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PENNANT CUP COMPETITION. • v'!: •>■.< ■. "■■■'; The follcrwing are the results of thfe pennant* • cup competition played on Saturday, the names of,- the players cf the first-men-tioned ' teams -taking rnreoectence; —' Carlton v. Epsom. ' — At Carlton: Harle Giles; ' Bird; Fish, Kent, 14, v v. Ramsay, Mortem, Haszard,-; Morison, 81; Rogers, Marwlen. Packman. McGregor. 17. v. Randall," Burton. Hill, ' Inglis. 24; McGSone, Brown; O'Sullivtui, Martin, 29, v. Bracknail. C'larkfc; Parsijns, 'Foubifrter, 12; Winks, Birkenhead. A. Coltman, Kilgour. 22. v. Lamb," Harrison", *; Richmond,' Crabirfee. 21;Scheror. Keefling, : Williams, Fot)kes, 23, v. J arisen, Sansbury, Jones, Tanner. 12: Hodge, Cully. Montell. Thomson, 16. v. Andrews, Wilson, Ferguson, Wright. 20. , At Epsom: Morton, Mountain. ClarUson, Gillies. 19, v. Ruid. Richmond, Taylor, Jones, 20; McLaugihlin. Pollard, Coltman. Lauri. 21. v. Wright. Hethterinpton Fraser, G rattan. 20; Clavt'oh, ay, 'Weth'erilt. Holmes, 15, v. Clarke, Harrison, Taylor, Smith, 16; Phillips, C. Mountain. Cook. Watson, 15, v. Waftaoe, Clay. Wilkinson. Gosling. 18: Oycy, Tapper, (Soifey, I'resoott,' |8, v., Whites. Waddingham, McMillan. George, 24; Cross, Buxton, Blaiir. Sneddon, 21. v. Bull, Bright. Hays, Delaunay. j 14. 'Epsom 7 wins. Carlton 6. Carlton v, Devonport. Carlton: allett Guy, Gordon, Wrightson, SO, v. Bailey. Wright. Morgan, Lowe, 15; Brittain. Coutts. Ball. Lamb, 20. v. Andrew. Palmar, Mason. Pmcoo, 16; Saresnape, Gould. Brown, Blanchard, 22. v. Broughton. King, Trayoa. Mills. 12: Ross. F. Wilson. Deare, Hosking. 12. ■ v. Susnian. R. Jones, A. Jones, Elvy. 23; Marks, Blew don, Gavey. Aroy. 26, v. Sisson, Reid, Gooding, Blackburn, 18. At Devonport: Blackie, Newbegin, Jackson, Warren 19 v. Sargent, Asbury, Wishart, Warren 17; Wftlsh, Michaels, Bayly. Anderson 23, v. • Otter. Baird, Kolly, Duffin 14; Martinson,' Henderson. Armstrong, '.ox,; lb, v. Angove, Mitchell. Stevens, Marriott, 28; Lacy. Kelly. Eyre. Snoad, 26, v. Edmund, Cottrell, Smith, Johnson 12; Worrell, Bates, Perry, Laird 19, v. Campbell, Crow, E. Broughton, Harvey 17. Ponsonby v. Dominion Road. — At Ponsonby: H. Brude. L. Kelly, J. Veale, E. Jury, 24, v. Collins. GlaclstoSie. Fisher, Dr. Moir 19; Craig. Tucker, Campbell. Parsons. 20, v. Mitchell. Richardson. Williams, Dunlop. 15; Cottinghasii. Griffiths. Crowe. McI,eod, 22. v. Cartwright. Benney, Wilson, Counland. 20; W. Wright. !Luo«na, Stotter, Rowland. 24. v. Bellamy. Virtue, Brown. Tozer, 14; Whitfield. Self, Harkins. Garry. 28 v. W. H. Jones. Nash. Bayers, Elliston, JPonsonby v. Ellerslie.—At Ponsonby: Capt. Smith. Paterson, Conway, T. Chapman, 26, v. Donnell. Wilkinson, Wliellams, Taylor, 14; O. J. Veals. Colebrook. Brookebush. Pelham. 15. v. Lynch, Diggers, JackEn. Dickson. 17; Cowie, Black. Everett. clnnes, 19. v. Chapman. Slue. Peok, Somervell. 26. At Ellerslie: Morrison, gohickcir. ' Pardirigton. I. Clarke, 16, v. White, Watson, Godfrey, Osborne, 17; Bromgool, Moore, Gibson, Walker, 26, v. Holland, Gollan. Wood, Crosher. 12; Stevenson, Meek, Payno, Valentene. 20, v. A C. Hill, Thomson, Gavey, Gordon, 14. . Ponsonby v. Rawhiti. — Rawmttt Swinburne, Goldwater, H Wright, Davidson, 14. v. Goodall, Osmond, A. H. Jones, Ramsey, 23; Otto, Drummond, Roulston,. Letham. 19, v. Robertson. Cliffe, Kelly Ailsop_ 23; Grey, Riohardson, Bryant, Hosking. 15, v. Fulton, Cannon, Vincent, \Wakerley, 201 Kin*. Young, Buchanan, J. Jury. 24, v. A. Cnapptjl, Simmonds. Balde&son. Denm»on. 14; Jamieson, Farrow. Dick. Bray, 18, v. Gribble. J. H. Thompson, Hawker.' Ball 17 Dominion Road v. Rawhiti.— Rawhiti i Gentle. Grinrod. Battersby, Woolley. -0, v. Mil ward, Milward, Taylor, Piper, 13; Ellis, Bush, Yeoman, Sutherland, 25, v. Grantley, Bennett, M on cur, Noonan, 12; Dean, Gifford. Roberts. La.yland. iIS, v. Maopnerson, Mclnnes, Chiplin. Thomson, 24; Ellis. Bush, Thomas. Sutherland. 25 v. Grantley, Bennett. Moncur, Noonan, 12; Jessop. Kennedy, West, H. W. Taylor, 17, v. Eaves, Stubbs, Irvine, Haslam. 22. Remuera v. Takapuna.— Takapuna: Baker, Reid. Si>oon«T. Dingwall, 24, v. Lawrence, Auwood. Barton, Matthews, 17; Clark, Dempsey, Peajter, Hobday, 22, v. Winter, Robertshaw, Brown. Hooper, 20; Bcctt v arris, Garrard, Harbutt. 20, v. Hunt, Bull. Boulton, Andley, 16. _ Romuera v. West End.—At Remuera: H. East,. Priestley. E. A. East Vugler 29. v. Cornwall. Lydfora, Darley, Bell, 14; Stanfield Wight, S. KiwUng. Long, 10, v, Selby, Horsley, Hill, Ure, 80: Raven. Davis, Mellars, Proctor, 19. v. Parkinson. Ritchie, Thomson. No ton. 11; Hegman, Williams. Ridings, Watson, 13, v. McMillan. Urquhart. Tonkin. Quinn, 22. _ ' _ , Remuera v. Mount Eden.—At West End: Johnson, Rathbonfe, Young, McCallum. 10. v. Haig. Newton, Kercham, C. Hardley, 28; Gannaway, Grieve, Newton, Daniels. 25. v. Adams, Herbert. Wyny Maher, _ 15} Wyatt, Stubbg. McF'arlane, McLaren. 20. v. W. Hardley. W. White. May, Brookes, 19; Ashton. Pollen, Coe. Wooller, 18, v. Irwin, Blair, R. S. Scott, iangford, 16. . _ Ellerslie v. 'Rawhiti.At Rawhiti: Whitehouse. Coppins, Rev. Tuke, Somerfield, 13, v. Murray. 8 am ways. Reid, MoKinlay. 29. At Ellterfilie: McKelvie. Wansbone. Davies, ; Macklow, 17, v. Pitt. Price. Oldham. Patereon. 26. ' .. , r . Mount Eden v. Onehunya.—At Mount Eden : Bainbridge, Eu<irliit-oii McN»b, Corner, 9. v. KennedyTTM&rikß.Muaie. Schnauer, 21; Kinnßird, Young. MoDousall, Baker 15. v. Williams, Biggins, _ Bassett, E. Bright, 13; Burley, Del&more. MarshalV Rankin, 16, v. Brown. Linberg, Davis, Sills. 20; Cordea, Rondell, H. Walton. Sunnan, 21, v. Livinastone, Cook, Schnackenberg, Miller. 22; Gordon, Webb, Woolley, Trayes, 21. v. Rental!, G. H. Brav. Foote, Aitkenhead, 17. Mount Eden v. Grey • Lynn.At Mount Eden: Ritchie, Bruce-Smith, Joll, E. Walton, 20, v. Lye, ; Githris, Warneford, Buckland. 14; Jolley, Boyce, Everton, Bigelow, 23. v. Gollan, Moore. Reed, Fletcher. 12; ernandea, Fogerty. Heron, Daieley, 10, v. rtegory, Bnrrell, Memcham. Buoklev, 18. At Grey Lynn l Vivian, Robertson, Bums, A. Nairn, 28, ▼. Howard, Sadler, Blamires, Mclvor, 17: Campbell. T. Nairn. Middle ton. Hudson, 29, v. Pascoe, Woods, H. . Reed. Rose, 18; Jones, Stewart, Bridges, Gill, 34, v. Tugby, Leydon, Curtis, Ltuugan, 13. At Mount Edten: Fernandes, Fogerty, Heron, Daisiey. 10. v. J. Gregory, Burrell, _ Mincham. Bucjkl&y, 18; SiitchSe, B. cVnith.i Joll, E. Walton. 20. v. Lye. Gibbons, Warneford, Batland, 14: Jolly, Boyoe, Everton, Bigelow, 28, v. Gollan, Moore, J. Reed, I'letohe?. 12. >1 , ' Grey 'Lvnn v, PspatOtetoe.—At Grey Lynn: Daisiey, Brown, Watson, Davis, 17, v._ Huteon, W. .Liversidge, Goldsmith, Baaldon, 15; McCulloch, Hunter, Galloway, Rosewarn, 21. v. Christie, Connell, Newton, Koran, 17. At Papstoetoe: Jtnkins, Nettlington. Nesbitt. Raunsley, SR. v. Liversidge, Lang, Bestwood. Whittle, 20; Wills. Cutforth, Millington, Smythema.a, 21, v. (Little, Gordon, Pearce. Boyne, 90. . Otahuhu v. Weqt End.—At West End: Davies, Poulton, * Harner, Jeflries, 12, v. Cox, W. Reid, E. White, Bremner, 15; Thorpe, Campbell, Good-win, Bailey. 14, v. Knaggs, Moriev, P. McMillan, Draffin, 22. At Otanuhu: Petrie. May, Pearce, Ferguson. 14, v. Price, Plummer,' Cooke, Worsfield, S7; McGregor, West. Mann. S. E. Hartfer, 25, v. Hare, Latimer, Hardley, J. Scott, 10. „ , , Otahuhu v. * Takapuna. — At Otahuhu: Clarke. Cook, Aitken, Mclvor. 13. y. Collins, Christsy, Spencer, Hood. 20; Nicholls, O. Jeffries. Smith.. G. Wood. 17, v. Bur-. nett. Ooorn. Gaudin. Hanna. 23. INTER-CLUB MATCHES. The following are the results of inter-club matches played on Saturday, the nam'es o:! the players of the first-mentioned teams taking precedence:— Remuera v. West End.—At Rtomuera,: Sibball, Rcßßiter. Menssies, Brookes. 42, v. Tui).hope. Cole, Woodard, E. Darby, 7; Sha.'ldrick. Rev. Beatty, Vickcrman. J. P. Campbell, 23. v. Anstee, Barton, Andrews, Murv. Rawhiti.— Rawhiti: First year players—Ganloy. Arnaboli. Wait.'Lyneat SI, v. Agar. Bett, Lovegrove, Robertson, 12. At Ellerslie: Toy, Christmas, Cowan, Woodward, 26, v, Ritson, Walker, Lunden, Sharkey, 12. OLUB MATCHES. ' The following ar« the rfesults of club matohes played on Saturday:— Auckland.—Club championship: Rocke, 16, 21, 21. v. Thornes, 23. 18, 18; Neil, 21. 21, v. Kessing, 19. 12. A. D. Gray, 21. 21, v. Lvell, 13. 161 Piggott, 22, 19, 21. v. IJaoket, Iff. 21.17 ; McM&hoii.i 17, 19, v. G.. J. ilacJta.y, 21„ 21. Junior championship: Harvey, 22, v. Nowbegin, 12; R-add, 21. v. Kretschmar, 18; Kirk, 22. v. Burbush. 8; Cooifer, 21. v. Hackot, 6: Rocke. 21. v. Liyell, 10; Dixon, 21, v, Hewitson, 12; Dioketta, 21. v. liislis, 9 Esam, 21. v. Jury, 16. Jubilee Cup: Cox, 22, v. Scantlebury, 23: Fletcher, ' 24, v. Jury, 20; Cater, 21, v. Noil, 19; Campbell, 21. v. Wyatt, 9; Esam, 21, v. Bales, 23; H&cket. 21, v. Kretpohmar, 17; Muston, 23, v. fiawlinuon, 14; liockb, 22, v. Pipgott. 17; McMahon,, 22. v. Robertson, C; Crowhurst, 27, v. Hardy, 8; Lyell, 28, v. Rudd, 9 Ryrie, 22, v. Craig, 14 Atkin. 21. v. G. J. Mackay, 17; Hewitson. 22, v. Cooper, ll;_Burbusb, 21, v. Dixon, 6; Dicketts. 21, v. Harvey, 9; R. D. Gray, 23, v. Shaw, 15. Anzao Cup: Piggott. 29. v. Newell, 14; Shaw. 26, v. Rudd, 20; Sca,ntlebury, 27, v. Dicketta, 19; Craig, 27, v. Treacy, 15; Cater, 21, v. Fletcher. 10: Dixon, 21. v. Ryrie, 19. Veterans' match: Newbegin. 21. v. Fletcher, 20; Wyatt, 21, v. Walker, 18; Hewitson, 21, v. Robertson. 16; Dickctts, 22, v. Krotschmar, 13; Neil, 21, v. Crowhurst, 16: Shaw, 22, v. Cooper, 8: Treacy, 27, v. Atkin. 19. Consolation match: Rudd. 21. v. Kretschmar, 8; Shaw. 24, v. Rocke, 18; R. D. Gray. 26. v. Dicketts, 17. Club fours: Simpson, .Walker, Atkin, A. D. Cray, 20, v. A. F. Mackay. Hacket. Wyatt, Bailey. 24; Dr. Inglis, Rawlinson, Dransfield. Graham, 29, v. N. Burton, Shaw, Nfewbegin. Eales, 20; Turner, Cooper, Plummer, G. J. Mackay, 10. v. Donald. De Renzy, Styak, Price, 15; Cox, Parsons, G. A. Buttle. Russell, 21, v. Rudd, Bourke, Dixon, Scnntlebury, 12; Roberts, Forrest, McMahon. Keesing. 22, v. Dicketts. Messer, R. D. Gray. H'imus. 14; Carr, Mohr, Pearson, Perrett, 16, v. Beaumont. Bush. Piggott, Allnut. 30; Alexander. F. P. Burton, S. Coldicutt, Muston, 16. v. Scott. Burbush, Lyell. W. R. Fletcher, 15; Burton, Steel, Gilniour, Nicholson. 22, v. Howard, Eliott, Anstiss, McCrea, 23; Allan. J". W. Fletcher, Campbell, Robertson. 29. v. Crookes, Jury, Commons, Craip, 12; Barclay, Devereaux, Hewitson, Ryrie, 18, v. Treacy, Kirk. Prime. Osmond, 25; Woodham, Hardy. Whittaker, Cater, 30, v. King, Rocke, Kretschmar. Dr. Neil, 15. Mount Champion Singles: Bennett 19, v. Jenkin 14: Allely 33, v. Blair 19; Ashton 20, v. Rows 16: Murray 29, v. Holds- | worth 14; E. Thomas 20, v. Guthrie 10; Cutforth 23, v. E. Thomas 14; Kelly 24, v. Muir 18; Topiiss 16, v. Allely 13; McNaughton 21, v. Guthrie 17; Blair 18, v. Constantino 13. _ Devonport.—Club Fours: Ansell, Day, Cut&eld, Jordon 8, v. Buchanan. Ching. Goldwatw Sulbvan 22; Williams, Melville, H. Wright, Harty 24, ▼, Stevenson, Eade, Wil-

iiamson/, A. Wilson 20; Parson. ■ Bach..WatBon. Morton >; 26. v. Al.en, Luxford, i Hynes, McCallura 10; £itta, S.vWngley, Nay lor 28. v. Thornton, v Bartley, Porter 20; Cheers, Dawson. Gardes .29,' v. Wood, Monteith, MoJeod 14. ' V'"'*>'' 'a ''■ '* ■ - V-'_ 1 ie< Ponsonby.— „ fours: Benson, Pirott, Blincoe, C. Clarke. •. 23, v.; Casey, Moylo. Pollock, Donovan. .19; • Ohphant. Dougherty. J. Bonns. .Kemp,-' 9. v. -Ralie, LoVatt. Parkinson. Miller, 35; Turner, Goodacre, doppins; -J. Druramons. ' 20, v. E. H. Smith. Simpson, Bacirott. Lye, 15; Mullmer, H. Smith, W. Brown, Blomfield. 16 v. Connolly. Carbines, Coats. C. H. Jones. 22. Percentage fours: W. ILamb. Fox, Shackelford, Blakey, 21. v. Newbury, Slater. Sella,rs. Grandfield, 11; Steve, Wfcre, Lqwis. Hint on, 22, " v. Vinson, Westwood. Parkinson,. J. Wallace. J.O• Brabant. Rowley. Bryce, Amhury, 18. -v. Banks. Loman, Mynott, Freeman, 19: Gray. Buttle. Gouk, Veale, 28, v. Black, Grant. Lock, McCull»;Lane, Fooi;o, Duke. Lawrenris. 15. v. A. Lamb. Cotter, W. Harrißon._PlunketA. 20; Whyte. J. Granger, Green,, Hawken. 20, v. Chappell, Sinclair, French, Spurr, 19. Mount Albert. Percentage fours: Pirritt. McK&nzie, Bennett, Murray. 19. v. Angus, Rollers, Patterson. . McNaughton, 22; Herslev. Davis, Rowe, Allely, 23. v. Bent, er guson, Guthrie. Ashton, 13; Webster, Hewhway. Stevens. Baildon 29. v. Bodley, Doyle, J. Thomas, tftally. Hi fececroft. Clay, Ampor, Mcßride. 15. v. W. Thomas, Grey. Holdsworth, dutforth, 26; Lourxe Cossey, Bromley, E. Thomas, 27, v. Maxwell, CrovVo, Wallett, Jenkins. 20. Champion pairs: Mawwell. Mcßride. 25. v. Guthrie. Bramley. A Champion singles: MclNaughton, 21, v. LV Nook.-Percentage fours: A*pden,, Batter. W. Ardern, Gladding, 21, v. l rinxle. Fulton Sidled Anderson, 18; Middlaton, Maddro'n. Collqdge . Williams, 29, v. Barton. Monro, Wright Milner, 18; Rowe, Mullinj, Addison, B..K*yes. 38. v. Wilson, Lain Bv.scord. Birmingham, 9* McCullooh, JLt. Brown, Adeane, Dam. 26, v. Izod, Kent, ted, Randall, 23; Tomlinson. Comjiton, WhittJ, Roylance. 26. v. Kayeß. Stuart, .Turner feaglteton, 16; Cunningham, Eraser, Buckle, BcmskiD, 24. v Segedm. Rule. Blakey, Keatley. 10; Older. Berry. Jones. Finch, 20. v. BatteTflby, Alexander, Hunt, IVarce. 19. « „ Otahuhu. —Percentage fours: Eaves. McLarnon, Connor, 28. v. Nixon. Crawford. E. J. Whit-mo**. 15; W. R. Wood. Campbell, Taylor, 17, v. Tomes, Short, Todd 18; Til Wilson. Bennett, J. Wilson, 12, v. Farrelly. Dobert* C. B. Whitmore, 22. Champion singles Cook, IG. v. Murdoch, 20, Connor, 19. v. Dippiati 14; Ferguson. 21, v Taylor. 20; Pearce, 11. v. Taylor, 20; B. Smith, 17, v. Camfrbtell, lis Henry.lß, v. S B. harbor. 22; Shprt, 12. v. S. E. Harper. 24- Cook, 13. v. W. (Taylor. 18. Waitemata. —Bartlett Buckles: W. McKra(strie, J. Potter tboldeiti). 18. v. W. Wateon. G. feeson (challengeA)l7. J. L. (Leonard trophy: W. D. Robb. 22. v. J. T. Appden, 18. Club fouri: S. MoGiU. W ; Lilburn, C. G. Hodgson,. H. W Wilson. 21. v. J. A. Adams. C. Jwond. R. Mason, J. Potter, 12; C. A. W. J. England, J. Pad don. W. H. Glover. 20. v. W. Watson. H. Crowley. A. Campbell. R. A. Johnston. 17: V. J. *patricfc D. P. O'Leary D. Elston. G. H. Lyon, 24. v. C. Rose W. D. Robb, G. T. Oxley, A. Parrißh.'l6: W. McKinstrie, R-A- Jjarlow, T. Flood. G. Hewson, 23, v. F. Hubble J. T. Aspden, S. Smith, J. R McPhail, 18. Ellerslie.— year playerst Semi-finals— A C Hill 27, v. J. Campbell, 15. Final: A C.' Hill." 25. v. A. Mackenzie, 16. Champion singles: Davies, 23, v Gollan, 19; Maoklow, 18. v. Wilkinson, 12; .Gordon, 18. v. Diggens. 15.




The Waitemata Boating Club rowed a est of trial fours on Saturday afternoon for trophies presented by Mr. Ditroy Hadneld, a vice-president. Ideal water condition# prevailed on the course, from the &ins b wharf ot a point of! the reclamation, just beyond the boathouse. The starting was by mutual' consent, and Mr. D. Hadfield aotsa as judge. The crews in the first heat were:—A. Maokay, T. Wilson, G. Peace., C. Hunt; V. Smith, T. Cairns, A. Smith, D. Corson. The orewa got a splendid start, and raced on practically even terms until just on the finishing line. Mackay's crew spurted, and, forging ahead, gained the verdict by tn» narrow margin of half a canvas. The crews in the second heat wore: C. Thompson, Shoreland, H. Cul'en. Jj. H. Wilson; L. 6rooker, A. Bryant, Read, Hyde. The crews raced well together until clearing the big reclamation. On the run past the boathouse Thompson's four opened a comfortable lead, and maintaining the advantage, grot the judge's verdict by just over a length. , . , , For the final the crews of MacTcay and Thompson got to the starting line. Just after I the word 'go," a stretcher in Mackay 8 boat carried away, leaving Thompson's crew an easy row over the cotMije to gain the trophies. This accident spoiled a very interesting race. „ Tho winning crew was: C. Thompson (4), Shoreland (3), H. Cullen (2), L. H. Cullen (bow).



The Auckland Bowing Club completed a set of trial fours on Saturday afternoon for trophies presented by the commodore, Mr. H. Cloal. The course was from the King's Wharf to a point off the boathouse. Ideal water conditions prevailed, and the rowing was good, especially so in view of the fact that many new members were racing in the first set of trials for the season. In the semifinal the crews were: W. Stevenson, Cook, Anderson, Speak; J. Stevenson, Nicholson, Cockran, McCormick. An evenly contested race until the last stages, when J. Stevenson's crew took the lead and won by a

length. After a spoil J. Stevenson's four met Crossley's, and a good ; final was" witnessed. Tho crews raced on fairly even terms until nearing the new reclamation. In the final spurt Crosflley's men proved the boat, and crossed the lino with a bare half length to spare. -v. ■ : The winning crew was: Crossley (4), Hill (3), McNeill (2), MacPherson (bow), M. Piper (cox).



The members of the North Shore Rowing Club rowed a set of trial fours for club trophies on Saturday afternoon. Four crews competed. In the first heat the crews wore: E. Harvey. J. Lang, R. Oliphant, A. Schofield; W. Jamen, A. Harper, A. Lawson, Schofield. After a Veil-contested race Harvey's crew won by a length. The crews in the second heat were: J. Archer, J. Faulkner, J. Fleming, W. Collier; S. Rutland, A. Halvey, Jackson, It. Lainff. Just after the start Rutland's crow forged ahead, and gradually improving their advantage, won by ovor a length. * 1 The crews in the final were stroked by E. Harvey and S. Rutland. This . race was robbed of its interest. through an accident in Rutland's boat. At the time Harvey's crew held a slight lead. The winning crew was: E. Harvey (4), Laing (3), R. Oliphant (2), A. Schofield (bow), A. Cootes (cox). TAURANGA REGATTA. The only Auckland crews .to be represented at the Tauranga Regatta will be Waitemata, St. George, and West End. Considerable difficulty has been experienced in securing crews, and the full strength of the clubs will not be known until the Hamilton Regatta. The Waitemata Boating Club will . send the following orews to Tauranga:— Youth's Fours: V. Smith, D. ' Smith, flfc. Shoreland, C. Reed. Welter Maiden Fours: H. Cullen. L. H. Wilson. E. P. Wright. A. Smith. Light-weight Maidens: H. Cullen, L. H. Wilson, E. P. Wright, A. Smith. Open Maidens: W. Lowe, H. Collingpon, H. Bishop. C. Hunt. Maiden Pairs: W. Lowe, H. Collingson. Maiden Double Soul's: W. Lowe, D. Smith. Single Sculls: D. Smith. RACES AT TAURANGA. [37 TKLEGBArH. —OWN CORRESPONDENT.] TAURANG-A, Sunday. The Yacht and Power-boat Club continued its racing this afternoon, when three events took place. The results :—Race for second-cjaas yachts, t H. A, Highet's No Surrender. 1; P. Neilson's Charm, 2; A. Turner's Alice, 3. Lois, Ngaio. Silver Link, and Lorraine also started. Race for thirdclass yachts: F. Lysnght's Kestrel, 1; A. Leslie's Kiwi, 2. Race for second-class launches: C. Hartley's Mona. 1; R. Burke's Pareura. 2, Katipo finished first, "but was disqualified for starting before the time.



The first swimminu carnival of the Devonport Amateur Swimming Club was held on the Cheltenham Beach on Saturday afternoon.- The' weather was fine and there was a good attendance. The entries wore not numerous, 'but u'ood contests resulted. T'.k> concretc pontoon on the beach was used as a, starting point. The following ale the results: -25Yds (Open) Handicap (Girls). —E. Laurie (ss). 1; P. Sharp (2s), 2. Time, 20 4-ss. SOYds (Open) Handicap (Boys).—R. St. Clair (ss). 1; A. Spraegon (ss). -2. 50Yds Men's Novice Handicap (Club Members). —W. Kewish (6a), 1; H. G. Jull (3s), 2. Time. 34 4-ss. 50Y-ds Ladies' • Open Handicap.— E. Grant (Bcr), 1; Miss P. Sharp (6s), 2. Time, 41 3-58. ' 50Y.d,s Men's Club Handicap.—A. Gladding: (3s), 1; J. Meikle . (scr), 3. Time, 34». r.oY"djs Clu,b Handicap (Ladies). — O. Stokej (Ss),, 1; Miss M. Patterson (6s), 2. Tim« 42 I-6*3. lOOYjis Mo n 's Open Handicap.—F. Smith (3s), 1: E. Pelham (3s), 2. Time, 71s. 100 Yd» Breaststrcke (Open).— Hutter, 1; G.. Jull (7s). 2. 220Yas Men's Open Handicap.E. Pelham, 1; F. Smith, (7a)j,2. Time, 8m 0 8-sb. Water Cheltenham Team, 1, goal, equalled Waitemata team, 1 goal.

. wwrnm m ' _ . r'-r THE AUCKLAND CLUB. , BOGEY CpMPETITION. A bogey competition, for a trophy presented by Mr. It. Horton, was = played at Vtab Middlemore links on • Saturday, 40 play©3B taking part. K ?!W.:The winner was R. -G. Ringer, who, with a round of 79, finished two up on bogey. : .•/ ' > The following the best cards handed in:—R. G. Rainger (2), two bps. J. G. Had-J aow-' (11), one up; G. H. Abel (7). : > all square; W. B. Parsons (8), two down; S. (X Hodges (9), three down; Dr. Gordon (12). thus© down; P. IT. Upton (9). three down;. G. P. Foot© (6), three down; A. M. Howden (6), five down. AUCKLAND PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. The Auckland provincial golf championships will bo played at the Middlemore links. at Easter. The championships should attract a very representative gathering of golfers, in. view of the fact that the Now Zealand championships will be played at Middlemore next year., ■ r . , THE GAME IN CHRISTCHURCH. The number of persons desiring to take up golf Bhowft a still further . increase in Chi istchurch. The Christchuroh Club hap increased to a point where full membership is difficult TO secure and there is a waiting list. The Hagley Club is fully taxed, ana the Avoncnvle Club is etill flourishing, in addition to* whiati there is a small club at Brook--1 mi) da. which .came into existence • last seasons Club* in outlying districts, such as R&pgioTa, Kaiapoi. and Diamond Harbour, show an increased interest and have carried out improvements to their links Amberley is becoming: a popular and strong club and Akaroa nas now added golf to its several other attractions. ; A rtow club has been formed at Harewood. There was no sign Of coif there last year, hut within three months nine holes have be v en laid out. The club was formed with a (membership of 20. and six months Inter thare was a full eighteen hole course, a club-hrtuse built and paid for and a membership c»f 150. «



The Harley-Davidaon Touring Club held its hill-olimb at St. Heliers Bay on Saturday before a good number of spectators. The contests were very keen, only l-20seo. separating some of th© placed men. The fastest time of the day was made by P. Nash on a 10-12 ih.p. ley-Davidson and W. Herbert on an O.H.V. 8} h.p. Norton, both being timed to do 10 3-10 sec. Following are .the detailed Tesults, showing the mean time of each rider's two attempts: Light-weight Class, up to 21 h.p.—P. Hayes' 2J Douglas. 16 l-ssec, 1; H. .Millar's 2i 8.8.A. 16isec, 2; S. Whitehead's 2} A.J.S. • 19sec. 3. Only these competitors started. Millar made the fastest time of the day in this class, one attempt being made in 16seo. Medium-weight Class, up to 4 h.p.—A. Dallow's 8} Triumph 0.H.V., llseo. 1: W. Herbert's 8$ Norton O.H.V. 11 2-sseo. 2i J. Kilfour's 3i Douglas 0.H.V., 12 1-lOsec, 8. Nine starters. Herbert made the fastest time' of tho day. in this olass on his second attempt, 10 4-ssec. The speed shown by the three place-getters was exceptional for low-powered machines. It required very skilful handling to safely cross th© rough stretch at the top of the first sharp pinch. Dallow gained time by his superb' cornering on the first bend. Heavy-weight Class (open). Nash's 30-ISJ h.p. Hivrley-Davidson, 10 6-20 sec. 1: J. Lowe's 7-9 h.p. Harley Davidson. 10 8-20seo. 2; R. Tappenden's 10-12 h.p. Henderson and A. Dallow's 81 h.p. Triumph. 19 15-20seo, 8. Sixteen starters.. Nash on his first attempt and Herbert in his last trial made the fastest time of the day in this event, 10 8-lOsec. The control and riding was peifoct and the nature of the competition can be gauged by the closeness of th© times.. Side-car Cla.«» (open).D. Garton's 10-12 hp. Indian Chief. 1/1 5-20Bec, 1: P. Nash's 10-12 h.p. Harley-Davidson, 15 6-20 sec. 2; L. Steincker's 10-12 Henderson and R. (Tan ponden's 10-12 Henderson, 16 10-208eo, 8. Eight started. Steincker looked like a winner until a terminal wire came loose in his last attempt, losing him first place. Nash was then named aa most probable until Garton on his last attempt clipped l-6seo off his time, giving faim a victory by I-20seo. •



The inter-club matches, under th© auspices of th© 1 Auckland Lawn Tennis Association, were played on Saturday. The following are the results— GRADE A. Parnell v. Eden and Epsom (Parnell names first).—Men's Singles: Tallis . lost to Bartleet, I—6„ 2—6; Williams drew with Webster, 6— ■ —6: Coatee drew with Johns, 56, —4; McGrcgar beat A. S. Brown, 64, 61; Riddell diew with Campbell, —6, &3. Men's Doubles: Williams and Horn© lost to Bartleet and Webster, 26, —6; Tallis and Coatee lost to Johns and Johns, 'I——6; McGregor and Riddell lost to Brown and Campbell, 4— 6—2, 5—6; Tallis and Coatea lost to Bartleet and Webster, —6, 2—6; Horne and Williams lost to Johns and Johns* 2—6, 6—3, 2—6. Eden and Epsom won by 6 games to 1.


- Onehunga v. Birkenhead and Northcot© (Onehunga names first). Men's Singles: Rob beat Martin by default; Russell beat Morrin, 4— &—4, 6—4; T. Keith lost to K. Keith, 6—4, o—6, —6: Hunt beat Cavaye, 6—3, 6—2. Ladies' Singles: Mrs. Taylor beat Miss Maxwell, 9—4; Miss Litton beat Miss Bygate, 9—4. Men's Doubles: Robb and Russell beat Martin and Morrin by default; Keith and Hunt lost to Keith and Cavaye, s—o. —3. —6: Taylor and Rowlands beat Johnston and Elder, 62, 6—3. Ladies' Doubles: Mrs. Taylor and Miss Litton beat Misses Maxwell and Bygate, B—3; Misses Hickman and Harbutt lost to Mrs. Cadness and Miss Isaacs, 5-9. Combined Doubles: Rowlands and Miss Hickman lost to Johnston and Miss Isaacs, 6r—9; Taylor and Miss Harbutt lost to Elder and Mrs. Cadness, 6—9. Onehunga won by 8 games to 5. - GRADE C. Manurewa v. Mount Albert (Manurewa names first). Men's Singles: Pegler beat Stenberg, 6—4, 6—4; Warlich lost to Potts, 4—6, 6—5, —; L. N. Pegler lost to Shackell, 2—6, 2—6; Bell lost to Marshall, —6. 6— 4— Ladies' Singles: Miss Lupton lost to Miss Mann, 7—10; Miss Bodle best. Miss 30— Men's Doubles: Pegler and Warlioh lost to Stenberg and Potter, 6—5, 4—6, —6; Bell and Lupton lost to Buchanan and Beachem, o—6, I—-6; L. M. Pegler and E. R. Pegler. lost to Shaokell and Marshall, 6— -. 3—6, 2—6. Ladies' Doubles: Miss Lupton and Mrs. Pegler heat Mioses Mann and Wakerley, 10—8 Mrs.' Warlioh and Miss Bodle lost to Msises Butler and Freeman, 8— Combined Doubles: Mrs. Warlich and V. Pegler lost to Miss Butler and Bucbsnan. 6— Mrs. Pegler and C. Lupton lost fo Miss Freeman and Beachem, 3—lo. Mount Albert won by 9 games to 4, Eemuera v. .Onehunga.— Singles: J. Hunter heat Bold, 6—o. —2; P. Lusk beat _ Winter, 6—4, 6—4; F. Sturt beat S. Harrison, 62,, 4—6, 6—l: L. Hart beat J. Robb. 6—l,' 6—4. Ladies' Singles: Miss Richardson beat Miss C. Lloyd, 10 —8; Miss Richards beat Miss 0. Lloyd, 10— Men's Doubles: Hunter and Lusk beat Bold and Winter, 6—l 4—6, 6— Sturt and. Rowllings boat S. Harrison and Robb, 64, 62; Hart and Elliott beat _ Jefferson and Warren, 6—5, 6—5. Ladies' Doubles: Misses Richardson and Richards beat Misses C. Lloyd and O. Lloyd, —7; Minses Be firm an «nd Colsou beat Miss Pari and Mrs. Evans, 10—1, Combined Doubles: Elliott and Miss Hegman beat Warren and Miss Parr, —9; Rowllings. and Miss Colson beat Jefferson and Mrs. Evans, 10—2. Remuera won by 10 games to 3.



[by tki.kcbaph.— correspondent.] TE AROHA. Sunday. A match for the Cameron Challenge Polo Cup took place at Te Aroha on Saturday, between the Waihau (holders) and the Hamilton (challengers) polo teams. After a. good, exciting game, victory went to Waiou by 6 to 4. The teams Waihou: Wight. O'Grady. Hines, Aislabio. Hamilton: Ranstead, Hume, Pountney, Yule. TAHU CUP COMPETITION. ' [IV? TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] CHRISTCHURCH, Friday. The Tahu Clip polo competition was commenced yesterday. The results are:— Pareora <scr) beat Christchurcli B (handicap 5 goals), by 9 goals to 5. Christchurch A (5) defeated Amuri South (7), by 13 to 8. Pareora (6) beat Amuri North (5), by 6 to 5. . ' Amuri South /7) beat Christchurch (B), by 8 to 7. . CHRISTCHURCH, Saturday. The finals for the' Tahu Cup polo competition results as follows;—Christchurch A (handicap 5 goals), .beat Pareora (scr), by 5 goals to 4; Amuri North (5 goals), beat Christchiirch 8.(5 goals), by 8 goals to 7.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18584, 17 December 1923, Page 6

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BOWLING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18584, 17 December 1923, Page 6

BOWLING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18584, 17 December 1923, Page 6