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MKOHO - 1 Oke T l V ■* ■ THEEVEOFQUATRE.BR AS. ONWITHTHB A " j * -* <*- V-**' DANCE—At the Duchess of Richmond's Ball at ——— . Bffffiwl wraß ' ' I SILK CUT VIRCITNfTA some and gracious, tripped to the strains of the Vols*-* Wry H H SlB RrM ____P* ' OJJ__\. 1 VllxV_U.lN.Lr_ # tatut new danctt f roW ntd-npon by the stiff dowager* ■__ Hi |B W___» __SSJ__> ■_ fflL fly M lal W___i TWO nMP OTTATTTV and deans as the invention of the devil 11J ; MOST MILES PER SHILLING. . ffg^ OLYMPIA MOTOR SHOW We suggest Stands [6 (downstairs) and 17 (upstairs) as a rendezvous for all motorists l^^^te^^^^W^^fefll^^^^^a pleased to welcome whether you arrive flffl^ wW^^^^Sß^j^^^ The story of the Firestone—probably the most famous iHvli \ MIF "3y hK^Wn^Wrv%Ju tyre in the worldis as vitally interesting as it is important ■HP^w^i'^"-!!^ >\ I W $i llsSwm L ss§■ to every car user. It is the story of motordom itself, from l(I 1■ Mm J__§fc^£*^ ? {^s ll the infancy of the pneumatic to the recent advent of the n I 4H_E '^^SSbSS^'^V^^ll world-celebrated Firestone Gumdipped Cord of consistent tm^^s^^S^r^l\ lfe if T VDI7 C but it must be a 'GREYS/" Tis hard to !__*_» »l»l_j_ iFH^ <& 1 S\ Ha uJ dictate to a woman, but harder still to refuse i i r i r .!»».., her the cigarette we men find most delicately H3BEBaa?]@& IS _*. have the confidence or every motorist who works his car hard. i■ •• „j ~^cn t. *;„„ W&& " Most Miles per Shilling" is an accomplished and proved fact—not , pleasing and comforting. IiSaO&JIJL fill a mere advertising slogan. Will you come and chat it over at the „-, _ m «* __ ✓* _i *> rT^^w^C'^iHß , show? GREYS—2O for 1/6 fe3^^T» WELLINGTON AND Extra Large Size —20 for 2/- IHi 'A. HATRICK & CO. LTD. WANGANUI. Of High-class Tobacconists and Stores Everywhere. -^^^Jf? Obtainable from all Leading Garages throughout New Zealand. Mtnufa&ured by MAJOR DRAPKIN & CO., LONDON feiM^w.puHW,./ Branch of The United Kingdom Tobacco Co. Ltd. the famous pdegitm box of ao "GREYS .... - •— ■ - _; - ■ N.Z.Agente MAIJNG & COMPANY. LIMITED. CHRISTCHURCH. - — ' . . ' ' •'■ rt " ■ ' I , .-■'.••.;■ ' > |Sg"fySt A illlP IInIB ?S _* Jt GENERAL iNSURANCE L*** —!—— —l FRANK HURLEY, A . ■._)'/■...^.■'"' ' I ' Panama Street, Wellington, N.Z. . This Great Warehouse is rightly regarded as unique among | - 18th February, 1924. lMß_l_l_T-_sjfc__i__#_H^ > 15^^^ J the leading businesses of New Zealand. It has never followed the f lSESHlßs3ffiSyßfl3B^^CT * beaten path, but has always tried to do things in a different!, and a I *y better way. Take, for example, the Free Motor Buses which carry B "" > customers to and from Queen Street or Karangahape Road. That I *rrSraß^a^^^yißrM3^ B^r '!r" ,l this unusual service i.s greatly appreciated is proved by the increasing 1 v V '. ______ Y^.^MfMJ**J 1 J_l numbers who are using these buses when they wish to shop in our 1 ('■ »¥ jf departments or have luncheon in out tearoom. , Take advantage of , B •-■■.-■, r , * |wKm tjg" 1S sfervice when you come to our Warehouse this week. , 1 / JLSs? *J3l j! jlIJb *"' ne us runs a '* a y * rom Q ueen Street, opposite Wyndham 1 Street, to our door. Another bus leaves Karangahape Road, opposite I x ' v - Butcher's, every ten minutes, from 12 till 4 p.m., on Mondays to 1 ';. Thursdays, and from 12 till 9 p.m. on Friday. , 1 Some of this Week's Specials 1 I g g r. w. offers & co. " in our Drapery Department JBL The Mi liien stores, M ■ B . corsets HP 22 JERVOIS ROAD, Morning Frocks. oorseis. Untrimmed Hats. d * L A ALJ " Ladies' Morning Frocks, in good "£7*2* ww? r°°H in Wm*F Ponsonby, Auckland quality Cambric; light ground, good qaahty White Confcil; two Untrimmed 1 Wheat Straws, in ~ ' , n 1f i. ' with spot or floral design; square, suspenders; lightly boned; ■suit- Natural _ Usual Price, 6/11. . I*.s e U I inOTI Cn*lA* AITGCt frOm Bell'SlSt , V, or round neck, finished with able for maids.—Usual Price, 8/11. . . Soecial -. 4/11 111811 LtHIGsl A*OCHIS OITCCI. 1* W« *#*«• «*w ' fancy braid- patch pockets- Special Price, 3/11. Special Price, 4/11. . , i ■ K 1 eS riCe ' 12/6 ' Spedal Ladies' Sports Corset, in 'eood Slight Mushroom-shaped leghorns, 72 . ineh Pure White urien, for making tM* eloto or B heets-i2/« per. yard. : ' qnaUty White Coutil; elastic lace edge—Usual Price, 21/-. ' \ NJnoh Pure WW** Xlnw .»^^ t 4 iJSIT Il l SJ'y t rd. 40-inch. 6/« per yard. top, two suspenders attached. Special Price, 12/6. , «£«*£ TurHlr^^ 3yd,-; be-t p«r Jumpers. SS-im"" l ° 29iD ~ SpCCial Balance of Italian Flop Straws, i a Purfunen Hemstitched Mliw Cases; best ««lit*-B/- per pair. •; _.' . _~ , ~, *' asnorted shades.— Price, . Hemstitched Linen Finish PiSiow Caaes-4/9 per Pair. White Orep© de Chine Jumpers, with ~ . , ~, 12/ Snecial Price 4/6 Hemstitched and Embroidered Pillow Casee-7/e per ~ Meh I » inset sleeves; neck and basque Children's Wear. ' "' ' S-^ l3l yrlce . 4;B - . "ige Size HomMitohed Huefcabaek Towels, Damask 3 «wh. towela _ finished with white bugle beads; Untrimmed Panamas in assorted ■" 18-lne»l Fine Linen Huckaback Towels, with Damask design, for guest, towels- ~ . f^^. BV Wants' White Lawn Procks, yoke sizes.-All One Price, 1/11. "~*>*^"ti^^ J-j Unj Trey MMMMW w* Ladles' Pine Knit Silk Jumpers, nicely trimmed with embroidery BalanCe ° f TTatriaUned BummCr ' ' '36x 36 inches Plain Hemstitched P"™, handsome ,36 inches. Magyar shape, fancy cord at and lace insertion ekirtfimshed Straw., in dark shades—Special . I Bca, B Ur9 45 x 45 inches, Jtl- «**■ b|othf TO _ llightly impe rfect-64 x 54 Magyar shape, fancy cord at ... t , ~,/.,, Straws, in dark shades.—Special 8/- each. 45 x*f incnes, i</ «»»>• _ «li ß htly imnerfeclr-51 x 64 waist. ■ Shade, of Sky, Salmon, with pin tucks and edged Mh Price, 5/11. Go °* D xTinc\« ? B?oS*T , ~ and Grey-Usual Price, 25/-! embroidery.-To Clear, 4/lf. rice, o/i . PureLlnen iiaS sir C^ slightly imperfect-36 x3G inches. 5/. Special Price, 21/-. Children's Woollen Pilches, in a Vtflihf ' "" " ■ ' Pu rS?fnen 4 Tea tJg&Sftk* 1/,. lltau W 86h,. nice, white, soft wool; trunk Veiling. /3 per yard. ~ mMU 00 <*, ;noh*« 1/11 SI.D-On CoatS shape; with cord through waist. * ,- ■ Pun. Llnan Damask .torytoWMOi 20 inches. 1/6 each. 22 x - incnes. F ' -Usually 4/11. • Special Price, Black Veiling.-Usual Prices, 1/11 . M fM-irJ 4 Heaiy'oualtty MsSrlaad Damask Servlettes-1/« each. Ladies' SUp-On Coats, in Creme o/ii . and 2/11. Spedal Price, 1/3. ■■' »* *'iv? Lin en Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, Jin. hem-1/3 each. Blanket Cloth, with fancy stripe '. M , ~«''. I Ladies' Fine Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, iin. hem-1 • eacn. of bluo or brown; patch pockets. Boys' Jerseys, in Wool and Cotton; Black Veiling, plain mesh.—Usual I; ■ <£*«.>$ Fine Linen Hemstitched HandkercNeft. lin. h«B-«- «««• To be sold at almost half-price- buttoned front, polo collar. Navy Price,' 1/3. Special Price, M. 1 C6nt .. 9 Pj**" i STSSS. 5/3 '«*. 64 x UsuaUy 65/-. Special Price, 85/-.' and Grey . A very serviceable All-White Veilin g -6d per yard. I garment.—Were 5/11. Now 3/11. 1 Whits Damask Table Okrths, x 72 inches. 7/6 eacn. &» xau mene 017 J A TWTTTC Large Selection of Remnant. r J"u£ GSSwM Frtllin,, to tfb. .*— .« —• If, l\l f\ £0 of Manchester Goods and Dress „ Alt orders DESPATCHED BY RETURN OF post. Materials to be Cleared at w . pay pwtos.. price List sent Fraßa pn MONDAY and TUESDAY half marked prices. . ' ' ' . : ■ ■ ——^ * ' • — ■■■ " • ■ . ," . «•„■♦„,„ B-w ehow- I F KEEDOSt - FROM BONDAGE. , kIM to have the best. Visit our Jj A room Inspect our up-to-dats •'* a t"9^™ . .... Appliances; SsoGw Stoves.Co»«rßge4g£ F9 HP' I 0 "' &^a y ka N?wmaValto R " DRINKQ- CUBES AFTER 30 YEARS. IM #% H^^ 1 0% Vfe ifV ' '-. r\AK AND RIMTJ ' FTJRNITURE.-Potmds A wife writes: "My husband is splendid. II i*HH I mi 1 «"" ILI H IS &% 1 ill I%J I ■ J V/ cheaper wan you can buy elsewhere at He tells me , ho has not the slightest desire %J*,iL SL ML K%m^M> QbT A JBL LtO GEORGE WALKER'S. [or drink. We are bo grateful for his QbmJP . * " • 38. Queen Street. wonderful recovery after 30 years of heavy . " ' _— drinking." ■•• ..':, ** - . . a «„ . -8 til 11 ei, . 17URNITURE. best, quality, factory prices.- " Driako" is a genuine home treatment Comer Hobson Street and Wyndham Street ra ilLV&7 y Pe^^^^ ibtfiJlsat,.^SS&alKA Richmond Rd. ■ harmful drugs. ' Get Free Booklet and , ——— ~~ .. testimonial*. Personal . advice gladly , STENOGRAPHERS' Note Book*, best given. All correspondence strictly confi- * • , I , ' ; . S value. 60 and 100 leaves 9d and Is 3d dential. Plain sealed envelopes. Lady ._ -.. ' ; _______ ' ~„„ mi, „.,„„ ,„,.„, ' „■' M — ,1,,, „ „, limn iiinmm iiniMi ■ . I each. 7s. and 12s dozen.-B&MUM» Office. Manager. Dnnko rty„ 21__L, v l*a»Wo» saaaaas_Bs«B_B*Bß»B__e___Baa__ Auckland, and Victoria St.. Hamilton, I Quay, Wellington. " " .. ■'>•... 4 : ■»' " J • ■

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18642, 25 February 1924, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18642, 25 February 1924, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18642, 25 February 1924, Page 3