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The Season's Iffost Important Saying Event - \'■ : Order to«day to get the best -.'Bargains: I I Sale Priced Hosiery, Blouses and Jumpers. Sale Priced Gloves, 1 fl Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, embroidered with Ladles' Wool Junipers, styled, V neck, with band Ladles Brush Wool Gauntlet Gloves, In White and » 5k White 4/6. and tie of contrasting: colour; also smart band Chamois only— 5? g Colossal Sale, 2/11. at hips and short sleeves; In Brown and Navy esnifincai sal*. * itt " u 8 ».. « ,-. „ „• ~./ only—Usually 0/11. voiossai aaie, i/». « 5& Better Quality—Usually 5/11. • r>nlna»ai Kaln K/11 ■.■'"■» Ift o Colossal Sale, 3/11. colossal s>aio, o/n. Also, Better Line, in White, Grey, Mole, Chamois, £ 1 a..0 pi.m H . ack o» ahm .r« » o ._ui «.»«'tiA<. Smart WoolJumpera, in good roomy sizes. In various also Navy-Uaually 3/6 3/il. g Si \£l™« * Cashmere Hose—All qualities contrasting effects; finished, band at hips and Colossal Sale, 2/S. 8 8; reaucea. ■ , cuffs; In Cherry, Navy, Jade, Brown, and Lemon if 8! Colossal Sale, 2/6. —Usually 12/14. Also with fringes—Usually 4/11. „ 2 I Ladies' Wide Ribbed Cashmere Hose, "All-wool." C " lo8Sal Sa,e ' «/«• Coloaaal Sale, 8/8.. | » Grey ' PuUy ', and Coat " Also, Square Front and Roll Collar, and bands on Ladiea 2-Deme Dark Tan Nappa Kid Gloves; service- * W 1118 AXi-„«i' Ca i n o/e hips with contrasting effects; in .Tade, Mustard,. able and perfect Mtlng. Pique sewn—Usually ft » , Colossal Sale, 3/6. Cherry—Usually 14/6.' , 6/11. ?£ . 8 Also,. Better Qualities—Usually 4/11, 5/11, 8/6. Colossal Sale, 6/11. Colossal Sale, «/8. & mp Rlfiolc find fill * *R 8 Valaobol «ni» A/fl «/ft Ladies' Swiss Embroidered .Jumpers, beautifully Also, In Brussels Kid, in Brown, Grey, and Beaver — >J 8' coiossai eaie, <*/e, w/o. worked wide Bertha collar, scalloped and em- . Usually 9/6, 12/6. S g Ladles' Art. Silk Hose, in Black only, with Lisle tops 'Mft,,l 1 l«/'^ ; *" Sky ' a °* Colossal Sale, 6/6, 8/6. g g and feet—Usually 2/11, 4/6. Apricoi a /^' ttt „ a/a ' » g Coicssal Sale. 2/6. 3/6. Colossal Sale, J59/6. White Kid Gauntlet Gloves, with strapped wrist; 8 #: •' , ■" smart fitting—Usually 16/GV 8 | Lad r Colossal Sale, .3/11. 8 &> and feet; in Black, wnite, Grey, Brown, Tan, „ t J Mr , a n ai ,„ii« on/ . #> 5 Putty, Beaver—Usually 7/il. at ntps—usually 25/-. , : Ladies Frilled and Fringed Gauntlet Doeskin Gloves, 3* $ Colossal Sale 5/11. Colossal Sale, 17/6. of superior quality; in Natural, White, Putty, fc $ Plain Fuji Silk Shirt BEouses, with neatly-cut roll B«iaver, and Brown—Usually 10/6. * # Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, with Lisle tops and feet; in collar, finished hemstitching on fronts; also Colossal Sale, 8/8. g « Light Grey, Tan. and Mole, also Black—Usually with fancy collar, with button-holes bound - g *jj 6/11. different shades. All sizes—Usually 19/6. Ladies 2-Button White and Natural Shade Doeskir-: 8 8 Colossal Sale, 5/6. Colossal Sale, 12/6. Glbvett—Usually 9/11. . .•..■:. -\ 8 £2 Colossal Safe. 4/6. S # . j-.-t nn out. u«o« thormirwv rf-nond Ivory Jap. silk Blouses, with square cut;roll collar, - ;r ■ ~- ' ' g 1 Lad,^ie A "or 3i serviceTm'BK: ™$£ &? "KauS il/i 8 ?* *?* serViceal,le Ladles Warm Scotch Woollen Gloves, with ribbed § I p-tty,^^iiirariB 2 / quamysi^ioS%a^ i Vii. ;::: I » ■<; w ',". iV- .- - fc ■' "-Ji'-fc." Also, Heavier Qualities, with roll or square collars— Colossal Salo, 1/9. « # Blaok Cotton Hose, absolutely rast dye; heavy weight; usually 17/6 ~ « tJ t, ■~ •/ S , % full size only—Usually 1/11. Colossal Sale. 12/6. Also, Malde—Usually 1/11. 3 6 Colossal Sale, 1/6. »aio, i*/e. Colossal Sale, 1/6. § « "Vlyella" Blouses, with roll collar; large, roomy ', - :•, -" , S « Children's 1-1 Rib Cashmere Hose: in Grey and Tan styles; in Lavender and; Gr'ey. Grey and Black, Ladles OUrong Suede Finish Tuoksd Gauntlet Gloves, 8 8 only Sizes 3to 6 —Usually 3/0 to 4/6. also Grey and Blue stripes—Usually lff/Sv. } " In Brown, Mole, and-WBlte—Usually 6/11. 8 « Colossial Sale, 2/11. Colossal Sale, 12/6. Colossal Sale, 4/11. 8 I "Saving Prices" you'll appreciate in Materials , I l AN UNUSUALLY FINE SELECTION TO PURCFIASE FROM. " | S fti-lnch «'Ail-woot" Btriped Warocafn; a closely woven fine cloth, with fine 40-Inch Silk and W|?ol CrepollneJ; suitable for artcrnoon or evenljiijp frocks. S S silver stripe, in rashionable shades of P'awn, Gre?, Nigger, and Navy— Rich, silky appearance; fine. cord. In Champagne, Fuchsia Henna— S V . Zi Usually 11/6. Usually 8/11, !l if ' .•• ,;.■■...■.■ ;:;,.- :■:..:,., 8 | .U ay ' ' • Colossal Sale, 8/11. Colosaml Sale, 4/11. ~ 8 | 86-lnch "All-wool" Costume Cloth, of superior quality; rich and beautiful 40-inch «lt^ g M«nV'OR and attractive for dressy frocks. In | 2 in appearance; for costumes, wrap coats. Nigger, Nattier, Fawn, Dark Nut Brown—usually 12/<L ■, . . .-=.■.: ■ » § Grey, >tole, and Light Grey—Usually 16/6. CoIOSS*! Sale, 8/11. v .. g g Colossal Sale, 9/11. Also. "Silk and Wool" Eoliennes, In Light Grej', Champagne, Fawn, XingCsher, 8 » • . _„. v. ,„ „,, »!,» Vieux Rose, Saxe—Usually 13/6, 8 g 66-inoh "All-wool" Gabardine, of extra good quality and finish,^in •-■« t ™ CoIOSSIU Sale, 11/6. 8 g popular shades, Mole, Kingfisher, Paon, Fawn, Saxe, Apricot, and Nattier. vuivmhu «mb, •■/•. 8 ; » I Usually 13/6. 66-inoh "All-wool" Gabardine, of reliable quality; In Light Bfbwh and 8 ' g : Colossal Sale, 11/6. Fuchsia only. A great bargain—Usually 16/6. 8 fi _ , ■■"':*:'• : Colossiil Sale, 3/11. .: . ; '■• - :J '.' « S M-inch "All-wool" Tricatine, or superb quality and sort tone velour effect. .■• _ , it : , .:'«,"■■ . . , 2 « «ii wooi vi ou, m « j j Rose— Usually 38-inoh Embroidered French Maro<iain, extremely smart figured material, or 5 ; . « in Nattier, Kingnsner, lan, urey, rawu, saw., »uu excellent Quality for frock tops and trimmings. In Tan, Ataond. Green. 8 «5 i»/t>. rt»u. M i Aula 49/ a • and Fawn Grounds,with contrasting designs in embroidery—•Usually 22/6. 8 s Colossal saie, Ooloaaal Sale, 12/8. | S 84-Inoh "All-wool" Frenoh Jacquard Cloth, new, 'dressy materlaL with 40-inOh Wool Hopsac, with neat iself stripes, In Fawn, Mole, arnJi Grey— S 2 raised pattern effect, in seir colours. Nigger, Klngfishet, urcy, Fawn— Usually 0/ii; * \i ; ; ; s g . # usually 19/6. ~«„,.-»/« Colosaat Sale, 8/11. S » , Colossal Sale, 12/6. , 8 g BS-inch "Ail-wool" English Tweed, with effective self stripes, also checks, » : ■■•■» 80-inch Lovely Floured All-Wool Cloths, an ideal fabric for coals and capes. , ideal for costumes, frocks, and skirts. lit Browny Fawn, and Grey— '| • | BB 'self fibred; 83T Nigger, Kingnsher and Light Brown-Usually 19/6. Usually 6/11. ' Colesaar Sale 3/11 1 '" « Colossal Sale, 12/6. ; coiossai saie, s/t-s. g I 84-lnch "All-wool" Gabardine, strong and serviceable, for frock J , the wason'a most |L g and costume. in Henna, Light Kingfisher, also Almond _■ Fawn and Mole. Nigger Brown, Nut Brown, 8 8 Green—UsuaUy 13/6. j&Wk - „ .;•'•■ r „«,v ' ■ Jones - « : 8 r)/>i A « ea l Sala fl/11 ' i» Usually 27/6 37/6 .57/6 K » 001088815816,6/11. g Sale Pploea, 16/6 22/6 85/ » « SQ-inch French "All-wool" Striped Suitinos; smart, soft i# Also, in Bright Black Sealettes— i; / g g finished Twill Cloth, in Nigger, Nattier, Light Brown, Jy r _.'«k ' . Usually 22/6 28/6 29/6 30/6 $ 8 with effective stripes in contrast—Usually 19/1). .. M \\\£Z Sale Prices, 17/6 18/6 21/- 2S/e % % Colossal Sale, 9/11. Jw L.J7] , n. I ArrßAcnoNS/» : ... I Si 40-inch Dress Fabrics in Plain Coloured 'Mr 8 2[ Cloths, Mixture, and Plain Tweeds, In x JSr x «•• ■ '•- 8 «! 'USJI. i Browns, Greys, Fawns, Blue, Navy, etc. Aff Vicifr rhm 8 '■■'.',»■■ Klg . I\eCiUCtlollß ;An exceedingly fine value offer to early \- AW ' '■ ¥ - Bre m , 2 »: ■-„. Star Attraction Price, MONDAY— ' My ' A .„«...„ ■..:.. . ■ ■■■■■■' S I' 111 Ail at j7jj per yard. A3TtWtlUre. 2 |! HIGH-GRADE La Coate smart efTectsrsome DepartHMJllt I ,<W ~„,. Imk with• contrasting bands, others in silk. ■„ - * 8 n v-iiDiirvrTWirrt tn : iw and wool, also mixtures and plain Wjl ■ .;■■'-..<& •skt « X%T t 8 8 FOOTWEAR, i§ snades, inciuding hello., fawn, greys. »:.V iMext Week,- 2 « wv * »» *-* «.»5 apr putty, peacock, nigger, rose, saxe, etc. «M g » « /# Wonderfully low prices. ' • »*■ : i. : ■»'•• 12 a fpr .'/', Jf ' Btar Attrartion m Many Lmeii | I Ladies, Maids, FrOIB 9tO 11 a.HL.Olily. %' at Bargain Prices, || | Children, also i|F Orders not acceptcd^^^' 4 StaiAuraction M PriceW that readily '.72' I Men and Boys., g m reate a -' Cleartuice. | I ■' 8^ '*AlwaysMmy" Flfth Floep psWtit, ' | I Ladies Wear Showing particularly Cood Value 1 S Ladies' Grey Fleecy-lined Bloomers, with elastic at Natural Wool and Cotton Ondervesta, high neck, Ladies' Heavy Warm Flannelett*jNlflhtdrew^.cat S 8 waist and knee. Women's size only—Usually short sleeves. In Women's, usually 4/6; 0.5., ' s <Wf™ n SM???,fi ee T?i™«iM?^wnmS2?? ro io e /7 » 8 q/a //a usually 4/ll edging and insertion—Usually Women's, 12/6, U ye o/o, </o. uouojjj i/«.. 13/6- OS 13/6 : ■ l 8 » Colossal Sale, 2/11. Colossal Sale, all at 2/11. ';?* colossal'sale, all at 8/11. U 8 Also, Heavy Quality, in Navy and White, in Women's , »_ ~ ' .... ,„„i„ h t ■ ' ' . . m 8 and O.S.—Usually 5/6, 5/U. Also, ®«tt«r Qualities, heavier weisrlit Ladies'Flannelette.Chemifte; rouutS neck, self frills; 5 S Colossal Sale 3/11 Usually .-.6/6, .7/11, 8/6 8/11,10/9 finished hemstitched. ; S 8 coiossai saio, 3/n. Colossal Sale, 3/11 4/11 Women's size. O.S. S 8 Ladies' Figured Molleton Dressing Gowns, with collar w ' ■,-..- - 5/11 6/S ~ « 8 and inset sleeves; finished cord or satin bind- Ladles "All-wool" Cream Woven Combinations. Colossal Sale 4/6 4/11 » 8 ing—Usually 20/6. 35/6. Reliable English made. Button fronts, V neck, Sft U Colossal Sale, 19/6, 25/. and short sleeves. Ladies' Serviceable Flannelette Nightdresses, styled g 8 Ladies' "All-wool" Ribbed Vests; low neck and TTa „ oI1 „ Wom "}' s « size - ?*% " - ■" : - jtiort/. slieiaves. squjpo.; netffc 'ana open .rnint;' § 8 short sleeves; full size—Usually 3/11. Usually ia/6 13/6 , nnlshed hemstitched design—Usuallj' S/11. W 8 Colossal Sale, 2/11. J Colossal Sale 9/11 10/0 Colossal Bale, 7/11. 5 , I Auckland's Leading Drapers and Furnishers - Ihe J*C*L. Queen Sh I '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18771, 26 July 1924, Page 9 (Supplement)

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18771, 26 July 1924, Page 9 (Supplement)

Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18771, 26 July 1924, Page 9 (Supplement)