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!THE HAMILTON MEETING. . THE OPENING DAY. ILLUMINATION WINS THE CUP. iff'. ■- ' ' the annual meeting of the Hamilton Rac ing Club was opened at Te Rap* on Satur day in beautiful weather. The cttendanc* ■was good aad included many visitors, whc ! came by special trains from "Suckland. Thames, and Rotorua and stations en route The course.was in good order and the racing of an interesting character. The course was officially opened by « J. A. Young. MP., who thanked the ■clul for the honour it had done him in askin* him to perform the ceremony. He extended 1 * welcome to the visitors and referred to the glorious weather In which the course was being opened-and hoped that would be a happy -augury for the future. 'Mr. Young stated that the club was an institution ! which existed for the service »nd pleasure I of the sporting community. It had shown a wide breadth' of vision by deciding its name from the Hamilton to the Waikato Racing Club, and in that had displayed a wider outlook, for undoubtedly at jts meetHi' ings* the club would minister to a l"B« r J • community than that in the immediate bontigfc of Hamilton. Mr. Young said he understood the Hon. R. F. Bollard, Mimster I of Internal Affairs, would be present and he would be Pleased to welcome him en ! | behalf of the club. •He trusted the Minister. ! from the impression he would receive, would not lose' sight' of the strong and superior claims of the Waikato Club when he came to discharge his responsible duties of distributing the increased permits. The Waikato Jto-Jg* | . easily won by that handsome horse !«««£; atunv who started a firm fevounte. Alwaye wctl placed.. Illumination made h» effort in ! the straight and beat the op£«tion poinU i {■ less. It is worthy of m* nt thev.hole seven runners hailed from Waikato stab es. and this is additional proof of what *" important racing centre the Waikato » *econiin". After the event the cold cup attaching to the winner's portion of the stake was presented to Mr. fiT Brophy. owner of lllumii the-Hon. E. V. 801 l erf. Messrs; A. Cordon and A. Wi son were I, ' present in their capacity a g stipendiary ' •' stewards, .but there was npthimrin connection with the racing to call for their attention, There were a, number of falls in the. Steeplechase event but fortunately none of the. riders w»b injured. : The management of the meeting was m every' way satisfactory and reflected much credit on the secretary. Mr. E. H. O Meara. ""AJ'toUlieetor handled £30.739 1C». compared with £37.44t for the corresponding day list year the investments thus showing a i <9ecreas« of £6791 10s fir the day. DETAILS OF THE EAOING. ! TRIAL HANDICAP. Of £200:" second £40, third £20. 6 fur. M a-PINQK. G. W. Hyde's bf. 3yrs by ' King Lupin—Mignon, 8.5 (B. Brodie) 1 l 1-JUBILANCE. .L W Lowe's ch m. I -3yirs. 8.2 (D. Watts) " | ; 10-ZANNA.v W.' J. Murdoch'* ch m, | ; 4yr». 8,0. car. 8.2 (H. Goldfinch) .. 3 if Also Started.-fl Penitentiary, 8.13 car. I 8.10; CO Submerge. -8.1 car. 8.7: 4 Kaikahu. r P.Z: 3 Kind's Guard. 8.2 car 8.0: 22 Penden[l nis, 8.2; 9. Herculean. 8.2. car. 8.10. and i Makora. 8.0. coupled: 8 Royal Bonus. P.O: il 5 Kiki. 3.0, car. 7.11; 16 Te Monanm. 8.0. 1 car r .8.0h 15 Quinsella. 8.0, car., 7.9: 22 Myra i Potoa. 8.0: 17. Matauranga. 8,0. car. 7.11: I 7 Monday. 7.12: II Lilac Domino. 7.12. car I 8.0: 20 Star of the East, 7.12. car. 7.7,: IS | EriKht Knighi. 7.12. car. 8.0: 12 Ilhngar. 7.12;. car. 7,13: 14. Carleen. 7.l'Z. car. 7.<: 1 13. Cenetra. 7.12. car. 7.10,. and Red Comet, j * 7.13, car. 8.2?: 18 Bright Comet, 7.12. car. I . 8,1 J. and Muri Aroha. 7.12, car. 7.7. When the tares were released Lilac I Domino moved first. Te* Monanm and Carleen being slow to go. Royal Bonus soon | ran, to the front, followed by Jvjbilance, but thoogh Roval Bonus was still in cnars'o I crorsing the lop.the positions had changed. Pinon rnnnm«r ur» second with Illingar and Jubilance handy. In . this • order tbev •'. rounded the bend. Royal Bonus being well ' t-les.r, but he was, stopping. Pinon was in front at tV>e distance, and came on to win !by a length and a-half from Jubilance, who defected Zanna by half a length. I Kiki was - fourth, with Kaikahu, .Penitentiary and King's Guard next. Time, lm 18 l-ss. WAIMAI HURDL7SS. Of £200-: secosd £40. third £CO. 1J miles. fI—PINE ARCH. A. N. Gibbons' b g. *»**d. by Marble Arch—Sawdust, 10.3 (W. Ronnie) . . 1 B—RIPPIING. F, E. Loomb's ch e. aged. 9.2 (A. McDonald) ... .... 2 I—KING ABBEY. R. Hannon's ch g, ![ ~ ijged.. 10J2 (G. Holland) .. ..3 }>h»\ Started.—s Prince Rufus. 11.2: 4 Creekson. 9.11: J!. Yankee Dan, si.o: G Advent, 9.0. King Abbey and Prince Rufus were quickest to the first fence, and passing the - stand King Abbey led from Riepling, Greekson, and Pine King Abbey was still in fronj; going along the back, closely fol'lowed' by Gree*son, Rippling,. Advent and Pine" Arch. King Abbey arid Pine Arch were together in front crossing the. top, being out several lengths from Greekson and Rippline. Pine Arch was first into the . straight, just ahead of Kitig Abbey and Rippling. At 'the last fence Rinuling chaL lenred. hut Pine Arch hfeld\ him off and von,, by hstf a length. King Abbey was three lengths Kway third, with Greekson fourth.'and Prince Rufua neji. Yankee , Dan fell at the second fence and Advent at ' the fourth. Time. 2m 49 2-ss. TAMAHAERE STAKES. Of £2CO: second £'«. third £-:0. For two- - year-olds. 5 fur. I—KING LTT. R. B. Hinea' br c, bv Lu- - cullus—Shower Gold. 8.5 (A. Tinker) 1 2—MERRY DAMON. Mra. E. Hall's b g, 7,11, car. .8.0 (J. Buchanan) .; ..2 ' . I—QUEEN ARCH. R. B. HineV bf. 7.9 (coupled with winner) (L. Manson) 3 Also Wiltehire. 8.0: 3 Welbeck Abbey. 7.11; 5. Wenday. 7.9. Kjng Lu and Merrv Damon found their feet "Quickest; and when they had settled "down King Lu was leading from Queer. Arch. Merry Damon and Welbeck Abbey. Jn. this, order they turned for home. King Jm ran" wide round the bend, and Merry Damon moved up, but King Lu drew away again arid won easily by fiv* lengths. Quenn Arch was a length away third, followed by Wenday and Wiltshire. Time, lm 4s. WAIKATO CUP. Of £850; second £150, third £75. 1| miles. I—ILLUMINATION. D. Brophy's b h. aged, bv Limelight—Fleet Street. 8.6 (H. Goldfinch) 1 i 4-BRIGHT DAY. S. Tapp's ch g, syrs. 7.7 car. 7.8 (L. Manson) . . 2 J. Frasar Smith's b h. aged, 7.G (B. Rosen) 3 Also Started.—s Lapidary. C.9; 6 Arizona Maid. 6.7 car. 7.0: 2 Whetunui. (i.7; 7, Glencairn, 6.7. Illumination was in charge for the first furlong, but passing the stand Lapidary was the pilot, closely attelided by Whetunui, with Illumination. Arizona Maid. Raceful. Bright Day. and Glencairn following in that order. The positions were much the same along the bank, where Arixona Maid run up third, just ahead cf Illumination. Lapidary fell away beaten crossing the top. where Whetunui took charge, and Bright Day moved up. Whetunui was first into the straight from Illumination, Lapidary and Bright Day Illumination was in front below the distance and won easily by two lengths from Bright Day. Raceful finished fast, a lenglh farther back, third. Whetunni was fourth, followed by Lapidary and Gleucairn. 2m 375. HAUTAPU HANDICAP. Of £200: second £40, third £20. 1 mile. 6—IRENE BRUCE. W. Egan's b m. aged, by Robert the Bruce—Sanuio, 7.2 (B. Rosen) 1 I—SPOONY. F. Earl's b g. 4yra, 9.1 (R, S. Bagby) . . . . . . . 2 4-MISS VERA. L. ,7. Hyde's b m, (Syrs, 7.5 car. 7.2 (W. Jones) , . . . 3 Also Started.—2 Desert Glow, 8.4- 3 OlejiidK 8.3: C Arch Ami. 7.12; 7 Bri»ht Lapht. 7.2: 8 Lady Comet, 7.1 car. (i 13 • 9 Rahepoto. 7.0 car. 7.2; 10 Gay Comet! 7.0 car. C.ll. | Miss Vera bp?an nrat and led along th.< b\ck, closely followed bv Rahepoto. Arcii Ami arid Gay Comet. Gay Comet joined i Miss Vera in the lead across the top. and ; tbev had Rahepoto, Arch Ami and Brighl ; i>tght as their nearest attendants. C,«,y ;i first into the straight from Raho poto. Miss Vera, and Bright Light. Miss !', yera .had charge at the distance, but van immerhatelv challenged by Irene Bruce :• and then Spoony, who was last across the i, ton, dn3hed up on the innide with a bril liant run In a great finish Irene .Bruce '- scoured the verdict by h neck from Spoony, h who d»f»ated Miss Vera by a similar mar f r-n. Kanepoto was fourth, and then came uay Comet and Desert Glow. Time, lm 435. II «, WAIKATO STEEPLER. s Of £200: second £40, third £20. 21 miles. I 4-CAPSTAR, F. R., Windsor's br g, |. s*ed. by Captain—Lak. 9.C fW Henme) ' . ] 2 ~ T i?n T ?ri N '« P - b g. aged! 10,0. (C. Mason) o 6-CURVE, H. Windsor's b r g, osed! i>.o car, 0 2 (E; Warner) .... ft A^fe?-.. Pftt6r Amnns. 11.2: i a2"^ a T 5, ., W if ; i 98; 11 Walton, 9M ' JO 'n 10 P * er RoP *' 9 -0

first fence. Lucullent at the second, and Peter Amans and Walton at the thira. Curve and Te Toa. attended to the Jpace. waking over the first lap. Entering on the final circuit Keystone and To Toa were leading, with Curve, Bourn, Peer Rosa, and Capstar following in that order. Keystone went out at the first fence along the back, leaving Te Toa well clear. At the halfmile post Capstar and Bourn had closed on Te Toa, who led over the fence into the straight, just ahead of Capstar and Bourn, who fell. .Capstnr outiitayed 1e foa in the run homo and beat him by two and n-half lengths. Curv* was 200 yds a way third, and Peer Rosa a poor fourth. Time. 5m lis. CAMBRIDGE HANDICAP. Of £400: second £80. third £40. C fur. 3—THE LAMB. J. M. Hickey's br g. 4yrs, by Lord mare, 7.3 (R. Flower) . . . . 1 I—ABBEY BELL, Morrison Bros.' tr f. 3yrs, 7.0 (W. Jones) . . . . . . 2 10—MATINEE. G. W. Vereoe's ch h, Syrs, 7.3 3 Also Started,~B Rational, 9.8; 5 Pavo. 9.1. and Charlady. 7.0. couoled; -< Finelli. 8.7; 6 Quinette. 8.0; 12 Forest Gold,, 7.11 car. 8.0j; 11 Gokitm Bubble, '/..'• 1 erince Abbey. 7.5; 2 Heisler. 7.3 car. 7.45; 9 Loch Abbey, 7.0; 13 Pagoda, 7.0. When the tapes wero released Pagoda was badly left. Heisler -vas first to begin, closely followed by The Lamb and Finelli. Finelli ran to the front crossing the ton, and led into the straisht. well clear of Heisler and The Lamb, with Pavo next, and the field bunching up. The Lamb, headed I'melli at the distance, and came •Jui. 10 V*\i oa *, i,y ,- by folll ' lengths from Abbey Bell, who finished well. Matinee, who was also running on c s t the finish, was a .neck away third. Finslli w»» fourth, followed by Pavo and Forest Gold. Time, lm lo 3-ss. ™ ££ AUDELAND S HANDICAP. Of j£2oo; second £40. third £20 7 fur S-ARCHEEN Dr. C. Bl andell'a br g. T?» rs, TT? y .,¥ arbl6 Arch--Kaween, 7.3 (J->. Watts) . . i. .y . . . . 1 J-PASSIONATE. J. W. Anderton's ch g, aged, 7.5 (W. Jon?w) . . . . 2 "IW^K 0 - Guard's h m, aged, 7.0, (M. Youngj ' 3 h!huHf^J^T 1 g ot °an«i. 8-9: 3 Strongbolt. 8.1; 6 Peter Rosa. 7.5; 9 Fiery Lad. vil Cu "» f orm. 7.4; 7 Sans Gene, 7.2; 12 tormer, 7.0; 10 Pink Lady, 7.0. ,lsfj a *l ffi i foU . nd <.- I,er Jeet. quickest and led Slrllf „l h w back , feff™ Passionate, Cureeform, btronghplt and '1 ransformer. The positions had undergone some change as they crossed f££L ■£' iasßlonat * having taken charge Str7n ff hol? nei, p Ar ? llee . n ' Fiery Lad a'*d ttniJhl t P A ugß ' Olla te was first into the J«nA* fr l nl A ™ h «*n and Rarangi. and a fn ArTl h ° me 'tween the three resulted &.« &" T the verdict by a neck 1 J?mii aMlOnate -- w \° <W««ted Rarangi by and rtilf £\? Tei % JJans' ans T ° ene w » 8 fourth, and FW fo T llo . wed rr Peter , Koßa - Transformer and tiery Lad. Time, lm 3U l-i>s. SECOND DAYS ACCEPTANCES. [Br TELEGJRAPH.— PRESS ASSOCIATION.] HAMILTON. Sunday. FRANKTON HANDICAP; 7 fur-Peni-™n£«" *&'' 8 H Arch Opal, 8.2; HerKjiS- * • K, 5 88 « Gu * rd - 8 - r : Makora. Te lif, i *"?'■ , Sea Comet, King Amans. 7.12; JS»| Crenetra. Red Comet. Bright TW?!.' Cft ' l «f n - Star of the East. Lilac JJomino, Athenry. Bright Knight, Gay Comet, 7.10. R^ ATA i? GI HURDLES: lj miles—Prince Rufus. Pino Arch. 11.1; King Abbev. 10.11; 8.6; Bright Light, Yankee Dan, 9 0 q. fi RU £F UR r\ STAK ES; 5 fur.-King Lu, 8.5: Merry Damon, 8.3; Papatu. 8.0: Wiltshire , /. 12; Ohinemuri. Queen Arch. Judge's Box, Town Mail. 7.9; Wendy, 7.7. HAMILTON HANDICAP; 1, iniles.-I'lu-mination 9.2; Alfprt. 8.9; Bright Day, Forest Gold. 7.11; Matinee. .6.12; Lapidary. 6.9; Arizona Maid. Glenc&irn. Star Ranger 6 7 R „ TA UPIRI HANDICAP. 7 fur.-Glemdie'. • 8.2; Strongholt. 7.13; Archeen. 7.12; New ' goon, '.10; Passionate, 7.7; Rarangi, 7.6; rtt er ™ Ba 'J- 4: P ur A ea /orm. Miss June. Sans • Gene, 7.3: Winnie Abbey. 7.1; Lady Comet, • Lady Luck, 7.0. ' CLAE £ IN „ STEEPLECHASE; about 3 ; rfttle».—No Surrender, Peter Amans. 10.4: 9 - 13 = Te> Mai re. 9,9; Advienne. ».7; Te Toa. 9.6; Keystorfe. Curve, Mapin, , KIBIKIMROA HANDICAP: 6 fur _ . Rational. 9.«: Pavo, 9.0; Te Kara, 8.12; The Lamb. 8.0; Quinetle, 7.13; Golden Bubble, , /.6: Abbey Bell, 7.5; Matinee. Prince Abbev. • Cheops. 7.3: Heisler. 7.3; Bitholi'a . Amiform. Peter Maxwell, Regent? 7.1; Charlady, Loch Abbey, 7.0. ; TAUWHERE HANDICAP; 1 mile.Spoony 1 . 9.5; Whetunui. 8.13; Potoanui. 88Irene Bruce,, 7.12; Arch Ami. 7.10; Pas- • Miss Vera. 7.7: Peter Rosa. 7.4; Arch Opal. 7.3; Ngarara. 7.1: Lady Comet. ! Myj-a Potoa, Transformer, 7.0. v.r.o. SFRQra meetingCONCLUDING DAY'S SPORT. DERBY WINNER DEFEATED. Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. (Reed. 6.30 p.m.) MELBOURNE. Nov*. 9. The Victoria Racing Club's Spring Meeting was concluded at Flemington yesterday. w"s a he r |vj;l TeCent raiDS the race track w " withdrawn from the C. B. risher Plate at 12.44 p.m. Lilypond scored a decisive victory over the Wish-bred horse The Night Patrol, while third y wmner ' s P ea rfelt, came home Tb» two-year-old Man.icre, who led the field home in the Flemington Stages, has now scored three ictories. He was bought wh«iu a yearling for 210gns. The following were the results:— BATMAN STAKES, Of £750; 1 mile. SIR DIGHLOCK. C. G. Brown's b.r.c. 8.7 (Of. Munro) .■! 1 TEXTILE. 8.12 2 ARENDAZ. 9.12 3 Sir Dighlock won by two lengths and ahalf, a length separating second and third Tune, Xm 451f. • FLIEMTNGTON STAKES. Of £500; 6 fur. MANACRE, E. 11. Clyde's b.c. 9.6 (F. Demphey) j PETUNIA. 9.4 .'.'o ST. LAZAR, 7.5 . . 3 Five started. Manacre won by three lengths. Time. lm. 17} s. C. B. FISHER . PLATE. Of £1500; standard weijtht-for-age: \\ miles. LILYPOND. T. Foy's ch g. 4vrs. by Lilvveil—Coolan Dhu, 8.11 (F. Dempsey) 1 THE NIGHT PATROL. Earl of Stradbroke s b.h., aged, 9.5 (R. Lewis) . . 2 SPEARFELT, Ksme«burgh and O'Neil's b.c. 3yrs, 7.9 (N. Duncan) .. ..3 Only the placed horses started. Lilypond was jasli to the turn. He then set out on a brilliant; run. rnd cutting down the leaders in great styh; went on to win by four lengths from The Night Patrol, with Spearfelt a length and a-ha]f away. Time. 2m 40s. V.R.C. HANDICAP. Of £1000; 12 miles. MURRAY KING, Gorman and Caffnev's br. g., 6.7 '. . 1 JACKSTAF. 7.12 o OUR PRINCE 8.5 . . .... [\ 3 Seven started. Murray King won by four ! lengths from Jackstaff, %vho wuh two lenfrths in advance of Our Prince. Time, 8m 10s. VICTORIA STEEPLECHASE. Of £750; about 3 mii»s and 1 fur. KING HIGH, W. Ready's br g, aged. 10.2 1 UVOOLOO, 30.9 o Six started. No others finished. King High won easily by a length and a-h&lf Time. 6m 3"}s. FINAL HANDICAP. Of £1COO; 1J miles. PEITHAS J. B. Sharp's b.h.. Oyrs, 7.6 1 TOOKARBY. 7.10 * ANTAKIAN, 7.0 ' ' 3 TiSef an reitb " S W °" by> a neck '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18862, 10 November 1924, Page 4

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RACING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18862, 10 November 1924, Page 4

RACING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18862, 10 November 1924, Page 4