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f-i *■•<•■ ..»—-——~~~~r» "ry > 'nL^^ ::: ''"--f' APARTMENT Hondo, Devonport. 10 looms. ''■■-• min. wharf;> : easy * s-ent; gotfa.-.. laving?.: jgift;- jjgOO.-^gp&in.' H lo3,, gymonda St.-. V.. _. s ; r<A PARTMENT House Business, J ' £30COi ; £400; de-; > . -•-•■■" posit"; fcyfime ifo- '.'—'"-: lA' GOO'S? Lining ; Liae,—Pino. ;{ ■' Icljßilliard-JEfaom; 4 tables; -"' Price £850; deposit £200.—W»,t----'-'•■':;W»-Agea<y.--;= Bon'Marcho Chambers, New« v 1 i'ton; Phone: 2&9 A. . :: ■'■■'■■ ■' - '" - " :v.__jL_':- ; BAKERY —-Ckmntry "Business,, growing- • • town. ySfaia Line; £ ; fsi!>.. Stock yalua» K :'p ; tonr l terms; eagy.--Addteß3;at ■HBttAfcP.;- ... -.■ .; ~. Rooms'" ind Confectionery - ,D -BuaiiWssaj ,:MW deposit.: ■ balance ;eW[, V ' good; solial country■:'-■', town.—Address .at r , JHerai,p.' . '■' •■'•■ ■■ ■ ■■■ • '•■• • ■- ■ IT>OABd&ISG^' ;^/■^'^»^''vCi t?./l■i*'■■ rooms; '" lO' «nt £3; £10 profit: weekly;; iSflO. £400 -' ■ ■ f»aah.— "■ ;i . >j! BOARD InV House,; Freehold. 13 rooms. 2 bathrooms, «*.!.. a: and o. water, range and gas atove; corner section; all fur* nitnre' included. PricO, |2530r terms at-, ranged.—McPbail ■:.-■ and! Son, 21. Phoftrnx- \ :':' Chambers, ' ■ ' ■ .' , • ' • !T>OOT Repairing, stnail atook, for /juick -■■"-- lt> '', otock. plant, at valuation.— ; < : ■',■': Addreas at _ ; . ::' ' BOOT Repairing;' Bttsir/eas, progressive town; wellJeatablisbed connection; coin- i plete plant for both roteufacturmg and re-. ■: V;;.. pairing. -Reason;, selling,-.jjutealth.—Addrtßs :•':■'?"'■'-" at-Heraild.'- -"■.'. :.,"', -■■ '" ■' : '"--. ■ ' ''''■/■ ..-. BROADWAY, Newmarket—Fine little busi- ' nesa;- doing £23;.. week. Shop and fine ■■ room, £525 for all stock. fiU»np;gocdt|rtn a given; agenume busiwarf.—A. y. vvtiJi-, TAKER AND CO.. Everybody's Agents. Pboenig Chambers, -.-■.. ' ' /~IASH Grocer's and Confectionery Shop, 2 •'■■' "u good • rooms.,' convs.;. lease,. 3 ■/**& '- rent £1 7S6d; no opposition; prico ±1/5.— : Addreas at. ■.;,- ''":.''...''' ' : .:'' : ' CITY.— Apartment House, furn., complete with large ShopV Workroom, etc wargain, £^o—Address at 838A1.P. CLEANING and Dyeing Business, city? reasons is«liing-57. Customs St.. ' X after 5 p.m., , . . .: __^_^-i C" ONFBCTIONERY,' Fmit. :. Etc.. DWollrent; doing £20. weekly; part Sunviahinga; 7 gifi„ ,£200.-Spain. 103. Sy, monds St. ;'._:i_ » < CONFECnONEISY. ''soft drinks, teas, .gootL country business, adjpimng„pi«j-, ture theatre; beat .pcaitwn in toira. Good .'turnover; lock-up shop: l«w rent; good leaafi »~Apply Business.; 875. ,HK;u.i,n,, GONFECTIONEIiY, Tea Rooms.. etc. — V Good* country bii'smesa. „ doing £25 wettkly; as a: going, concern ;f.ieehold,jn. cluded; Bargain Price, £975.~Northern : : Agenoy.'l9.'-&M., Arcada. ~ - ; COOKHOtJSE; 4-Roomed Hai; no rent;. 40 . fowla: easiry managed; ebeap.—Farua^birs,: :appV' HaaAi.r>; ■■-... -,- ■■'■ ■'.;. COOKHOTJSE. no rent. Gear £40; 'great prospect, Waikato.—Particulars. M., 848',' J HgßAsnu ..':"-,■ ''-.:- : ' ■•■■' ■ : ___ COOKED Meats. Pies, , thickly populated .manufacturing local- ■ it*; I cftji guarantee this- bnamess the best of.. its kmd in Auckland; :ong lease;_ low rent: nice living aocommodafton: ±wk>.— Kay-Strstton; 154. Rarangajhapo Bd. . . Drapery Bttsiness; t.0.-£l£o li monta- stock £700: growing, subuA; good • living accommodation. —iie&itn, s-to, - ■,S- SRAI ' p -' "■- • ■■■• : '■ ■; - : • ' ! ' - ••" ■■ FmST-Class Generjil Store and .Post lOtEoe; farming district, near to AucKland.—Genuine, 930. HSHAI.P. GARAGE and Blacksmith's Business,, with 5-roomed house:, lense, £2- ; 10s; prioe. £150.—Address at HZ&AI.P. ;_il_L_^ (IENERAIi Store, real good, with living J rooms '• bathroom,-, etc."; sheds and .gaxtge. Freehold. Jor sale. Close'to rly.-station. Cash required, £2000;— For' partioulars, .' write Owner. 924. Ssbai.p. G"~(ENERjSuL -Store (Grocery. Drapery, r Hardware, Boots, eto.):. turnover £3500: stock about --ipsoOi- lease 10 years, « lent £3 10a weekjjprice about £350; about £SOO cash.---Ffegan. Aigent. j Bainilton. - : ? ; ;i !/iOOD Sound: Cash BusiheiiSj;iirkt k •::':fJf; quick rising town; iitock about £700:, no goodwilk Cash sale, 4 rooms. louse can renew; principals!;only dealt witn. • ': This is a unique- opportuhity of; securing a ":■ really good investment; health reaaona for eijlling.—For fuller particulars apply. Quick Hebalp. . ..;.,':■ ■... ■ ; ■ GROCERY, ; no goodwill; corner- shop and residence;- splendid position; rent £ 3; leose 5 years; stock and plant apprpx. £500.- ■ KAY-STRATTON. 154. Ksrangahapo Road. Gi RODSRY, Suburban .;',, Store; splendid T opporiiunity for live nTkui'jjound reasons ■■ £or soiling.: firice, appros.UfSSlh Particulars . V ; KAY-STRATTON,. v .154. ;Karangahep Road. HOTEL (private)', going: concern, in one of Auckland's 1 favourite marine suburbs. ' Would lease.—Reaaonable. 229. HERALiv lADIES' Tdilet Business for Sale: reasonJ able.;■ must sell.—Address at HEBAan. ..... —, . ~ - ... : ——— —7—_r- - - ; J' AND Estate, .-'ground' floor, rent 15s. price J ■ £100; or Partner* £50.-11, Ernaire :...!■■, . 'Bldgs., Swarison St. !■■ :' . .' '' ' ' LUNCHEON and Tea Rooms, Confectionery, eiic.. in heart of Devonportshopjuiig centre; "guaranteed ' takings; price ,-: £300.r-Qlliver/ Devonpbrt Wharf. s ~ ; - : -"■• ■'■:■>, MUSIC Practice.—Pianos Violin, and ; Singing; Edendale, Southland; prosperous diiatrict.—Particulars. Mniiic. 852, HZBAl.rv T*JT3WSPAPER, bi-weekiy t souiid business; ! il V bear Bcrutinising; iingoing about £1200. '$ "balance; terms.—-News 680. BKB&nn. ; NEWSPAPER, country, ibr Sale; cheap; ", easy terms.—Rtissell Bros; and Co., Box 158. Wanganuj. . ' . : of. Shop, fitst-claas ;. /"'' : JLI .position i also■: Stock, at invoice coot. • Owner retiring ifrom business.—rOwner, 9C5, '■HgßJu.n.'vfi •'.'■ ; -. .'-:'-■:; : / " ,j ' '■'■ - : ■. ■ '-' '-'■ ■ "OIGHT of Queen.Stree'tOfSce, with phone, XV linoleumv furnitures jf required.—Rear' sonable, 38. HgitAia>, .J . -■:.. * .--,.'■.- SECOND-HAND Bosihsss, central ..ppsi-tion.-i-inK'most . jtiorthern '.'■'■ ! •'..; iownship,-i shop 6-2 x 21; low roht, * good lease. Stook^:£is(J, r ox.WO'^i.l<'as9,ahop s -T- . ■■--';."5:H..:'343; "HeeAiJd. 'V -■.;.■•'■ --. ■ ■;'. ■■ .:■■'- "- ■■ -.-y: '; SPLENDID Tea Rooms end Restaurant, . . Wellington'; right:'on Lambtdn Quay. ■i[: Rent only V£4 7s ■ {id: 'air convs.; turnover ; ;, r r . £3000 a year.;;pri«ci ..(yily £725, „, An iunits not" to be. Visaed.—A.- J. , WHIT- '!; ;. TAKER 'AND fCQ., -.Everybody's Amenta, ■". ■ jPhoenix : - : '" : . ; ;■:-'" -■-'-;' .; ■:■ ■*.-■ "' V»Q WEEKLY' PROFIT — GENUINE d&O FIBK AND CHIP BUSINES3. : : Asa going Concern. Nice .Brick Shop and ,-,•„-.' ; . fr-l Dwelling, j Price. £165. ..; ■-.;.. ■; ; Northern, agency, i9y "h.m'; : Arcader Kn/V-NO: : -'-','GOODWILL.—i- Apartment 3JOUU .House. 16 rooms'; 5 years", lease;. laiit '£6; 6' Ml =poll'- i'furn.f ' : cheapest ever ■■ offered,—A;- ; ":J; ..WHII»?AKER ANI>: CO.,■•-.-. ; Ev-ioeybody'«.vi-.-Agen.tii, Phoenis V' Ch'&mbcrg. - :l ; ."-. -; ' ■ ~.,-;"/: '■■^'/■■■_.Ji"*9nA DEPOSITr-Herne I Boy—Large •■'.'.'.'-. %'aUU Residence, j'•-'■'■'pro.unda'', suitable 'fiats; price £2750;— Bros., Fort ' ' -: : 'i:' : - ''" :: '-':-■-' >- '■ C : . -- :^ 't'. ,-\. '■ : . i?3nA-BUSIEST Stand Ht.'- Eden Rd. .': —Confec, 2 Bhopß, 5 rooms, sublet one, live rent free: trade £30 Great chance ..for family man.— ; -.'.'Casßidy, Rew'a Chambers, 15. Queen,. St. i ( A PARTMENTS -or Private Hospital. ■ — u\ Large; House, about 10 big rooms and 1 / .suffices (7 .fireplaces), all conveniences, Won- % xterful water views. Eerne Bay. 3-Acre. ." re-ealeabli>. --Other vpro--1 testy accepted aa deposit with some cash.: '■'■■'■:*' :■% £4400 -OR OFFER.- - MOORE-JONES BROS., Fort St. GROCERY centrally ■ ■-.' v/ situated. in_ large town. North' Island, ;-'■■'•'.'•';. splendid proposition. .Worth inquiry. Owner retiring,;* ill-health. Would 'arrange' take back business in 12 months if desired. N« Bocdwill. Stock, and plant at valuation.. vFu.ll partjculara,:';! ' ■■,■? .::.'-. GROCERY^ •;; .P. 0.: Box 837, Auckland; '[ O AWMILL, . &JKp . ' ' BUSH. Situated'about 20 Miles from Auckland. '■/ :'.-■■ i''.-litim'ated i to contain 3J to 4-million feet' of Kauri, Totara, and Rimu. ■.: For further particulars. - apply, ' ,-' '•;'' " -. . ' '.TIMBER. ' : ' • , :-.. "' " P.O. Box 524.' Auckland. DRAPERY. BOOTS, FANCY GOODS — A good bujineaa.' Main Trunk ~Line town;. Shop;and: -Price, iibout £800. .Recommended by wholesale v/are- ■ -".. Itouse.. l :. ':■"':■ a": .it ..'.-. ■ ■■■■■ ■.."-<■•.-•■.■- !QTATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS:—A k5 Business' wiaich' for years , has proved a money-making" concern. Price,' appror. ": "." £850. '-.-'':"- : ,.,'- • • .■~ ■ i'/^IROCERY.—An up-to-date Shop and •■ AJT. Dwelling, centre of growing, and ! "health siibuib; 'turcover," £70 weekly. Price, nboiit £450. , : - ■■ _:. --■-.''. . DRAPERY AND CLOTHING.—A- Business showing a very handsome profit -by certified balance-sheet. . Stock. £2500; '--'- ca3h required, £1000,' Exceptionally' good v. ' progressive Waikato town. ■ Particulars 2 ust 'to hftud - ■*'• ■ ■.*■• ■1' ' i ''. -'tjOME vCOOKiNG, 'TEA : ROOMS; AND ■: : ' JUL" CONFECTIONISRY. — Very - select and busy position, city; everything up-to- :. date;' balance-sheet showing profitable re- ■ -turns. •■■■ -' -i ■' _'■ • ■ :'.■ ■ -, "_,-■', BOARDINGHOCSE.— A.. • good .Country Business,: 20., rooms,', as a going concern. £500 VTerms. -:.'• ...',■■ .'-'■:-. TO :BUYERS,—Let zu<»; know y«ur re- ■'--,:... (tjuirementa.-.:.;.*.'-.:■. ; .- t t \ ■; ; -Buslneels-selling r specialists,:;: '•-::".">:..-■-■;:■■:■ 174,'-."'QUEEN ; :-STREET.:>: ~"-.-■■'-.--- '% : •-..-.:' ; ' .{Member of Estate Agents' Asiin,) : *■ .1

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18771, 26 July 1924, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18771, 26 July 1924, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18771, 26 July 1924, Page 14