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r 111 f ;/ i Distinction *» Surf Suits at the J. C. L. a 1 | B An Unusually Fine Selection of New Charming Designs and Smart Effects, y S;1 I °' t^ie ° St Spendable Fabrics. \ JOHN 13 I Wis t^e time to^B^ ect y°u r S w i mm ing Outfit. Let |j HHl4— displays smart style Surprised |jjjj \( ° i—l*- " * SAv", 18/8- Wornen's, 19/6. 0.5., 21/-. Ch oT m ''AVwooy' 5 Y * pes ]g ar g a l n PflCed |^ W| I \ ffll I ? lim! fIR HHlß—Another Attractive " Merldan" "lock stitch" 7 / K&SSSSfiISr /\ \ Red stripes, ateo Kingfisher and Gold, and Brown and M n»./iJ> Jf' - DA, J 1 /l||l|B II f fl Fine Ootton BuFf Suit, designed round nock, and // "-A Gold. lTieii^flUnUlSe L.a I'lE M iHHVm V legs and sklrt! e as'inustmed ontr ShadM are ; D King- jfljfflflH|fl \ S " 18*/1" S " 18/6 S * Jf!!' /A I Btlil'lmilLl Wll FA JBBmmf \ n\ flsner and Black, also Black ground, with Cherry, llMIBIl) )\ - fjll LJ LS IJLUy |tv 'llf illwllmliw NjA\V Gold ' or Kingfisher facings. llHfllf / \ Ladles' "All-wool" Two-piece Bathing Suits, with V-neck „ *_ UAi MIW«\ mWStE l[V\ s.w„■.«/<,. WW .m,../e. Every Day. g 9.0- . ..i* O. _ .*2-, \l\\\vy ■I / LL, SpUndlt Value In "Merldan" Ootton Bathing Bulla, \ \ \j| |f 16/ li 16/6 E *l7/<| S ' B IB S /t/Pjr £4 M O ' \ ■■■II / IMr» recommended Tor comfort and durability in wear, ' V WW 11 wJk n .... . , kj* r.„ I . Lvl/LM S LJ l/fy IwlWmWl ' 'Hi \ 7« also for lightness, smooth nnish, warmth, and their \j \ IF Also, with Coloured Bodies. Green with ray a Visit to this MW /$ J iMvlll HHI i \m non-irritating qualities. Smart round neck style \ U.,,, . Tffi VJSv White or Black, Saxe with White or LH M \ / %/ft® w,th Bman under-sleeve only. One-piece skirt \ IS 0 \i«A. Black, also Scarlet with White or Increasing regular Wf (UZ \ ' VflOa style, in Black, with Cherry, Kingfisher, or Gold \ V\ jl >1 Black n , ol • rY( jSX C 11 InVili \ \"\ —~n if* /aft! facings, also in Brown and Gold. \\A *l s - w * w. o.s. rermanent shopping rr JOT |s| 1 7 s.w., 18/e. women's, 14/s. 0.5., iB/e. h.h. 14 \f 16/9 18/8 Basement Next Week. || 71 /M~ ill I |l\ll 1 \\ \\ \\ ! miis style, In All-wool, wfth V lieck \nd" small )$ __. _ . _ LT les' Blsok All-wool Cashmere Hose, f r 1 11 Men II 1m '• rJnt/M ss^a*??^rvj^ ts * " 1 "" 1:r "°27 r 6'" >»"•• 1 JJ'' 1' 16 0 15/11 16/e J ° hlldrßn '* Mflll - w001 " B*thlng Coa- Ladloo' Slaok Ootton Hoao, with BuspeDdor [ i'l Alwavs a Good Selection N \ HHI3—A Bm«rt Sleeveless All-wool Bathing ( C °'lessf t p"ain one P pfece styie°° d SleCVe TT~Z 7ZTZ Z //, /-viwciya ci \ ' «•> - J \ Suit, with V-neck and skirt finished con- \e7/l/ Mm ffl C ,_ c on no \. Uoeful Glass Jugs, squat shape. htVi t< at the I.C.L. at / vIBb _/ \ trasting facings, in a good range of efTects, I *!/ ffl / blzes - u ~ 2 ~ 6m - Size 1J pints, o /c Wy U3 . r> • <==»«s i * ~ j m. '« M 1 Saxe with White or Black, in Green with \ ■fSSsist Mff / 8/11 10/8 10/11 11/8 «/0 Nr( l*i Jrleasmg rrices. H.H. 20 H>H< 21 \ tHIi Tin liTflHm I comprising Navy with White, Gold or Red, \ ._. M&Mf ffl / Size 2 Dints, o/11 [jjj A'J \ wit / White or Black, also Scarlet with White or \ iwpy / Z/ll mfl \ / Black women's Size Onlv—lß/e \ / i ® r / Maids' "All-wool" One-pleoe Bathing Crfij - &. \ \H«i -S/ BlacK - womens size umy ib/6. \( / Costumes, with skirt In plain Gold, White and Gold Breakfast Oups and Cj! i=3 M. n >. Woollen Hathlna Suits. oTH-Ort MJatfllTlg \ \ . M W / Emerald. Jade, V. Rose, and Navy Saucers. tK Men s One-piece Woollen Batning suits, c 5 i \ \ i » A. X ground shades, with contrasting /l/O the half dozen. h3 CJ in Plain Navy with coloured band H||2o _ Th| . Mod<l| „ dlllD , a¥ , no . Uaeflll and Attractive \ I A \\ stripes around body. _ facings, in White, Red, Royal Blue, Surf Oape of wide striped Towelling, recommended ST — ~7l I * \ Sizes 26 23 30 32 341n. «i„ m ini..m ir.tti.. tr) or Gold. A good fitting, durable for wear and comfort. Stripes In Green, Gold, V \ \ \ ""T"*" <a/o -tn/a <a/a it/a <*»/« *iuminn»«''; Oj style, in all sizes. Rose - Saxe - and. Black, on White ground. Two \ \ 4 \ Jy ' ' 1 ' /8 18/6 Bplnt, WaW ivj S. Mens. Men's. O.S. Men's. 19 / 6 un<l 22/8 each. H,M * 12 '"X /^^l\ " 3 cpiot. 8/11 H || 11/6 11/6 12/6 HH2i _ Anolh „ c . p . of 8 „ yleM61 ; A\l M - \V Bathing and Beach Shoes "/® I Towelling, with plain inside and Oriental floral fS W* B nm , " s * /w,\ ) P 13/6 Xtj, A-J - do«ign outside, in Brown and Gold, also Saxe and STx \ , s Mm ILi CT q| ']/ We are showing a good selection of suitable Canvas * ry, VNh n.«hinn RnKo. Rose, with Dlain collars to match. Superior quality »,_xV M L, ZD '// Shoes for Bathing, Beach, Boating or Tennis Wonderful Value. t ,XI I TokITSi~ B nZ,..n* u**™- „ /emh •£s .i M SJU X fa. IP Woar. Department Fifth Floor. — „ 6 , a> .^ w „ r Tw , ri ~ ~ | t)i Gold facings, excellent value; also AW « m Good Quality Bathing Shoes—3/11. sizes 4 to 7.. | [SI wlth of colour round chest In M I|l I All White Beaoh Bhoes. Lao* Up. all slzos—4/11. 39/6 W BU same shades. All sizes. ar ■■ ■■ | B/11, T/8. rsa I —| -DKergQl BJ ■ UI Men's Strong Tweed Working Trousers, ISJ Facings only. Bands or Colour. iySSSwXC "fafj£\ Children's All White Beach Bhoes—Size 5 to 10, slzes 4to 7 * , KS • I 15/9 18/6 j§|i§ rfT%@)J|m \ "STAR ATTRACTIONS. , 3/11 - g / n .i wS . wS/*' <\*\ flfWEi iraWk Ladles' White Ooutll Corsets, perfect lit- \wW vests j White ntibbed Cotton Under* ting, sizes 21 10 27. ivj ' mtSrßUlt, e 2i popular skirt style. A No . 4 Ho . 7 ttoTT" Ho. 2 l n o?o^!Kd y cS"slpi?g ,U ln ,, TePr * O'®" 1 for ® >th,n « ffi 'tr fine cotton lock stitch, non-shrink- _ jP Gold, or White on three pockets, cuffs W 1 J / ft. J\ 1/11 P w *"*- tpp :"j lng or initiating suit, with Rod, rjnl. T «#«n# /v M and lapel. A wonderful value offer lji ' j DCt g WMW, or Royal facings. In Navy. I /ie Latest IU Battling g . % ' ' m Ootton kthlng Bulu . g S Men's. Men's. O.S. Men's. Ko. 4—An All-rubber Bathing Osp, finished two floral rosettes on side, close m IS/6 Bach ' No * 8 No ' l No - 3 No ' 8 1/. eioh. Ik \[\ fitting cap, in Black, Red, Green, YeUow, or Royal Blue. No> e — Ru bber Bathing Cap, with elastic band and small */ V' Ifk /R 11 /ft 19/fi 2/-Sl. * B — W brim, finished butterfly decoration. Shades: Red, Green, —~ ~~ • H' >M. IU/O 11/O — m v _ _ # - m Purple, also White—3/11. Ladles' Suspsnders. Ho. I—* Bmart Helmet-shaped AII-rul>bor Bath lng errectlve rancy B rf Q IT) JtOll 2. fit* 0111 j a No. I—A Plain, Close-fitting Hel mot-shaped Surf Oap, finished - 6°" pt,r ' ■\ ■t, ~~~ ~ design all round. Black, Red, Gretjn, and Yellow ground shades. .. ... White facing and binding In Red, Royal, Black, Green, Yellow ========================= = === ====e Y n hi Men's Two-piece Cotton Bathing Suite, 3/6 t«oh. B Mai] Orders not accepted al "Star Attraction" PriccM ~ „ —lod. eaoh. c . m „ 4/a _ . . . 'T rnr %j _ « 4K «% Also, same shape, wltbi f&ncy on s&ino sbidcs—-1/9, ai* pf#ijrjif Pmd oil V in Navy, with Red. White, or Oold m 2 __ A UMfu , and Low Pr | C<)d r „ !n style of Rubber Bathing Cap, with. B m 1/11, 2/6. rostage or rreigni not ruia on ~ :;} facings. All sizes. elastic and frlU. Shades are: Red Royal, Green, Yellow, Purple, and Black. Jr m No. 3-Another Helmet-shaped Rubber Osp, in Black, Red, Orecn, Basement Goods. \\\ 'ffL c/1l —— - — B Yellow, and Royal, with rancy Star on sides (as Illustrated) — ifi O/ll -Ho. #-—This Number Shows a Reliable Diving Cap of Best English Rubber, in. 2/9 each - w . , ~ r* IJ, Brown onli'. \ I\X7<lX7-C ISI-|CT7- No. B—A Durable English Brown Rubber Cap, with tight band T f T it OrKnil/lf "" 1 HX Also, Bame, with skirt, the popular 4/6. "■ xtLI Wdj & JJUoy round face—2/11. Also with woven band inside—3/6. J 1/« ItIUV ,T II r-r.-. •• — G/11 . TAU\T mnp T nprS Bargain Basement, 1 m: 4/6 4/11 JUIIIN LIU. Queen Street. | | Auckland's Leading Drapers and Furnishers - The J.G.L. Queen Street - Auckland's Keenest Prices

>~ g r , Christmas Suggestions ! When Christmas comes round one often finds oneself in a quandary as to a suitable Gift-for Special Friends —something out of the ordinary—some useful article that will distinguish tho giver as a person of sound judgment and good taste. 1 Make a visit to our Showrooms, where you will see many attractive and practical Electrical Hcasehold Ne9ds, any of which will make a very acceptable Gift. IN ELECTRIC LIGHT FITTINGS WE HAVE THE LARGEST AND MOST EXCLUSIVE RANGE IN THE DOMINION. The Electric Construction Co. of N.Z. 52, FORT STREET, AUCKLAND. Also at Hamilton. • 4 ' ."ft. ' -• •' '"i ' . I i \ Solid Copper £Q_l £_Q Yet Only A \J Home Owners! Farmers! Here's the Water Heater to instal. Nothing to rust or corrode—it's made entirely of heavy-gauge Copper. Tho quickest, most | economical and durablo Chip Heater on the market. The "RAPID" Chip Heater tjL-L Tea, he's a Chip Heater—Burns up all the He's "Rapid" all right- no desismed th«f ESS*? old wood and rubbish about the home or every degree of h«at does'its work Within «IP~' » ~W, farm and in return gives you a plentiful a few minutes of lighting ud Dinimr hnt *rfc. supply of hot water. He's not particular: water is available. %ink of it I For th« Tmrk any old .corner does him. Instal him any- outlay of £a/15/- your home or farm where, either in the house or put 111 an out- will have an unfailing hot watnr .nmi, • ® ,2 house. Wonderfully simple to instal. Instal a " Rapid" Chip Heater at once ■ BfiZT Ztfr Made by and only procurable from 6^*^" —"""2$ HARDLEYS « I BROADWAY, NEWMARKET. T 20, LOWER ALBERT STREET, AUCKLAND. *|g |^^^^/rfilephones^C^ Mk-k, li.'

i Diamonds Beyond Reproach I I Quality in Diamonds is shown by their brilliance. Inferior stones lack s 1 the white flashing beauty that distinguishes first-water Diamonds. @ |i Have a look at the bright sparkling stones in our window, and make i a any comparison you like for appearance and value. Then step right through ff 1 to our workshop and learn a few facts about ring-making and setting. It | jf ' will open your eyes. I I- - ,S18 " Others up to £30. 1 Others up to £120. Others up to £30. g I < "=«^ te=aD I | £12. £9. £8. rf | Others up to £30. Others up to 3100. Others up to £49. | 1 Every Ring in our Shop la made jf E on our own premises by our own - a E experts, and set porsonally by I | Mr. A. T. Long. g (Jewellery and Watch Repairs are in the hands of an expert Stair. 1 If you cannot 234, (7ueen St. jf! call, send for (Next Princess | eur new Worth- J Tlieatre), | ff a m Auckland. §j more Catalogue, f MM MMJfMJLMM if* IBM# § \*m*M» M The Shop with g and see the the Ring under j I unique new de- DIAMOND th ° 1 W signs. ■ MERCHANTS t " ,as9 - jg jj| Remember—Long's is next the Princess Theatre. ra BREW you ROWN BEER Q BEVARA (% V BEER (Nop-Jntoxicating). 7 BREW IT YOURSELr. (or "DAD" Each Tin contains tho REAL HOPS, MALT, and Mutt!/ YEAST, etc., nnd makes TWENTY PINTS of * beautiful unadulterated Ginger or Hop Beer, Pale Malt or liittor Ale. Over 5 MILLION PINTS. if your merchant cannot supply kindly write to tub ALBERT STREET. AUCKLAND.

llr Electric Fans — f A Boon to Humanity. V I rrs HE Electric Fan is one of the appliances made possible by the.perf * fection of the electric motor—the heart of the electric fan. Use it for the sick room or hospital to bring comfort to the suffering. Place it in the home to bring happiness by its balmy breezes. Put it in the Counting House to keep a cool stream of air in circulation. Set it in the Works where it will bring comfort to an otherwise unbearable task. Wherever it be placed it brings its message of what Electricity has accomik f njjshcd to make life more comfortable. it. & /(f . SOLE DISTRIBUTORS: ~M Turnbull & Jones, Ltd. m >• \ 23 and 25, Weiiealey Street East, •O i|) jfo And at Hamilton, Wellington, Chriatchurch, Teilecraphio Address throughout, \pys^ l yV^stin^misiu

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18861, 8 November 1924, Page 16 (Supplement)

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18861, 8 November 1924, Page 16 (Supplement)

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18861, 8 November 1924, Page 16 (Supplement)