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jpy X ... Qk And Now Comes the Busiest Time i• - - Jlll m AfT\T\ \ '■ w/ xL„ V-y,*. - Yes! Just 25 Shopping Days, ~ Mm, - - " , iwt>». ■' Ifil filTMlr \ ■ Of the JT e€tV ——-—and Christmas is upon us. :^| ' v*"** ii fL ) •/ d&t] Jl!i'jk\ftl' In the great majority of households much has to be accomplished •■ Cjjfi JttTix '•> U$!P""• ?$. ■■•••■.v 1 "II 1 1 /, fftjfCjx villi W\"i*\ '' j during the few weeks that now remain to Christmas MIWV ' I|\ \ A •'jNlil q v y' I W'|y| Mil 1w ■n — selections and the choosing of suitable apparel for the summer COUNTRY '\y l ft \ .1 f Jy 4 \ xLWi nil ill bIB vacation are perhaps of paramount importance. CUSTOMERS , \\ ' i l\ \ ./ x. :< I-ii J y ' 7" , J\ SI 111 Offil TOYLAND The completion of the new ground floor, where so _ many apparel SHOULD NOT / . / \\ Il\ A . f '&$ V? > / L/ \ jjl Ml IfcV NOW OPEN accessories and gift novelties are assembled, permits finer displays . DELAY IN MAKING / I A , \\ jlj/ \ . \j X ! >i| \ s [Vy 2S3T [ jr"t Q" THE and better shopping facilities than ever. CHRISTMAS I» | /l) \ >\ . /// I j,| ,* /\ \ ] "x JS^>toi|r we iSu 0 M FIRST FLOOR. yj ie ear j y choose no t only has the advantage .of the complete REQUIREMENTS \k /Jj\\ Vlf I J I K *' >/ I ' / YV \ J \ 'IT 1 | jL& ' assortments, but receives better individual attention now than KNOWN. WikhmA'L VTWfiA i '}" k I >V N *- WS prTwHl I L later, and shows a kindly consideration for- the staff, which is —.*, — mam' I I'! —A very pretty drooping shape \ (II )1 .fgftfo much appreciated. " ' O" Iff IH . .... .. . r , ''*? % of Cream Pedal Straw, trimmed m f WIH •ss& . yawßHElk * >989n, V.fA IWAIMrtIS C7o—This very becoming.. wide brim Hat is of » r V/:\' Vandyke effect with ribbon over the \ / Fft Bjr , *1 fine quality Cream Pedal Straw. It is treated in crown, and finished with neat band / /' W fl K a very distinctive manner with Cream Faille RibiQj bow. Price 35/6-« L9—This very smart garment is a ( __ il^Br l t — fl 1 II [fA on as an underlining, and has hand and bow to Jv.: light wool Cardigan, which comes in a W" \) >J f ( match —Splendsd Value at 29/ - A Distinctive Novelty in colour combinations — Ivory and J _ U L2l -An extremely smart THe Traced Linene FfOclt l' 1 i ILmbroidered Bedspreads. ceri«,' Woty and d FUme. o, aid° Lemon coatee style of Black Maro- Lengths at 7/11. t v. D„ ' w and White. A braid of fine Ivory /A >A |V rV yrfl 5 l£t ISk & / cain * featuring the h,gWy X * JUSc IXCIX « defines the pocket, cuffs and edges /yJal V-JWl\ /<o J\ \ . •t H OjA / fashionable bolster collar. These excellent Frock Lengths, all traced in , . »»—•«/6. / nij% mrm Xfffifflm ■be ' A£. -* «-*-bdi_—~ ft VXTUIIy shown. // / ' \/yfcto./\TV rill IW\ t'Qfi f vgp| fl\Mlrw\ Price £6/16/6. / or Sports Frock at a remarkably modest outlay. /*'■ They are ©fa serviceable Cream fabric, effectively \ \ l\J f \ K \ j0( . 1 l/l\ WpfeSl sZK&fi? 1, 1 L*** >< !wl There are several different colourings, and in '4^, embroidered in Medallion, Trellis, and Basket designs ( Vv\ \y^W k -' II I e;k8)w1 Jml iZf™T ' view of the big demand caused by such wonder. fV in snch colouring as Light and Dark Blue, Rose Pink, |\ ll /I J I / l I "'se '" apeC Q° n ' j 1 ful valu* early inspection i« advised. ill I y'S^^t^t^Jo^%Cm 1 ?° t L n g without th« u«v«»i if : ; z L l| A Collection of Delightful touch of colour gives a /hjl WJ /I [/ J//7 A // 111 jf[| I || |l f Voile'and Cotton 'vThey are s owing g /J|/ | | |jn g —A very distinctive Art Silk Georgette frocks. HI M D^b' , us 4 lYfl P 1 pUJJ Hf iyi: Ik. y«». hipjUni and edging Attractively Priced at '/\| r .J. *V 'A As a Christmas gift such a useful novelty would find J g I r, v i/i L v lPw r °V n<l "d J AI P J : 95A -• • '/ Mf ®J J 4lOv % mach appreciation. .. ' g 1 R/ V II I' X 119 V'l afjgrffg-tft, 95/-. /J4& i ||£% F " -' •■y k/ Ijy I rAtss ,en " M"T? :j| ' LB — A deliß,ltful: Tennis Coat .in ul IHgtl | I |( j| /J[ L / realise the true worth and value of the [||| band* at jfbidiwV | f! 11 111! I I Fashioned from the finest quality Voile /H| ,'fu . » _ producing a very smart effect. • Ob- I M' I LIB |||j j | f) \\ V "TcT A Georgette in accord with the latest {[F U 'I ji !gBH Cfe _, . | M tainabie in >Kingfisher, Almond Green, VrL " >jj ! \~j i-20 • v style dictates, they are; in most instances,. j\ ill ;£'^ Exceptional . • .. • Putty or Ivory. Price 63/-. L.T7 11 /'I ( >» j_lß \f * beaded and embroidered; (in jjpl HI £fj ■ *>- Beautiful Consider Your Christmas Gift V L2O—A very distinctive ' "^"^ e colourings include Alice Blue. Jjj I . . L2O-r—A very distinctive "The colourings include Alice Blue, \l B' 111 I * n UfcifjAll Wftnl : List to-day and Make Early Ll7— very neatly LlB—A delightful after- three-piece suit, of striped /\lfc" 4 Lemon, Cinnamon, Rose Pink and Jade. 'ffll ' 'Al ! -... .'I 'RS®ESf || I -v' Quality AM-Wool . Preparation. tailored suit i. of fine noon,, frock of plo.lod T.rry C1.t1,. TK V ... /,JB ■ \ \ Had ',h«„ not" been secured under very mSSt - UsjJ WtttiW if* RftfKtncy Smt* at- 25 f- • quality Garbi., fashioned Georgette, featuring the tached bodice is or Crepe m \ ITr I i 11 *"» i i AHi [ <w* "T/HKW7 \ L Battling OUlt at LI/ ' on the very kte>t line., ~h i<> . cowl collar ,Chin. in P colour t M AID 1 favourable cr,cu m .tonce.. ,uch ' ,ne ." r . • . . «, , . .... *nrl i)<rMrfiiiiir»(>r •Imvm. Obtainable .in Rose and IX V able value would not have been Dossible. pßrfiMl} /f7/£>. 7 : ;/A':r -It i. a boooliMy shaped one-piece Soil, with goods that have yet boon assembled and % trimmed wuh fancy 'JTw. ' Grey, Grey and Nattier, ' . -b'. v.h. ». U ld_„.« h,i n boon po-Mo. .MMIHR feJSSi :,ktrt attached, no sleeves, and buttoned shoulder; await inspect, i in the various sec- stltc hing in self colour. 0 "' Georgette Obtain- Brown and Blue, or Brown X itT > IA 95/-. brmg. the .mart- - - ' JIIH ' My* * really excellent, garment in every way. Sizes tions throughout the Store. plainly tailored skirt. a y e in 8 Powder Blue and Brick. Belt fastens j/IVI/ ' |\T ' -> ' est and dressiest little frocks within reach ' . —JL . LIM 4'; : 34, 36. 38, and 40. In colourings of Wine and On the Ground Floor is dispUyed a Obtainable in Fawn or Apricot, or Shrimp. Price with handsome buckle. , ] fl/1 Ml of the limited purse allowance. - ■ x-Wvl^^^SßßSSm■ >?fM Fawn, Paddy and Orange. °" nee and BlacK, wondrous variety of quamt Pottery. Croy. Price 6g... 65/9. Pricet*sgns. ..~' , . II 1 ] ">*' •-» ; Early inspection i. advised. . >&— • { I|t Cardinal and Fawn. Vases,; Ornaments, and Novelties of ' r c w «" w/ ®* : w f/f 1 A ! , A glenoid Robber 0 .!• Cop. «t 3/1.. i. i. »_ every description, and since many are ll j . r , ■. '■ 7 ■■■• n■■■■ . 1,- O A I f 111 IL;V' 1/ • " ' V nfekll A splendid Rubber Bathing p, a / . i exclusive and cannot be replaced, an pi • . TV 1 * A 1 j Si I l A .*l7, * , , v/ V* V 1 helmet sluipe, of finest quality rubber, tastefully early .election is imperative. Christmas Dressmaking Orders. I / | 1 ••' 'l ; L wJwL rA . ~, V. t-, «.,;t ' ; irim.m wrt a bow, and obtainable m a vane y _ «« D . »* D 1 With Christmas festivities but one s month distant, the wisdom of. making I | . i'EhSHP. A Smart Irish .Llhen ; FrOCK.. ; \ r V " ** ' . . , , . 1 lie • • rrince Ijlue immediate dressmaking appointments is emphasised. . Notwithstanding the AI . I WMK3 • £_ „ AQ/fi ',4».;• -' :j >•, ;. / ' '*■/ Ladies* Rubber Bathing Shoes, m So« and Black, U.i "busy of our dressmaking section, patrons may place their commissions (\l J ll If Ivir s/\J. :/ ill I V-1 | and Black and White. Very comfortable and DOWICi Flal. with Miss Bowes, with every assurance thai: they will be executed for Avl I. x jKp 4* . , , . . , , , • . , «>• «■ »- 'V. * l~ s -i ' ' reliable. Sixes 3to Price 6/11. Following the fashion set by HR H. vacation and race wear. ; ; . SSI . The sketch at left ; depicts a rock style of Irish whtch happdy ; fyy _ . „ . . ; lowing ine rasnion »ei_oy n.n.ri. 1i,..„ ' ■ .. . ■;. . «Jtß . -Hi. combines the essentials'ofc smartness and really^good service. ,-lt is fii'i:'Other Bathing Suits in great variety, at prices The Prince of Wales, the Blue Bowler ( ; j , JR.-. obtainable in White," Saxe, Bottle Green. Grey, Biicuit and Saffron, with l- M ranging from 4/11. to » quit, tho l.te.t not. m Men. - -,| , = | ¥• -, 1 I I ,SL embroidering in Oriont.l colouring.. K ' >■% ' . M *Il*e Botbor . Bag i. one of the latest novelties, .nd A. worn with the Navy Suit, it has a I\/I , I Of La /\VTA/\ I 4" yj •"! (I '— — For the holiday-.ea.on and general summer outing, a more ae^irablo - '~ j-' crMis* sr" ,ha ' win# " d appreci - lviime &\ >novr.p liq, 7m ss**kj h. % -m. s-■ ... *■& wet bathing apparel these waterproof bags win * They are now showing in the Clothing 1, ... .-"J - \' i(\W V ' . Other Linen rocks are shewing at 55/-, and permit a choice oF teste-. i find great appreciation. •• Section (First Floor), and should be i-k <TC CKI CT"D CC T ' ' ' ' 1 fully embroidered styles in such colourings as Helio., Tomato, Cinna- f MM- ' .... inspected at the earliest. opportunity. xUL L»N 2) I** *-■ * ...,. v.—— - . mon,. and Tangerine. . . - *" S 'VF ■i inspected at the earliest opportunity. yUt LIN jlf\ CL 1 ' .. * mon, and Tangerine. * •- ''■ '

at BON MARCHE for One Week Only fi Commencing MONDAY Next! -; ! ; Although we have an immense display space, we are cramped for . .'l' • ; room, and must clear some of our present stocks to make room for -1 [ i Xmas displays and business. f|r i tvTw.'iAs : final flutter," before the holidays set in, we are offering ?! \ A Ii; these tempting specials, which denote extraordinary value in wanted H ,:> ; uiMillinery and accessories. Tliey must be seen to be appreciated. Come in early next week and secure better selection and service. (1) iOOO Trimmed Models— (®) 1000 Pieces Millinery Rib= . Usual Price, up to 63/-. bons— 6 D yard, or 4/11 (2) IQOO n^ * mm£ d Shapes and dozen yards. Ready «to • wears — 3/11. ( 7 ) 1000 Pieces Millinery Rib- - Usual Price up to 21/-. . bons —!/■ yard. Worth double (3) 1000 Untrinillied Shapes and . and treble. Ready ■to . wears — 5/11. (8) 1000 Vards Silk. Veiling— Usual Price, op to 21/-. V/. yard. Worth double. < 4 > 1000 p,,!, ■ 0,,,, and S P° rt Hats <9)1 Son Boxes Flowers and « "10/6. Worth 30/-. Mounts—QD each, or 3 for (5) JO{)Q * Pull-ons and Semi- 2/« Jfo v trimmed 15/6. Worth (10)1000 Children's Trimmeu . £2/2/-. - Panamas—3/H # Worth 15/6. The Bon Marche ' ' !a^B^KARANGAHAPE ROAD, AUCKLAND.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 18 (Supplement)

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Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 18 (Supplement)

Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 18 (Supplement)