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The annual prize-giving ceremony of the Auckland and Epsom Girls' Grammar Schools was held in thq assembly hall of the boys' school, Mountain Road, last evening. The chairman of the Board of Governors, Professor A. P. W. Thomas, presided over a large gathering of parents, friends and pupils. The Minister for Education, tho Hon. C. J. Parr, and Mrs. Parr, presented (he prizes. Mr. Parr congratulated the board and the teachers on tho good results of the year's work. Hie first essential in life was a good sound education and to-day it was recognised that sucli an education was just as nece.isary for girls as for bovs. In the "senseless old days'.' the. girls stayed at home, piecing out a rather indefinite and aimless sort of existence. But nowadays many occupations were open to women, in tho professions, commcicc or business. Not only were they open, but women were entering these new walks su life and proving successful. It was right that girls should have something better than a primary education and that was why the secondary schools were thronged with girls. But it was not only learning and knowledge that mattered, but the formation of sound character, and under their present headmistress, this would not be neglected. It was really the first thing. The finest thing in the world was a sweet woman of noble character. And with character and knowledge went sound physique, and it was really the foundation of the other two. " What will it profit a girl," asked Mr. Parr, it she wins gold medals, and university scholarships and academic honours, if she has a weak, rickety body?" That was one reason why ho was pleased to seo the curriculum included home nursing and first aid. It was a valuable departure and most necessarv that every girl leaving school should have an elementary knowledge of nursing. Finally, Mr. Parr congratulated Professor Thomas on the attention paid to music, at the schools, a subject that was an essential in a true cultural education.

Headmistresße' Annual Reports. In her annual report, the headmistress of the Auckland school, Miss W. Picken, said the overcrowding difficulty had been eased during the year owing partly to the relief olfered by the Epsom school and partly to tho reduced number of entries. Iho roll numbers for the three terms had been 482, 469, and 450. The attendance had been variable, due to various causes. After reference to public examination successes, Miss Picken spoke of the low ebb to which tho sixth form had fallen, only one girl returning for university scholarship work, lhere wero signs of a turn of the tide for next_ year, and this was fortunate as the girls in the highest forms set a standard of work and conduct which exerted a tremendous influence in the school. The headmistress of the Epsom school, Kliss A. C. Morrison, reported «that the (jell number at the beginning of the year was 475, the largest yet recorded, and of these 205 wero new pupils. The increase was maintained in the second term, but the roll fell to 458 in the third term. Attention had been drawn last year to •the need of a school hostel, and although it had not yet been provided an arrangement had been made for tho accommodation of boarders under school discipline and expert supervision. Reference was made to examination successes, and the work of the staff under trying conditions.

Following wore the prize lists: — The Auckland School.

Siath Form.—R. P. Bonner. 1; F. M. Homer, 2. Certificates: English. French and Latin. J. A. Claridgo. Fifth Form.—Division A: E. D. Betson. 1: C. I>. Fotheringham, 2. Certificates: Mathematics, J. E. Rickard. Home Science. B. S. Budd. Geography, E. A. Lowden. Division B1: R. Graham. 1; M. Wetherilt, 2. Certificates: History, N. M. Miller. French, F. G. Smytheman. Latin, ]S'. M. Miller. Mathematics, H. M. Baird. Home Science, M, A. Crawford. Geography, M. A. Jenkins. Division B2: E. V. Sawlo, 1; 0. Grin, 2. Certificates: English, E. K. Lietz. History, E. E. Eitchie. French. J. A. Harrison. Home Scionce, B. A. Buckley. Geography. A. M, Gutos. Division C: E. Wall, I; H. F. G Kirga-n.2. Certificates; English. M. L. Bißhop. History, F. E. Barnes. French, C. L. Sharpe, Home Science, M. Gemmell. Fourth Form.—Division A: M. J. G. Jones and L. N. Thorpe, 1; E. R. Court, 2. Certificates: History, r>. Eeeley. French, D. F. D'Esterre. Mathematics, J. W. Walker. Homo i-Jeirtnce, M. E. Daw. Division B; E. M. Ward. 1; S. C. Smith. 2. Certificates: History, E. S. Taylor. French, G. I. Ldwo. Latin, T. M. Hope. Mathowatics, G. D. W atk.'.ns. Home Science, E. Green. Division C: R. E. Schmidt, 1. D. I. A. Parvin, 2. Certificates: English, F. E. Kitchener. Home Science, C. M. M Jenkins and F. E. Kitchener. Divi»ion C, Modern: M. Hutchins, 1; D. B. Lane, 2. Certificates; English, V. M. Paterson, French. W. Hockiu. Geography, T. C. Ogilvie. Division D: T. C. McLaren. 1; H. N. Crandall, 2. CertificatesEnglish, D.. M. Menzies. French, M. I. Homo Science, M. L. Wood. Commercial Division: M. G. Ballantine, 1; E. F. Lowe, Certificates: History, C. M. Bowden. Commercial work. B. B. Heap. Geography, A. M. Bell. Third Form.—Division A : A. L. White, 1; E A. Parkes. 2. Certificates: History, J. G. Macdonald. Homo Science. D. M. Mills. Domestic Science, J. G. Macdonai.j. Division B: M. V. Wilson, 1; D. L. Stephenson, 2. Certificates: History, E. M. Gillanders. Litin. K. M. Bentley. Domestic Science, W. V. Vokes. Division C: G. E. Wells and A. V. Stanley. 1. Modern: B. W. Hill, 1. Certificates: History, J. C. Curie. French, E. C. Hare. Latin. It. Rawle. Mathematics. A. A. Morrish. Home Science, O. G. Russell. Division B: N. Johnston, ]. Certificates: English. J. M. Bollard. History, V. L. B. Peterson. Geography, E. D. Atwoll. Mathematics, E. D. Atwell. . Home Science, J. M. Bollard. Domestic Science, E. P. Hunt. Division E: F. C. Johnston, 1; T. M. Keith and S. M. Hamilton. 2. Certificates: Mathematics, B. F. Watters. Home Science, P, Franklin. Domestic Science, R. M. Macgregor. Commercial Division: A. V. Rayner, 1; G. A. Weir, 2. Certificates: English, R. A. Macdonald. History, C. T. Turner. Commercial work, A. C A. Middleton. Mathematics. C. G. Clifton. Home Science, P. K. Giles. Domestic Science. G. M. Ballantine. Special Prizes.—English es3ay: Senior, C. ji Rapson. Intermediate, D. F. D'Esterre. Junior, J. Fitness. Reading and elocution: Haul tain Memorial prize. M. C. Enright. Senior, F. Shenkin. Intermediate, 8, C. Smith. Junior, R. Rawle. Drawing: Senior, L. Brinsden. Intermediate, T. V Stenoeck. Junior. J. G. Macdonald. Laboratory: Senior. V H. McCallum. Intermediate D. A. Donaldson. Junior, E C Hare • Collection of .Vati ye plants. J. B. Mueller! St. John Ambulance examinations: Home nursing, ". Lamont. First Aid. E. Lietz and F. Shenkin. Drill and Ganie.< .--Physical culture school championship: P. K. Aickin. Tennis championships: Senior, D. M Nicholls •Tumor, O. M. "Read. Doubles, D. m" Nicholls and J. Taylor. Cricket Challenge ("up: Form \ C Basketball (Blanche But ler Cup): p orni Vh2. Fot.berincham tennis cup: Form. IVc. Fives (Brinsden < up) :J. .luellcr. Straight wall fives: C Fotheringham. "flalrond Swimming CupForm Vb2. Swimming championship: P Martin.

The Epsom School.

Sixth Form.—Division A: Languages, mathematics and science: L. B. Moore, 1- I D. K. Potter, 2. Division B: Language*' M. K Wroatn, A. U. A. Lambourne, 2! Certificates: Roman history. F. E. S. Kissnrig. Mathematics and science, B. E. KapM>n, 1; J. L. Mcfr.tosh, <!. Certificates: 'tteat F. K. s. Kiealing. Botany, M. K. Wroath. Special: Languages, L. M. Crau*ell. 1; E. Sheffield, 2. Certificate: French, <. i'.V- Faur - Mathematics and scienc*. M. warm, 1; M C. Donaldson, 2. Certificate: Hygieue, K. W. Barry. Fifth Form—Division A: M. Farrar, I; I » ' o • n^' gmor V ?■ English, I" T, ho ;P", L * l »n, E T. Siebert. French, 1.-. F. B. Mulgan. Mathematics and homo. science, A. G. ?\ajlor. Geography and modern languag e total, ,T. K. Clark Hv«:ene.. G. Favloy Division B: C. I*.' Donaldson., 1: I*. M. Lowry. 2. Certificate* • Latin and languages total. E. D. C. Edso'n Home science, M. E. K. Jackson. Divisfon C: I. C. Crawley, I; L. S. Barrier. 2 C«r tificates; English, A. M. J. Bremner Hi. y-U and geography, W. B Todd. Latin /ranch and language, total, G. E .Tarman Hygiene, M. Modern work', irf r?,wu eO, V de ?} languages total, A. O. Gubb. Division Di K. L. Freeman. I■fc^nn^

KW. Clarke, 2. Certificates: Hygiene, S. 21. Boss, Homo science, E. Sheen, £>ojcostic science. I. Vella. Fourth Form.—Division A: M, Hollway, 1; B. Ashcroft and O. Willis, 2. Certifi cates; History. U. Allen and A. Mills-Pal-mer. Geography, L. Allen. Hygiene. Ju. jßixnmer. Division B: B. I Brewnj, 1; L. Bothbury '1. Certificates: Ensrlish, J. p. Simmons. History, botany and physiology, E. It. Moon. Latin, geogiapiiv ard languages total. C. R. Plank. French and homo science, X. M. Gallahor. Modern Division B:V. M. A. Holland, 1; I. 0, A. Logan, 2. Certificates: England and languages total, B. H. Franks. History, botany, hygiene and domestic science, I. E. Martin. French, D. M. Kerr. Geogrnphy and homo science total. D. E. Burns. Home science, A. N. Carruthers. Division C: U. J. CcJladge, 1; J. B. Reynolds, 2. Certificates: History. J. E. Paul. Latin, French and languages total. S. M. F. Bruce. Home science, D. E. Roscoe. Modern Division C: G. E. Martin. 1; V. Meyer, 2. Certificates: History and home science. R. M. Wilson. French, D. D. R. Willertoi.. Geography, E. M. Hamlin. Third Form.—Division A: I. G. Reed. 1: M. I. Fenwick, it. Certificates: History, I. M. Coates. Domestic science, K. J. Wakelin. Division B: D. f. Scott. 1; N. E. Burky, 2. Certificates: English and Latin, M. G. Pilkington. History, A. M. Dickie. French and languages total, J. Dive. Geography, N. G. Murray. Domestic science, E. H. Robertson. French, U. M. Stead. Modern Division B: P. U. Squire. 3: J. B. Bassett,, 2. Certificates: English, history and lanfipifges total, E. M. Collodge. French, E. C, Watts. Geography, B. E. Pennev. Division 0: E. P. Manning. 1: M. M. Johnston, 2. Certificates: History and mathematics, L. P. NeviiJ. Latin, V. E. Hasti<>. Home science, M. E. Dunn. Modern Division C: F. N. Atkinson. 1: E. P. Leonard 2. Certificates: Enelish and languages total. D. Al. Morman. Mathematics, home science and science total, M. P. Upton. Hygiene, Ji. M. Stenson. . , _ . T Special Prizes. —English essay : Senior, L. B. Moore. Intermediate, I\. W. Whyte. Junior, D. E. Youngman. Reading: Senior. 0. A. Heaton. Intermediate. M. Danglov. Junior. P. Newton. Drawing: Senior. L. M. Cranwell. _J n termer]i ato, L G-. McMillan. . Junior. K J. VVakelin Laboratory: Senior, botany, I. A. pain a..a P. D. Reekie. Home scieur.e, E. Sheen. Intermediate, home science, I. E. Martin. Junior, home science, N. (r. Murray. Ural French: Lilian Matches Memorial prizes: Fifth Forms. C. I. Donaldson. Fourth Forms, K. Z, Hunt. Third Forms I. G. Reed and M. R. Warren. Drill and Games.— Physical culture char.ipionship, E. M. Warm. 7ftams ships: Senior. J. Baverstock. Junior, JS. Freeman. Doubles, M. C. Donaldson anl E. Wann. Cricket Cups: Senior. Form VI. Intermediate, Form IVb. Mode. n. Junior, Form 11 la.



The annual presentation of prizes to tlio boys of the Mount Albert Grammar School will take place at the school at three o ciock to-day, wnen it is expected there will be a large gathering of parents and friends. The prize-list is ns follows:— . Form Prizes. —Vl.a: W. 11. D. Warm (Bennett prize), 1; E. D. Brown ee. ~- Vl.b: J. A. Bark, 1; H. Barnes and J. A. Tatersfield, 2 V.a: D. Pool, 1; R. a. Staoey, 2. V.b (Latin): J. D. Shearer. 1; S. L. Moss 2. V.b (non-Latin): I'. Halls, 1; W. G. "Warren and Cr. E. T. Carder, 2. IV.a: I. R. Sherwood, 1: G. V. Utting, 2. IV.b: T. V. Fitzpatrick, 1;. L A. Rich and J. K. Hill. 2. IV c (Latin): E. L. Barker, 1; C. C. Shepherd, 2. I\ .c (commercir.l): F. J. Tottey, 1; C. Pollards. 2. Ilia: A. K. TuUock. 1; T .Guy. 2. lII.a (jun.): C. J.. Young. 1; w »■ Rapson, 2. IH.b (Latin): A. Turhei, I; J. A Clouston, 2. IH.b (commercial): -N. J• Walsh, 1; W. J. S. Brabant, 2. Special Prizes. —School essay: I. W. X. Munro. Junior esßay: R. Holloway and J. Letcher (equal). School reading: A. . V,. Reed. Junior reading: G. A. E. Kensington. Drawing: Forms VI. and V.: n. O. Bawden: Form IV.: G. Guy; Eorm 111.. 1. E. Fairburn. Athletic championship: A. .M. Kirkpatrick. Junior athletic championship: L. Hook. Watches presented by Mrs. WardBaker: Senior, A. M. Kirkpatrick; Junior, L. Hook: special, E: R. Ewen. School swimming championship: R. T. Henderson (senior); J. K. Hill (junior)Certificates.—Vl.a: English, I. W. l. Munro; Latin, F. G. Z. Vallance; science, C G Pryor. Vl.b: Enjhsh and geography, A*. M. Kirkpatrick: ir.athematics, R. u. Walker; science, M. E. Griffiths. vl.a. English, J. Letcher; hin'ory and geography. C. T. McGill; Latin, B. W. Sharp; mathematics and science. C. Becroft; science. E R Utting. V.b (Latin): English and French, W. E. West; history and geography, W C. H. Finlay; scieftce, i. D. Dobell. V.b (non-Latin): History, geography, and economics, H. T. _J. Mclsiel; French. J. Taylor; mathematics. F.. Broberg. I*-®-English, R. Holloway; mathematics, Cr. Guy. lV.b: Latin and French. E. K. Miller. JV.e (Latin): English, L. H. Newman; Latin, B. Hetherington. Iv .o fcommercial): English. A. D. Macgregor; commercial, A. C. Maboy. Ill,a: History and geography, H. Hodge; Latin and French. B Clews; science. W. C'. K. Hender. .Ill.a (junior): Mathematics. J. R. Nairn; science I D. Stevenson. ITI.b (Latin): Enfi'lish and French, G. P. Ryan; Latin, 1. I airburn. Ill.b (commercial): History, geography, and book-keeping, E. G-, Prcssiley,



The annual prize-giving ceremon.'-: of the Ladies' College, Remuera. was held yesterday. The prizes were presented by the Rev. W. Beatty. The prize-list is as follows:— Special Subjects.—Gold medal far composition: J. Ostler. Gold medal for literature: C. White. Elocution: L. Stuart. Form II.: A. Head. Form Ill.a: V. Hertslet. Form III.c: M. Hutching.-?. Music: J. Batten, 1; D, Wbitton, 2: N. Churchward, A. O'Reilly, N. Holder, S. Scott, R. Bentley. Leatherwork and drawing: J. Batten. Drawing: J. Harrison Smith. Dressmaking: Olive Slack. French: C. Burt. Form Prizes. —Vl.a ; D. Goldsmiih. Vi.c: B. Young; class work, H. Grafton sewing and arithmetic, D. Taine; spell ng, F. Skeates; reading, R. Upton: writing. J. McAlpine. V.a: Form prize, B. Taylcir; spelling. M. Clarke: geography, R. Simicti; arithmetic, J. Harrison Smith; reading, H. Manning; spelling, D. Kissen; mental arithmetic, J. Dingley: steady improvement, K. Winstone. V.b: Form prize, J. Menzies. IV.a: Form prize, A. Kissling; Ens;iish and spelling, N. Simich; elocution. G. Tancred; reading and French conversation. H. Hoffman ; needlework, N. Clarke; Scripture. M. Jones; composition and writing, J. Bunker. IV.b: Form prize, L. Lawson; drawing and reading, N. Pollard; arithmetic and English, R. Cleaver; handwork, H. Clarke; general class work, M. Court. Ill.a: Silver medal, English, Latin. French, science, V. Hertslet; history, P. Eady; geography, drawing, N." Harrop; arithmetic. C. Burt; literature aiul botany: F. Drier, iII.b: Silver medal, geography and botany: J. Harrison Smith: history, M. Montgomery; arithmetic. J. Nelson; drawing rind mapping. J. Craig; literature and composition, M. Hutchines; English, A. Ostler; Scripture, M. Salmon; needlework, L. Corrigan. II.: Form prize (cold medal. Entrlish, French, science, geography): C. White; highest average home and class work marks, E. Clarke; mathematics and history, E. Cumon; French, J. Batten; great improvement, A. O'Reilly. Basketball cup: Form If.: tennis challenge cup, D. Weston: tennis ladder miniature cups—A, F. Jackman; B, T. Kaihau; C. H. Hoffman; D. J. Culling; doubles, J:!. Wade and J. Batten.

The annual presentation of prizes will take place at the Auckland Boys' Grammar School this evening, when the Hon. C. J. Parr, Minister for Education, will officiate.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18895, 18 December 1924, Page 14

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SCHOOL PRIZE-GIVINGS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18895, 18 December 1924, Page 14

SCHOOL PRIZE-GIVINGS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18895, 18 December 1924, Page 14