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: -YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. '*■> R-M.S. Matera (6 a.m.),! from Sydney Passengers for Auckland:— , °yoney. N M??- J -^ B -„ Bro Miss : 'VV., # a 5 e °' Ml i? 8 N> E. Bawden, Mr. and JP{J; A. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. T. CorkhtU, Mr. and. Mrs F. Do LaW? Mrs' C.:.Caveean,.-Mr..-J. E. Hurley Miss n Hooper Mr. G. C. Hobday" A PhS bpa, Mr. A. E. Pallett. Mr. J M Eosa. few' Mr. and Mrs J. A. Burke, Mrs. ll! Bnrke,; Mr. and Mrs J. A. Burke, Mrs. J Cobam and Miss Cobain, Mrs. Chinn ; Mr .and Mrs J. W Doorley". Sister M*. C and Mr. W. $• Georce Mrs/A. Gea^y and child. Mr. W. E. Jackson, Mr. L A Jacohson Sister J. Kenny, Mr S. C M^P % Snitoa. 5; Swann,' iff a& *i Tanner and Miss ; G. Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Gray Young. ' Second Sajooru—Mrs. D. Andrews, Mrs. E Boyco. Mrs. E Bettison Miss J. 'Dryland Mr. 1. W. Gooch, Mrs. J. Lusk, Mr F V Siltoh - M». and Mrs. X* CoaU>s .Miss E - Cooper. Miss D. East. Mrs LS; CB i- fe*- Robinson. Mrs. G. Sew- K WllhamS « d child ' a » d 14 - (nSS) nS f^m 10 r-5: ,B - ) - from Napier: Tiroa " f2SS V'^ m Glsb °rno: Karoro (12.20 pTm;). East St or ports AUPOUri (3 " 45 P*->.%i ttM^t?-30'&».). from East Coast portsSikuransi «.30 P-m.), from Whangarei. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Kawau (11 20 %5"-V for Mangawai; Hauiti H. 40 p.m.), for Warkworth; Wakatere (2.15 p.m.), for Thames; Waiotahi (5 p.m.), for .Mercury Bay. ■ Matangi (6.40 p.m.). for Tauranga; rr,^ 13 - ' (1015 ?-A for Whangarei; Omana . (10.20 p.m.), for OnexahL . VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Wakatere, from Thames, 11.40 a.m. Tanjwha, from Paoroa, 4 a.m. Claymore, from Whangarei, 4 3.m, Xawaa, from Mangawai, 4.30 p.m. Hauiti, from Warkworth, noon. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY, ■ R-M.9. Makura. for Vancouver. 11 sun, .Kawatin, tor Newcastle, 5 p.m. : Arahura. for East Coast ports, 4 pin, : Korqmiko. . for Newcastle. i Hauiti, for Coromandel, 2.30 p.m. i Clansman, for Russell, 5.30 p.m. : Taniwha, for Paeroa, 11 pjn. " Claymore, for Whangarei, 10 p.m. r Aupouri, for East Coast ports, 6 p.m. ,-, Tiroa, for East Coast. ■.*'..'••

! VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTEBCOLOKIAL Aim COASTAL. ; Tofua. Fiji. October 1. UTimaroa, Sydney. October 1. i Wanaka, Southern porta, October 3. . Kaitangata, Edithbuxg. October 4. Karw-arra. Melbourne, October 5. H.M.S. Laburnum. Fin, October 8, Ng&kuta. Rarotonca, October 16. Rama. Niuo Island. October 18. • H.M.S. Veronica, Tonga. October 25. Southern Cross, New Hebrides, Dec 20. OVERSEAS. Port Caroline. London, via Suva. October Noils Neils'en. San Francisco. October 1. Allara, New York. October 3. Maimoa, South. October 8, to load, i Gambadda, Calcutta, via Australia, Octc- : . ber 6. j Rptonia, South. October 4, to load. ; west Ishp, San Francisco, October 10. i Canadian Challenger, Montreal; Oct. 10, j Mamari, South, October 10, to load. ; G-lentworth. Sicily. October 12. ■i Niagara, Vancouver. October 13. Mahana, London, October 13. • Trevithic, New York. October 14. ' Turakina, London, October 15. £ City of Boston. New York, October 15. Trelissick. Montreal, October 20. ; Port Chalmers, New York, October £0. Canadian Britisher. South, October 26, to ! . load. ' | Tainui, London. November 3. j Cumberland, Liverpool. November i. ' . West Nivalis, San Francisco, November 8. ; Makura, Vancouver, November 10. Canadian Traveller, Montreal. November : _ 12. : ■ .-■-.:■: : Ruapehu, Liverpool, November 23.

; . PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. . Makura. at Auckland; sails for Vancouver ( _'. to-day. • Niagara, due at Auckland from Vancouver ! October 13. \ Maunganui. due at San Francisco from ; " Wellington on Friday. !■' Tahiti, at Wellington, sails for Sydney, <„■ to-day. ,:• I EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. I . OVERSEAS. | Makura, Vancouver, September 30. / j Port Denison. London. October 1. ; Maimoa, London. October 11. I Mamari, America and London, October 15. Canadian Britisher, America and Canada, i • 'October 28. ' Orari, America and England, November 13. [ '"', .?■., VESSELS {IN PORT. ; ;■. In Stream— (barque). Northern i Chief* (schooner), Ysabel (bqtne.), [. H.M.C.S. Iris. Louis Theriault, schnr., f Kaituna. ! Devonport—H.M.S. Philomel, Oil-tanker, ! Nucula. j Western Wharf (schooner). Wai- '■ . marin'o. "•■■'■ Prince's Wharf—Karori, Wingatui, Hert- [■'.'. ford. Navua, Mako, Aupouri.' Queen's Wharf— Port Denison, i ' Bessa. '-.'."_ i King's Koromiko, Kawatiri, Karroo. Trewyn. Central Wharf—Arahnra, Makura, Katoa, . Mr. J. Joyce has joined the -Makura as fourth officer. The . auxiliary ' schooner Coronation was due last night from Hokianga. The Waimarino cannot complete discharge of her coal cargo at the Western Wharf this week. The Navua i 3 to sail at 5 p.m. to-morrow for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Oamaru, : and Timaru. After discharging about 5000 tons of Australian produce, the Kawatiri is expected to sail,this evening for Newcastle. The Lamb steamer Omana sailed last night for Onerahi. and. Opua to complete loading her cargo of timber for Sydney. Mr. V. McGregor has rejoined the Makura as fifth engineer. Mr. H. Gladdy, the sixth engineer, has come .on shore for instruction. The Arahura is timed to sail at 4 p.m. to-day for Tokomaru Bay, Giaborne and Napier. : She is berthed at the Central Wharf, • . The Wingatui, which is discharging cargo from .the South at the Prince's Wharf, cannot be despatched for Newcastle before Thursday.,, The auxiliary schooner . Isabella do Frame- sailed from Hokianga yesterday morning for Auckland, where, she is due on Thursday. The Rakanoa is expected to complete discharging coal at Tauranga this evening. Her future movements have not been announced. * v Captain J. Mawson is in command of tho Royal Mail steamer Makura. He relieved Captain A. C. Showman, who remained at Sydney, for instruction. The Koromiko is expected to complete discharge of . her timber cargo from Australia at ,the King's Wharf to-day, when she is to sail for Newcastle. . The rates of exchange on the Karroos cargo from Nov/ York arc: Canada, 4.55 dollars; ' United States of America, 4.48 dollars. She is discharging at tho King's Wharf. ' ■ :. _ The Kaituna arrived yesterday ,; morning - from Wcstport, via Napier. She: anchored in the stream, where she will remain until a available for her to complete discharge of her cargo of coal. . • After discharging, coal at Chelsea tho Rakanoa will shift to tho Central Wharf, at 7 a.m. to-day to unload a quantity of timber from Port Stephens. She is expected to complete discharge and sail for Newcastle to-morrow. Tho Richardson Lino's chartered steamer Aupouri arrived yesterday afternoon from East Coast ports. After discharging sheep at Orakei tiho vessel berthed at the Prince's Wharf. - She is scheduled to sail at 6 p.m. to-day for Tokomaru Bay, lologaßay and Gisborne,- ;

The Gisborno Shecpfarmcrs' steamer Tiroa arrived from Gisborne at mid-day yesterday and berthed at the .- Prince 9 Wharf. A. G. Frankham. Limited, advise that the vessel sails for Hicks Bay and Gisborne at 10.30 p.m. to-day.

The Richardson Lino steamer Mako arrived last night from East Coast po!:ts, via Portland, and berthed at the .Princes Wharf. Messrs. Watkin and Walhs advise that the vessel is to Bail to-morrow for East Coast bays and ports, as far south as Napier, and Wairoa, Hawke's Bay.

Tho Gieborne Sheepfarmers' wooden tug Karoro ' arrived from Gisbonio at ."'id-day yesterday and berthed at: the North Wall for 'repairs and overhaul. The vessel was towed from Gisborno by tho company steamer Tiroa, until Hearing Auckland. ' The tug then made port under her own : power. ' ;•."-' .; THE TREWYN. The Union Company's chartered '- steamer Trewvn, ', which arrived from, Nauru Island on -Sunday night, was berthed :, yesterday morn at the King's' Wharf' to discharge her cargo of 7200 tons of phosphates. After , leaving Auckland on August 10 the vessel Proceeded to Newcastle , for bunkers She Se£ the New South -Wales port $on . August 26 and. reached .Nauru .Island on September 4. Owing to: the berth ;- being ■occupied'the Trewyu did not commence to load until six days later. . Cargo operations Sete completed on September 17 and the ve*- ■• ml tailed for Auckland Fine weather was oiperieped .until- Saturday. when fresh •S saually weather was encountered for about 24 hours. -The Trewyn will bo ■■-■ ia. ; port about ten days. :

WATPORI REPLACES KAKAPO. ~«Q° Wai l»ri. has been fixed to load a cargo of coal' at Greymouth this week for Auckland, instead 'k of tho ; . Kakapo.: THE MOERAKI.": ; ; '■■■"The TTnion Co. advises that the intercolonial passenger ' steamer Mooroki is to leave Wellington about October 8 for Melbourne direct. ITLIMAROA DUE TO-MORROW. qJJ&» Hliraaroa .is duo at Auckland from bydney about mid-day to-morrow. She is is^?? R 230 , passengers as well as mails, clnS J°?£ 4 ?'.e"W>.'.:M»d 10 -horses. Included ,in the oar w 220.000 ft. of timber. 100 tons-of- lead and 1000 cases of fruit. THE PORT DENISON. Tho COTnmonwenlth and Dominion Line steamer Port Denison i 6 to leave Auckland at daybreak to-morrow for London. She is loading at tho Queen's Wharf. . THE OIL TANKER SHREVEPORT. The oil tanker Shrevenort was duo at Wellington yesterday with a cargo of oil 'TiiV^ 01 ""! California, for discharge into the Union Company's tanks at Miramar. . , SUSSES AT DUNEDIN. The Union Companv advise the steamer bussox, at present discharging Calcutta cargo at lltroedrn. is expected to leaVe there this week for Bluff, thence to Newcastle to bunker . before returning to the East to load again for JSew Zealand. CUMBERLAND LEAVES LIVERPOOL. Tho Federal Lino steamer Cumberland*. With cargo from West of .England ports. sailed • from Liverpool on Saturday for Auckland. Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers. She is duo at Auckland about November 4. PORT CAROLINE CLEARED SUVA. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Port Caroline sailed from Suva on Saturday afternoon, en route from London to Auckland and Lyttelton. Tho vessel is expected at this port to-morrow. The is coming to the agency of tho Farmers' Cooperative Auctioneering Company. SCHOONER DORIS CRANE OVERDUE. ' Fears are entertained for tho safety of lie. schooner Doris iCrano. which left Crtlbert Islands for Fanning Island on •Inly 1, and has not since been hoard of. .Che Secretary of Marine requests masters 01 any vessels leaving for tho Pacific to keep a sharp look-out for tho missing schooner. NIELS NIELSEN DUE EARLY. With cargo from Pacifio ports, the Norwegian steamer Niels Nielsen, 6763 tons, is due at an early date from San Francisco. She will discharge at Auckland. Wellington, Lyttolton, Dunedin and Sydney. No wireless advice had been received from the vessel yesterday. R.M.S. TAHITI AT WELLINGTON. ..The Royal Mail steamer Tahiti arrived at Wellington from San Francisco at 8.15 a.m. yesterday, with passengers, mails and cargo for New Zealand and Australia. The letter portion of the mail and the passengers for . Auckland, will reach here by train this morning. The vessel will resumo her voyage to Sydney at 3 p.m. today, R.M.S. MAKURA IN PORT. The Royal mail steamer Makura arrived from Sydney at 6 a.m. yesterday, and after medical inspection berthed at the Central "Wharf to land 73 passengers for this port, and to load cargo and mails for Island ports and Vancouver. The vessel cleared Sydney at 1 p.m. on Thursday and experienced a fine-weather trip to Auckland. Besides passengers for this port the vessel has 95 more for beyond, and a further number will join the vessel before she resumes her voyage at 11 a.m. to-day.

PORT FULL OF SHIPPING. The port was exceptionally busy villi shipping yesterday. _ All the berths at the ■wharves were occupied, and the Kaituna ■was in the stream awaiting a berth. The large amount of shipping in port at onco has brought about a temporary shortage of waterside labour, with the result that most of the vessels were working s&ort-handed. With the exception of the Makura and Arahura, the departures of the steamers from Auckland will bo more or less delayed. • THE HERTFORD EERTHED. The Federal Line steamer Hertford, which arrived from' Liverpool on Sunday night, was berthed at the Prince's Wharf yesterday morning to discharge general merchandise from Newport. Avonmouth. Glasgow, and Liverpool. The vessel cleared the lastmentioned port on August 22 and Colon jvaa reached on September 6. Next day she cleared Balboa and resumed her voyage. Fine weather was experienced on the voy- . age, which occupied ' 3?- days. Captain T, S. Weston is in command of the vessel. He has with him the following officers:—Chief. Mr. J. G. Almond: second. Mr. H. A. Fryer; third. Mr. E. H. Lawrence; fourth, Mr. D. G. Collins-Streot: chief engineer, Mr. D. Corbett; second. Mr. C. T. Mays; third. Mr. 8. A. Fuge; fourth. Mr. E. Legros: fifth, Mr. E. E. Morse: sixth. Mr; R. L. Fleming; seventh. _ Mr. F. J. Wilkes; chief refrigerating engineer, Mr. G. Donald; second, Mr. A. R. Boyd; surgeon, Dr. W. J. Pickhard; wireless operator, Mr. C. "Skyrme; chief steward, Mr. W. P. S canes The Hertford has a large Quantity of cargo to discharge at Auckland and will be in port until next Wednesday, when she is to, sail far Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin. and Bluff in continuation, of her voyage. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the under-mentioned wireless stations to-day:— • . Auckland.Allara, Makura, Maheno. Agakuta, Otaki, Port Caroline, Rakanoa, Ram, Tofua. Tutanekai. Ventura, Uhmaroa, Koromiko, Katoa, Neils Neilsen. Chatham Islands.Schouwen, Sueveric. Wellington.—Maori. Mararoa. Ngaio, Mamari. Manuka, Shrevcport. Waikouaiti. Kaimanawa, Waitemata. lonic, Waihemo. Wanaka, Rotorua, Pinna.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18827, 30 September 1924, Page 5

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18827, 30 September 1924, Page 5

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18827, 30 September 1924, Page 5