser for the castle, of Trevano, which is situated on a beautiful site with a wonderful view over the Lake of Lugano.

The castle is said to have been completed at about the above-mentioned figure. The castle was formerly the property of a Russian railway magnate who maintained great state there. A LIKE OF 19 EARLS. The elder son of the Earl and Countess of Rothes, Lord Leslie, whose engagement to Beryl Violet, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lionel Dugdale, of Oat borne Hall, "i arm. Yorks, was announced lately, is in his 25th year. Lord Leslie coroj; of a very ancient Scottish family. The third earl was killed Oil the field of Flodden in 1513. John, the seventh earl, carried the sword of State at the Coronation of Charles 11. in 1651, and was taken prisoner at the Battle of orcester. The present earl is the 19th in succession. A NONCHALANT SOLDIER. \ Lord Raglan, who in 1850 commanded the British forces in the Crimea, was also at the battle of Waterloo. While standing by- the Duke of Wellington's side, Lord Raglan's arm was shattered by a bullet. Chloroform was unknown at this time, and the necessary amputation had to be done in the old clumsy way. The patient seemed to have nerves of iron. Ail through the painful " work he never uttered a word. When the man was taking away the amputated arm he said: " Hallo, don't take that arm away until I have-taken off that ring"

A PRANK BY PEEL. That bright young man of Oxford who gained £5 for successfully floating a rumuur that all undergraduates must play games, did things oji a large scale. Bui his triumph recalls the earlier score of Sir Robert Peel, although Peel only concentrated upon one victim. After sending a note to a young freshman purporting to notify him that the Yice-Chancellor intended to submit, him to a viva voce test on the Greek Testament. the embryo statesman visited ihe unhappy youth, accompanied by a confederate disguised as a proctor, and so unmercifully scathed the innocent " offenderthat he fled Oxford, Dever <o be seen or heard of again. A CHAMPION BISCUIT PACKER. .After only a few weeks' experience as a packer of biscuits, a, 19-year-old girl. Miss Katie Potter, has attained the astounding record of being able to pack 32,400 it! 9! hours. Miss Potter is now the champion packer of the Shredded Wheat Company of Great Britain, and when the Marquis of Salisbury opened this firm's new factory at Wei ivy n Garden City lie especially congratulated .Miss Potter on her achievement. The factory, the first in this garden city, is built on most hygienic lines, and is equipped with the latest machinery for mass production. British labour and British wheat onlv will be used.

VISCOUNT AND A CAR. Viscount Torrington was recently bound over at Bristol on a charge of having stolen a motor-far valued at £123, the property of the Cater Motor Company, of Bristol. It was stated for the prosc->-ution that Lord Torringf-ori contracted to buy a motor-car on the hire-purchase system. He paid his deposit, but failed to reply to requests foi payment when the instalments became dm. A month after the purchase, jt was alleged. ho sold the car. It was slated in court that Viscount Torririgton had mixed ideas with regard to his power in disposing of the oar. Havng regard to these- explanations, the company did not press the charge. MESSENGERS OF EVIL. Wax win g5. said to have been seen recently in some southern counties, in England, bear among superstitious people a bad character for bringing political 1 roubles, and even for predicting great European wars. No doubt this .sinister reputation is due largeiv to their rare vis:ls. strange silence, and erratic movements, while the mysterious marks on their wings, resembling red .sealing-was. confirmed the previous popular c-'-n vn.-t ion of their diabolical However, says a London paper, these weird birds posse,--, at least one joyous redeeming virtue. They are very good to e at. and furnished a highly-prized winter dish for "Russian gourmets in Ihe clays of Czardom. TWENTY-THREE BABIES EACH. Bv the birth of her twenty-third child, Mrs". Lucas, of Tonbridge, has drawn level with another local mother having 23 children. Mrs. Lucas' family previously consisted of o daughters and 16 sons, three of v. horn were killed in I*ranee. In eight years she gave birth to three pairs of twins. The family all live in a six-roomed cottage on the 'small earnings of the husband, who cy. 12 miles to his work. The mother's chief difficulty lies in providing clothes and shoes for this small army of young folk. The cobbling is done bv the husband, who also acts as family barber, while mother does most of the tailoring. The children of Mrs. James Goldsmith, who previously alone held «ihe town s record for the largest lamily, were all of -ingle birth. HISTORY OF OPIUM TRADE. The abolition of ihe Indian opium trade, announced as a definite policy of the Indian Government, is .".nother reminder thai threatened things live long. The first edict against opium goes back to 1729. when it was prohibited in China, but when the old Mogul monopoly in India passed to '•John Company" in 1757, the cultivation grew apace. The Chinese Emperors went on publishing edicts against the traffic, the East India Company went on ignoring them — until, m 1839, the seizure of British stocks Canton produced the first opium war with China. Thirty-five years ago the British Parliament passed a resolution .condemning the growth of opium in India, and on March 3J, !917; India at last ceased to &end Indian opium into China. i

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19328, 15 May 1926, Page 3 (Supplement)

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GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19328, 15 May 1926, Page 3 (Supplement)

GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19328, 15 May 1926, Page 3 (Supplement)