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\ Auckland's great progress demands more * hig new Suburban Development on the ban amidst ideal environment This fine Residential Water Frontage brought within 12 minutes of the City by new Main Trunk Railway Deviation.


362 Beautiful Sections.

Auckland's Historical Spot. Destined to be our Greatest Residential Suburb. Ideal Home Sites Available to All.

jMot One less than 60ft. Frontage.

Each giving Glorious Views.

From the illustrations on this page you pill get a tfifiht id™ ~f thc property, hi! to know it as it. really is, you must ro out and sec it, for yourself. Stand in "the Point England Road just in lino frith the'TVuuaki Station Site. The whole Estate is spread out at, your feet. A beauliful espans# of green, sloping gradually o the sea shore, and where land and sea leet are some of Auckland's finest beaches. Across the wide bosom of the Tamaki j Ji|er the trees and hi lis make a wonder- | ill'jetting—a setting in keeping with the Estate. And not ire how beautifully the nnd lies in the •sun. It couldn't be nore ideal because, in addition, the fact ,f iis situation on the Northern Bdnk of ho-River means shelter from the prevailng .wind.

Now. walk over the Estate. Look at the survey pegs and you will find that not one section has less than a 60ft. frontage, and the average, depths are 145 ft. This gives ample room for a fine home, with a garage, out-building, lawns, gardens, etc., without any over-crowding. And because the sections are of generous proportions, it means that, every section has a wonderful view. I The only unfortunate part is that there, j are only 362 sect ions, and already about 80 have been sold. There are not enough to go round, and late-comers will be disappointed. However, we, cannot alter that, and those who inspect and make up their minds quickly to buy, will only regret. in the time to come that they hadn't bought more sections when they had the opportunity.

Even the Maoris, in the days before the coming of the white man, placed Tamaki Isthmus as one of the most desirable parts in which to live, and many and fierce were • the tribal fights for possession. Then the missionary arrived on the scene, and he saw that the Maoris' judgment was not far wrong, with the result that the Churches came possessed of a considerable area. I They made it the centre of their work and their activities, combined with the past doings of the Maoris, made the Tamaki of great, historic interest. In fact, at the present time, a complete history is being prepared.

The whole place teems with interest, but not more so than Point England. Ihat interest is now being revived because the Tamaki Station Gardens Estate now being offered to the public, takes in the famous Point England Beach. Tamaki Station is only a short distance awav, and the new railway, when completed, will make this spot easy of access. Experts have carefully planned the subdividing with great care, have thought for the future, when TAMAKI STA'IION GARDENS ESTATE takes its place as Auckland's most beautiful residential suburb.

Westfield Deviation Commenced.

Big Railway Development.

When the plans for the vast, new railway works we re approved, the vexed question was, which was the most urgent work. The Minister of Railways soon decided. He considered that the Main Trunk deviation from Auckland was, and he has backed up his words by action. Gangs of men are already working on the Auckland end, and the. Minister announced t h e other day that 500 men would be ~ working on this line during the year. " It is a vast undertaking, and what- it means to West Tamaki very, few people realise. ' It means that land that, was accessible only by motor-car

Buyers will buy there not because it offers to-day's most certain and profitable investment, but more, because they are able to really live —to live where the surroundings could not be more pleasant, where you have all the comforts of the city without any of the inconveniences. Already nearly 80 of the sections have gone, and if you were to see the list of buyers, you would be astounded. Professional men, business men, men with incomes—in practically every instance they are men who could afford to buy anywhere they so desired. Yet one visit to TAMAKI STATION . GARDENS ESTATE

Country Clients Afforded ' every opportunity to purchase | at Tamaki. Country clients have just the same opportunity for purchasing as the town buyer. The former perhaps would buy more as an investment, and as such, no investment to-day offers such an assured ! profit As the railway gets nearer and nearer, prices will go up and up until today's prices will look; mighty small in comparison. Our country clients, while any sections remain, can instruct us to reserve a section on fhe understanding that if, after inspection, it is not entirely sat si factory, we will refund their money in full. We know we are safe in offering this guarantee because it is impossible to exaggerate ■ about TAMAKI STATION GARDENS r ESTATE, and, to see it is to realise that ) what we say is more than warranted.

Appeal to Motorists. To the man with the motor-car, TAMAKI STATION GARDENS ESTATE makes strong appeal. Just fancy 20 minutes to the City. Why, it is a mere nothing. At night he can get home in comfort, and enjoy all the recreations to be had only in a marine suburb. It is as though he were transplanted to a different sphere. Five o'clock in the city—well before half-past he can be down where everything is fresh and green, and where a beautiful, restful panorama of sea and land is spread out uninterruptedly for his view* It is surely a motorist's paradise. Our own Cars at Your Service Our cars arc at your service if y,ou • desire to inspect, and we know that if you inspect you are going to buy. You . won't be able to help it. The beauty of 5 the Estate itself, the wonderful surroundt ings, and the fact .that before long TAMAKI STATION GARDENS ESTATE will be only 12 minutes from Auckland, all combine to show you the way, not only to a profitable investment, £>ut an ideal spot for your permanent home. Phone 43-995, and we will take you out at any hour that suits you. How to Inspect. Motor through Kemuera 'continuing: along Main St. Helliers Road until reach-, ing the turn-off just past St. John's College. Swinging to the right. down the hill, take the first turn to left, and "this road takes you straight down to the Point England Beach. If going through Ellorslie and Panmure take 'the turfa to the left just before reaching the Pannmro Store, end continue straight along, until you reach the Estate. Turn to the right at, the Church corner, and run down" to the beach. Salesman on Estate during Week-end. we have made special arrangements far our expert sales staff to be in attendance on the Estate, during every week-end. Their duty is to show you over the. Estate. take" advantage, of their services, in pointing out the various sections. We do not press you to buy—the Estate will pell itself.

Homes already being built. Building Contractors Busy Erecting Modern Homes. TAMAKI STATION GARDENS ESTATE has cheated a record. A section (idiitgM one week, had timber on it the ,»tt, and a line modern bungalow, •quipped with-up-to-date conveniences, inrludtng electric light, heating and electric looking, is now being completed. Other jslngalows are commencing, and tho building,: contractors are looking forward to irMintious work during the year. That s||eeausa the buyers of Tamaki sections irSi. buying in order to make their pern.jTjent homes.. Qf course, from an investor) t point of view, their money will grow keep on growing because they have jot' in early'/ and anticipated progress irSfch is absolutely assured. Moreover, ihibnildinz standard already set will en;u&e ideal homes on "the whole estate. Bps Service to be Inaugurated because big building activity is bound betake place this year, a bus service ■ulning to the city in 25 minutes will be njfiguratcd almost immediately. This sin provide transportation facilities for tesfeeiits until tho railway is through, and he- fast suburban train service actually Tamaki's Wonderful Soil will grow anything. The soil at Tamaki is well-known. It s rich, semi-volcanic, easily worked, and rill grow anything. If residents will Audy rotation, there is no reason why hrce crops a year cannot be taken off, tnd with great success. The soil is .-o [ood that it is being carted from Tamaki tnd used for gardening purposes on the SMv Civic Squrue. Boating, Fishing and Bathing Facilities. Boating and fishing arc popular pastimes in the:Tamaki, and no wonder. Tho wide ixpanse of water makes for ideal boating, tnd''even when the tide is out there is , ID.difficulty "in getting up and down to iny part of the Gulf. Fish are plentiful,\nd can be caught quite handy to the Esate. Sea bathing can be indulged in at ill", states of tho tide, and bathing sheds lave now been provided in the loint Engand- Reserve. jf'omo down during the week-enfl and injny the delights of a day s outing by mucking on the Special Reserve. Gity loiter is available, and after the billy Wijr." we would he pleased to show you iVcr"<he Estate.

City Water and Electricity. Light already available. School Close Handy. 4 Progress is the watchword of the Tatnaki Roa'l Board. It consists of met) of sound judgment and foresight, who believe in getting all conveniences possible for their ratepayers. Already Electric Light is available on TAMAKI STATION GARDENS ESTATE, and this city con venience, together with city water which is also laid on, will be an absolute boon tc residents.. Good educational facilities art available, and, as the district progresses, even handier schools must be erected. Moreover, the Road Board has recently linked up with the. Auckland Drainage Board, which will carry out the necessary sewerage for the district.

c ujf ( , will be brought practically to the city. Where it took perhaps an hour to get to before by roundabout methods, it will take a few minutes only, by fast, comfortable suburban trains. e There is going to be a real transformation scene. Houses will spring up like ' mushrooms, land values will go up and I* up. People who have the foresight to buy before tile development is l far advanced are going to make big profits. It. stands ' to reason. Iliere is no more desirable part in Auckland, and the railway is going to be the magic wand. j

All these factors make the putting on the market of the TAMAKI STATION GARDENS ESTATE of exceptional interest. The station site lias been selected and this practically adjoins the Estate. It is only a matter of time before the residents will be r.bie to rpach the City in 12 minutes. Arid when you realise that the terminus at Mt. Eden which is one of Auckland's close-in suburbs cannot be reached by tram from the city under 17 minutes, that again puts a different j complexion on Tamaki.

they see they buy. Land so desirable is in short supply, and with the advent of the railway, every section will be snapped up by those shrewd enough to see the writing on the wall. It doesn't take much power <?f imagination to visualise the lamaki of say three years ahead. It will be a beautiful garden suburb, peopled by contented families, and the same old words of regret will be heard from those who realise too late that 1925 was their particular year of opportunity and yet had failed to j take advantage of it.

Tamaki will be about the handiest part of Auckland, and so far as "travel comfort" is concerned', there is no comparison between train and tram. With the, train you are always certain of a seat and a comfortable, soothing journey. No struggling and pushing with a crowd frying to board a tram, and if you happen to be successful, you arc jammed and jolted, your lungs get filled with dust, and the noise is enough to give you a headache. TAMAKI STATION GAMDENS ESTATE is going to sell. _ ' " «

I Prices brought within Reach of Everyone. Everyone lias the opportunity of puron (.ho Tamaki Station Gardens Estate as the Vendors, after careful 7 considering roading, engineering, and other costs incidental to a big sub d'visiori, have fixed their prices on present day values, leaving a big margin for future, profit owing to increase in value. The prices range from £2 12s per foot- on terms of 10 per cent, deposit, 10 per cent, in six months, 10 per cent, in 12 months, the balance in 4 years at 6 per cent, interest.

! Development Work Required in Planning j Big Sub-division. Well-known Surveyor's Choice.

Few people realise the tremendous amount of detail work when planning a big sub-division particularly a sub-divi-sion like TAM.AKT STATION GARDENS ESTATE, which is going to be one of the show suburbs of Auckland. Particular pains have been taken to see. that, sections are so arranged that there is little possibility of obstruction of view. The whole, is a business for experts, and the* well-known surveyor, Mr. E. V. Blake,

was selected on account of his wide experience in matters of this kind. " Mr. Blake, from the first, was enthusiastic, and stoutly declares that, in all his years of experience, he has never planned a more desirable suburb. He is confident that it will become a great asset to Auckland, and with the completion of the new Railway Deviation, and the consequent saving of travelling time, other suburbs j must give way to TAMAKI.

'' Pretty Point England Beach. And Special reserve of six acres to be handed free of costl to West Tamaki Road Board.

Over £20,000 to be Expended In Road Construction. Contractors now Busy at work,, Grading, Forming, Metalling.

i&Jho owriep-. are to be congratulated on llie selection of the reserve of six acres for a public park. They couldn t have fiven a more favoured piece of land. Flat is a billiard (able, right on the waterfront., arid taking in the whole of the amous Point England Beach besides another small beach. The beach is perfectly safe for bathing, and children can fotrip in the lovely clean sand to their Uart's content. Moreover, it is the only beach on the northern side of the Tamaki, ind as such will become a great asset, lo add to the attractiveness of the Re vsrve. the owners have already erected

bathing sheds r and facilities are provided for motorists to park their cars. It is to be vested in the West Tamaki Road Board for all time, and if residents and the Board will co-operate there are no limits to what can be done to beautify an already beautiful spot. And, also, their having prevented the building, of houses right on the actual seashore by reserving a chain strip is also to be commended, and residents will have cause to bo thankful in future years for their foresight, when TAMAKI GARDENS ESTATE takes its rightful place in relation to Auckland.

The owners of the Estate are spending ; over £20,000 on road construction. Sounds a lot of money, but then the roads, when completed, will be real roads. Full chain wide, properly graded and metalled, so that the maintenance on them will be light for years to come. That latter is an important point, because it means that the 1 Tamaki West Road Board will not be called upon to find extra money for this . purpose, and the result will bo shown when striking the rates. . Already the Roading Construction Con-

tractors are hard at work on Eighth Avenue | and River Road. They are making splendid | progi ess, ana me owners will endeavour to I have this rate maintained on the whole Jof their roading scheme. This will suit I buyers of sections because under the New I Zealand regulations a title cannot be given ! to any property until the road has been completed to an engineer's satisfaction and then dedicated. Land Transfer Titles will thus bo available, if desired, to buyers on Eighth Avenue and River Road, at an earlj

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 18965, 12 March 1925, Page 15

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THE BIRTH OF AUCKLAND'S NEW SUBURB New Zealand Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 18965, 12 March 1925, Page 15

THE BIRTH OF AUCKLAND'S NEW SUBURB New Zealand Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 18965, 12 March 1925, Page 15