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•' " ,r~ i! ' 111 ... *•'' J",' 'L i ™ " v **.. v v*. . 1 / : !■ i . . : v ' -. _ .j^■ .x-' ■■•'•• ______ tt«gssaß96iaf.■: v" ■ '' : ; ( ;: Extraordinary 14 ' Days' Offer in Furniture '| mflr AwtSii i FHOM LAMBOURNE'S i 1 tyj/rWI " I GREAT STOCKTAKING SALE { ymj' „,fj I This Suite is the greatest value we have ever offered. | \ The Dictates of Fashion _• j y . £21 ' K} SpS Price. 8 V -1 ' K.K. "Footwear- Ltd. J = (11l Jfijuj Comlete for _ | • ' THE FOOTWEAR DISTRIBUTORS OF AUCKLAND, | |j jillj j p~| " Aga | \ M gpg \ £21. | were -never more alive to Fashion's Dictates than now. I IN ~~~ilSi3 [___ lss^ ;i====! jf = r~~ "il If[ XKJs offer onlv S Coloured Suedes and . Kids of Sandal design the order, of the | I 1 **. "'" M 'W; " y | ■.: , K.K. have landed a bewildering variety, at | : 1 i' :::::::::: *^ ": ; ; ■'. holds Good for J , y PRICES THAT CANNOT BE BEATEN. U g .« ? ! 21 days - 1 Ladles' Champagne 2or 3 Bar Suede Shoes, Louis IS/6 M 1 THIS DINING ROOM OUTFIT consists of new design in Sideboard, measuring 4ft. 6in., | hook a ® with Oval Mirror, and three large Drawers and commodious Cupboards; well-made round Jf . .i. «!„« Q an rf a i Ran fihflfis nnmnts -mi i«/fi II- ® Dining Table, measuring 4ft. in diameter, with Club Legs, mounted on strong casters. Five - Ladles Black Glace Sandal Bap Shoes, pumps, semi- IS/© a High-backed Dining Chairs, with one Armcjiair to match. The whole made in choice Oiled a . Louis heels. j r . c . i Rimu, Chairs made specially strong, and urholstered in our own Factory, with loose drop- $j Ladles' Fawn and Nigger Bap Shoes, Cuban heels. 14/© 1 in Seats. * i _ '' ? Any piece can be purchased separately at the following prices:— . | w Ladles' Grey Suede 2-Bap Shoes, low or Louis heels. 19/6 i Sideboard, £8/19/©. Table, £4/10/-- Six Chairs, £7/10/-. I Ladles' Nigger, Fawn, or Grey Suede Oxford Shoes, 20/- i ma e i i ».L L • l_. ii •/ . < -t .» e» i I U fun Louis heeis, very smart. w I Money refunded with freight both ways if not more than satisfied s f] The above lines are of English and American make, and || § ' : f " 0 y are procurable only at H I! ~ ; ' ''v ' ' * " ' •». I ———— ——-^ 0 KK FOOTWEAR LTD.; ' fl i ~ Yo V anSave W. LAMBOURNE Remittance s avv* *' l - ,lJtx *-• 4 u*r.} I Pounds „ . , v.. must accompany all 1 | 49-51, KARANGAHAPE ROAD. I Furnishing Complete House Furnishers, , . Orders. I —-«* __ - ... .1 duping this Sale... Three Lamps, Ponsonby, Auckland. I Eg

i MM . • ' i - i-, * ' > " ' '•" • '•• "V * • •V• •- . ... **| 55' • '^" ' '♦./,*. r \ ~ j 1 The above reward will be paid to anybody who can prove that every Scott-Service Suit ~ g * }> 1 is not genuinely cut and tailored to the individual measurements of each client |j v g , vv- > * Some members of "the-axe-io-gfipd"brotherhaod have been blowing off a lot of hot L M : ''«i. M „ hwj Jps § . P""""""""* 1 |" n i'i"" 1 '■■■■■'■■'I air lately on how a suit should be made, and to clearly define our position, so that . . ill as yrfjg I there will be no misunderstanding about Scott-Service Suits, we have offered the above 4 pjk EH v : S 1 reward as. a challenge to the trade proving that every Scott-Service Suit is all that ™ 555 §§ > r we claim it to be. ' • ;§ ti 1 - :: Vn'. | j Furthermore £■] 1 , ~35 K.W- ' Furthermore we are "backing up tills £500 Reward with a special offer for a farther limited . j/jL . ' ss * as" \ j period of Suits tailored-to-measure for 67/6 (or with extra trousers 82/6). This will enable . ■ 1 - ; 53 ' as j I J you to test for yourself just how well Scott-Service Suits are made, and -what wonderful value -as f§ |\» * Our Success 1 "• IS • I •*" f yiPSf 111 1 K[ Our success has naturally brought the usual crop of imitators. Many attempts have been made to 8 mffmlMm. jm Wl\R v sis s l - j 11111 1 Iff/ copy Scott-Service advertisements,and methods of producing a high-class taUored-to-measore ma v - as- = I \im suit, and it is with the object of putting; these imitators where they belong and clearly dean- | , m, M immmi , £y.SS «:;-:=s |p' I| || ing their limitations that we now offer the above reward and make one special offer. ; g ,4 I j||«| 9Hra||l | |=§ . I \ S2 Mp9 11 Points to Remember 111 Hi : - | I ~ Mf /Mil i 1 I —Our self-measurement chart is a great which we rise or fall. No side issues inter- all JJ a fffMlltll S _ sss t"ii : ■' ■ MsmlW 1 In improvement over all charts previously pre- V vena between our customers and ourselves. v rm!lliMl wKHNiillr , . 'i* sss ass ' WWmysf.'-. aSISI Ift ill ' pared. It : makes self-measuring simple and Our one object is quality tailoring at the low- 81 11 i O. ®M|| V. 8. ' gas r SS ' pi Mmfmjfsj| H ill certain in a manner hitherto unheard of. est possible price—a small profit and a big v i| 11 BUMffl ZjjSSS II MM! fMll Mistakes are impossible and a child can take turnover. ' • 111 liil M®il • bsz S :i- Iva : . .MmsSIIIIIII My your measurements. THIS CHART IS ,/ ; 4—So you see that while more than a-few ; 4 ill' 11 I\H Bra ffi|g IB ,<'girv :"3 -•'« MMSfflliwl IB Mm COPYRIGHTED . AITD CANNOT BE people have, at one .stage.: and another, at- j 'Mull 11 HS flj grainM :ss -v ' K= 1 % flHl COPIED. *•. tempted to imitate Scott-Service Tailoring, : BVllil iS®f .. i : IS 'S m. MmSSMmM /iff Mml 2—Our methods of working. Our exten- they fail for the very reason that while I IjuMul ill! '1111 : ' *-'hSass •• 11 1 jllfliji sive system of cash purchasing on a prefer- ' superficialities are capable-of Imitation, the y. vwiaw j|HjpJs ,*Xa ji v i' U SS SMIjilllIf! 1 ential basis direct from the mills. Our ' more important basic principles by which we ||E JA J \j sa . •aa 1•Imm Mi I elimination of overhead expenses—directors' succeed are not. , mll 11 Hljjfj \zLs V '' sss j V§MM MM I fees, interest on overdrafts, expensive rents, sMore than a few men have at first held : : v SB «gjP 11 ' as 1 ~ ffi/W/lffl If j and the. hundred and one other expenses the opinion that our claims were too good to , . Mlil®l'll as " I 'Mm IjWi jlljl j which are incurred fey businesses not speci- be true. These same men to-day rank fore- •' ffl I fflf Illiß SjSS •Jiv s I Imllilmlll ally organised for special service like yours. . most among those who sing the praises of i'*g ll " . , Sgl as M m,' j mil Our methods and system of working cannot Scott-Service 'Tailoring. Send the coupon for | j i Jjjj . SBS, S I ■Ilf be eopied as they are peculiarly our own. free patterns and judge for yourself. lillfi! • . J = j~- ! * Bmlllllllm' ; 3—Ours is a specialist's business. All our 6Scott-Service - Suits are guaranteed Ml 111 S | - s ss •. SS jl energies are focussed on one proposition—by complete satisfaction -or money back. IJ i | aas> I B IM. 1 I gjjr or with extraTVousers j ~ O - -_i!- A-f paragraph* u>tih the different per- SjjS " -:,s; 1 Sjp©CiriCSlltlOHS " " ' tionss of the Scott-Service Suit i'lias- I s gSS ™JL % FfejL tli \ t!Lii trotted by the drawing. jss . 225 . 1 The number* connect the descriptive '■%, ' iTf - I—gHAMS SHOULBEKS. -Ifottoi- the wtU I■- S ' , S paragraphs with the different por- iW' V sWdare S I — || ttont of the ScottSennCO Suit l/ftta-'n k ■ ' gffoct combined Just th« correct amount of g —— 1 SSjj ' I tratedby the drawing. ' Suit lllua- 1 \\ \ \ : :Ot nwmnt Ju«t the correct^ amoont of I ,"•••• S > I S 1 I—SXEOKG HAIECLOTH which is carefully | '' : v>V 9—STROH& • BtFTZOK. ASH. OTWOKKOWB ■8 • S , SB" worked through tout and ihoulderi. This B ' • mwMP I jm, ?,'••'>V STATS. The«o stays preveat the tu.MM gI —5 I SS with a *txoa* optlmo backing, is.the found*- ! -.\ ;j'? jiME*??H'Z-s Jr >» jTfefc"PBBPP frcm tearing: away throueh hard w**r and 'SS ■ I SS * ( which Is a great "Keep-shape" shoulder § -^L" \>\ -HH . gffll ■ <MW, H ' too stop the huttonholes from heooming ,ga . | = which ii a great feature in all Boott-Ser- | Vi too large or frayinff. Eg All th " • I B S-BTEOKO "BRIDLE" which permanently ; %, edges are stitched on »^ ,i l*' 8 t while I as governs the set of the collar either rolled • ' m W[ % W v ,A _ •■>:■■■ .. this mean* considerably merei work_it_riTes . | -S5 or pressed flat as desired, thus ensuring the ■■; tffiy A\jL jL \ •' ' that flnlslx so exclusive to Soki-. . -- •• [" ■ S 3—FIKEBX^ENGLISH OPTIMO extending y.i . . : ■ 11—VEST SOCKETS, The ' wjj - f fn^ 3 u ■y- g 1 sa from • top-'of shoulder .to bottom of coat. • ' 'our stood deep pockets well stayed. Tliils .••.•• mmm I SSS This gives substance to the front of the @ ' k essential as many valuable artidea are lost S > SS coat and its function prevent creasing. the & H.W &A m jg*. en*. V 3 :VJ| «v through shallow vest pooko J. ma'ter what »S , SSS shape and absolutely prevent creasing. All I f| I g4L HeillllP- ja—LUTIHOS TO MATCH. Ko maMcr what -= SS Soott-Service Suits have this important fea- ' Bi|| I I»% M. \/j i.* : colour your U<»tt-&srrioß Salt, all the lin- : —; . 1 SSS .• ture which plays an importsuxt part in enr 9v w v w la-, ■jryi match. Only fln«t English ma- "' ==S ' ' \ SSS gua.ra.nte9 of satisfaction. 4(&&k ® A' ittktoriaia are tho gualitf aud dyes of S sS£j I ~ <I—STRONG EDGE STAY adopted for all «% 1 JS which ar. --- I ~ Scott-Service Suits to give a neat, firm AljcOlll Lilll!! 1&-THE VEST WAIST is carefully cut to = , SS edge and prevent ourling—an important v9%|l P At with side venfe to S"** Et »»T tor ** k ° r SSS SSS point in tho finish of the coat. M » fl ® 0 m * Jl— creasing in the front. The opening in the =5 6—PADDED LAFELB. The hundreds of ©SS® 28k 111 rest front is ««t high, medium or low, as I SSS stitchos placed in a Scott-Service coat on lgj WT jrt 811 lilfl I ?' u dtliro ' I 3 [ SS either !ap® 1 produce ata* finish which |y| U illllVlw 1 !* ——m£ jjg |■SS • receive heavy wear. All our pockets are fOCf ■■■ ■,: - '■' SS " well stayed and suaninteed to 'last. : Jtom . -- j i1b89.: ■ • ■■■■■■'■■ ' ■' -11^V > !.1 &ef?m t/7€ M ■■■ H - To the Scott-Service Tailoring Co., Mj I SSS feature as the stays are required to take the' • .;■■" : v 1—:-^ _-? - '4 - M .• A . »"•' ; m,. •• irthufp^ers^A^ 1 "' WUDOf? ZO Cf&y 1 GpupOll Scott-Senrice Buildings, §,r !S' B . 1 - • . ' - ■' g| ■ VVW|»W«B . . please post -patterns High Street, of.. your "Beward '. 1 ! I m I 1 j — • """ 1 suit Offer, post patterns and details of Scott-Service Self- g I S m ! i Suit Offer, together with U* new Scott-Service Self- gg '' '' 8 ' "RGWflfCi measurement rom, r without any on my part to order | ■ §. ' la—usm— "''in 11 i.i iiiw.iiiiii 1 Suit Offer fit VS ; I Stylish Suits hy Mail" g r r *6J/6 ...._..: 1 ; :.M Scott-Service Buildings, High Street, Christchurch 8 : L———J 0°- : jSt

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18711, 17 May 1924, Page 31 (Supplement)

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Page 31 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18711, 17 May 1924, Page 31 (Supplement)

Page 31 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18711, 17 May 1924, Page 31 (Supplement)