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I "Always Busy" oJj=j I Secures f A, ' ' "~ S'% f 4 Shopping 5 Comfort and ft T 5. Q T - [ Centre. % r A ' _fc A 1 •"*• . _g 1 " * ( t —1 —— » - -"i f r np/~v \7" "o A \\ T? -_t I k Gifts that please for Men U 10l f g <£_____=— 7 Exceptional Selections Always. 1H tllC "J ("^iffo >: I -,rlTf"O F M o "'-' 1 Far| cy Cashmere Half Hose, In Mark. Groy. Fawn, etc., witli ! W___i 13 AT> A T TVT |-£ A H l\l I 1 §- VJXIILO / attractive lanev designs in contrast— 3/11, 4/6, 4/11, 6/6, 6/11 1% A fi\ V J /\ I i JL_ iYJL ■*-' L ~ A i _/-__- =_ i per pair, in Groy Orounds with Coloured Clo-—3 6. __ *^* -£,-%«-• _! Men's Wide End Ties, in a wide selection or coloured effects and ,»\!!/, "^sdll{_-_<vj)___-_»f^^a6^G2p///?^%S^StS?^. aCTSs ? ~ ' TT $- fOl V designs, in Orevs, Browns, nines, Mnuves, etc. In Shot Silk, v \\ ""'/a .vv _vnN r -r- r r> r" ' 1 ~1„~ f,->>- R_k-<- £ _— -\ * 1 Art. Sllic and .Matures. Also cifeetive bar Stripes—2/6, 2/11, , '<£- il__ssM/_Sk Hosts of ToVS fOf Boys, Girls, also tor bab> . 1 I_? rt 4.1~ ~-- 5: _-_ _ k 36, 4 15, 4 VI, 53, 6 G each. ~ A - , , X >i l\ /I 1 "1 T~,,~ R,,kk~v _► JP H I tfl Pt^ £ RqKv % Men-, coloured Knitted Ties, in An. siik Mixture ( oiour, shot effect,. - A 218 * _/ Beautiful Dolls, Mechanical 1 oy_, Kubber J _ atlA^l ±J<XU y J bar, etc-2/6, 3g, 4/6, 4/n each. W _Sfl_ ////__# Goods in great array for you to select from. 1 <n =—r_. §: 7) Men's "Interwoven" Silk Half Hose — Famous for \v.<ar; in Champagne, \\ N \ uuu s __, ,_, £ —r- _ ~la' 'l <• Crey ' K,reer ' Wlli, ° and Navy - e/a per pair - 'fid Wm Brine the Children in Next Week. J T F •* = Jp Men's "Shirley" President Cord Braces, best make—Light weight, "j J _Jfl ° V / >vi_- _-i»*»_. » ji Militarv S- "T 43, ii'i:vv weighl 4 !>. Also Strong Leather and Suode-end j >$Wfl ;%, o_ B_'B l\ Vflfe: "9J luuuaij/ g: ~. / Braces, 2/11, 3; 11, 4.11. CZr*Su!s I l" i 1 tP* (1 f R- 1 We bpeCiallSe L Men , B ,; o | ouro d Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs, Tor dress wear. An ideal %*&&%,<' W - V 'i / Dl'USnes, H __ / -4. / "i'tots** r S > Pn** ThoSe. W bo love to away '^tV^ 0 rAH ' \ 4 JL T f »o,* r '-**a^- • % «/co/ °H'r/« fc A from the ordinary cannot do better tnan. inspect ? r roUt tf^ B SS U> T 7 <3 =r^ S " * 1 / „ &%^ /,T / \ the magnmcent selection of Art. China. Cut Glass. i 1 - T J / /So "/"!!•' <of°'C *• C °<e, • / ) H,ver W are, Mosley's Stainless Cutlery. Doato.n \ --^ldVcr^ S, -^ , : ' , pA g A . f t OirtS JL IF / >i Se9 4 a ? d *"'& '&<»«*. // copper and Antique Brass Ware, Wonderful I 1/6 ' •, oo<" r ec \4fet T GlffS £ ¥' 1 / i>Sj? ' *>.. „ / / Fruit and Mrd novelties. 1-yrex Ware. Doulton, \ 6 ' 6 ' , efl.^^> 8l lt rt i VJllL^ - for T 1 / 4^^V^/ fl >o- r °"C O/0(J // Primrose. Ainsley China Tea Sets, and many more \ <£>*-*' . eM U] \ I % f £ LUI A 18 / ,«*SLf««o«£ ' W 0 9,7e "»/7* / / suitable gift items all marked In plain figures. A \ tW . B uope* c6 V 6 ' Mf*\y JgS*** 6/ .„ \ S T TOr £ O T / *SVC>* // noteworthy selection. Department, sth Floor. \ *SJ> d ' n dW*'» W oW^ l \ f 1 t' F P ftZ T Leather Cushions, Suede ft ißsl Silk Gloves a favourite Gift ' f Perfumes, (J, k i „ " (3 A Fine Selection of Ladies' Silk Gloves, in all shades relahle weav- A nais, -» iMuvviMvu <^^^f^^''^^^^m^f^^'^ m g-, perfect nttinp manufacture. In Mack. White. Cream. Pas- (J u t Glass, Mannels, i ' ~ . _ a „_ „,„. ~n r, Fqvvn nngers,""2 domes—6/6 and 6/11 per pair. jf A , r_; . r , o ■ o.thfip cushions n Mown and Fawn. Mile ana i-a\\n, RSJfcKJStW Jit t\XZ V^nina, - M ÜB6f crev" and Bin and Fawn, also in all .plain shades, with §iS§§Mi 0~ . , • 13 ~rf c Extra Good Quality, in Black only. Sizes 6J to S—lo. 6 per pair. » | lazer t s ; T L%vis , *fiaa!!MS"J r /«a. , ,c, - 29/e ' Silk Cushions, Shades, Kugs Laaios , i2 _^ ton , m Giovos; ln w„„ J s.ik Cush>ons, | £tC " < ' C ' 4 -•|„£,Kr^^,ffS" s V"!:^ P :« d HS^ r ,:tW These Make Pleasing Gifts. j||| ? U^. S e^ CS ' 1 " C " u ~ h - f- « i-i rt0,,.-; Size 22in Square Fadeless Poplin Cushions in all shades, well filled arid -Navy—9 11 and 10 6. i A Al9o with Floral or "Maori" des,gn-Handkerch,of S , 8/11. and "singly Qnished piping* of conrasting shades-18/6 each. Also in 16-button Length-11/6 and 12/6. j J I ~> j *^ 9 deSlgnS - 15/6 ■■ 8 ' '™' — d ™ d L a d ie, n Si, k ffi -U« aPrWl? .: - -ck. crey, and j 4 I C'ffr 7 ' Suede Leather Pipe nacU-7/1,. A,so Tie B acks_ s /n. ®WWS«/« -^rA'.ffi B | 4 | VjrlltS . j A J NOVe PA I With Embroidered Short Gauntlets-From 10/6. ] T GlftS H Hand Bags, t Chubbys, Big Dots, etc e^n^^n l in 'f I GloveT' - k " ose » L *f A special selection Just received in time for the 1 ei^, " l (ffiffipllwilMpJ^^^T 11 ■ wr f lr / Black. Evcellent qua ty— / t e patr. j Sunshades. - •<» ? gift season, which includes the latest styles I I LaHi .., fIM SMk Milanese Hose. A lirautilul J± •! . = UIOVeS, W ■ JL rn Black and Coloured Silk Umbrellas, with \ „ — —, A i| ■ JL* / flttlna thorouSv tinished. serviceable hose. M> J JumDerS, = U j, ~ r ' % choice handles and best quahty covers. f 111 A \Y¥ yaPTI Q / ' " Iwliiß all fashionable shades, also White W % Jumpers, w Handkerchiefs, l * Whjte and \ C«.^^*-A , <U'JLJ.O / U nd Black—l 7/6 and 19/6 per pair. f IS Hand Bags, E Sunshades, J i &ma^iSSi b VSSf%% " an i fop Monday's Selling / •■^ffJC. , !nSM , Si^v. «W f Necklets, E Umbrellas. i '' Bi^HVV l i:' lV " l, ' ,i " f;T """ \ From S a.m. to 11 a.m. on.y. Mal, Orders not accepted. / j Manicure Sets, t AISO, y !► Novelty Sunshades, in a wondrous array or I Men's Extra Fino Wool and Cotton Underwear, comprising Short | J» .i A r f Novelties, t . ,_. I desiirns and colour HTects, Including rancy \ Sleeve Singlets and Underpants. A wonderful value hnglisl) I Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, with line I.isle Fops and w~ nu t Art Ware, »» 7 cotton and cretonne— From 6/11 to 19/6. ~ | made, non-irritating, unshrinkable line, suitable ror summer I l(M . t \ fitting, value line, in ; y Footwear "*" M/-.- l P .JL Smart Silk En-tout-cas, plain and fanoy— From \ Star Attraction Price Monday, S :. t iNOVeities, C 23 6. Black Moij-e Silk—29.6. | All Sizes, 3/| | per garment. T A!si , High Grade Quality, in Black. Wlutc. Came! "% etc., etc. *; •» • A y ' )'i,„•;,,!,;, a nd Tinsel.' 'French and Innlisli —.. ,- aSjl Ladies' Dainty Art. Silk Jumpers, at tractively styled, round neck. .v ; Ladies* Superior Finished Qualiy Pure Silk Hose, ■■ -■ Jt < * j ~~ Bcacit Sunshades in Fancy Japansee Papers. „.„ . 1.77"! wear at a bargain price. <unbufn, Apricot, Mule, and Grey— l 36, -,-. gg U J" IC >- |£ t * j. Various Sizes Hid oriental effects — 3/6 to rTr ,-, . ..ft Star Attraction Price Monday, '18,6, 16/6, 18 6 per pair. Ss ■"- 4V J rfl I Items in Men s Wear that make pleasing Gifts s Suggestions that Boys will appreciate g. - ■ ■ „.,-,... ■ • ~, ~- 1,,,.-* from '! to n Boys' Green-lined Sun Helmets in Khaki, Brown, F.'wn Gabardine, >: Men's Smartly Striped Cotton Fuji Shirts, fast colouring. A highly Men's Plain Natural Shade Fuji Silk Shirts. \ reliable quality, rccom- Boys' Fuji Sdk Canoo Style Shirts, in si/.<s to 111 no.xs flj 1( Qn(i prlre __ B/11 e a. >Z mercerised finish. excellent wearing fabric. Cood de.~u.-n.-. with mended for service, extremely dressy to wear. Made with rem- .___ V oal ' s - XV '' ll " l: " 1 ''' |rll:ll)|1 ' Karilieilts. single or double cults and collars to match. ,[.o in I'lalu Cream forced neks— Single Cuff, 19/11; Doublo Cuff, 21/-, 24 6. >i .. ( . s „ ~., ;! .[ ;,.,-, ;-s '.'-iu Boys , O no-piece All-wool Bathing Suits In Navy witß Coloured Bands, in % Cotton each. Men , B CoUon Fuji Pyjamas ,„ „ Vimo ~,,- smarl coloured stripes. A 10 G 11 6 12 6 13 6 14/6 16 G „, ?( . s t0 nt ages from 7to is years-sizes sein. a-lln. 361n. 2Sin. Men's Plain White Noglige Shirts, some with self stripes, others in line thoroughly dependable washing and wearing fabric that makes puJj sj|k Tennjs shjrts ~,,. , |oys ~.,„„ (~, ,-■ yr>ar9i 76 - aoln '" •'- »■ > Repps, Matts, Zephyr, Mercerised twill and Tonralco. Well made, extra (food pyjamas for summer wear; fast colours. All Sizes — |; , ... ._ ( . ._ s p ., 0 Boy 9, Narrow Rubber Bolt 3, in Crey. Brown, or Black, with Strong >| comfortable llttlnsr J.C.L. Shtrts — 6/11, 7,11. 8 6, 3/11, 10G each 18/6, 22/6, 25/6. . patent fasteners. Ureal value— l 3 each. i- , -■■'. " 10,11 12 - 12 11 13 11 14 11 Also Made Tennis Style with Collar and Pocket3 —P 11, 7/6, 7/11, Bd, Men's Plain Fuji Silk Pyjamas—39 6, 42 6. Also in effective Stripe— R fl|so Bovs > Scout Belts—2 11. And Scout Knives—l 11 each. «£ 9/11 39 G Tussore i>ilk 9 6 10 6 11 b M*> io o r«i»w « j 0 = ~~ "__ "" _ .„■ A.Lm., .1/ -v >"_r-y Travel in Comfort by Securing Your IF "IT"TW T Tl IV I 1 1 m TRAVELLING REQUISITES j Auckland's Leading Drapers and Furnishers - - The J.C.L. Queen Street - - - Auckland's Keenest Prices

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18891, 13 December 1924, Page 18 (Supplement)

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Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18891, 13 December 1924, Page 18 (Supplement)

Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18891, 13 December 1924, Page 18 (Supplement)