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UMutsut 1 sheaffef<s 1 Loasbys Pharmacy 1 f H I The Sick Persons' Resort, | j -jlr M A, M. LOASBY, Proprietor, |t HI every day in sharpening pencils? 1 7 DARBY STREET, AUCKLAND. I Mf || ———— ——. Ladies y CICHt S angular, sharp-pencils, pushed /fflf// 8 11 L" 'Hi A in at all sorts of angles? How /m/// 0 The above is the only address at which you can see A.M. || m. |j CLuu many times do you mislay your /&// H Loasby. All letters from country patients must be addressed as g 1I) ri.iUvan'c pocket knife and get dis- /&('(/ S above. A. M. Loasby has absolutely no connection with any M |; M J Children S , o . b . /MP// 1 other Srm. Please get the above .d<irc» fixed m your mind if 1 Jf <|i „ ... gnmtfcd at trying to g' you wish to personally get A. M. Loasby s advice and medicine. } Quality |M wnte with a blunt, /M // , &i Summer troubles are coming along. \Vhen not feeling too well, || / ¥ » scratchy pomt. /W // You want a Shcaffer P^d-the work a trouble, headaches, bowels irregular, stomach not acting g| llOSe /I l' /&/ // most economical, convenient, everorooerlv low-spirited and nervous, you want the help that Father ffij |\ m Mir f ». .c. „ , /M/ // ready writer you can buy. M Loasby can give you. Endless numbers of patients have consulted M « - \ /W // He Sheafier Pencil is fitted with a n S A M Loasby and are his best advertising mediums. They tell ffl and V. Shf-IfJ: /// // T luMVe c,ulch I their friends the good A. M. Loasby has done them and those they § M MR] ! //// have advised to consult A. Ivl. Loasby. 8 VQ¥ T IPi ll \ j /JmV // advances the lead, a turn to the left B Country patients treated by letter. Write fully all your Eg Oil iuIOO JIIV/IjJ Jjkrzr\}}} ,V | /ffl jff witbdraws. The writing point kee P » ffi symptoms, enclose 10/- and you will get two weeks' supply post 7 , D ' 1 /W f P automatically. fH free. Remember the only address that finds A. M. Loasby is m JL/OIVCSt iTICCS CLI /By // An extra supply of !ea<3s I. stored Si /MY // tD a magazine attached to tbe rap I Loasby's Pharmacy I M>W* //- . si q' I? PCnTi* \l[B 'j Mt /M WJ!Eft}kL //0 ** ® • ~» o tlsom* urtamline you Will find • Shtaflcr Ptnctl of lie ACI uUIIO /dfFKh, 1 nrs shape, and is beautifully finiihed in priceleu ttnrice And *•, a gift you Hfl 'egjf B * M BSJ if 'pickfl. silvu-illtd, sterlin* silva. and can choose nothing Out will please 1 7 DARBY STREET, AUCKLAND, i SHOE STORES ___ _____ _ _ _ _ R«w Ztakai Oiftrilntiif AjtaU: EXCELSIOX SUPPLY CO. LTD., P.O. B«t SSS, Wclliitt»e. ' See our Windows. Note our Prices. '

" 1 —— " On^and 1 on'j unrerl'unresting:. ' One advantage of doing your Xmas Shopping at "The harmers* " is that you can buy &oltl ° Ut ' Warehous O F*d under one roof all your requirements in gift goods, holiday outfits, and Xmas foodstuffs. since the things I want are sold out. flalPl C penon 7 That means a worth-while saving of time and worry. Then there is the saving of money, gentie^S S :^ r ® p.m. as ow ing to our pay-as-you-buy policy we quote the keenest cash prices in town. And to buy each needed present Tea Room Open till 7 p.m. Arrange to do your Xmas Shopping on Friday. Come straight to "The Farmers'." You Better gifts I thus am buvlngr will find thousands of useful and beautiful articles to select from. You will not be pressed An^Thope®h™ a l n^uppVyVn^ I"^'1"^' to buy or bothered by assistants. Just inspect the wonderful array of goods at your Girts for me are shopping early! » riT sri orntrtr-r DYf leisure without fear of interruption. —"TOUCHSTONE,"in the "Daily MaU." FREE MOTOR SERVICE ILU Frocks and Blouses at AJmost Hair-Price * roiu Kjueen ot* snd • t Tr 1 "** 1 tr~ tilffi ' _ - A tab^e of Summer Frocks —this seasons goods—all smart I-—[2l Karangahape Road. Li (f Va\lpfi styles. Come early for a good selection. Were 25/- to 29/6. VHgfitfl (u jggH CfcT Friday'. Special Price, 15/H >^S1 Besides our usual Queen Street service, a bus will "*SS \ run from Karangahape Road (opposite Butcher's) on Crepe de Chine Blouses, long sleeves, various styles of collars. fc £9 l/wir ——-» - nfC £ IMi nesday (Christmas Eve) from 12 till 9 p.m. Our T " "' | X. j|jy| I^l. Warehouse will be closed for the Christmas holidays /I f *7 . vn _ aa __ aßavßM _ aa „__ aMl i aa .a- A "\ tOT \ BBSI I on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week. -f/ m •. f [(]] nH 9 C s. VT J j Napery for . /A Mens Smart 4 U (W^ City and Suburban Deliveries V— v Holiday Wear [ - \ ( Xmas and New Year Weeks ~ $■ — =; ssfc Xmas Gits Md. M>o many eusgellion , for \\ \ the Practical Gifts every man MONDAY— _ _ White Damask Cloths, seal- likes to receive at Xmas. AVON DALE. NEWMARKET. Beach ParaSOlS loped edge, in white, blue or BIRk'DALE. PARNELL. gold. In fancy boxes tor Tussore Silk Neglige Shirts, in sizes 14 Jin. to 17in. S? Hl = Beach Parasols in good pre.entat.on. Dainty Bouddr neck—Price, 16/6. EPSOM. ' PENROSE. " ' a tie *7/&"& / C Size 56 x 58—Price, 15/6 CaDS Fuji Silk Neglige Shirts. Always popular because of REMUERA. TE PAPAPA* 5/Ilj b/b> // D, O/O Size 66 x 66—Price, 19/11 " their .mart appearance and the splendid service they Dainty Boudoir Caps, de- give. Sizes 14£ in. to 1 7in. —Price, 18/6. TUESDAY— = = , U(jnr = All Linen Damask Cloth.. eigned in net and crepe de Striped Fuji Silk Shirts, with two collars to match— MT. EDEN. STANLEY BAY. Size 70 x 88—Price, 32/6 chine, trimmed with hem' _. P _ g/ J DOMINION ROAD. GLEN EDEN. Qn „ . /R stitching and Val. lace. rnce, , , . MT. HOSKILL. NEW LYNN. " * "rice, 46/6 p. an( j g j^ y —g /11 Whita Silk Neglige Shirts, comfortable style; in good EDENDALE. ALBANY.. * CrfUITICS Size 72 x 108—Price, 52/6 f ' quality Jap. Silk—Price, 21/6. MT. ALBERT. MT. WELLINGTON, f p,,f,. m . M j t I*l White Silk Tennis Shirt.-f, in two qualities—Price, 21/6 DEVONPORT. PANMURE. Novelty Bottles ot rerrume Mercerised Table Napkin., , ~/ q TAKAPUNA.A lIOWTCK. •—Prices, 6d, 9d, 1 /-»'* 1/3, s j ze 20 x 20—Prices, 10/6, < /f\ n , BAYSWATER. *AKURANGA. Uvender Smelling Salts— 12/6, 15/11 dozen. //1 \ Silk Canoe Shirts. A great favourite for tennis, n . f/o // /\\ yachting and holiday wear. Sizes 14Jin. to I7in.— WEDNESDAY— Pnce » 1 / 9 * Linen Table Napkin., size 24 //I \\ Price, 21/9. MANGERE. GREY LYNN. Cashmere! Bouquet ancl Lily x 24—Price., 3/6 and 4/6 // / \\\ Aertex Cellular Tennis Shirts, in all sizes—Price, 9/11 PONSONBY. PT. CHEVALIER. of the Valley Perfume eac h. /A _ # ; NEWTON. ELLEriSLIE. Price, 3/6. \ Tobralco Shirts, with collar to match—Price, 11/6. _ IIERNE BAY. OTAHLHO. M Uv.nd.r W.tcr- 'A, M PYJAMAS Place your orders early—this week if possible. Take Price., Z/-, •>/*, / • white—Price, 8/111 pair. 'Arwwv advantage of our Cash-on-Delivery System if you Eau de Cologne in wicker ' Tobralco Pyjamas, in a good assortment of stripes, cannot visit our Warehouse. Telephone your order flasks—Price., 6/11, 9/11. r oor " These Pyjamas are light, cool and comfortable, and to A 790 or A 2817. Third Floor. 11 will give splendid wear. * ~rrr.~—n — -———Sizes S.M. M. O.S. . ■- — * She Expects Prices 18/6 19/6 20/6 Give Your Home a Present of \ Comfortable Handkerchiefs TIES ,1 • | Ladies' Boxed Handker- We have a wonderful aiisortment of Wide-end Ties in tills ice Sliest \ House Shoe chiefs embroidered corner; the latest stripes and colours, including smart designs An Ice Cheat will be a boon \ 'f *2? w" , \ 13/9 Embroidered Corner Hand- .»o .hi. X m a.-P ri c, !/!!. 2/U. 3/6. 4/6, 5/6. iFoodstuffs fresh, firm, cool "" kerchiefs, lace edge; 6 to and clean. Made of choice vv* box—Prices, 7/11 and and well-seasoned wood. 9/11 box. HANDKERCHIEFS Legs and columns are in Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, w , _ , . _ . ... , one piece. Ice chamber of LHZZZsfcfll embroidered corner, hem- Mens Pure Linen Handkerchiefs—Price, 1/8 each; strong galvanised sheet " 1 4 |Jl| ' . , , lc . , ~ stitched hem; 6in box 19/3 dozen. steel, all other inside metal "■ Ifl This One-bar Shoe is made of box calf, with rubber Price., 13/6, 14/6 box. Better Quality—Price, 1/11 each; 22/- dozen, fittings of zinc. All parts or soft chrome sewn heels and flexible sewn soles. , jK^ rt .u; e f, co l. , , c .„ . . .. ... ... . t , convenient for cleaning. In black only. Sizes 3 to 7—Price, 13/9. Handkerchiels c I Men s Coloured Silk Handkerchiefs, will make a useful The ice chamber is placed f I IT I Third Floor. flAnd 7d each present—Prices, 4/11, 6/11. above the receptaciea for |l t ! Whi ' te Cambric Handker- Men's Striped Silk Scarves, in various colours—Prices, food, the most practical I, |!| f ; " ~ chiefs, coloured or white. 9/6,11/6,12/6. and efficient method of I embroidered comersrefrigerating. Complete m- j j 131 Price, lOd each. BELTS sulation of food and ice |H T : Povvxr" & \ Children's Boxed Handkerchambers from outer air. J 1 O i y 1101 ■ chiefa, coloured, mercer- Men's Rubber Belts, in grey and black—Price, 1/6. Spring locks and keys. In , , ised, prettily embroidered Men's Suede Belts, in brown and grey, with nickel two sizes. JyJuSIC |g'jiir'ii\''n|V 'iii'ii i i i m'" ||imr ' i figures in corner; 3 in buckle. A very dressy Belt. No. I—33in. high, 18£ in. wide, 1 deep. floral box—Price, 3/11 Widths IJin. l^in. Friday's Special Price, f7/IQ/. „ .. box. Prices 3/6 3/11 „ » in . t• , u . , / This Music Qise will make • Children's White HandkerNo. 2—3om. high. 1 7in. wide, 16m. deep. a üßefuJ present to a chiefs, coloured embroiFriday's Special Price, £6/19/* musical miss. It is well made in grey or brown suede, and d ere d corners; Jazz Band * TENNIS TROUSERS >. has strong nickel handle—Price, 6/11. an d Zoo designs; 6 in box 11 Other Cases in Solid Leather at 8/6 and 14/6. —Price, 3/6. Cream Gabardine Trousers, in a smart cut and good Oall- Sccoml Floor. hnish. i>izes ito /. 1 hrec qualities—Prices, lb/11, Bearing Grey Flannel Trousers, with belt loops, cuff bottoms, ]^ awn P ° C^CtS zes to —Price, 29/6. One of the best machines made has 9-inch side- 1 f VChll tit I ) wml . driving wheels; cutters, 6in. in diameter; 5 blades of —T* 7 ffl)1 } \" \ lill'tlsls* 1 l»L'111 the very finest steel. We specially recommend this r T"t )H| J( Mf / '|{|||\Wr' jM ill ill Villi machine where close, even cutting is required. On 1 thQ ~ J I( i / IB®/ 'i account of its number of cutters, and running on ball- ■—-J'l f üBH| j 1 : : bearing, it makes a very light running machine. . wm, « «« H vHaUtl lli Width of blade, 12in. rCLYW.€Y S Friday's Special Price, 59/6 Only a limited quantity available, so make sure of I o \ Mr Take a getting one by calling early. " _ ~ Fourth Floor. * SSEMBLED for your quick and con- V / "M a ff amac " mmmtm—mmmmmmm/\ venicnt selection are hundreds and w/f Dinner X V hundreds of inexpensive Toys. There \57:i.U V^,, AiOp . . are Do" 9 of sorts and sizes, Wooden Wltll YOll Plain White Dinnerwure, with To and lot 3of Games, Engines. Motors. Ull « oid .. e °Se and inner line. Bent Dolls' Prams. Pistols, Popguns, Bats. Balls and The "Mammae" Featherweight Stormproof Coat 15 3JSO- - make. With either l . r .1 _ Sr-./.rml mention lutely waterproof. In appearance Identical with the Cedar Mop Oil, in Round or Oval Vegetable imist be made of the tovs that develop young ordinary raincoat, but weighs only a little more than a l2oz bottles— Dishes. Offered at Reduced 1 minds—Meccano, Plasticine. Glitterwax, Gilbert t pound, and rolls up into such small hulk that VOU can silp Usual Price, 3/-. Pr,ce ® for Friday only. Flectrical Sets and other toys that bring science 11 ~ua J" ollr J )ocl£cl ar attache case. lias eas>^n P ., , c . , 26- P iece Set (no aoup plate.) T&wl down to the let el of boy.? For young readers shoulders, roomy sleeves, a wide skirt, perpendicular Fridays Special Price 49 /G I I I, t cc» jo » n n i, n pockets, and wind strapped oufl's. Toujrli and durable, Pric *> 2/3 t r- l i j ! , :Ml lif? W' , T hI T r P " b , tory r ? nd PIC , urC . B o n * id «»'! so waterproof that even wind-driven rain cannot p-ne- */* c 2 ' p, °nr S *\ (, " c . Judeo i"*oz- Viev l&tfj 'b°? e . h * rdy annuals—Chums Boys Own. and , ralo n . sizes 96 3S, 40, 42 chest—Our Prices: Belted, Fourth Floor. ° UP t7n''r' 49/6 ' md n"" 1 ", ° Wn ;, f" g ar. ch,ldren to thc To> P 55/-; unbelted, 49/6. ■—I'OUrtll I' IOOT. ||JJ WWTW l.j f Dlf?rlnV on Fourth 1 Jr>Q r JUI Tllifd FlOOr.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18896, 19 December 1924, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18896, 19 December 1924, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18896, 19 December 1924, Page 16