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BEABOITB FIXTURES, p November 14—Ot*knlffl T.O. vj__ _■ , November 80. December I—Fortmry Paw. December B—Waikato T.O. _ _ December IS. 17—New Brighton T.O. December 26—Gore T.C. . r December 28. 27-Westport T.C. December 27,' 29. 81—Awkb®4 T.O. December 81. January a— Oreymootb T.C. January 1. Canterbury Park T.O.

ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS, Annex.—Steel Bell commenced racing ae a two-year-old in the 1911-12 season. Up to the present ahe baa contested 81 o ** for 15 wins. 6 seconds. 7 thirds, and 58 unplaced performance* . '■ v OTAHUHU CLUB'S MEETING. TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME. The Otahuhu Trotting Clue will bring its spring meeting to a conclusion to-dfej, and it ehould only require fine wvathex to ensure a large attendance at Alexandra Park, for the acceptances received for , the eight events which form the programme give promise of furnishing many contests of a very interesting character. The leading event of the programme is the Liverpool Handicap, and Mr. Edward® has succeeded bo admirably in concealing the winner that it can be depended upon to bring about speculation of a spirited order. The horse* engaged in the opening event are to be paraded in the birdcage at 11.15 a.m., and the programme will be brought oS in the following order:-—

INNOVATION HANDICAP (Saddle), oi! £260; li miles. Merrimax . - Limit ' _ , ydsbhd Battery Bell . Limit Sandy Patch . . 12 Grattan Wilkes Limit Aneeline ji Belmont ..Limit Sunrise « Tere .. Limit Audex.. ... 84 Gold Lad . • Limit Amberite. .• • • « Ngatira • • • • Limit All Smoka .... 108 Black Palm . • Limit Spmt Bell .... 108 EPSOM HANDICAP, of £250; li miles. i Lord Nepean . 'Limit Goldflake .. . . Limit ' Bonfire .... Limit JSkwranei . . Limit Hohora .... Limit L. Rothschild . Limit Gold View . . Limit ydsbhd Ch. Audubon . Limit Gold Cast ... 12 Silvery Moon • Limit Zolock Palm * 24 Guinea ..... Limit Directive . . . . 36 Bawldy Loo. . Limit Flip ....... 48 Whetu ..... Limit Respect ...... 48 Qn. Audubon . Limit FRANKLIN HANDICAP, of £900; 3 miles. Oro ...... .Limit Plortie Binges . 34 yds bhd Rua Per* ..... 56 Bed Star 12 Reliance ' " • 36 Buz Btu .... 12 Coal Light ... 36 Brando ....... 3# HyP° • .. » • 48 Jewel .12 Dick Dillon .... .48" Jimmy Richmond 12 Delavan Quest . . 48 Holly Boy ... 24 Mints on ..... 72 Temple . . .... 24 Promenade ... - 06 LIVERPOOL HANDICAP, of «000: 2 miles. .. . Promenade . . Limit B. Mount. Sing . 84 Harold Junior Limit Steel Bell .... 35 Lady Dunmore Limit Nita Bell.. . . 60 Kewpie • , . . Limit Comedy Chief . . 60 Sal Pointer . Limit Great Bingen . , 60 Ahunri .... Limit Sheik ...... 72 ydsbhd Alto Chines . . 84 Woodvste ..... '12 ' PAPATOETOE HANDICAP, of £500; 1§ ' ' ' ..miles.;. ( • ; ft ; Directive, . . . Limit Master Councillor 24 Dillon Shine . Limit Jimffijr Richmond 24 Quiver. ...... 13' Temple' . .... . . 58 Waiter or# , .13 Profiteer ..... 48 Mulwaree ..... 12 Hue Coranado . . 48 Lena Patch ... 12 Logan Queen . . 60 Golden Hope ... 84 VISITORS' HANDICAP, of *S»: I mites. Suooory .... Limit Mint Boy . . 36 Lisa No re . . . Limit The' Sauiz* ... 49 Golden Gat* . Limit Hint ... . . .•• 60 yds bhd Bundaberg .... 60 McKinney Lass . 12 Nikora •• •« ,73 Mutu ....... 13 Norauca Heir < . 84 I Wimmera Else . 84 Sebiaoa ... 96 Rostrevor .... 24 .-?<•■£* ■■■ CHATHAM HANDICAP (Saddle), of £600; < ■ 1 mile. Enid .. . . Limit' Bronee. Patch . . : 24 yds bhd Ben Lomond ... 24 Nap per .... . 13 William The First 36 Delsran Bill ... . 12 •• First Carbine ; . 36 Pitsxoa - - - - 24 All Bell . ... id ROYAL OAK HANDICAP, of £300; li S| .-. ' ; .■; miles.. .'-J Prinoe Pools , Limit Lenglen . . . 12! Wairemama . Limit Cute Lad .... 21 Ekoeranei . . Limit Profiteer. .... 24 • ;• ydsbhd Brando ..... 48 Master Oe:mcfllor^l2' Mintson .... 48 Nipper 12 -Her - Ladyship , . 60 Red Star ..... 12 Bothcliffe 60 Ben Wallace . . 12 Loid Mis to ... 84

• NOTES ON - THE FORM. . BY PICADOR. The Otahuhn Trotting dub was to hare opened its ring meeting at Alexandra Park last Saturday, but heavy rain caused a postponement till Wednesday, when the meeting was successfully : inaugurated : in • beautiful weather. : The estimated attendance of -15,000 seemed quite justified, and was ; further proof, of the r 'Polarity ' of . the light-harness t sport in Auckland. v 'i -Though the totalisator ; returns ;showed a fallisg.oS of £6847| .compared with ; the. corresponding day last year, it has to be remembered that the opening day was held on a 1 Saturday on that . occasion, and it is customary" for the attendances to be larger on ; Saturdays than other days. Moreover, it may be mentioned that the totalisator investments for the day were £1541 in advance of- those for the at jond day of the corresponding meeting last year, " so that, if the same delightful conditions as , prevailed' on Wednesday '. axe again experienced i; to-day, • last ■ year's j total of £104.877* ma; easily be surpassed. _ Lord Roberts trotted faultlessly in , the Introductory Handicap, and scored , an overdue victory, not having won a race since he captured the Eden Trot Handicap at the Auckland autumn meeting in 1922. . He had to. go lis better than his handioap time «, to win. Great Applause .waa wall, ■ backed -'in 'the Introductory Handicap, but his backers woro i soon tut of iiuspense, as the half-brother to Keta Peter failed . to go . away . and . rendered •bis chance hopeless ". at the start. • Battery Bell appears 'to Lfcve- Quietened down somewhat, and- was on ' his best behaviour at the post. : : He Diet with some j interference, by Tere at the • start, but trotted a * fair race into fourth place m : the 1 introductory Handicap. : •! . After his. creditable showing in the Newmarket Handicap at the Auckland spring I meeting Respect) was allowed to pay a good once in the Mangers Handicap. He was confidently driven by J. Johnstone, and won at the right, end. The son of Gold Bell is an improving pacer and should earn more money during 'the season. " ' vGold Cast, the runner-up in the Meniere Handicap, was responsible for nearly all the running, and was only beaten, in . the last furlong;, He .displayed a fair tun of spead, and, only being «= four-year-old, should ' be capable of much improvement* .? < The three-year-old filly Whetu found plenty of support in the Mangere Handicap, - but she misbehaved at the post and ; settled any chance she may have had. ♦„ P., Riddle; scored his first win since retaming .to. Auckland in the Onehunga Handicap with Delavan Quest, who was a firm favourite and proved the good thing - the betting indicated by .> winning, nicely, Delavan Guest is a medium-sised, aged ' horse by Delavan. Chimes from May Highwood. end is owned by Mi. A, RvTewkesbuiy, a well-known New South Wal«* brewer. Cute- Lad, had every opportunity in the Onehunga Handicap, but failed to stay. ; « ■ . Hypo finished on well and«. just got. up in time to snatch second money from Red Star in the Onehunga Handicap. 1 "Among the unplaced division m that event Jewel and. Florne Bmgen. who finished fourth and fifth respectively, paced good races, and were both staying on at the finish. Lißhtmn' .won the Jelliooe" Handicap in convincing. fashion and clipped 2s off her handicap time. • She was purchased in 'Australia by Mr. J. R. McXenaie at a 1 good figure, and in three start* in New Zealand has scored one win, one s>xond. and one third. Judging by the manner in which she accomplished her task, she has not yet reached the «enith of her powers. as she appeared to win with something in hand, w The performance of Sheik i« the- Jelllcoe Handicap was full of merit and easily his best to date. He was comfortably beaten by Lightnm', but he,covered the two miles I m 4m 29 3-ss. which was a really good effort. - • „ r . The Australian-bred naesr Mulwaree finished t very fast in third place in . the Stewards Handicap, and chould not be lone, in Picking lip a. stake. ' • : I . Master Councillor paced a solid race into second place in the Stewards' . Handicap, and, us he should benefit by th© outing, he may do better Rhortly. i ' • , V Mr. - G. McMillan aid not have to wait long -.'Jo get a return from The, Squire, who Ijd practically . throughout the Campbell Handicap and scored a popular win. The Squire made , one break during the race, but £e . was ouiokly into . hie stride, again. Being a solid trotter, he- should be a goodproposition round these parts.- ? , -vMcKmney Lass, who was making her first Appears,nee in , New Zealand, was a firm favourite for the Campbell handicap, but any chance she may have had by ..vil'ne to trot steadily. When Burdaberg broke, in the straight in ♦ he C-.mnbsll Handicap he was challenging The Squire strongly, but spoilt both his prospects of success and a good finish by iri-nn«r it. -v; ■ • There was good support for Lotran Queen m the Massw Handicap, but she settled her chance by her refusal to leave the mark. ..-t-r,-,,, , Th« defeat, "of G feat Binseu in the Massey HanduaD *aw th» hottest favourite of the : B<>. under. „: The son of . Nelson Binjren fiuishei very ,gamely and in ; another few •torjdee would kfj! wot .The best, haa not pet ban seen of tim &riJ2iant young ZMe%; ,

inffiif* '1111 —"—"—' li .was a Med ><i mums «a the : I |be jLscmi JPouzter mare to defeat v &mh ■®3 | Bom fifl the «mb» mark, sod aroef 3.^: svv us.srtfi' Rua Pere miatied i 'pl*** in the Oorfna—•' Handicap, but he made oc nrfal»kea ta tK ? ' Electric Handicap (saddle), and ««, «£» £1 the latter even* he bettered his hseSwliS®?' time by it 4-6». ■■ .. •% Lightsbs' was; withdrawn bom he* — amenta an the second day ci the meet& ; oelore the appearance of the ' Soma of the reinsmanship displayed a* «>. New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Chib£ *7* recent spring meeting has formed the subieei of considerable adverse comment in souths ;®1 circles, and t the cntirna -nvi taken form <« urging upon those {renaming thl H&m ?PO« to consider how an improvement e«« - be brought about. The .following appeajr*! m a recent issue of tne New Zealand - & Referee:—' A conclusion forced upon aaoS • '-'4 observers at the New Zealand Metropolis! ' Trot tins Club's Spring Meeting w that the Quality of the rewamanship displayed in some of the harness races left a gocd deal W to be desired. There are in New among the professional drirers a number •of Kinsmen of outstanding skill, but betwem them and the majority of the holders at -'"'W professional licensee there is a great puf * ' fixed, and the Question arises a« to whether there should not be some of reins. ':■"/& men taking part in the high-class races on metropolitan tracks. In these days of keen ; j'J| competition and high speed the unskilled and incompetent driver is a source of leal Tlt"* danger, perhaps more .0 to the others taking i part in a race than to himself, and, if jjy.iffl; thing can be done to minimißfc the risk, it is the duty of the authorities to talcs tea 'W matter in hand." No fewer than 26 horses improved upon i : their handicap times during the recent meet- T ® ing at AddrcgtotL '""SM It is the intention of ,7. Bryce to remain "•111 in Auckland until after tee Auckland ' - !> -v summer meeting with the team of seven' : .«$s horses he has here at present. He intends "■.'-•I taking, a number of them to Hamilton for the Waikato meeting on December 8. ilsm As we advance to the month of December -•! another summer meeting to be held at ' ffim Alexandra Park under the auspices of ths vsSi Auckland Trotting Club looms no boldly, i and, with the sum of £13,350 allotted to -Athe 24 events which form the uTosrairme, *? an array of record figures is submitted for the consideration •of horsewnrrs which oon-WS|B utitutes a record for the Epsom Round.'Sßg Nominations for all handicap events close on.'Stll Friday next, at 5 p.m., with the secretaire i-f Mr C. F. Mark. Fill payments for tf« Great Northern Derby fl?23T* and first. acceptances for the Great Northern Derby •■-I (1924-2S) fall due on the same date. : * *ll PORBURY PARK OLTTB. f. 1 * • - : ACCEPTANCES FDR MEETING fit ■ ——— ... [BY tslkohath.SKESS assoctatiom.] DTTNEDIN, Friday. t t The following are the Forbury Park Trot- m fang Club acceptances: ROSLYN HANDICAP. Swift- '$m bine, Stone .Ginger, Don Mussey, Bob >V Wilkes, Safowa. Avalanche. Mister Peter, Engagement, Ardwood, Waitapu, R»». r '?? wood, Ora Jay, Greywood, Ben Logan scr.; , Kentucky Moor, 12yds bhd; Snider, - 24: | James Maddisos, 36: lipperary, Bonetbj. 48; Lady Cliffe, 50; Marvin Drift, Lady Ell-:%§ wood, 72.' . ; PROGRESSIVE HANDICAP.— Fancy Pointer, Great Count, Cocoa, Forbury, St. Maura, Junior Girl, Harris, PalKpffl Oro Maid, Lord Bingen, Laddie Linton, A' Wild Sunset, Kossolian,. Clifieton ' Chimes, i Ardlusaa, Bricklayer, Binscarth, Glen Alvon, Gold Chimes, Jean Mao, Legela, Oli, Searchlight Lad, Gladwsll, scr; raintalena,;- Gala '-S-j? Fainter, Hondini, 12yds bhd- Diamond Child, St. Thomas, Steiia Maria,.-: Glea , J Wilkes, 24, Barooga, 36. . . SPRING HANDICAP.— Homsi Ned, Tickletoe, John Pointer, Van Director,T#ll! Wee Daphne, Glen Far*. Wild Sunset. 1 Bsttyi§M.l Blue, scr: Passing Shadow, Crusader, • Luafer MMB Dillon, 12yds bhd; Littlefield, 24; Royal i Chance, Becky Logan,. Malachy, 36; Indian Child. 48, ' HANDICAP.— LadyJonJ® PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP.— Lady Joan, 1 scr; Jack Arrah, Pedro Pronto, 12yds bhd: Adair, Wild Thyme. Stockade, 9tMVUn»in ing Willie. Trix Pointer. Tatsy Dillon, Paul sj Dufault, 38: Loan Chief, 72; Vilo, . &raue, a 84. , . : •; • CAVERSHAM HANDICAP.—Lady &n- - / brace, Prospect, Transport, scr; ■DelvilleW;® Wood, 12yds bhd; rSilent .• Sign, ' 24; Mother Machree, Fashion Queen, 36; • Copa -de 5 Oro,liMi Junr., 48; .Peter .Mao, 84. DOMINION HANDICAP.— Bob 1 Sonty, scr; Peter McMillan Darkest, -Pieter . ' Timmsraun, 12vds bhd; Wonder Wliy, 36; St. Anthony, Mangontu, 72; Clonmtf, Gay Wilkes,i 96. :• 'v . DASH HANDICAP.—Norma Dillon, scr; 1 - Earl Derby, 12vds bhd; Pinevale, 24; ; Locanda Mao, Willie Logan, 56; Fancy/-Bw-WlsSs 48; , Bonny Logan., 60. •i-ST.-v HILDA HANDlCAP.—DalnahaslMil? Embracer, Copa de Oro. Junr., w FwSjon Queen. Vera Logan sor: Ben MaeV'MswfaflMs; Mac,' Glen Boy,. 13yda bfcd; Peter Mao.'Bn Ohau, 36; f Tommy Direct.: 48; • Locanda, Inl-. lon, 60. ' ■ ■ ' _

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 14

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TROTTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 14

TROTTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 14