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SEASON'S FIXTURES. December 26. 3". and January 1. a-Auckland Racine Club. . , , Dumber 2fi,27. '23—Manawatu Racing Club. December 26—Alexandra Racine Club. December 26. 27-Taranaki Jockey Club. December 26. 27-Dunedin Jockey Club December 26—Vfaiputoirau Racing Uub, December 26—Ngunguru Racing Club. December 26. 27-Westland Racing Club. December 30, January 1. 3-Greymouth Jockey Club. January 1. 2—Wairarapa Racing Club. January 1. 2—Hawke'a Bay Jockey Club. January 1. 2— Marlon Jockey Club. January 1. 2— Stratford Racine Club. January I—Tirau Racing Club. January "-Bay of Islands Racine Club. January «4— Dargavillo Racing Club. January 21. 2>-Foxton Racing Club. January 29, 31—Takapuna Jockey Club. February 4. s—Eeiuont Racine Club. February 11—Rotorua Racing Club. February 12. 14—Poverty Bay Turf Club. February Ngaruawahia Racine Club. February Opotiki Racing Club. February 28. March 2—To Aroba Jockey <_ ;üb. March 14, 17—Ohine;3Uiri Jockey Club. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. " Nip," Morningside.—Boomerday Ins won in stakes to date i' 6932. " Wager."—ln the decision of. the. Trentham Gold Cup of 1021 Duo (8.2) defeated Sasanof (9.4) by a head. " Blacky."— In the Newmarket Handicap run at Kliorslie last, New Year's Day Royal Blood (9.4; ran second to Parody (8.3), " Karaka.'" —Musketoon has contested eight races this season, and his record is three wins, twice third, and thrco times unplaced. " Student."Solferino is an English-bred horse by Solirnan (son of St. Simon). During Jast season bi3 descendants won stakes jja New Zealand to (ho value of £22,360. 8.M.1'.. Paoroa.—Kelson won bis first Auckland Cup on Boxing Day, ISSC-. lie recorded bis second victory ii tho race in question on Boxing Day, lS3t'. Two Auckland Cups wero run tor in ISSS—one on New Year's Day and the other on Boxing Day. Nelson won the race run on New Year's Day and Lo'ehicl that run on Boxing Day. NOTES BY PHAETON. TDK GREAT NORTHERN DERBY. "With 17 horses left in the Great Northern Derby at the date of tho final payment yesterday the outlook in connection with the classic event, set down for decision at Ellerslie on Boxing Day. ii decidedly promising, and with no candidate of outstanding merit engaged, the • open character of (he issue is well established. Count Cavour, who managed to win tho New Zealand Derby at Riccarton last month, holds his engagement in the Ellerslio race, and Inferno, who ran hi.-, rival to a head in the settlement of the classic raeo. will probably be on hand to try conclusions again with his Southern rival. A trio of Australianbred horses claim an engagement in tho Derby, viz., Sandstar (by Sands of the Orient—Mary Seaton), Troshara (by Tressady --Lileacre) and Tfanadeos (by Roscworthy— BurletU). Sandstar is estimated to be a colt likely to extend the Australian record in connection with, the Ellerslio race.

A MATTER OF URGENCY. Recent larucntablo accidents at country meetings in Auckland have onco again accentuated the absolute necessity of making it incumbent on every club, wherever possible, to provide, an ambulance vehicle for the proper conveyance of jockeys who may Lavo the misfortune to be injured in follow- • in;/ their profession. The matter of expense should not bo allowed to greatly count in considering the Question. With tlio proper spirit cultivated, and a combination formed between clubs racing in a circuit, there should be. no difficulty in remedying matters, Lu the light of recent happenings it will be surprising should clubs fail to respond in remedying, that which gives cause for much concern. The next session of tho Racing Conference may bee .\neeted to find the whoiec question of providing adequate facilities for. the conveyance, of the injured, as well as providing an apartment for the handling of those under medical tioatnient. ZEV AND ISINGLASS. A cablegram to hand from New York state' that Zev, who is described as " the greatest money winner in history," has been permanently retired to the stud. It is computed -hat Zev won £60,000 in prizemoney in America. Isinglass, who competed on the English turf from ISM to 1895, won stakes to tl o value of £57,455. which stands as the record for tho Old Country. Twentynine rears hove slipped by since Isinglass completed his record, and it seems pretty Rate to conclude that it will continue to figure at the head of tho list for some time Jet. *. — LEAVES FROM .MY NOTEBOOK. It would seem improbable that the sensational Purser case will be further ventilated in the lav,- courts. A Melbourne cablegram to hand states that the law actions entered by Messrs. Oirteeu and Tye gainst the V.R.C. and V.A.T.C. authorities for tho disqualifications of 12 months meted put to them have been abandoned. The improbability of securing a verdict in their ta i!? UI i / las no doubt played the strong part with the litigants in calling off the law notions. Tacked on to tho announcement that the law actions connected with the. Purser, case are to be withdrawn is the interesting statement that the three-year-old Heroic is likelv to be taken to England, whither Mr. t-orteen and his trainer. C. Godby, arc expected to proceed shortly. This statement at least shows that the negotiation? opened up some few weeks back for the purchase ot the \ alaiß colt by a South Australian sportsman at £20.000 have been terminated. J : 's difficult to seo how tho transference of Heroic from Australia to England at this stage can be advantageous. The disqualification existing against Mr. Corteen operates in Engl nd, and that means Heroic wouid be ineligible to race there until •October next. Then, again, the transportation of racehorses from the Southern to ''bo Northern Hemisphere is not to bo regarded with » light heart Possibly Mr. wortcen may have the ambition to win the Ascot Gold Cup with Heroic, but a lot of thing-, have to happen in the flight of time before sach can be brought about ' In the decision of the Railway Handicap last year lukia made a bold bid to win under 8.2, and. considering that she was conceding 161b to Parody and that she ran" 'hat speedy mare to half a length, there was a lot of merit in her performance. Jufca is called upon to carry 111b more in this year's race, and that is a big load. Still she Das shown herself to bo real good over three-quarters of a mile, and she. Way be expected to take a hand in the settlement of the question. Should Royal Blood succeed in winning the forthcoming Railway Handicap under J.y 'ho will have the credit of creating a fresh weight-carrying record in connection with,the six-furlong race at Ellerslie. Th« | existing weight-carrying record in tho Rail- I way Handicap is held bv Hohor'o, who ! carried 0.6 to victory in 19C3. Royal Blood '■■ PUt up a fresh timo record dm 12 3-ss) j tor tne Railway Handicap when be won ' the race in tue-tion two years back. On i that occasion he only earned 7.0. The withdrawal of Automno from tho ' c/ e i at f.orthem Foul Stakes and Roval ' Makes removes a prominent two-year-old I 'fore important engagements in races pet , down for decision at. the A.R.C. Summer ' Meeting. From what I can gather, a set- j back came to Automue in the shape of an ' attack of influenza. It is a matter for I regret to find tho pen going through Automno 8 name at this interesting stage of the season, for holding, as the brown I colt docs, en unbeaten certificate, consider- ! able interest was centred in his meeting ' with King a Speech and <'". in the Foal 1 Stakes. It is to bo hoped that Automne I will come round all riaht and take bin I mare when the Great Northern C'liamnagne I Stakes come:- tip [or decision at Ellerslie in I the autumn. i ..A four-year-old engaged in the Railway ' Handicap, set down for derision at Ellerslie I on Boxing Day. that it uuiv be as well to ' keep well in mind is Dan Ouin. who has ! displayed his ability to gallon nix furlongs ; '•er; attract when be won the Shorts I Handicap and Bosom Handicap at Ellerslie I last month. Danseuso. (bin of Dan Quin. ! does not figure in the Stud Boo'' as » j brood man-, but she i.i orchil;,!-/ identical ■ With Inn Marble Arch—Soult Hose nr-re I tn»t made her debut on the turf in the i season of KilC-17. If that be so. Dan Quit, i e»n lay claim to the t)OS">s~ion of a double ! ptrxini of St. Simon one through his urand- ! «re. Morganatic. a"d the other through hi« i d-d •»?•-,. Smut Hose. who. as tho name j imph*«. n? n daughter of Soldi. Soult Ro:>o, i it is ir.tere.MinT to relate, rank.-, as a full- ' Rl't»r to Wairiki. | The late Mr. Annus*. Belmont, tho mi. I T'ouncement of whose death came from N«-w iorx yesterday was a well-known sports-van-r> I ," )90j no "ought tho English stallion Rock Sand for X 23.000. and six years Jat»r a c ? 11 (Tracery), sired by Rock hand. whom he bred in the United Mates won the Doncaster St. Begcr ««veral other important races also foil ' to nun on the English turf. Tracery was sub- *??™ y Eold for lbß n ' COrd pries of

The two-year-old Licinius. who distinguished himself at the Woodvillo meeting last week, is made the medium for some eulogistic, reference, and the prediction is offered in several well-versed auarters that the sop of Lucullus will extend his record in more select company at an early date. Liciuius is down for an encasement at the Man.iwatu meeting on Boxing Day. The withdrawal of Enthusiasm from all encasements at the A.R.C. Summer Meeting would appear to point to some ailment having come auainrt the daughter of Panmure, for she wps very nicely placed in the Auckland Cup with 7.1il and was also well engaged at Ellerslie. The fact of Black Ronald having been paid up for in connection with the Marta-v.-atu Cud would appear to point to the son of Magpie standing up to his training satisfactorily. It is slated to be the intention of the jockey I*. Maguire to ,ippeo,l against the six months' suspension imposed upon him at the Waipa meeting on Saturday last. Loughrea (10.3) and Lucinelfe (7.2) figure anions the acceptances for the Ota go Handicap, which event comes up for decision at Wipsatui on Boxing Day. Hva! Divorco and Gold Jacket, who figure as acceptors for the Auckland Cup. are also engaged in the Christmas Handicap, which event is also run on the opening day of the A.R.C. Summer Meeting. Tarleton has been allowed to drop out of the Auckland Cup. but th« fact of the eon of Nassau having been paid up for in the Christmas Handicap, he is evidently booked fur a trip to Ellerslie. Boomerday, who was considered to have a chance in the Auckland Cup, has been allowed to drop out of his engagement. THE AUCKLAND CUP. A COMPLEX PROBLEM. BY PHAETON. When tho handicaps for the Auckland Cup was posted on the 2nd inst. there was 11 consensus of opinion that Mr. McManomin had succeeded in framing 1111 adjustment that would stand a strong asasult. and tho problem confronting those who are setting themselves tho task 01 endeavouring to find the winner of the big race has not been rendered much easier in the intervening interval. "Whilo that aspect of the question docs not. of course, serve to cultivato composure of minds, it makes for a keen interest being maintained, and that, is to be viewed as a very important matter. ..Gold Light, who most appropriately head? the Cup list, it is highly pleasing to state, baa reached tho scene in splendid condition, and, though sho is confronted with a big tusk in being called upon to carry an impost fdb in exees'j of weicht-ior-agc, her chance is treated. # everywhere with great respect, a? well it may, for sho stands out immeasurably as tho best-tested slayer of the field. Musketoon failed to win the New Zealand Cup under a similar impost to that I down against his name for the Auckland j Cup, but. while that is quite correct, it i.; admitted that he showed sufficient dash in the concluding slago of the Riccartou race, as to curry conviction that he possesses tho staying Quality. All being well with Musketoon, ho will probably be found taking a hand in the settlement of the Question, for that brilliant finishing effort ho can call up must assist him when tho concluding elago looms up. .The Canterbury mare Limelight is having her claims snug in a very tuneful key, and those who must be accounted favourably positioned to arrive at a correct estimate of her capacity to stay out. two miles hold no doubts n the point. Got by SoUerino from the Martian _ mare Stardancer. the latter of whom, it i? interesting to note, inherits a strain of Musket blood through her dam, Stepdancer, good grounds may be advanced for accepting Limelight os a stayer. Te Kara, continues to hold his position firmly with the favourite division, and a prediction is offered that Muraahi. who dead-heated with his Auckland ] rival in last year's Cup, will advance ii favour before tho day. Royal Divorce, is a. ear.didate for cup honours that has probably formed tho subject of more keen discussion than an horse engaged. _ The English-bred horse has so far nothing to his' credit beyond nine furlongs, and tho question as to his capacity to stay out a j race extending to 16 furlongs is the interesting little problem that presents itself when the son of King's Proctor is under consideration. It is reasonable to conclude, that Royal Divorce has not had his Cup engagement continued simply as an ornament to the race or 011 the grounds of flattery, and the deduction to be inferred therefrom is that the English horse has to some extent al least afforded encouragement to his trainer to form the view that he can stay properly. Possibly the training work executed by the English horse during the next few days may assist to a- satisfactory conclusion in regard , to. Royal Divorco Polonett is so widely accepted as a horse that has yet to play his best card, that it. would be a surprise wero ho not in some favour for tho impending Cup with such a handy impost as 7.2. The Polvdamon geldin? certainly ranks nicely with an impost 3-lb under weight-for-age.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18897, 20 December 1924, Page 15

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RACING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18897, 20 December 1924, Page 15

RACING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18897, 20 December 1924, Page 15