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The" third round of the Auckland pennimt bowling competition wob played on Saturday, and ag in tjie case of the previous rounds, there were many keen contests. Results are as follow, players for the club first mentioned taking precedence in each instance:— Carlton v. Dominion Road.—At Carlton: McNab. S. Wilson, Cotterell. Warren. 20, v. Robertson Clews, Battersby, Goldsmith, 19; McLaughlin. Gray, Rowe, Gilles, 24. v. Ritchie, Gifford, Hawkins, Leyland, 22; Wright. Blewden, Watson Paokman, 23, v. Virtue, Richardson, Cliffe, Kelly, 20; Leach, Elliott. Thompson. Martin. 32. v. Ellisdon. 9; Holford, Williamson, Ronayne, Holmes, 16, v. Bathgate Rentoul, West, Donnison. 21; Edmunds, Page-Brown, Gordon. Arey, 23. v. Cartwright, Johnson. Bayers. Ball. 14, At Dominion Koad: Overy, Burns. Blair, Mantell, 19, r. Spier,#Trewin. Benson, Alleopp, 22; Little. Rogers, Stevens. Kilgour 38, v. S. E. Chappell, R. H. Fisher, Hollows, Dr. Moir, 19; Cjross, Keesing, Bates. Wrightson. 16, v. Yeoman, Betts. Sutherland, Dunlop, 22; Ramsay. Scarborough, Dillicar, Laird, 20, v. Canham, Fulton, Balderson, Ramsay, 12; Robertson, Guy, Coutts. Duffin, 24, v. Gentles. Denny. Roberts, Woolley, 17; Mutchell, Murray. Kelly, Fookes. 26, v. A. Chappell, H. D. Taylor, W. Gribble, Brackebush, 11. Remuera v. Epsom.—At Remuera: Bell, Davis,- Garrard MacCallum, 19, v. Lack, Reid, Nillen, E T. Richmond. 24; E. D. Ashton Lambourne, Hobday. Sanderson. 18. v. Kingswell, Morison, De Launay. 17; Vickerman, Feldon, T. A. Ashton. MacFarlane. 19, v. Braithwaite, H. D. Person. Gosling, E., 24: Clark, Short, Paterson, Dingwall, 14, v. Wright. Harrison, Sanebury, Jones, 23; J.' C. Kissling, Menzios, J. P. Campbell, Mcßobie. 24 v. C. Lamb F. Parsons, Hasrard, Foubister. 39. At Epsom: G. H. Kissling, Rathbone, Somerfield, Watson, 17, v. A. Taylor, Hayes, Grattan. Crabtree, 19; Stansfield, Cntfield, Young, Townley. 21. v. Lewis, Waddingham. Wilkinson. W. Taylor, 23, Campbell, Kenderdine. Newton, Vugler, 15, v. A. Gouk, Bruce, Blakey, Inghs, 17: Wight. Tancred. Spooner, East. 22. v. G. Wright, Morton. Fraser, J. Wright. 19; Rjdinga, Murphy, Coe, Wooller, 25, v. Duke, J. Wallace. P. Hill, T. George, 13. Stanley v . Remuera.—At Remtoeras Howitt. Hipkms, Spring, MacGregor, 80, v. Wallace, Dransfield, McLean, W. D. Brookes. 11; Harvey. Nichol. Ross. Hall, 18. v. Pollen Baker Pegler, Long. 20: O. McMaster. Niblock, Lambie,.R. MsMaater, 23, v. Dempsey, Wyatt Greave, Daniels. 21. At Stanley: Grau Hooker, White, Smith, 14. v. M. Reid. N. Hill. Macev McLaren. 29; Campbell. Parsons, Boyd, Bartlctt, 38, v. Mahon Tuke, Jacks. Harbutt 26; Paterson. Wilson. JSrookes, Johnson, 13, v. Sutherland, Scott. Mellars, Ivishng,,33. Mount Eden v. Devonport.—At Mount Eden: Smith Sherriff, Sargeant, Gill. 18, v. Sullivan,' Wright, Jackson. Harvey. 14; Melroy lerguson. Marshall, Smith, 18. v. Surrnau, Hamlin. Blackburn, Warrftn, 23; Hughes, Ruaman, Young. Fraser 16, v. Goldwater, Mortenson, Johnston, Mills. 13; Fernandez, Cochrane, Turner, Spinks, 24. v. JJavey Ivnigh;, Gooding. Lowe 20; Chambers, Cordes. Trayes. Tutt, 27,' v. Ansell. Kice t Allwood. Anderson. 13. At Devonport: Delcimore, Fogarty, Middleton. Chapman. 14, v. Sisson. Blackie. Trayes. Snoad. 30; tsainbndge, Gordon, Boyco. Findlay. 18, v Andrew, Armstrong. Cox. Pascoe. 21; Muel•n fj , ai ?, Robertson, Miller, 12, v. Melville, McGallum. Morgan, Elvy, 21; Smith, i;: tJ'i • R 2,bert«on, Surman, 14. v. NayW* nw \ Spa K ow s Ba y ] y. 21; Burley, W«-5 it altol Ji ?''* eW ' 15, v. Norton, T. Wrigley, Rowell, Mason. 22. r2£°,32. t ii E r? a v ' Ellerslie.-At Mount Eden: w^ b °&v / ay V, Dlcken , Bon - Gatenby. 21. v. Wood. Whyte. Somerville. Gavey. 23- Viv£"i Wagstaff, Woolley, Dick, lsf v. Christmas. Gollan. Peck. Osborne' 20; Dignan. Shemn. Joll. Hudson. 80, v. White. Garmson Gordon Crosher. 12. At Ellerslie: T. IWn. Burke. Hull. Bridges. 16. v. Watson. Ryan. Wood. Taylor. 24: Elliott. Bartlett Jones. Cornea. 12. v. Lynch. Slye. Macklow. trodfrey 23: Hayman. Farran. Daisley, Baker. 14. v. Richmond. Coppins. Jackson. JJiCKson. 23. t eßt, j E A d Vl Ponsonby.—At West End: Lydford. Murray Worsfold. Hosking. 18. v. Blincoe Delf. Crowe, Chapman, 15; Harford. Plummer. R. A. Scott. Bell. 15, v. btevenson. Anderson, Somerville. E. Jury. £8; Knaggs, Reid. Draffm. Hill, 33. v. M6ore, Wright. Conway. Rowlands, 9; McKeown. Payne." Newton. Quinn. 10. v. Swinbourne. Farrow. Griffiths. Veale. 34- Ritchie, Thomson, Hopwood, Langsford, 15, v. Rolfe, Poison, Harkins. Parsons. 21. At Ponsonby: Bremford. Morley. Whitten. Clarke. 20. v. Carbines. Young. Bnedden. Mclimes. 19: Horsley. Wynyard. R. A. Scott, C E. Hardley, 21. v. W. Wright, Clarke. Buchan. McLeod, 9; Andrews, Kirkham. Ure. Maher. 22. v. D. McGregor. Jamieson, Valentine. Torrenco 16; Cornwall, P. Darby. Cooke. Brooks,. 16. v. O J. Veale, Bruce, Pardington. Letham, Haig. Price. Pearce, Bremner, 20, v. Richardson. Baggott. Dick. J. McGregor. 14. Gray Lynn v. Rocky Nook.—at Grey Lynn: G. Little, Blamires, Lanigan, Daweon. 29, v. Hunt. Baxter. Smith* EL Jenkin, 14. At Rocky Nook: Jas. Preston, Jos. Preston. Little. Baildon. 12. v. Rule. White. Randall. Clark. 24. Waitemata v. Rawhiti.—At Waitemata: J Blackledge. N. E. Heath. G. T. Oxley. A. Parrish. 23. v. MoGowan, Stubbs. Oldham. Haslam, 22. At Rawhiti: W. U. Lilburn. D Elston. H. W. Wilson, R. A. Johnston. 25, v. Murray. Whelans. Wooller. Noonan, 23. Rawhiti v. Onehunga.—At Rawhiti: Scelly. Samways, Millar. Moncur. 16. v. McLarin, Hill. Hartley. Miller. 25; Eaves, Burcher, Thomson, Chiplin. 24. v. Westney. Bray, Sutherland, Robertson, ~17. : Waitemata v. Mount Albert.—At Waitemata: J. A. Adams, A.-W. Tyer. S. E. McGill, J. R. McPhail, 13, v. Stevens. Holdsworth, Garliok, G. Clarke. 29. At Mount Albert: J. T. Aspden, W. McKinstrie. C. G. Hodgson, J. Potter, 8, v Hallett, Guthrie, Preston. E. Thomas, 23. t Carlton v. St. Heliers.—At Carlton: Morton, W. Coltman. Josey, Hosking, 22, v. Campbell, " Lawrence, Cahill, Lowe, 11; Roidy, Rose, Thornes, Lamb. 16, v. Chambers, 8. Whit©, P. White. Brookfield, 15; Scherer, Gould, Bird. Laurenson. 10, v. Crawshaw, Hoidsworth. Morris, Wright. 20. Waitemata v. Otahuhu.—At Waitemata: H. Crowley, T. J. Flood. B. Smith. W. H. Glover, 19, ▼. Weat, Whyte. Murdooh, Fearnley, 22. At Otahuhu: J. A. Grant, P. D. Hay, H. R. Mason, G. H. Lyon, 25. v. Cook. Goodwfn, Connor, Lippiat. 15. Rocky Nook v. Takapuna —At Rocky Nook: Buscombe. Cunningham, Blakey, Wakerley, 25, v, Burnett. Bull. Christie. Morrison, 21; Eayes. Hoppy, W. Jenkin, Bouskill. 14, v. Sinclair, Speneer. Bolton. Brake, 82; Compston, Chambers, Williams, Eagleton, 32. i»v. Perfect, Davis, Ward, Walker. 18: Barton. Wright. Bain. G. Gladding. 22, v. Buckey Galbraith, Brown. Hanna. 21. Grey Lynn v. Papatoetoe.—At Grey Lynn: Gregory, Fletcher, D. Moran, Jones. 28, v. Buckton, Watson, Death. Knight. 11; Warneford, Lye. Cann. Buckley. 34. v. Daisley, Crawford, Cowling, Rawnsley. 20; Mincham, Curtis, F. Moran, McLean. 21. v. Tidmarsh. Gallaway, Brown, Rosevere, 13. Edendale v. Fonsonby.—At Ponsonby: Davidson. Neelson. Goldsmith. Clements. 19. v. Cowio. King. Tucker. Davidson. 18: A. Smith. McMahon. Dee. James, 16. v. Dromgool, Gibson. Pelham, 23; Bradshaw, Mannix, W. Edwards. Brunette. 28, v. Mayle. Craig, Everitt, Allnutt. 13. Epsom v. Avondale.—At Epsom: J. Harrison, R. Clark. Kendall. Tanner, 20, v. Porritt, Trigg, Beaton, Hosking, 8. Mount Eden v. Avondale.—At Mount Eden Jury, Postles, Rendell. Kenniburgh. £8, v. Gilbert. Somerville. Dodge. Burrow, 27, POSITIONS OF THE TEAMS. The positions of the teams at the end of the third round of the pennant competition, together with Saturday's wins and losses. are shown in the following table, the percentage for the"" first two rounds being given in parentheses:— A SECTION. 8 rounds W. L. per cent. Mt. Albert (75) . . 4 2 72.2 Carlton (69.4) .. 13 5 70.4 Onehunga (58.3) ..6 6 55.6 Epsom (50) . .. 8 4 55.6 St. Heliors (66.6) ..1 5 50.0 Rawhiti (58.3) ..2 4 50.0 Stanley (50) ..2 4 (4.4 'Waitemata (41.6) .. 3 3 44.4 Remuera (34.3) ..8 8 39.6 Otahuhu (41.6) . . 2 4 3P.9 Dominion Rd. (25) . 4 8 27.R . Avondalo (25) ~ 0 2 10.7 B SECTION. 8 rounds W. L. per cent. West End (65) ..6 t 63.3 Ponsonby (62.5) ..8 8 58.3 Gr«y Lynn (50) ..6 2 68.8 Devonport (65) ..6 4 66.7 Rocky Nook (50) .. fi 4 53.3 Ellerslie (33.3) ..5 1 50.0 Takapuna (50) ..3 5 45.8 Papatoetoe (68.3) ..3 5 44.4 Mt, Eden (37.5) .. 5 11 .15.4 Edendalo (25) ..2 4 27.8

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18888, 22 December 1924, Page 14

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PENNANT BOWLING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18888, 22 December 1924, Page 14

PENNANT BOWLING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18888, 22 December 1924, Page 14