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blnant cup COMPETITIONS. RESULTS of SATURDAY'S play. The Pennant Cup competitions . - under ";'ii.f auspices of the Auckland Bowling - rS>ir* were played on Saturday. The wea■£S was fine and the conditions generally SSb favourable, .although a strong wind Steered &ay tricky and difficult.. The TVnnant competitions were played in addlUtioW inter-club and club matches. The Pff£enß%«e in good order and close and INiSteresting games resulted. Tho follow--11 ne were tho results, the r.amcs of the HtjSyera for the teams first-mentioned taking P r^Tlto Q n C °v~"Dominion Road, at Carlton.— m <>«£ Lewden,. Bom. O'Sullivan. 24. v. p'-'SnUea. Bell. Battersby. Woolley 17: HorM 25T Sergeant Perry Blanchard 22. v. I &afl7 Clarke. Barker Ramaay. 9; Ovrrr Noton. I. Wilson. Hosking. 27, v. W Oriblle Sisson-. Roberts Ball. 17;. Gould, m fllrirGiles,. Wetherilt, Lamb. 14. v. Jeasop. M West. Taylor. 19; Ernest. Rowel). i<-'-«r Coitman Sneddon. 12. v. Robertson, PB Cliffe EiHy. Allsopp. 18; Edmunds. MorM urn Blai:. Kitgour. 16, v. Fulton. Cannon. '$: ■• Vincent " Wakerley. 19: Phillips. Asbury, fc'' Vi«h Fookes. 18. v. Chappell, Simmonds, ■■''•'■'Bald'erson, Denison. 19. At Dominion W Koad- Bird Witohell. Wilson. Martin. 15, r-vGifford. S. E. ChappeU, A. H. Jones. j Ta»land 26: Wright. Culley, Williams, Laird 15. v. 'Collins. Gladstone, R. H. • Fisher. Dr. Moir. 21; McGlone, Cotterell, • ri«.rk'on. Thomson. 25. v. Cartwrieht, BenM ney Wilson. Goldsmith. 11; Elliott Bares„,p'o Grey. Johnston. 24". v. W. RichardSCO, ' Clews. Hoppy, Dunlop, 15; r?URe, : - ; \X'is'hart Ronayne. Wrightcn. 22. v. BelI ],ni r Brown. Toser Bryden, 19; Rogers. 1 Bel' De»-e, H. L. Smith. 18. v. W. H. : Jones Nash. S. Sayers. E. Wisdon. 24; Wallatt Kelly. Kent.. Lowry. 21. v. bema- ■ deni Bush. Yeoman. Sutherland. 22. "■'■■ Carlton v. EJlerslio. Carlton: Marks, Jlarrsy. Keesinc. Holmes. 19. v. Christmas, VDavitss' Macklow. -Gordon. 25; Soberer. '..'hotter. 'Tapper Cilles. 27. v. Diggens. Wat- ■' son "Rev. Tukc. Reed. 15; Bates. Guy. ; Cook. Joscy. 3". v. White. Gollan Wood. Osborne. 13: Buxton, Brittain, Mantell. : ''.':'" Arty. 36. v. McKelvie. Lynex, Holland, •v- Epsom v. Mount Albert.—At Epsom: A .Tansen, W. Sanabnry. E. Jones, Tanner, I&-3O v Beecroft. Doyle. Mcßride, Murray. Will- Braithwaite. A. G. Clarke. P. Hills. M Foubister. 32, v. Wallett.' Whatnali. Kelly. ;'- Muir, 15. „„ ~. . '." ~ i " Epsom v. Mount Wellington.—-At Epsom: '' \ Wright, Morton. Haszard. Morrison. 35, v' Higs's, Allan, Hay, Dstward. 16. Epsom v. Waitemats,At Epsom: Ken-/ "'.'dall Preston. J. W. Harrison. J. Wright. : '-; K V. Rojp. Astden Hodson. Glover, 16; Bull, J. Harrison, Parsons. Crabt-ree, 21, ■ v. Oxley, Cadneas, Lyon, Wilson. 19. Epsom v. Edendale.At Epsom: T. Sainsburv. Hawken. Bright. Inglis, 1?. v. Black. East. Smith. Forshaw, 18.. Devonport v. Mount Albert.—At Mount 1 Albert: Campbell, Crow. Mills. Cox 19. v. I Constantine, Maxwell, J. Thomas, Topliss. '■ 13- Martenson. Norton* Kelly. Warren, 14, v ' Stevens. Webster. Blair, Alleley. 19. 'Epsom v. Mount Albert.—At Mount Al- ; bert: Veale. Richmond. Hayes, Gosling, 11. v Bennett. Walters. Rowe>, Jenkin, 23; lamb. Ambury,. Wilkinson, de Lnunnay. 20, v. Piatt. Guthrie. Braraley. £.. Thoe»s, 15. ~ Mount Eden v. West End.—At Mount Eden: Moon. Cochrane, Wooiley. A. Nairn, ; to v. W. White, Biair, R. Scott, Maher, 14- T. W. Jones Truner. McDougail, Best, 24' v. Knasgs. Murray, Pearce. 16; Hull, Stevens. O. E. Bridges. Julian. 11, v Haig. Hopwood.. E. White. Langsford. 29- Delamore. Ferguson. Leighton. Gnl, 21, : v S. Hardley. Herbert. Cooks, Brooks. 25; Stone. Sherriff, Redman, Findlay 12, v.; Andrews, Pragnell, Hill, Bremner, 27. 1 Mount Eden v. Takapuna.— Mount Eden: Kinnaird, Elliott Jas. Smitib. Fraser, 23, v. Nixon. Buckley. Holmes. Pen- . ding 11; Job. Smith, Lauley. Herron, E. Walton, 31, v. Bachman. Oborn. Cutler. Hanna. 15; Lee. Hope- Burns, Tutt. 18. v. I Kells, Rowbottcm, Munro. Mathews. 21; R Walton. Hughes. Murray. Young. 25, v. Eckersley, Winter, Dawis v Barton. 14. . Onehunga v. Rocky Nook.—At Rocky Nook: Ireland Biggins. O. W T illiam3, Court. 16, v. G. Hunt, W. Ardern, F. Brown. Bouskill. .26; Kennedy. Robb. Greening, Brown 20, v. F. Adeane. W. "Williams, Lamb, T A. Finch 22: Rmtoul. Coutts. Hill. Macklow. 10.-v. C. Wright, Pringle. Bain. B. Kayew, 26. -■ West End v, Mount Bden.--Cornwall, Latimer. Whitten, Quin.-15. v Nairn Ritchie. Walton. Baker. 24: Ritchie. Bellve. Worsfold, Bell, 23, v. Gordon. Wagstaff, MiddJcton, Rankin, 11: Cox, . TJrquhart. Kiikham. Draffin, 42. v. Bainbridse. Hogc, Gatenby. Trayes. 15; McKeown. J. W. Hardley. "ynyard, Wise. 16, v. Vivian. Robertson. Jo!l Bigelow, 24; Trice, Plummer. P. Darby. R. A. Scott. 30, v. Fernandez. Bryce. tiartsnian. Miller. 13. ' West End v. Papatoetoe.—Selby. Lydford. TJre, Noton, 23, v. Brown, Trimble. Smytbeman. Hall, 14 . Dtvonport v. Mount Albert.At Devonport: BaDev Harty. Trayes. Elvy, 25, v. McKenzie, Dent. Cutforth. Garlick. '20; Naylor, McLaren, Morgan, Pascoe, 26, v. Holdsworth, Pattison, McNaughton. Baildon. 23. Devonport v. Edendale.Sisaon, K. . Broughton. Eyre, Lowe, 24, v. Bradshaw, M Baker, James, Frost, 15; Andrew, King, A. '■'■ Johnston, Blackburn. 29, v. Horspcoi. Miller. : Dee. Taylor. 20 , Dc-s-onport v. Waitemata.Knight, Goudie, 1 Groding. Snoad, 20, v. s Newman. Noble, Mason, McPhail, 9. Rocky Nook v. Grey Lynn.— Grey P. Lynn; Jones, Ccmpaton. Blakey. Eagleton." ¥i\> 21. v. Lye, W. Liversidge. I'earce, Fletcher, p 22; Cunningham. Barton, Milner, Pearce, 54. % v. Skitch. Pascoe, Woods, J. Seed, 18. At Rocky Nook: Sidler, J. Kayes, Randall. Roylance, 50, v. C. Liversidge, Molloy. Moran, ' ' Curtis. 10; Stuart, R. Wilson, White, Birmingham, 28. v. Hall, Jno. Preston, ■ Mincham, Mclvor, 19. * ■>_ Stanley v. Grey Lynn. Grey Lynn: ' Smith, Lang. Blamires, Lanigan, 22. v. • PaUirson, Gentles, Wilson. Johnston, 16; Gollan, Moore, Warneford, Rose, V 55, v. V- Becker, Spring. Bartlett. 14. ■ _ - . yl Si; Heliurs v. Grey Lynn.—At Grey Lynn: M. Crawshaw Phelan. White, Wright. 26, v. Lui;by, Connell, Boatwood, Newton. 13. ,At Stajaley Bay: Boyd, . Cleland, McGregor, . Jontfs, 9, v. Dowding. Gibbons, Goldsmith, • : Buckley. 19; Ross. Lambie. White.- Hall; 17. '■■-■• ▼. Pitkethley, Leydon, ; Basldon. ... Whittle. p 25 .:.-..:. ■ -.."-•; Takapuna v. Mount Eden.—At Takapuna: W Peters, H. Williams, Bull, Ogilvie. 12, v. : Jolly, Barlett. McNab. Snnnan. 38: Gal- • brafth. Weston. Dunlop, Thompson. 16. v. ; • CaTic-li. Spence, Everton. Daisiey, 26: Ham- ,.; . sou, Burnett, Meek, Audley. 25, v. Barley.

Fogarty, Comes, 17., . • - Tikapanii v. Papatoetoe.— Lass. .Robertiktw, Williams. Fraser, 28, v. Knnciman, Lute. Franklin, Bawnsley. 13: Hunt. Lawrence, Morrison, Codd, 15, v. Bryant, Galloway, Cntiorth. Knight,- 36. Ellerslie v. Carlton.—At Ellurslie: Whitehouse. Woodward.* Wilkinson, Peek, 15, v. G. Pollard. T. Mountain. Gordon, Gavey, 30: A. C. Hill. Wanebone. Jackson, Taylor, 15, v. Leitch, C. Mountain, Coutta, Ball. 25; Doiraell. Garmson. Gavey W. Somervell, 8, v. A Pollard. Burns. Packman puffin, 19; Williams. Copnins, Wheelans, Dickson, 19, t. Clayton, Mcindoe. Stevens. Warren, 21.

INTER-CLUB MATCHES. The following are the results of bowling inter-club matches, the names .of the playera of the teams first mentioned taking precedence: _ . . _ „, Epsom v. West End.—At Epsom: Standen, W. Hiirrision, McCidlough- Go? . ,22, v. Woodward, Irwin. Williams. W. Hardley, 12; Handlin, Grant, Hmton, Etaikie, 29. v. Shanley. Tudhope, Knox. Green 18. v Takapuna v. Mount Eden.— Perfect, Chilcott. Christy, 20, V. Chontas, Lawrence, H. O. Brown. Kudx>rberg. 24 Epsom v. Waiteme^ta.—White. Sellars, Taylor, George, 20. v. D. • B. D&A-ies, D. Elston. G. Hcwson. A. Potter, 11; Lewis, A. Harrison, Burton. S. H. Harrison, 15. v. J. A. Adams. W. JfcKinntry, T. H. Hurley, A. Campbell, 31. ; ?■■■ ?■'•■-■■ ■ ~,. •, . Devonport. v. Waitemata.—A.. ■ Blackio, J. Henderson. J. Armstrong, E.,Anderson. 25, v. A. W. Tyer. S. McGill. B. A. Johnston. A. Parriflh, 19. [BI TELEGRAPH. , CORRESPONDENT.] . HAMILTON, Sunday. The inter-club bowling match between Whitiora and Cambridge was played on the Whitiora Green yesterday -afternoon. Whitjora won by fhur games to two, or 142 points to 87. The following are the results, Whitiora. players being mentioned first:--Andrews, Mason. Fenwick, Jenlan, ■ 12. v. V. Hasue. J. Hill. N. Hill. Stokes, 26; liar-, fey, Bennett, Astle. Wliitten, 28. v. Easter, Hart, Cowling, T. McLarnoii. 12; W. A. Murray. Bergsen, Moffitt, Kodd, 28,, v. E. James, Edwards. -Clark. Fifher, jl; Gibson, fttuor. Nicol, Higgott. 31. v. . V. Ready, Mclnder, D. James, O. Toole, 11; Sinclair, D. Anderson. Burrow. Dimock,. U. v. R. McLarnon.. HooWbr, Dunmore. Lowe. 15; Limburn. Sing. Davey. A. Anderson, 29 v. Boyce, Webber, Coatee,, Harper, 12.

CLUB MATCHES. The following are tba results of bowling club matches played on Saturday:--Auckland.—Club Fours: Roberts. Barclay, R. D. Grav, Robertson. 24. '•'. Crookes. Cooper, McCrea. Atkin. 17; Kirk, Rocke, Dixon. W. R. Fletcher. 24. v. Dicketts, Elam. Buttle Neil. 1": Woodham, Jury, Common.,. Craig, 10, v. Rudd, Rawlinson. Campbell, McMahon. 20; Alexander. P. P. Burton. Prime, Hemus, 21, v. Cox, Shaw, Styak. Huston. 18; Moon. Hardy, Coldicutt, Crowhurst, 9, v. Westphal. Dransfield, J<'!wbegi a , Scantlebury. 81; Mosser, King, Whittaker. Ryrie, 30. v. Allan, Turner, Anßtiss, Graham, 18: Simpson, Donald, Kretschener. Price, 25, v. Do * Renr.y, Gilbert. Devereux, Piggott, 22; Scott. Burbush. Lyell Cater, 25. v. Newell, Forrest, Hacket. Keesing. 14; J. W. Fletcher, Parsons, liewitson, Thomas. 18. v. A. F. MacSjy. Wyntt. Plummer. Walker. 17; Burke, Wilson. Main, Nicholson 18. v. Corbett. grown. Hood, Perrett. 24 : Mohr. Rundle. Rendell, Gilmour. 13. v. Beaumont, Tracey, ■Dingle, F. W. Steele, 20. r _ Carlton.Senior Championship: Gavey, £1. v. Gordon, 20; Johnson. 21, v. Hosking. 20; Gavey, 2], v. Wrightson. 18; O'SulliT'*a. 21, v. Perry, 12; Lamb. 21, v. Kecslag. 15: J. ii. Fletcher. 21, v. Keesing. 20; Johnson, 21, v. F. Wilson, 6; Kent 21. v. Ncton. 15; Blanchard. 21. v. Kelly. 19; •H. Smith. 21. v. Gordon. 15; Hoaking. 21, v. Snedden, 18; Kelly, 22. v Wetherilt, JO; Dearo, 23. v. Blair, 15; BUffin. 21, v. £?£&, 10; Packman, 21. v. McGregor, 8; Ball 21. v Clarkson. 20; Dillicar % 22. v. McGregor, 10. Junior championship: ■RainjSer. 'SI, v. Wright. 11: McLaughlin. 21. *• Edmunds, 10; Ernest, 20, v. Rioaardson, ;«: Culiey. 21. v. Brittain, 14; Leitch, 22, v. gorrell. 15; „ Cross, 21, v. Phillips, 13; ;B«xk.a. 23, », Biiktahoad. 10; Williamson.

2a. v. Harle Giles. 13: Bird. 21, t. McGlone,*l7; Culley. 5:1. v. -MeLauslhlin. > 7: Bird, 31, v. Cross, 12; Bell. 21. -v. Ernest. 77:; Edmunds. 21, v. Raingcr," 20: Harle Gilea..2l, v. Ernest. 17. President's • Handicap: Blancbard, 22. v. Keesiag 19: Kent. 21, v. iGavcy, 15; f Bell, +16,' v. Keesing. IB; McLaughlin, 24. v. v Kent. 18; Lamb. 22. v. Guy, 17; Kent: 28 v. Snedden. i 12: Warren . 20, v. Snedden. 10; Blanchard, ' 23. v. Bell, to;- Kuingor, 20. v. Tapper, 19; Culley. 23. v. Blancbard. 19; Guy. C SO, v. Williamson. 17; Lamb, 29, v. Buxton, 20; Gordon. 21, v. Tapper. 15: Mitchell. 22. v. Blanchard. 20; Ball. 24. v. Bird. 16: Warren, 19. v. Kent. 14: Cross, 20, v. Wilson, 17; McLaughlin. 21. v. Warren, 18; Guy. 21, v. Noton. 17; I'Javey. IP. v. WaTren, 17; Snedden. 21, v. Gavey. 14: Gordon. 29. v. • Rainger, 22, Keesing, 30. v. Culley, 17; Culler. 21. v. Bell, 14; \ Guy. 21, v. Buxton, 20: Blanchard. 18.: v. O'Sullivan, 15; Ball, 20. v. Kelly, 19; Blanchard. 23. v. J. S. Fletcher. 22: McLaughlin. 26. v. Caver, 16; Gordon. 20. v. F. Wilson. 19; Culley, 24. v. O'Sullivan, 21. „ Ponsonby.—Percentage Fours: Connolly, Meek. Mackie, Conway, 14. v. Haszard, Richardson, Miller. Rowlands, 26; Gorman. Colebrook. Bruce, Chapman, 18, v, Billinj'ton. Moore, Blomfield. Allnutt. 18: Muilinet 1 : Veale, Tucker. -Hummer. 25. v. Roife. King. Donovon Veale, 18; Parkinson. Baggett. Crowe. Jury, 23. v. Carbines. McGregor. Campbell. Sodden. 18; Jamieson. 25, v. Griffiths. 18: Brown, Copmns. Buchan. Parsons, 25 v. Gray, Nordern, Goldwater, Valentine, 18; Lovett, Stevenson. Blitz. Hosking. 20. "V. Dougherty. Blincoe, Paterson, Walker, 15: Smith. Rolston. Drunimond. Whitelaw, 24. v. Young. Payne. Wright. Mclnness '.si.; Good. Coates. Clarke. (Irving Clarke, 19, >'v. Johnson. Hardier, Black. Stotter, 16; Carbines. Capt. Smith. Abbott, Dick. 36. v. Good, Smith. Schischka, Bryant. 17: Tanner, Lye. Gibson, Davidson. 27. v. Moyle. Dromgool, I Pardington, Drummond. 16; Whitfield. LawI son. Jones. Everett, 19, v. Morrisson. i arrow. Lucena, Wright. 13. Kemuera.—-Jobson fours: Potrie, Burnett, Rosseter. J. P. Camphell. 26, v. Annadale, Nutford. G. Wyall. Daniels. 14; Annandale. Nutford, G. H., Kisslin. McLean. 18. v. Sutherland, Tailored, Davis. Mcßobie. 9; Miers. Horrocks, Hegman. Woller, 21, v. Hcadley, Wilson. Spooner. Harbut, 15; Wallace. Shannon, Osbume-Lilly. Budingi., 23, v. Bowles. Murdoch, Baker, Mellars. 20; Choyce. Whittaker. Gannaway, Long. 23, v. Alexander, Simms, Jacks, Kinvig. 23; Munro, Loosemere, Robertson. MacCallum, 25. v. Mahon, Dewey, Cutfield. Seaton. 19; Fisher. Passmoie. Ashton. Garrard. 25, v. Harris, White. Lusher. Dingwall, 16; Feldon, Kenderdine, Palmer. Coe, 23, v. Symen. Short, Rath bone. S. Kisslin, 13: W. J. Campbell, Sawyer. Dempsey, Hobday, 22, v. Edmiston. Brown. Johnson, Vugler, 18. Devonport.—Club fours; Allen, Buchanan, A. Moore, Bayly, 13, v. Thornton. Ansel!. Hvnes, E. R. Jones, 22; Stevenson, WilI liamson Dawson. Watson, 23. v. Clouston, Wood, Robertson, Dr. Eade. 16; O'Malley, Pitts, Minchim. A. L. Jones, 15. v. Parson. Chins, Baoh, T. Wrigley. 26: Melville, Day, Rice.. Bartley, 14. v. Monteith. Luxford. Porter, J. P. Wright, 17: Burr, Sullivan, Walsh. F. Tonge, 31. v. drivers, Newman. H.L. Wright. Tongs, 14. R*whiti.—Percentage Fours: Wallace, Walker, Burcher. Millard. 31. v. Wilniot. Wayto Stubbs, J. B. Paterson. 21; Millward. Robertson. Price Piper. 28, v. Sykes. T.undon. Tipp, Thomson. 17; Hills, Eaves, Purdon. Koonan, 34. v. Johnson. Sharkey. Worthinstoji, Taylor. 9; Watson. Watkins. Noncur. Chiplin. 21 v. Schoßeld. Grantley. Good, Irvine, 19: Keller Woods, Murray, Oldham. 23. v. McGowan. Bebe. Samways, Ross, 21. Mount —Club Fours: Ironsides, Piper. Mueller. Bertram. 25, v. Hopper, Armstrong, B. Smith Faram, 14; Dignan. Williams. Owen Webb. 21 v. ' Short, Hayman. Stone, Hardcastle, 14; Fieldhouse, Biddington, Gray Ashmore, 18, v. Jones, Melville, Klrik. Sealev. 18. Victoria Green.— Fours: Morris. Fallon. Hendrickson. Sakey, 24, v. Allan. Millar. Howard, Shams, 18. Club Pairs: Thorne t Somers. 26, v. Boa, Saunders, 17, Fountain, Wheeler. 21. v. Hunter. Raynes. 19: B. Smith, Crowsen. 30. v. Lainchbury. Kirk. 22. West End.—Club Fours: Cato. Black, Anstice, Bennett. 19. v. Allum. Lambourne. Venteres. Drury 18: Jones. B. .Wilson, Lifctleproud. B. Reid. 17. v. Harvey, Hedlund. Swale*, Smith. 19. Takapuna.—Championship: Veale 21, v. Dunlop, 17: Bollon 20, v. Arrowsmith 14. Handicap Singles: Ogilvie 24, v. Boulton 17: Cutler 17, v. Hay den 14; Thompson 18, t. Arrowsmith 16; Dunlop 31, v. Biolotto 25. ■■; Club Pairs: G-albraith and Morrison 50, v. Balchman end Chilcotte 21. Wsitemata.— Fours: W. K. Stewart, H. Brown, W. J. England, W. Watson 34. v. E. V. Fitzpatrick. F. Jones, F. Hubble, E. Mason. 25.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18566, 26 November 1923, Page 13

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BOWLING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18566, 26 November 1923, Page 13

BOWLING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18566, 26 November 1923, Page 13