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AMUBIMKHTB. ; j J: EWL^^AMo^^crag^a ENGLAND'S FAMOUS ACTRESS^ f MISS J-::;■ /2.ERTRUT?3 :>T^ILIOTEiM ■>. /Miss VTERTRUDE •, -Citi^^S :-:'•• ':■ Read the* Auckland! Press: S«*flib ;• H»bai«p.-»" An unusually enthuaii.t& ; lsgs » ; welcome -s was}? accorded to MISS £ra^®psi .:■ TRUDE ELLIOTT—a ;, : large • .ug#l , . witnessed ' magnificent perforniancSifi ;. Miss Elliott < is. one. of ■ the mot: natural ■■''■''•'' ! m actresses, we have seen in th'i part^^sifi * *;> the M world; >?< Her efforts are * gained tiSf^il :':; ■■ sheer,' talent, which >' amounts '■■ to i eenina Hers is a' memorable -performance.'!#w^lj|s| -. -: ; Star.— ; ' Last • night; was a veritati. triumph .for MISS V GERTRUDE M Ha LIOTT. Beauty, personally. and won. derful acting in the lead, was enhanced m by exceptional talent in t the supporting : .«; cast. It-was: the gifted subtlety of ViZI i - Elliott's portraynl- that mainly. imprees&S PHI ; p, the audience, with the sure : knowledS : ■:% that x here ft was an actress, «the - like «,# whom we had not seen before.; It vJTZWm .Pf revelation vof * art.", ,l ./■ ''.~A---'. :^*JlS| •."."'-.■ DAME .NELLIE • MELBA S&? « W ?£<, Us ,/°, tunlln * -J, O -Australia.;- 'by fS&S . B.M.S.' Makma,Y- will 'bo Present atSiS?« ; (FRIDAY) Evening's performance of - ■ : ; : "WOMAN TO WOMAN." HIS : MSSSSi THIS is i■'. Majesiy's 1 eeatS - . Lessees -.' - -; J. C. WILLIAMSON, LTD ; ;/ { .-•-'■ :■;■:■■'■:'' Managing Directors: ';; r .:> ?.<&Ss£m ' Geo.; Tallis.-: E. J. Tait. Clyde MeyneJt^fi P NOTABLE THEATRICAL EVENT X rirtSTJiTTANEOUS' AND : ' EMPHATIC . ■•,■,•••■.■:.•■,::,■;;; • of the BRILLIANT EMOTIONAL ACTRESS ' *WB V GffiSBSI EifSff iM \ rs £,, ' -CiLLIOTT'IRi MISS GERTRUDE ELLIOTT '-•■"' Ber Complete ■'■'n'*@lMm m ~ ENGLISH COMPANY. &%mBM . TO-NIGHT — FRIDAY — TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT - FRIDAY - TO-NIGHT ■ ;':■■•■" -'' ■■ :> And ■. ■ ■-■ . . 'Tyasja^ l . , ,' TO-MORROW (SATURDAY). - !^*» I ..;, ..TO-MORROW • (SATURDAY) ( : -;i .•,.. Last Two Nights of '''••• , *iPfi| : " WBSIU T8 WBK--"WOMAN v TO WOMAN »'s&§ . ■■-~£ WOMAN -iV*.- TO ■ WOMAN--1 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26. i ■-,:■■ !, MONDAY, NOVEMBER -S' 1 --&*' f ?;vs- (Five Nights Only). S ;T* vTI'^HJ ■' The Sweetest Story Ever Told. 'v ? -*''"' '■■•'■' SMILIN' THROUGH." '1-V^ MILIN* A HROUGH." f%sß& -■■■. " SMILIN' ■:■-- THROUGH^r'ai^^ ;,'■'. ;«SMILIN? THROUGH." *>;?^ "Exquisite " is the i word -that : describes it. it is unlit© any other play ever staged* i«lf Australasia. It scintillates ' with - lauehfrS :,':;..;'.-. . ,- and tears. ■.v ; :.«:<^| -.■,.- - ; " SMTLIN' .THROUGH'" .'*SWmk "SMILIN'''THROUGH'• _v "SMILIN' THROUGH." *&$& ~,sTj£?* nt with Sentiment -and Romanes OTHER PEODUCTIONS TO Wl£oV^ "BLUEBEARD'S EIGHTH WIFE" "ENTER MADAME." " , |jisg| : ; r PRICES: D.C. and R.S., 6s 6d; Stalls. £ P'~ gallery > «d; Early Stalls, ft Early Gallery, 6d extra - (all plus tax). ' m THE BOX PLANS NOW OPEN AT LEWIS ;R. EADY AND SON. LTT) FOS THE FIRST. TWO PRODUCTIONS."' ISI DAY SALES AT COLEMAN'S Manage*- ■■-;..- •■■-,-^George.- Matt-em. ; fJpOWN HALL CONCERT CHAMBER; ={ NEXT THURSDAY AND ' FRIDAY. ;/ 4 : . ■-..p.- •; : 29th, 304h. •,.'■,.• .. \\^-, ' "%-2JXI; J. F. Montague's»| £80 fI v 4i.Elocution- Scholarships -,c 4 f *& : 3> £80 * 4'. Elocution Scholarships (i« ' £80 1 4, Elocution ■ j Scholarships 4 I Jk) 'b% Entitling winners to free tuition for one year |(4 terms); s' second • prise : will * receiw wi,«, one « term's free .-tuition.•;■ ■■-- • . . „ - BESIDES THESE M<> .'• And ;: quiteg apart, from the ; > Scholarships, $ ; Three Special * Prizes -v axe J offered -for % Con* ■/■;■ /_:"-^.^'l : r : -:r-' petition for-y^-.:.-:te/v^K#a||l .;" Best Impromptu Speech, price £%. m ■'-''■;-£■ .:"' Lidies or 'Gentlemen." ■-, 'yrMMw&< ■;: i ; Best Humorous (Humorous* * 'i ■<'■■* Dramatic Musical). First nnZSmffllm ' : -- ; -' _s ; £2. second prize 11. , T :-,,* . i"|. ;^M?i v : Best Bketch, or Recital i (in costume) I ;- .I.'';.-.■-Children under 15. v 1;, First rnrhs^s^-? ,-■:-• i■■'■'.'. books ;^.va1ae;.:.208,-- second priM ,^*«' . ■."-• "i-•;.-'■ books'-▼alue-\7s'*6d."'^«-'**wi^3iss^^®f ALL ENTRIES ®s CLOSE TO-MORBOW. ALL ENTRIES I^ CIOSD¥ TO-MORBOC l& 24th. ' . , . ... . 24th. . . . • •,_ ■ --•-'- •---; ' Judges: vdAl'l^i^S B. A SINGER, ESQ., L. P. LEARY, ESB.-1 ; .Foil particulars, with words w ofS^S^S ! pieces.-.^' I*wis R. :'■ Eadyi- and« Son, Ltd.. : or . worn J;* ! '-'tF."-3:.'. Montague, ?J> f 28.' Swan-" "- 1 boh Street. Entries may* T>e left at Lewi* % R. Eady and. Son. Ltd..; or coated to (MISS - •-'-■»• MOLIJE-HYNES;vßcx'33S.^vßa^?H^.^ , >- i • j"" 1 imi j «,:,., jOADIO BROAD CASTING. ;•:,- Owing sto■• it •; being necessary -■ ♦oTeffea^S^^ pairs .to the : Generator, transmission, i»H6Si>^« porarily ? suspended. . ',-.,,,. V-JfiJJgW AUCKLAND. RADIO SERVICE; : iLTI>^^ , - SALE OF WORK. jgr. PAUL'S PARISH BALL. . (Underneath Church," Symonds St.). ANNUAL SALE OF ( WOBE.^f^^ji TO-DAY ; (FR2DAYL_ AND ?.' TO-MORROtf •■ . (SATURDAY). Opening, <8 ,p Jtf.*;- by A. D. Stanley, Esq. Beautiful Christmas Presents. Very. Special!,?: *' - '■- "- " -' Attractions. , t'wJ'isP'^.: , Open ' 2.30 to 5 ! and >7 to 10, rjh. 'M 3 tihi Evenings, 6d. MOUNT ROSKTLL HALL.—SaIe of Work, To-morrow (Saturday) Afternoon, j Bus leaves Dominion Rd.\ Terminu«l foi i|| Taree Kings *at \ 1.30. - u^,a*s^M|| ATHLETIC SPQRT&. : "■ -• ■ - r" .*■ .- v , - '*- % , .TTOWHAI; 'JUNIOR;- HIGH SCHOOL. 4* (Improvement- Fnnd):-i"-i.»-^fett*§l • SPORTS. SPOETS. SPORTS. [I SATURDAY, KOVEMBEB 24/2^».M^?#| - - S<^OOL:OBOT^^P| MI. ALBERT SCHOOL ABOUNDS. Come and Spend Afternoon ."* ■* With - the« Kiddies. -■ Adulters*:a:Children. 3d. — ■( MOTOR ANO COACH TRIPS. CARTER'S ' TAURANGA-WAIHI DAILY. ' SERVICE. ' } :«f>*isw ifeCaTßil©aT6«wailu, daily |at mid-day alter arrival Thames and Hamilton trains. Leaves Tauranga 5.80 f a.m., connecting with \ Thames express -for Auckland. f Book , seatsi by . collect wire. &s&&■•■ ', ' CARTER. <mm%r* " > Waihi-or;Tanranga^^| OVERLAND FROM AUCKLAND TO fM DARGAVTLE.—AARD Mail Service i Cars leave Huarau ;' Station "/on * arrival of 8.20" a.m. 'Auckland Express |at5 1.30 ''p.mJfjTt^® i Monday. Wednesday : and ? Fridays { for .' Papa- If 3 roa. Ruawai and £ Dargaville f leaving *Dart?^^ '■. gaville iat 7.15 a.m. -{for J Huara'u; Staiion oa Tuesdays,' Thursdays :■■ and --A Saturdays;-? <*»■ mm necting with the 11.40 a.m. Auckland Express'*.which t arrives Auckland >at 4.i15 p.m. Be surei'and book your seat, ißing or wire— 'MlSM AARD. Paparoa. ■-: - ; : --:-,y v.' I . ®%$m QT, TTELIERS AYi. AND, JT OHIMARAMA. Through Motor 'Bus Service from Chief Portffiplt Office ' (Lower Queen | St.) Now . Running. BgS§Sst , Leaves C.P.O. at 7.25. 8.0, 9.15. and fr** throughout - the - : day..'" ; <^s^B^ M^pll^Jl^'EVEßY*; DAY. —— &• J%tM, Return Fare, Is 6d. J SJP( Time-tables may be "obtained from Drivers and from Tim Hayes, ; the Boot King* Lower Queen, St. W; 'J'.'Jd ' L. J. KEYS. i-^^ .•'.'"*"«' t_x „a --. Propri*foE. 1 !:.iSB: Eighteen Miles for Emnteen Pence. jB -,y„...... ■■ ll

¥EW ..ZEALAND HERALD v^ ■*■* < - AMD < WEEKLY NEWS. i --" .'/. .S N.Z.i Hsbald: 9d%per week, delivered in : ■ '! town and suburbs. Prepaid, posted within New Zealand, 12 "-. 6d ' per quarter; 6s per : ? annum. Aue«i*in»::~Wßß«tT ! News: Prepaid. C 10s •;' pe iS u *st or » £l ISe P& annum. A N.Z. Herald- Small prepaid advertise- . "■ ments ■under classified headings, 15 words Is., per insertion.. 2s 6d three consecutive inser- ;V. tions; 20 words Is 9d per insertion. 4s 6d three. consecutive: insertions; 25 words 2s \Cd '. per insertion, ?s' three consecutive inser-; ,-' . tions. Replies bearing nom-de-plumes or initials . " only, care of post office, at©;; not v delivered \ by the Postal Department. • Replies to advertisements will be received at i the office '■ of the Herald, and, if moos-' forwarded on to the advertiser. <"A ■- Birth . Notices. 2s 6d per insertion; doctors' or :r nurses' names Is each name -extra^4*MAß^iQ^^Dß4tH, ; Bbkbavbhskt, ; '' and". Ik Mehobiam Notices; 2» 6d per inser-' -. tion of % words. If in excess of 30 words. -"• 9d line of % five % words extra. ". These - announcements r must be Z signed by ; the advertiser. ■'•' Contract rates ion H application. -' .■ ~\ -' The Proprietors £ do •> not if. hold * themser'esresponsible for non-insertion of -."; advertiie* '- > . ments \i through ii accident *or \ from "-''ot!!Mf >-;.'j;. I cause*), -'.or*;for* error jfin& the r publication * & -, any advertisement. ; '' I , ■ >'r° ; ;-• TELEPHONES: ' - - M Advertising and . Commercial: 129, .174; . -, . Job Printing Order Office. 2890; Pubhsmag. y -:: i 14; Editorial. Reporters. 3693; Editor. - ;/ v . Wsexmt News Photographic, 229. 1., ■ Address Communications r ° to "Wilson and Horton. P.0.80x 32. Auckland. # a, h1 i .Waihato Branch: Victoria .; Street .{next : P. 0.). Hamilton. •/..-- /, ' -. London OiSoo- 88. Fleet- Street. •••^^-^

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18564, 23 November 1923, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18564, 23 November 1923, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18564, 23 November 1923, Page 16