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- HOUSES AND LAMP WANTgp. A BOUT that Property! Ton jmt the i ' _J**kt '* >®'il € do'l the ;' B»Uin£ _HcPh*ii ; : 21, Phoenix tC^iuabor«.'fe^;C"^fes^lS^^l : BUNGALOW, modern. 5 org room«• "iiSi -v ! *'sdeposit; substantial: :- ireful peoDl/— Bend > address at ; Secure, ; 14.7. fltmi - PLOTTAGE, •' any * condition; *? Bandy Tf^T us. aSi'r Pnc ' >"* cotSSg . "(Q.OOD: Client . want#, 400, to"; 600 AT sheep : country £ urgint.—Mcffat aSfr Ballard, 90. >; Queen St.' ® HOUSE, ,v 6 rooms, wanted, email- acrMTT-Jtlfe Xl^on. or near m, Eden Kd.; £300 S5K® —Elevated. 55. Hii.Bah>. ' - "epocit. "Pf'OUSE,; 4 or, more. rooms, up to £10007 HmumF*' 0011,61116114 tra «—Con<iucto^' HOUSE, .7. rcoma. convs., anywhere- diwl posit* £150; total about £ 1150 — '*o*i man. 12,: Gfcorge St.. Ponaortby. ' MT. ALBERT. 4-5 roomed finite -'' " galow, handy position. 4th eectie&i large deposit.—Mond.v 166. Dominion Rd.- $ Tl/TT. EDEN, high ?ide.—s Rooms, up ta : iVI £ 1500.—A. H. Buckley. 13. WiMK;® Bldffs. OREMISES - suitable small factory- IW f §§i A nell, Newmarket: or Section 3oh »a 40ft. frontage.— Winstone Bldgs. ' SOLDIERS' Land Bureau. HeUaWa p Bldgs., . urgently . requires Houses %1 . harms, Farmlete, with Soldiers' MortgasM* ■•' Buyers waiting. ~ . r r "W E have Buyers waiting for follovriji* a '' v. t Properties:—Elleralie or Green Lane! £1250, ; £200 cash; Remuera or . •.. Epsom. £2000, £400 cash; same, £6000, £2000 r-fh*- '•'•V' Parnell, yfi-G rooms, £1400, y £250' cash.--Efend full' particulars to J. M. McVesth :y§s and. Co., Short's Bides.. 154, Queen St •Phones 3304 and 1184 A. T?!^P — ■■ —. s=—iadl HOUSES. AND LAND FOR .SALE.^Mm ■■' ££ X?ALMORAL ROAD.—Now Bungalow : fg rooms; insured £ 800 ;68 198 £ 1350 -fmi rooms; insured £800 ; 66 x 198; £1250 h, £200.—Jolly, 53, Mt. Eden 6d. BARGAIN.— i to 2 • acres; - fr'->,t4v'j hold; total price. £47* to £650.—x&S' Box 19. Manurewa. . ■ i - "DAS GAlN—Heme Bay. close trams.— 'MM XJ _ Bungalow, 7 rooms, • every coav.j glorious, harbour •views; £2200; terms.— George May hill. 5, Phoenix Chambers. ■' "■— 1 BARGAIN.-jix6„ the Thing—sJ Acres, wice'vfe',? JJ suburban Home, elevated; views nO'-MM surpassed; suitable subdivide now; reduced v s| price, . £1450: terms. — Great Northern fIiSS Agency. 19. H.M. Arcade. ' • ■ : \ x:~ . BARGAIN. —18i acres, first-olass grass and JLI cultivation, all ploughable, well; shel- ■ tered. 4-roomod bouse. Main road, H miles < 3 5 station, 1 mile school. Price Going Con- v earn including £ good cows, horse etc. v Only £1950, terms arranged.— J. Cramp, "63."; Queen Street. BRENTWOOD AY., oS Dominion Rd.— Roomed Villa, ail conva.; large aection, in garden.; newly minted; good order;'>V»| owner leaving; near car; terms.-(-38, Brent- .'V wood Ay. ' '•> T - a "OUNGALOWS, 4 rooms, oonvs.; framlifM X> £660, deposit £100; at Glen Eden.— '~$M Portcona. 91, Queen St. - " DUCKXiAND— Acres, - mostly unim»*s -LP proved good land; 70 acres ; heavy bush, 60 acres ready for- plough, 20 .acres'#&# good swamp; river frontage land alongside asking £40. Price, £12 10s; accept bo deposit, and will capitalize rent 12 months if purchaser improves; an exceptional chancefes • H. > POTTER, Owner, iSllereliev.-i^Rj^^B Mi THIS for the Summer.— cash. '.'% •!> -D Castor Bay, Milford.-—Cottage of i rooms,* heart of kauri, on, Section 1-3' acre. Price, - including furniture. £320; balance can remain's yean), 6i , per • cent.—W«au Scholium, 109,- Queen St. • - . : 1 ;• PASTOR BAY.—Pick of beach:— y>:■> bungalow and large sleeping : verandab,' splendid section, ideal' position. Pries $@<3 guick sale £850.—P. J. Crump, 68. Queen pilY H?3use, 4 rooms, kitchen, all■ cenw.f j , £75 deposit " —Apply Turkish * 1 ■ ' .'/-"lff 1 /COTTAGE, cosy, 8 i rooms, kitchenette, ! W wash-house, copper, tuba, bath; lOmias. tram.—Address at - Hurat.p.'.v'-,>;* - ■ pOTTAGE, : wash-house; garage, eruin* " sawbench, shafting, tennis - ; court, v 1 , acre; seaside.— : 237. Khyber .Passer i .pRUMMER RD.— Rooms," bathroom, conva.. hot. water service; handy trams; f price, 1100' terns.Norman, 217, -u. ; Kwr»agM»ap»;Bd.-.r/. if.-.- • -■ : ; S T|ECEABEI> Estate.—City, main thorough? ' 1 'XJ >. fSubstantial Residence. 7 room*; cne flow let £3. weekly; 35ft, frontan: , zoom to build two shops. Government vain- a ation land, £1225. V Big prospective value. i Price only v £ISSO/:s' terms.—Apply direct. . ;Trustee; • "Moana,'=Albert;/; Road. Water- A *iew, Avondale. v ' ' ' - -. vg TIEVONPORT.—Semi-Bungalow. -5 ; room»Mif| U ■ and ? kitchenette, pore ,4b >aiui,;b.r?,'hMw§ ? and 0. water, elec. ? light, gas, 'phone, built- . in linenpresses" and wardrobes; Section, 60 fpp| jx 130: price £1350; easy terms.—McPhaii, 21, Phoenix Chambers. \ fTkEVONPORT.— Bungalow, •6.-, roon»s r doie " waterfront and wharf, : !j-' t £1490, caifc i £250. T4>Roomed.' Bungalows, Narrow Nect and- VauxhitU. £1500 each. -;-;7-Rooiaed Villa, • handy .wharf;; £900. - Also- many \ other -Re«i* : denceit, both large and ' small;— : Asher,^ Ferry "Wharf, Devonport. 'Phone a 211. Saturday a!lemoon'f appemtmenta by arrangement. ' I? PSOM.—Beautiful Modern Bungalow, . I XU very 3 high position; £1650; ? terms sri .ranged:—Proud,' 27.".' Queen St. ' ; 17^ARM. Matangi, area 60 acrsa; unencumi JC>S4tiberedjawould consider exchange for Suburban Property, Auckland; all agents.— Box 21. Matangi. •1 '5 IT 1 ARMLET,. 10 g acres, large ¥Housfc"^wnr ; |S^| ■ X convenience? ** no agent*.—Apply lick, Arthur B*.- Mt. EoekilL ■ .AAIiMLET, South Suburban, 5 Acres; new : v J- «woomed Bungaliw, gartieni, « orchard, crops, ®tc."ifPrice,' £2500.—Suburban, 44 24, HEBALO. Private Sale.—Corner Block, Btet 5 . . J? • -*- and ; Dwelling thereon, ' every con?.;. ; j busy district;— Address? at jaißiXP. | ,■ fTLEN. Bungalows, 5 ; rooms, conveniences: from -- £750; ' deposit c £150; plane.—Porteoue.' 91;'; Quean ' St. • ' Y2J.LEN EDEN, Near Station.—Self-support- 4 iV • ing Home, good House, convs.; tele- ; phone; cow; hour service from December} • 5 1 sacrifice, t ill-health.—Bargain. 729. x GO . in.'; for Strawberries. —6i > Acres -of '.the - vT best Strawberry-growing tiroimd, near Auckland; situated ?. lmin. off White - Bwm Rd„ Mt. Roskill; no 7 reasonable offer refused.—Strawberries. i 105. Hwrat.p. '/3.RAPTON y Two-storeyed : Residence, W $ suitable t apartments; magnificent news; easy , terms; immediatevpossession.—'T.. 904, >•, Heiuld. v 1 fcV . /GREENWOOD'S m- CORNER.—Bun gUow»SMS AT • -new,; 5 rooms, sleeping porch, g**, ®.Lt €0 it-. 200; £1650; terms.—'Phone 1093. />REEN LANE.—New • Bungalow. 4 rooms. vJ bathroom, pore, basin, oalifont: wash- s ;>?| house,- 0. and* tubs, under one , roof- Section, 82 x 199; Government ?mort.,:c£B4o.*: Price, 1350 terms.—Soldiers' . Land : Bureau,&i(| Hellaby's Bldgs. r,:..-r -.- .- . P.REY LYNN.—£IBO v Bal. £900,';.: rlj UT Govt. »a Mort.—Bungalow, A* roams, ■$£$& conva.; in a. car.—Soldiers' 'Lend Bureau, Hellaby's Bldgs. " / " •/. :.*> ; J/2.REY;'LYNN—Government Mort. £908.i 'iVTit-i Solid v Kauri - House, 6 " rooms,' tmodsrn^jfe® convs.; s . : elec. light, .. poro. b. and .K, ho* j water service. -: • Price V £1800, or v - offer.— Soldiers' Land Bureau. Hellaby's = 81dg3.;--/;"{#^4i XTANDY Station Elevated, 6 Rooms.'3/or|||| XX 6 acres.-— Garnett St., Avondale.- t -yy ? li^| , IJ ENDESSON,?;? near *;v Station.(i Acrwt, XX lencea. 2-roomed Cottage; £500; cash, £ 160.—MacLeod, Henderson. Sole Agent. - : BAY.—S Rooms, < pore. .batb.\h7i.M XX and c. water, electric fight; ? £1175-. de» ■ posit-:?£ Barrett, 4. Durham. St. r TTERNE Bungalow, ,7 rooms, ewffl .: XX ;j; uninterrupted harbour rviwiMi bewf.' any innoeotion.— ■ iLayhul, 5, Phoenix Chambers : - TTOUSE, 6 rooms, convs.Large cultivated ,( ? *i : XX section; beautiful 5 elevated position.— j Address tat . . ; lt/ff'ANGERE'f Station.—New-; Bungalow. 5 J 1M. ; :•■ srooms:Kgas,: • water, convs:; i to 3fes-?| acres.—Lloyd. " Otahuhu. • , ' ■< _ > j : »'\/f ANUREWA.—S 1-5 acres; modern Bun.'.':-'! UVI, galow. 6 rooms; *jJL8000:' cheap; easy ternid.—Petherick. 29. . Union * Bldgs. v' ' ■.. ."jITILFORD.—7-roomed ..i Bungalow, bath'iWL' room, califont. v- porc®.'iin > bath, wash basin, gas in' every?' room; 1$ large. Section IVgyg must ■ increase %in - value.- -Immediate Pos:session. i 93, ' HaBALT>. j V.-.- . ■/,; Tl/TT.: ALBERT.—Choice Modern Home, ele--I*-L vated. * 4mins. tram :j owner will sacri* .' Gee. £1850; terms.—4l. Leslie A to. "Jl/fT. : ALBERT. — - 6-rcomed Bungalow, atX j panelled - reception hall, bathroom. .. ! pore, bath and basin, automatic califont, h. and.- c. ;- water; front ' and ' back porches; 1 section,,66 x 132. Trice. £1475; terms ar ; ranged.—P. J. Crump, 63. Queen -■'■ Bt;g.ffl% M T. EDEN— 1450.Modern Bungalow. % convs., udjoiping Maungawhau School; 6 rooms; - vacant »December - j.: terms, £300". • —No Agents. J s7;;iH!BnaAXi^':^^'H^gßyi-!-:^.^r^;^^ XT ARROW NECK—Bungalow, £1020; fruitM|| I",t trees,- lawns, workshop; » snip. / Term# ; a | j j4' arranged reasonably.—l 4, Merani St. >.? fc"\fEW ; iLYNN.—-New* Bnngnlow, 4 room». : •ill-«!h. and •• c;-"'-.watef,f - porcelain bath ana basin, gas;« smin. from ■' Edition.— particulars . T?-n<r vnnd»l e Exchange. •?*■■■■>* 1 - "VrORTHCOTE.—Cosy New Bungalow, -'4 \* i 1" rooms and kitchenette, range. h.w..-gs».«« ; stove, p.b., everything; £750; cash £100. Snip.—F. v Sheath, 801;; N.S. Insuranc»^|#| Bldga. ' Y^TAHUHU. —5-roomed Kauri Hoiwe,' near [U^^^fSeyar^f£%dwo^t»wS £650.— Mislabie^ptician^&Winstona'fßldOT^'g^^^a n T AHOHU.-Yonr ; Chance.-r-Cottage, -* v, -j :\J rooms, conveniences; cheap 'at $ £*75 ,> deposit ? £loo.—Baker Agent. Otahuhu. _ : "DARNELL. Brighton Rd.—6 ! Rooms, cony*. -I Large « Section, glorious harbour views. £1550 easy terms.—Geoig* Mtyhill. * Phoenix Chambers. "OARNELL.—Fr«ohoId, Modern •=*:«g! i low. 6 rooms, a mins. tram: | £2075; terms g easy.—Clayton,^yWinsfW^^BHgs^^^^^ga T>ABNli7jL.—Freehold, Solid fjL3^larga^^oonla.^bat.arbOin.'^atc;rMgßoß^is§ii £100 depout,—Protid, !27, Queen St.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 4